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Fantasy Strangers OOC

and actually women were allowed in the military in 1917, (as nurses). in the years 1917 and and 1918, there were over 33,000 women in the military
this is the first time i've ever been on this site. everywhere else i've been, what i have now is the best we could get. but i still don't understand the "How" to make that page. 
Hopefully you can figure it out from there.

It's a good idea, and I like the concept, but you and the others aren't as experienced as I'd like. I'll be kicking it elsewhere.

Seeya later.
dude, if she's new to the site that means she probably doesn't even have enough posts to MAKE a Hosted Project. It even says on your little picture that you need to have 250 posts to make them. 
Hey, i was nice, don't go all rage on me. The other characters i looked at up there are nowhere near as detailed as other rp's i've been in, and someone had an overpowered 15 year old. That was my second sign to get out, and it looks like i was right. 

I was refferring to level of content, not people. This is a good site, and its got good people on it. Dont go spoiling the community because you're new and need help understanding how things work
@Alstromeria well then don't be a condescending asshole. I'm trying to make a nice thing. That's all i wanted. And i've already told them to change shit. if they don't, they're out. 
:/ there's nothing wrong with short bios, some people prefer to create a history throughout the rp, and I'm not writing a goddamn book about my character's history because NO ONE CARES like, does anyone actually read a bio if it gets past 3 paragraphs? Ain't nobody got time fa that. I am eagerly awaiting the story that we create, which is either going to include everything you put in your bio, or nothing you put in your bio. So either I'll figure it out, or I don't care. (NOTE: this does not apply to longterm private roleplay partners, just group role-plays) You never know how many people are gonna come join, and who wants to read like, 16 five paragraph bios?
I wasnt being condescending, judjing by your title you were being an edgy feminist with limited social skills who misinterpreted what i said. I never referred to you with negative words before now, i tried to help. NOW im being condescending.

try to keep your head before going toxic, bro \_("/)_/

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