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Fantasy Storm of the Ages: LOTR RP


Follower of Sigmar's Holy Path
Hello comrades! I am Morgathos, and I have been working on an LOTR RP for awhile. I come from a very small site that has recently died due to the DM leaving adruptly, however, I do have a decent amount of experience with RP. The RP I have planned is set in the North of Middle-Earth, more specifically Eriador. It is set in an alternate Middle-Earth, where the Ring and stuff never happened. Sauron and Melkor were both taken prisoner, but there are powers greater than them locked away in the deepest and darkest parts of the earth. Arnor still lives, and holds the many good nations of Eriador as its vassals You can pick from any race, aside from Troll, Maia, Valar, etc. No OP races. You can make a character, but it must be unique. He/She/It can be anyone, ranging from a farmer on the shores of Lake Evendim to a commander in the Army of Arnor. However, you cannot rule a nation.

If you have any questions, just ask me, I'll be posting the application format later if this gets any sort of real interest.

May Eru and Sigmar guide you.

I've made the application format, it's a bit crude to me, but it could work. If you are interest, please send your application to me. 

Application format:



Role (Commander, Adventurer, Mercenary, etc.):



Brief Backstory:

I've set some rules for the RP.

Don't meta/power-game.

Don't kill another RPer unless you have a valid reason.

Don't curse excessively, or spam post.
It sounds interesting to me. However, I cant say that I am well versed in LOTR lore. How much of a problem would that be?

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