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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) – Hammer-on quality.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it. This is a 1x1, it is currently not open to accepting others. If you want to join the setting for another (later) RP, feel free to let me know.

What to expect out of character:
Let's try to make it a short, fast-paced and sweet one.

What to expect in character:
Ryan's goal is for Regula to have a look at his sketches and to gain more recognition as a blacksmith.

Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
Time: 7:00 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Regula was up relatively early, working away in her private forge in the keep. She'd wanted to get rid of some stress from the past days and hammering away at a forge was the best way for her to do so. That said, she was also expecting Ryan to come in. She'd recalled her promise to look over his schedules and designs, but hadn't gotten around to actually doing so. It's why she'd sent a servant to go fetch him, in the hopes that he'd have time right now... and in the hope he was enough of a morning person to be awake and ready this time of day.

The forge was a bit of a mess right now, as it had all of Regula's gears stalled out. She was working on maintenance on pretty much all of it. Her greaves needed to be undented. Her boots needed a bit more leather on the inside to be comfortable enough to walk in. Her cloak needed some rethreading with metal wires. The gun always needed some regular maintenance, mostly to ensure the enchantments wouldn't blow up in her face. The Faeblade just needed sharpening, which is what she was working on at this moment. There were various other projects scattered around. Spears, blades, axes, a shield... Most of it was pretty high quality, except for a discard pile that looked ready to be molten and reforged in a do-over.
Last edited by a moderator:
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan was getting ready for his day in the forge. He had no pending works at the moment, but being prepared for new customers early in the morning was something he considered good. To his surprise, his first interaction of the day wasn't a customer, or even one of the fellow smithy residents. Instead, he was greeted by a servant of Regula's. They pointed out their reason to visit, and Ryan's face lit up, he nodded and told the servant he'd be ready in a minute.

The young smith ran up to his room, quickly rummaged through his schematics, and picked the ones he wanted to show Regula. Ryan then dashed back down with all the parchments rolled up in a leather pack. A quick walk with the servant later, Ryan found himself at Regula's private forge. Ryan took a look around as he stepped in, his eyes picking up several quality works. As expected of the baroness. Speaking of which "Good morning, Lady Regula. Thank you for taking some of your time with me." Ryan sounded like he was forcing the formal tone, as he was too excited to sound normal in a tone he was not particularly used to.

Elvario Elvario
Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
Time: 7:00 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“Ah, Ryan, welcome.” She greeted Ryan, upon spotting him entering. “Oh, careful with those, the forge is blazing.” She warned him not to get his parchments to close to the forge. He'd probably know better, but in she figured to be safe in case he'd forget in his excitement. “And sorry it took so long. It's been a busy few days.” She admitted.

She quickly finished the spearhead she was working on, which was a lot bigger than normal. Perhaps with a particularly large ally in mind to wield it? Either way, she headed over to the table and made some room upon it b y quickly hanging some swords up on designated spots against the walls. “Well then, I'd love to see what you've been working on.” She stated, recalling how she'd given him her blueprints and wondering how much of its she'd recognise and how much of it he'd have changed up. “Oh, right, and for the time being, you can drop the 'lady' part. For the moment, it's just us two blacksmiths. Although I might have a guest over later, so if he arrives, it'd be best if you would switch to lady Caelia for formality's sake.” She added.
Ryan Kylieth

"Ah, of course..." Ryan quickly commented, holding the leather bag opposite to the flames. He certainly didn't want his design he managed to create only due to Regula's own efforts and her gift to him, burned away before it could come to be, though he knew most of the design by heart now. But that's besides the point. "I'm sure taking care of the barony can be very time consuming, don't worry about it."

Now then, Regula asked him to do what he was called for. With an excitement difficult to hide, he happily nodded. As he was laying out a few pieces of thin parchment. He took note of two things. First, the large spearhead she was forging just now. Ryan recalled the giant beastkin that passed by Stonewall the day the shrine was placed, he assumed maybe she asked a weapon out of Regula, but not much else. Secondly, the petition to address her more casually, unless a mysterious guest arrived. Ryan flushed once a thought crossed his head, which he was quick to voice "L-Lady Caelia? So I've been saying it wrong this whole time? That's a bit embarrassing. Sorry... Regula" Saying just her name took him a few seconds to process in that first go.

