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Fandom Straight Out of Dauntless OOC and Character Sheets



Elijah Lewis

Tall, dark and handsome. Elijah has jet black hair and bright blue eyes. Due to growing up in dauntless he is muscular and built for fighting.

Faction of Origin:

Faction of Choosing:

Job w/in Faction:

Isabelle Lewis, twin sister - Dauntless
Simon Lewis, father - Dauntless
Alex Lewis, mother - Dauntless
With the Lewis line being a long line of Dauntless borns his parents were extremely proud of him deciding to stay in Dauntless. Though it was rather obvious from the start that he wouldn’t transfer
Elijah was brought into the world with his twin into a loving family. His parents would always joke that the twins came out holding hands due to how one never went anywhere without the other. His mother was a tattoo artist while his father worked as apart of the guard, keeping the peace. His parents never strictly enforced the fact that he needed to stay in dauntless. That's what made their family so different from most others. It gave him time to really figure out where he belonged and find himself without the pressure of trying to fit into dauntless. Because of this he isn't like most stressed dauntless trying to be tough and mean to fit in. He can just be himself.

-Ranged weapons
-problem solving


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Maxwell "Max" Granger
Initiate ~ 16

  • Nicknames:
    Mad Max, M or just Max

    None yet, since they weren't allowed to get tatted before the choosing ceremony and he spent most of the first night partying

    Faction of Origin:

    Faction of Choice:

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Kelli Kelli That's what I was hoping for. A trainer needs to pull Harper off Cassie because she's not planning on letting up.
is this still open? if so heres my cs

Name: Asriel Blackwood

Age: 17

Appearance (picture optional):

Faction of Origin: Dauntless

Faction of Choosing: Dauntless

Job w/in Faction (initiate, guard, instructor, otherwise): Initiate

They where killed in the war between the factions (From the acual series)

History: Born and raised a fighter she was the only one in her family of four other siblings to survive when all heck broke loose between the factions and since she became an initiate she has trained hard and is desperately trying to not become factionless

Strengths: she is a great climber and she has good aim

Weaknesses: she doesnt have a good punch and she is tends to drink quite a bit when she isn't training
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Totally! We also would love another male instructor if you would be willing to do that? If not totally cool just wondering xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx
Maree Maree no rush I understand especially in the midst of finals for me as well. Don't worry I will try and get something up after i finish this reading.
I'm like...as an instructor sooooo close to kicking the fuck out of your character lol xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx like...like they need to do the training man...and make friends...and suchhhhhh

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