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Fantasy Strangers OOC


Aggressive lesbian
here we can discuss plots and such for the strangers rps. I've added a link to the character sheet below.

oh, i just saw the actual sheet.

ok, first things first. She can not be from the year 2040. no one can be from any time after 1940. for very good reasons.
Uhh, do you know how to start a roleplay? This is not how ya do it, kiddo. 
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This is getting things put together. Peeps gotta make characters and ,well, this is the ooc. Keeps shit organized. 
Well at least since the update, i'd guess. I dont think ill make a character or anything untill the actual RP is like, in tangible form
I never start an rp until all characters are made. Main reason being that sometimes, people don't listen to the lore, like @plotsaresexy and @Phoenix Dixon

I've previously said that no character can be from after tge year 1940, yet they made characters that are. Which goes against the lore in an extremely heavy way. Like, you guys have no idea because i don't want to spoil it, but there's a reason for me not wanting characters past that point. I can not accept characters that go against lore.

Do you see what i mean, @Alstromeria?
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>.> I read everything that was posted on the page and didn't see anything about time limits. Was there a link or something? I don't always see links on forums for some reason. or maybe i forgot. either way, i'll go reread it and post my character again sometime today, sorry for the delay ^-^U
I never start an rp until all characters are made. Main reason being that sometimes, people don't listen to the lore, like @plotsaresexy and @Phoenix Dixon

I've previously said that no character can be from after tge year 1940, yet they made characters that are. Which goes against the lore in an extremely heavy way. Like, you guys have no idea because i don't want to spoil it, but there's a reason for me not wanting characters past that point. I can not accept characters that go against lore.

Do you see what i mean, @Alstromeria?

I gotchya, but that's why they make an edit button, lol

i mainly do RPN on my tablet, so it'd be a pain to copy and paste to somewheres. Now with the update making your RP a forum and not just a thread with tabs, you can lock the IC until you're happy with what someone puts up, or just lock singular people out all together. 

The update was meant to fix the issues with trolls and assholes and 10 year old kids who don't follow the GM's rules. Just tag me when the actual forum is up and I'll get it done then.
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Like this tab right now, it's not connected to any forum, it's just out in the middle of nowheres. Makes it hard to navigate when the actual forum is in place.
Example of a roleplay homepage


Example of forum's thrreadsimage.png

example of roleplay menu


example of roleplay characters, all set under different threads within that particular forum

We've got this, and a link to another thread where we set up our characters


This aint adaptin' well to tha site update, lol
It's not orginized, and its hard to get around. It's not a roleplay, its a clusterfuck of floating tabs. Im not saying that in a demeaning way, it's just... Well... I don't want to be working my way around a clusterfuck of tabs all the time.

Plus it shows inexperience, kinda. (Btw, women weren't allowed in the military in the 1930's, peoples characters are all jacked up, or at least the one that's finished)
@Alstromeria It's a role-play, women could've been let into the military in the 1800's unless the GM says it's not ok. And this isn't posted under historical so I really doubt that matters. If it were, I wouldn't have made the character like that. 

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