Attempting to bounce back, Ryan tried to not dwell too much on his mistakes from the past, and went back to showing his work. "Well, as you can see. I took your original design as a base, and modified its aspect to better fit the rune configuration I decided to go with. Again, the base is the one you made, so the difference is in smaller details for the most part. As you can see..." As he spoke, Ryan went through the various layers of the design before finally stacking the layers and pressing them down, revealing a complete design in the middle.

- Core 1:
Magic B
- Core 2:
Energized B
- Core 3:
Magic Range B
- Core 4:
Penetrating C
Magic Targets F
- Core 5:
Accurate D
Homing F
Multidimensional F
Having shown his personal project, Ryan carefully set aside the sheets for it. "I also have a bit of a less personal project here. A turret for the top of the wall..." Though as Ryan showed she several layers of this one, it was clear he wasn't as confident in this one "... This one I'm not sure what rune configuration would suit it best. So for now it's just a shell which has a good mana flow for continued fire. I also thought of making it more mechanical instead, but I'm not that well versed in those sorts of things yet." He sighed and leaned back "So, what are your thoughts... Regula?" The smith still had a tough time with the name, old habits die hard, after all. But he did appreciate the friendly gesture he was offered, so he wasn't going to pass up on it.
Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
Time: 7:10 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

She chuckled a bit at the mention of barony's being a time-consuming thing. Most of the reason it was, was due to how she'd gotten it and the lack of people to work directly under her. That was another concern, however, which didn't need to be raised in this context.

“Don't worry, I can't blame you, as I didn't even have a surname until after I got the barony. I took on my grandmother's name and been slowly getting used to it myself.” She replied with a gentle smile. “Besides, I don't mind it personally, I only know it's better to be official in some scenario's.”

That reminded her of something else. “Come to think of it, I don't think Aileen has a surname either. Any plans to make her a Kylieth soon?” She asked, a bit teasingly so. She wasn't exactly up to date with all the gossip, but she was interested in developments there.

Even so, she'd got to the point of what he was here for eventually, looking over his designs. “Those are great... although there's one thing I would've made differently on my own gun in hindsight, that you might want to consider for yours.”

She pointed at the sketches of the 2nd core. “Having it able to shoot more often is great, but it's not vital to its essence. Considering damage to the item can break the enchantments, you'll want the most vital parts to be at the core. It's why I'd suggest making the enchantments to add range to it the 2nd core, instead of the one to energise it...”

That's when she spotted something. “Wait, you'll want to decrease the enchantment in general, as the enchantment for magic isn't strong enough to handle that enchantment for range.” She stated, pointing out Magic Range B would need Magic A to function, which wasn't possible to make by either of them. “Perhaps could add the targetting enchantment to the range core, and put them second...”

She was quickly jotting down some notes.

Core 1 Magic B
Core 2 Range C / Targets F
Core 3 Energised B
Core 4 Penetrating C / Multidimensional F
Core 5 Accurate C / Homing F

“Perhaps more like that...?” She'd ask, wondering if he'd agree with it or not. “That's what I might've made mine like, in hindsight, now that I've had some field experience with it and saw the downsides of my earlier choices... although I do love the more compact design you've come up with. That should make it a lot more convenient to wield.”

The next project he'd been working on surprised her. “That's a coincidence! I've been trying to figure out whether I could create a larger version of my own gun to add atop the keep, or perhaps on an even higher tower. Yet two of the main issues I encountered are mana efficiency and the risk of sabotage. Any great weapon we make can be used against us if we're not careful, so we'd need a certain level of endurance, perhaps codes or expertise, that would make it difficult for opponents to take it over and use against us.”

