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Realistic or Modern Stranded OOC

vixe vixe
I'm doing pretty good as well, though I am chilly since it's snowing here. ^^

Also your sheet is hella pretty.
Thank you so much, I absolutely love yours too.

It is also snowing here. We got like 8 inches.
How’s my character? She isn’t as fleshed out as I would like because I just wanted to start the RP already.
They really are all great ^
I'm excited for my character to meet everyone's characters, honestly, enemies or not c':

vixe vixe your character seems to have a very defined personality which is cool c:
How’s my character? She isn’t as fleshed out as I would like because I just wanted to start the RP already.

since we're starting on the boat before the crash, you'll be able to flesh out your character a bit better. maybe even develop an interaction or two with others
It looks good!
I though I'd just explain to everyone how I'm planning on running this RP

I'm basically gonna play the narrator, or the environment I suppose as well as my character. But this being said if you character wants to pick some fruit, find a cool shell, encounter an animal, please take this into your own hands as well! I only want to push the story along I don't wanna be a dungon master though, so feel free to add anything in as the story goes along! Does this sound okay to you all?

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