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Fandom Stranger Things 4 Character Sheets



I got some good memes
Please fill out the forms below if you wish to have a original character in the roleplay! You’ll know it is approved when I react with a <3 , if anything needs changing or fixing I will kindly pm you and let you know!

(You can use a realistic faceclaim if you want, a description is totally okay too!)




(Only if you want)

(If any)



Anything Extra​



⦿ Known As: Leo
⦿ Age: 19
⦿ Gender: Male
⦿ Height: 6'1"
⦿ Weight: 215lbs | Toned Build
⦿ Sexuality: Heterosexual
⦿ Occupation: Handyman

⦿ Talents:
• Handyman - Leo is handy with regards to most things whether it be woodworking, metalworking or even electronics. He simply has a natural aptitude for such things.

• Fitness - Given the level of manual labour he undertakes, he is extremely fit.

• Boxer - Trained much of his life in boxing. Even though he no longer does it, you don't lose talent.

⦿ Equipment:
• Tyre Iron - Just a box standard tyre iron.

• Woodsmans Axe - Used by Leo to chop up wood for the woodburner at home.

• Tool Box - A standard tradesmans tool box with the usual items within it. The items within can be utilised as weapons or to create weapons.

• 1984 GMC K10 Custom Pick Up Truck - Used by Leo for his work. Was his fathers.


⦿ Personality:
Leo is a laid back individual who rarely takes things too seriously. After the death of his father it became clear to him that life was just too short to get hung up on minor things. The people in your life are what is important and that is how he now lives his life. He is extremely caring and will help anyone when he can. That being said, he does like to show his love for people by pulling the occassional prank.

He likes to be outside rather than couped up all day, but will happily partake in a variety of nerdy activities when time calls for it. He can quite happily sit down for a day long campaign of D&D as much as he can go out and hike all day.


⦿ Background:
Born to Michael Cormack and Natalie Wheeler, Leo had an upbringing that was nothing out of the ordinary. His parents were caring and provided Leo with all he could ever want. However, Michael was one of those fathers who wanted to relive his youth through his son. As a retired boxer, he got Leo into the sport almost as soon as he could walk. Leo continued on this well into his school life with a respectable win rate. The problem for Leo was that it was never really something he wanted to do and so as he got older, he focussed less on his training and more on what he wanted to do.

Michael was forced to retired on the advice of doctors after a particularly brutal knock out he was on the receiving end of. Natalie, who worked as a dental assistant, was more than happy for his retirement. However his choice to box would come back the family by time Leo turned eighteen. Natalie is the older sister of Karen Wheeler, making Leo the older cousin of Mike. They have a fairly good relationship, so much so that Leo will happily take him and his friends to the arcade or even sit in for a session of D&D.

A couple of months before Leo's eighteenth birthday, his father was taken ill. The sudden illness was caused by the extensive trauma to his brain and within days of falling ill, Michael died. Leo and Natalie took it hard, Natalie particularly. She became a recluse for a time, refusing to eat and to go to work. Leo had to take it upon himself to try to make ends meet and so set up a handyman business. Throughout school he had always performed well in more practical subjects and he had always helped whenever there was any home rennovation. He made enough to keep the house and provide food for him and his mother, but it was clear she was still struggling with his fathers death. He reached out to Karen who suggested they move to Hawkins to get a fresh start and that is what they did.

Leo continued his business in Hawkins and has made a bit of a name for himself with the quality of his work. His mother returned to work as a dental assistent in Hawkins and is much more like herself before the death of Michael. They share a house around the corner from the Wheeler family, with Leo currently contemplating moving into his own place.


⦿ Key Notes:
• Heavy Metal Obsession - Leo has an obsession with Heavy Metal.

• Drink - He is by no means an alcoholic, but he does enjoy a good drink...even if the age limit says no.

⦿ Key Notes:
• Heavy Metal Obsession - Leo has an obsession with Heavy Metal.

• Drink - Leo likes a drink. He is by no means an alcoholic but he laughs in the face of the drinking age limit.

⦿ Theme:

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:bishiesparklesl:The Dreamer:bishiesparklesr:


Name: Ashley Powell

Age: 14 years old

Gender: Female


Guitar- Ashley has been playing the guitar since she was big enough to hold one. She was taught to play by her father, who’d been in a band back in his teenage years.
Singing- Despite being a talented singer, she is very shy about her voice, and will only sing for her family and her new friends.
Memory- Even for small details, she has a good, reliable memory.


Bike- Because Keith’s car is unreliable and, well.. gross, Ashley’s preferred method of transportation is a silver bike. It has a basket on the front that is usually full of books and snacks.


Ashley is a creative individual, to the point of preferring time alone with her imagination to most alternatives. She has a reputation as being quiet, but is not afraid to speak her mind. In fact, she has a quick temper and a sharp tongue, and can hold a grudge for years if upset. Fortunately, she has just as good a memory for kind acts as she does for unpleasant ones, and will be fiercely loyal to those she feels have earned it. She tends to be sort of a tomboy, but without the rough, outdoorsy aspect. Instead, she prefers to stay inside, occupying herself with artistic pursuits and nerdy things.


Ashley is the younger sister of Keith. She was born in Hawkins, and has lived there her whole life. Her childhood was typical, one might even say boring. Most of her time was spent playing music and singing, writing songs and poetry, and reading books and comics. As long as she can remember, she has had a close relationship with her older brother, who introduced her to nerdy things and drove her crazy in the way siblings tend to.
In school, Ashley has always been the type to sit in the back of class, daydreaming or scrawling in a notebook instead of paying attention. Teachers usually let her get away with it because she still managed to get good enough grades. Unfortunately, because she always seemed to be in her own little world, she never made many friends. It was only when she began her first year of high school that the met “the party” and began to form close relationships with people her age. Around the end of winter, she was officially accepted as part of the group. She still spends a lot of time in her own head, but it makes her happy to have people to share her fantasies with.

Anything Extra:

Her D&D class was always a bard when she played with her brother and his friends, but with the party she plays as a wizard.

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