She clicked her tongue. “Your ideas seem promising, but they might encounter the same problem... still, it's definitely worth taking a closer look at. I've been wanting to visit Widersia for a variety of reasons, as they'd know all about mechanical solutions and my family hails from there, but finding the time for such a journey seems nearly impossible.” She sighed, as that was one of the biggest downsides to being a baroness.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan slowly nodded as Regula explained the situation of her name, he was quickly reminded that he arrived just in time for her to be named baroness, so this was probably still somewhat new for her. Regula turned the question towards Aileen and Ryan immediately perked up "That's right. She was very self conscious about it when she learned I do, but now she's fine with it..." It was at that moment that the question Regula asked registered. Ryan froze, and then laughed nervously, before clearing his throat to calm his nerves "Ahem. While I think Gobán already fully approves of me, I want to have her feelings in mind first and foremost. I don't want her to feel forced, or have any sense of doubt." His tone then turned rather solemn "But yes, I'd love to finally call her my wife one of these days..."

Ryan realized he may have spoken way too much right there, so he welcomed the change of subject with open arms "Yes! What is it?" He silently nodded as Regula made her observations, making mental notes of the observations to apply them on later. "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, actually. I knew your insight would be great to have!" he answered as Regula asked for his own thoughts on the matter.

Up next was the turret, which Regula seemed to be thinking of working on one as well. But beyond what Ryan had considered, it had a few more challenges ahead of it before it could be considered a safe defense mechanism. To his disappointment, he had nothing to contribute at the moment, at least not things Ryan was sure Regula probably considered in some fashion. That said, he looked somewhat distraught until the baroness moved on somewhat. Regula pointed their attention towards Widersia for both family and tech needs. Widersia, if memory served right, was a small nation down south that was very tech savvy. Alas, she didn't have time for a visit with her role as baroness. Ryan thought of one potential solution that might do the trick "It's a shame about your family... But if you don't have time, why don't you send someone to do the work needed, Regula? Maybe even leave a message with your family should you want to."

Elvario Elvario
Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
Time: 7:10 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

She couldn't help herself from smiling at hearing Ryan talk about Aileen. There was something rather precious about the young couple. “Well, I'll be rooting for the two of you.” She stated with a a smile at his surprisingly honest and outright confession.

It seemed her comments were taken in stride, with Ryan accepting them almost immediately. “You're welcome, but I'm surprised how much you already came up with. Let me know if you've ever got other designs as well. Considering how busy I got with the barony, you'll be surpassing me as an artisan in no-time.” Truth be told, perhaps he already had.

A chuckle escaped her lips at Ryans suggestion. “Well, it'd be distant enough family for me to not even know who I'd be writing to. There wouldn't be much sense in it if I didn't go there myself to try and find out more about who my grandmother was and if anyone from that side of my family still remains there.” She clarified. “Yet that's not too important, just something I might one day do if I find someone keep this place running for a while. As for the technology, I'd be slightly more inclined to ask the Magic Duchy how they operate. However, the best place to start might be to try meet with Countess Isolde of Valyra in the Duchy of Brysta. She's said to be responsible for revolutionising that county's production of all sorts of things, including magical devices... Perhaps I should ask Count Sadek if he'd allow for me to try to have a research agreement with her?” At this point, she realised she was thinking about. “Ah, sorry about that.”

She pointed at some mithril. “We've still got some time. Do you want to spent some time trying to figure out how to test mana conductivity? I've been debating to forge these into rods of various sizes with a very basic enchantment that'd let them shoot a gust of air to see how much, if at all, the size can effect the result. If there is a significant enough increase in power with size, having a turret would be viable. If there is a limit to it, any turret we'd make would just be an unwieldy large 'normal' weapon.”
Ryan Kylieth

Still somewhat awestruck he had the gall to actually say that, he simply answered "Thank you" to Regula. Thankfully Regula was trustworthy, so he doubted rumors spread around from this. Back to his work, however, he smiled at Regula's thought "Well, everyone does their part here to make Stonewall better. I'd like to think my work is my way of contributing". After a brief pause, the young smith added "I might, but these two were the ones I though you'd have the biggest interest in. I can look for them for another occasion."

