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Realistic or Modern Stranded OOC

I plan to jump in and make things happen and control NPCs and stuff, randomly throughout the posting too, is this okay?
I'd say that's fine, just, for any super big events, maybe let us know here first?

Example: A super big event as in something like the crash xD
Yeah, I'm not gonna badly injure anyone or anything major, but I might give prompts like threes thunder in the distance, or there is fruit up that tree, but some of the branches look wobbly. Stuff you can react to any way you want.
If I need more length I can add on, I usually adjust to similar lengths in roleplay when we get going. ^^
We're off to the Cook Islands for a day trip and some activities then we are heading off again!
but it seems this RP is getting along a bit slow... or is it just me? Not to sound like Im complaining xD just an observation...
but it seems this RP is getting along a bit slow... or is it just me? Not to sound like Im complaining xD just an observation...
I agree but i hope it picks up! Some people haven’t even posted their starter posts I don’t think.
I'm more active than some, so that might be why, but I also find it a bit slow in comparison to my other roleplays.
*Also not complaining yo.
yeah I'm usually very active as well, I post at least three posts a day in some of my other RPs so for me this is a bit slow but then again everyone has their own pace I guess. There is still hoping that it will pick up after a while... Again dont get me wrong I am not complaining or anything :)

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