TV & Film Stevenbomb


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//breathes heavily

Who else is looking forward to some epic worldbuilding in Steven Universe this week? Character development? More kickass scenery?
I'm gonna watch the new ep now, no spoilers.

//makes gurgling noises

I am legit so excited to see Connie do more stuff. You think Greg might even get in on the action too? Though, he did do a lot during Lapis Lazuli's arc, and that got him a bit beat up.
Yeah, I think you're right. I think Greg got his limelight in S1.

I think it would be cool to see an episode with Sadie and Connie being back-to-back badasses, but that sounds more like fanfic material tbh.
This show will be the death of me. I didn't care much for Ronaldo, but Pearl is my favorite character and agghhhh! And Connie's so cute!

Edit: This thread gave me an idea for my signature, ahahah.
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There's another Stevenbomb coming up pretty soon right? Like on the 13th or something? I'm not sure if I'm ready for it, oh man. It's gonna be intense, they're always intense.
Yessss there is! Oh man, it's gonna be great.
Ugh, it's gonna be so emotional! I wanna know what's going on with the whole forced gem fusions. That episode was heartbreaking, especially with Garnet.
I'm just looking forward to more Rose and talk about her connection to the Homeworld gems. Who thinks we might get another flashback episode? Fingers crossed!
Let's be totally honest.

I want more Jasper. Buff evil ladies make my kokoro go doki doki.
with that awesome episode from the last steven bomb it seemed like to me that the next time Jasper shows up she'll be fused and doing stuff as Malachite, but really we can't be sure of what will happen.
I know this is a little late, Stevenbomb being over and all

Just one thing I wanted to say, for an FYI

Malachite dissolves in water, it is also toxic if untreated [there are ways to make it harmless hence why it is in jewelry].

Take that as you may.


welian said:
Malachite is an acceptable substitution. Or Sugillite.
Sugillite? Dang, I still want to see Pearl and Garnet fused


EverBeenToSpace said:
There's another Stevenbomb coming up pretty soon right? Like on the 13th or something? I'm not sure if I'm ready for it, oh man. It's gonna be intense, they're always intense.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33526eec_ScreenShot2015-07-06at10.53.18AM.png.625189de9657cee9e380905c371ded38.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60639" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33526eec_ScreenShot2015-07-06at10.53.18AM.png.625189de9657cee9e380905c371ded38.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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    Screen Shot 2015-07-06 at 10.53.18 AM.png
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Dagfinn said:
I know this is a little late, Stevenbomb being over and all
Just one thing I wanted to say, for an FYI

Malachite dissolves in water, it is also toxic if untreated [there are ways to make it harmless hence why it is in jewelry].

Take that as you may.
Well we're set for the third Steven bomb for July 13th so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Though something tells me we won't get another Malachite episode just because of the way that episode ended. It would be interesting to see if what you said about Malachite comes into play in the show. Maybe the longer they stay fused and underwater the more unstable they become ::shrugs::

And yes we NEED to see a Peal and Garnet fusion. That would be awesome. I personally would like to see Sugalite again just to get Nicki Minaj back in the role!

ONION! Let's see what that Onion episode reveals about that little mystery.
myvalentina said:
Well we're set for the third Steven bomb for July 13th so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Though something tells me we won't get another Malachite episode just because of the way that episode ended. It would be interesting to see if what you said about Malachite comes into play in the show. Maybe the longer they stay fused and underwater the more unstable they become ::shrugs::
And yes we NEED to see a Peal and Garnet fusion. That would be awesome. I personally would like to see Sugalite again just to get Nicki Minaj back in the role!

ONION! Let's see what that Onion episode reveals about that little mystery.
Judging by the creators of the show, I think Malachite being toxic will come into play. When I was looking up malachite I found out that in like gem mythology [those people that like to give gems magic healing powers and junk] malachite is seen as the protector of children. Lapis formed Malachite to protect Steven. I figure if they did that, they'd also stay true to the rest.

But hey I could be wrong.

I agree we might not get Malachite for a good while, but if we do I figure it's probably be the 'Cry for help' episode. Though even that I doubt, I think none of her for a bit.

What I'm most excited about now is Onion Friend, that will either be an informative episode, or it'll give us more questions to ponder. Either way, it'll be fun.

"Malachite is believed to be a strong protector of children."

"Malachite has been called the "mirror of the soul"."

"It reaches the inner feelings of the person and reflects what is there, negative or positive."

"It reminds us that we have a dual nature and it is up to each person to know and rule his own person."

"It is a stone of balance in relationships." This, this is hilarious
The writers probably googled and found similar links so I'm sure all of that informed their creation of malachite. And if we see her again it might not be until we get more information about what Peridot was doing with the fusion experiments. As to how Malachite as a fusion will react to Steven, if they become stable as a fusion that is, who knows.

I came across a crack rumor about Onion being Yellow diamond. So I'm sure we'll get something on him to fuel the meta theories online without anything concrete. Given that there's an actual 'Keep Beach City Weird' tumblr I'm guessing they occasionally pop in to see how fans are reacting and Onion is quite a topic of discussion for the meta writers, hell for all of us really lol, so yeah they'll give us just enough to keep us guessing.
Onion being yellow diamond seems a little far fetched to me, even in comparison to the weird stunts they've pulled so far. I suppose it is not impossible, but I really doubt it. [Who the hell thinks up this stuff?]

Yeah I can see it only being fuel for the fans, I just hope it answers a few questions.
Oh certainly. I think that would be jumping the shark if it was true, but I found it to be amusing nonetheless. I assume we may just get more information on his family, and maybe a confirmation that his mom is Vidalia from the Story for Steven flashback. Maybe we'll see family pictures and stuff. I am excited to see if they do tie it to the main plot, but it could just be filler to be expanded on in the future. But I'm really excited for this steven bomb, so they could have an entire episode of the gems just having a picnic and I'd be delighted lol.
myvalentina said:
Oh certainly. I think that would be jumping the shark if it was true, but I found it to be amusing nonetheless. I assume we may just get more information on his family, and maybe a confirmation that his mom is Vidalia from the Story for Steven flashback. Maybe we'll see family pictures and stuff. I am excited to see if they do tie it to the main plot, but it could just be filler to be expanded on in the future. But I'm really excited for this steven bomb, so they could have an entire episode of the gems just having a picnic and I'd be delighted lol.
Filler is fine sometimes, but I'm impatient so for me it depends

I wasn't too thrilled with the Love Letters episode, it was a decent episode. I was just at that point really wanted plot [or at least for garnet to defuse in front of him, that would've been hilarious].

I'm surprisingly uninterested in Onions family, I kinda just assumed she was? *Shrugs* I guess we'll see

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