Regula then moved on to the subject of her family and the quest for more advice on the defense system. Ryan simply nodded and made an affirmative sound to the former, as he had not much to say about it that might be out of place. As for the latter, he commented "Valyra... That's up north, right? I don't know much about that, I'm afraid. I'm quite sure the village I'm from was under the rule of Count Ironwright... I think" Ryan wasn't that well versed in the social structure of Ryke. That's when the baroness realized she may be barking to the wrong tree "Oh. Don't worry about it" he reassuringly answered.

Upon Regula's request, Ryan looked slightly dejected. As he would have loved working on his small project. But he wasn't selfish enough to outright ask Regula to help him build it, so his expression quickly returned to normal and he nodded enthusiastically "Of course! Just tell me how can I help. I would have even brought my own tools had I known you wanted me to help you work on something. I am honestly curious of what will come off this."

Elvario Elvario
Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
Time: 9:30 Weather: Clear skies.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“Yes, it's bordering Kuridan.” She added on the topic of Valyra. “Ironwright County? I've heard he's also one for trade and crafts, but more on the merchant side... Perhaps he'd be a worshipper of Karkan as well...” She recalled the last 'priest' type that visited and started to wonder how many of the nobles would consider worship of said deity. That was a problem for another time, however, as she decided it'd be best for them to focus on the task at hand.

Upon Regula's request, the two smith would proceed to smith and enchant mithril rods of various sizes. However, upon testing them, it wouldn't take long for Regula to realise... “It seems like the size doesn't matter much. So long as it's big enough to have the proper enchantments on it, it'll channel the magic as intended with the same power-output as the enchantments allow, regardless of size...” She sighed. “Unless we can figure out how to increase the power output in another manner, building a turret would be counter-productive, as we'd merely be making a stationary and oversized gun.” She sighed. “We'd really need some ideas from others to progress with this, I fear, unless you have other ideas. Perhaps... Perhaps if the ammunition itself as enchanted with explosion magic for additional impact?” That was thought. “I'd be highly expensive... unless we can create a way for the devise itself to impose the magic upon the ammunition through some form of skill loaning...”

She sighed, jotting down a few notes. “It should be possible in theory, to have a devise both fire off mithril ammunition and enchant it as it does so, which would probably create the biggest destructive effect possible, but it'd take some careful designing and planning.” That's when she noticed the sun was already a lot higher up in the sky. “Oh, that'll have to wait for later. I should get ready for my guest to arrive, you can wait in the study, if you'd want. I think you might want to talk to him as well.” She stated, as she quickly retreated to transform from a blacksmith back into a baroness.

Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study

As for the study, assuming he would indeed go there, Ryan would find it stacked with all sorts of books and records of various subjects. A large table with some chairs around it was placed in the middle, so that it could be used as a meeting room as well.

Neberius Tibbercoller

Before the baroness arrived, however, it seemed her guest had been led into the study by some of the servants. Upon spotting Ryan, he raised eyebrow. “Greetings young man, are you here to speak to the baroness as well?”
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan chuckled, unsure on if these thoughts Regula was voicing were meant to be answered to. Not wanting to be rude, he tried regardless "Sorry, Regula. I come from a small village. So while I met a few nobles that wanted some work done back there, I doubt the count was among them. I had no idea of what happened outside..." he offered.

Back to the task at hand, their mythril barrels unfortunately yielded the expected result. Ryan sighed, disappointed. Then watched in admiration as Regula quickly started working her head around the problem. She was the baroness for a reason, he supposed. Regardless, before they could continue their chat further, Regula instructed him to head over to the Keep's study. For whatever reason, the fellow smith thought Ryan would want to meet their visitor. He wasn't going to question her word, so Ryan did as instructed and headed for the study, guided by a servant.

Ryan was in awe. This made his book collection look like a joke. But then again, he wasn't here to read. So he simply skimmed through the back of several books as he waited. It wasn't long before the door opened, a servant had let in a fancy looking guy into the study. The man was quick to inquire if he was here to see the baroness as well. Ryan shifted his brain to work in a more polite way as he spoke "Good day, sir. As a matter of fact, no. Lady Caelia told me she would have a guest I'd like to meet, but not much else. My name is Ryan Kylieth, a local smith, nice to meet you", he then offered his hand for a handshake to the gentleman.

