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Fandom Steven Universe 10 Years Later Rules and Story


School Idol

It's ten years later and Steven is 24. The Crystal Gems are still around and new gems are popping up and are hoping to join the fight to keep Earth safe. They know the battle will be tough but are willing to risk getting cracked. Various enemy's are almost always and willing to attack. Will the new Crystal Gems be able to defend Earth?


1) Make sure to use colored text when posting. This will hopefully make things fun and colorful

2) Try to be nice to others. Many will come in to this roleplay not really knowing whats going on. A simple way is to give a brief summary of what's happening and who or what is involved.

3) Try to keep things at least PG 13. If you want to get a bit more involved please include a sentence similar to this: "Labra took his hand and the two entered her room." It does not have to be exactly like this.

4) Try to have fun. Simple as that!

5) Please put OOC moments in parenthesis like these [ ] .

6) Please let us know when you are going to bed or unable to post so that we can pause an event or something along those lines.

7) Finally, if you see anyone that has not followed these rules, please message me.
Actions against this are as follows:
1rst warning: Friendly reminder
2nd warning: This is also a free chance because I believe in 2nd chances.
3rd warning: Character is "Poofed" and will not be reformed until a week of in rp time has passed.

You may be saying that these seem a bit harsh. I only want to ensure that users have fun and things ride smoothly.

{Roleplay} {OOC} {Characters}
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