Elvario Elvario
Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan

Neberius Tibbercoller

The man accepted the hand-shake, perking up at the mention of Ryan's profession. “Ah, a local smith. I can see why the baroness might wish for us to meet. I am Neberius Tibbercoller. I specialise in acquiring weaponry for the Ryke military.” He stated, as he eyed the one-eyed smith. “I was here due to discussing the need for particularly high quality gear, preferably highly decorated, as pieces for higher ranking officers. They'd serve as show-pieces, but they'd still need to be functional. The baroness believed her barony might offer smiths capable of making such things...” He contemplated for a moment. “... by which she may have included you, mister Kylieth.”

The man procured some simple sketches. “Thus far, the idea would be to mostly keep the scabbard decorated and blade functional, but ideally, we'd have the blade itself look just as impressive during ceremony, without losing its purpose during battle. Tell me, mister Kylieth, do you believe such a thing to be possible?”

Ryan Kylieth

Ryan was glad this person didn't seem to mind his clearly more humble way of life and shook his hand without hesitation, it made things less awkward. "I see. Nice to meet you, Mister Tibbercoller." Ryan affirmed politely. As Teberius spoke, Ryan was already working on ideas for the proposition he was bringing. With a nod of acknowledgement, Ryan observed as the businessman put out some sketches on the table.

Ryan took one of them to inspect it from a better angle, while also listening to Teberius further explanation "Hmmm..." after a few moments of deliberation, Ryan answered "Yes, I do think making an ornamented blade is as feasible as the rest of the parts of a weapon. That said, they would need a lot more care after use and maintenance every so often to keep them in top, ceremony shape." He then took another look at the sketch he picked up "For example, with this particular design, the scabbard and hilt could be made as such without much issue, so long as the materials are there. As for the black and gold in the blade, combining some metals, some carving, and tempering the blade in a special liquid should do the trick... it would just take time." the smith shared out loud.

Elvario Elvario
Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan

Neberius Tibbercoller

Neberius listened intently, but was quick to fire off some questions upon Ryan's reply. “How qualified would the smith doing said maintenance need to be? Or would it be within the scope of the average squire?” That was his first question, yet more followed, before Ryan could even answer it. “How much would a combination of such a design cost, by your estimation? How much time are we talking about? Weeks, days? How long would it take you to get in an order of a dozen of these to start with? Would you be able to supply such an amount on a weekly or monthly basis?” It was clearly he was approaching this from a very business oriented perspective.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan was kind of in his own world with the cannonade of questions, since he thought he could answer most if not all of it accurately. He simply allowed the questions to finish while taking a deep breath, and then he started dishing out answers "Moderately so. The person in question would have to clean impurities that were not cleaned by the owner often to avoid permanent stains, also waxing it every so often would help tremendously, and to that you add the usual workings done in such a weapon. Sharpening it, and the like, but done with particular care to avoid damaging the design. As for cost... Let's see..." Ryan went off into deep thought for a few moments, considering his usual works were just steel weapons and that he had no deep [Business] knowledge, he just tried calculating the cost of the materials, plus a little extra for the actual crafting... "I'd say around 350000 rykes a piece. As for a starting order, since it seems you'd like to get started fast, I could do some overtime and get you a dozen done within a week. Under normal working circumstances, I'd get one, perhaps two a day if I overdo it. If you want a steady supply with constant quality though, I'd say to let me do... five a week for now and see how it goes."

Elvario Elvario
Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan

Neberius Tibbercoller

“A piece, then? Would you be inclined to lower that price if they are bought in batches? For example, if you can get me a dozen within the week?” He asked, as he took out what seemed to be a contract. “Five a week? That could work if it is indeed a steady supply and the initial twelve are of high enough quality.” He took out the contract. “That's a trial contract. A one-time deal with a chance of becoming an official contractor for the Ryken Military if this is successful. How would 3,5 million for the first batch of a dozen sound? As a chance to prove yourself. Then if that works out, we could consider paying 1,5 million for weekly batches of five?”
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan nodded along as he listened intently, until Neberius got to the payments he intended for the swords. That was a lot of money "Hm, I suppose that works." Ryan answered. He had not much else to say, so Ryan went back to sizing up the sketch. Even with the reduced budget, he was sure he could make it work.
Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan

Neberius Tibbercoller

Just as Neberius' smile widened, as he was drawing up a contract for Ryan to sign, Regula showed up. It seemed like she'd been at the doorstep for a bit prior.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Silva - Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“With all due respect, mister Tibbercoller, I'm sure you can afford to pay better for pushing one of my finest smiths to his limits.” Her business (E) was just about enough to know that this was a rather low price, even for a first contract. She also knew the chances of Ryan being offered higher rates later were low, so that he'd best start off decent. More prominent, however, was the Baroness' Charm A she was able to throw into the battle with her next statement. “I can assure you that mutually beneficial arrangement will be well worth the effort in both the long and short term, as I can vouch for the quality he'll deliver and the quality that my barony will start and continue to produce in the foreseeable future.”

Baroness' Charm A – Character Grade A, Appraisal A, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Persuasion B, Seduction B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula attempts to charm someone into being more agreeable. - Grade A – 5 Post Cooldown.

After a bit of contemplation, Neberius nodded. “Very well, milady.” He stated, as he changed a few numbers on the contract. He then showed it to Ryan. Not exactly double his previous offer, but still a fair bit higher. “There we go, 4,2 million for the first batch, 2,1 for weekly batches of five afterwards. We'll have an evaluation after the first month, then every 3 months. Both sides can withdraw from the contract at those dates. Either way, the new price should show how serious I am about this deal and about our future cooperation.”


With that out of the way, Ryan would have the opportunity to sign his first business deal with some of the more important figures in the smithing scene. It wasn't exactly a jackpot, but it was a very fair compensation for someone without any significant prior reputation. He'd have to work himself to the bone through-out the upcoming week, but this was a great chance to make an impression and live up to the expectations he'd set.

The End

These are only suggestions, please wait until a grader confirms them before adding them.

Narrator bonus worth = 42 points (From having multiple A-grade characters.)

Title: [Weaponsmith] – Character is a blacksmith who's started to take up weapons as one of his specialisations. Will have an easier time selling his weapons.
Skill: Business F
Connected: [Ryken Merchant Guild] F
Connected: [Ryken Military] F
Asset: [Ryken Military Contractor] – Character is under contract to deliver weaponry to the Ryke Military.
Isekai Hell Grade
Elvario Elvario Valkan Valkan

Short and sweet. To the point. Hard not to appreciate it. Side note, something like the Jugrim is a too refined for someone lacking the tinkerer skill. May be a skill worth picking up at some point. A blacksmith would be hard pressed to produce such intricate parts with such precision for the period. that's why most of the guns in setting are rifles at best and generally cannons. Meanwhile, magic guns aren't really guns but easily held gun shaped objects that direct magical bolts without need for barrel or moving parts. Just some trivia.

To lend some aid to the Caelia barony while awaiting the merchant and church cooperation, Count Sadek helped facilitate the Barony's business dealings with the noble faction. The contract work picked up should buy the Barony time. While likely more than it could handle long term, it was business at least which put the citizenry to work.



Regula - 19pts (narrator)
optional title acquired [Hip Noble] - character regularly brushes aside formalities of station to be more casual. Gives the character a more approachable vibe. Other characters of sufficient standing may be put off by the casualness of the character at times.

Ryan - 13pts
optional title acquired [Nobility: Ryken Military Weapons Contractor E] - character has been given the opportunity to help supply Ryke soldiers with weapons. While not as prestigious as other nations with proper national armies, it is still much more rewarding and potentially fruitful than traditional town smithing. But one must wonder what may become of the weapons they make.

optional skill acquired [Business F] - if skill is taken, add 7pts to earned and spent.

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