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Fantasy Stereotypical Fantasy Roleplay

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.
Stereotypical Fantasy Roleplay

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. The princess lived in a gorgeous palace with her father, the king, and her mother, a whore. The princess was loved by all of her subjects because of her huge breasts beauty and kindness. However, one day, an evil overlord sent a gigantic dragon to go and kidnap the princess and take her to his evil castle on top of Mt. Eeval.

All of the kingdom fell into deep depression due to the fact that their beautiful, bootylicious princess had been captured by the evil overlord. The king and queen decided that they would not stand to allow their daughter to get stolen and taken away. So, instead of sending their army to rescue the beautiful princess, the royal family said;

"Oh, how terrible this evil overlord is! To steal the beautiful princess, Evangeline, right out of my hands! To whoever is able to return our princess to us, you will receive my daughter's hand in marriage, which is a guarantee to the throne, and all the wealth you could possibly have!"

And so, hundreds of men, eager to earn the princess' hand in marriage, head out to fight the dragon and the evil overlord. They would have to travel through the dark forests and swamps of Khai, where it is rumored a witch lives in.

Then you would have to cross the deserts of Dak, the territory of the thieves and slave traders. After that, you will have to find your way and pass the sea of Marth, where pirates terrorize and roam. Then you must travel another long distance and travel up the mountains.

From there you will have to figure out where to go to find Mt. Eeval, the evilest mountain in the world. Unfortunately, no one has come back with the princess as for she is still trapped in the evil overlord's castle! Will you, noble citizen, decide to set out on an adventure and retrieve our princess? If so, good luck. You will need it.

More Information

This is a stereotypical fantasy roleplay. Just for fun and laughs. You can create any sort of fantasy character you would like to join in on the adventure to save the buxom princess from the evil overlord. We will start in the kingdom and head out for adventure immediately! Well, after you create your characters.

We will forever be open since the group can meet up with other characters. After the sea, it is unknown, this gives an even larger opportunity for world building and creative writing. Now, let's not delay. Let's got save that princess!
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The Adventure of a Lifetime

With the break of dawn, our heroes said their goodbyes to their family and friends and set out on their quest to save the Princess Evangeline from the evil clutches of the evil overlord. Walking through the magnificent gates of Raynworth, the group of people seemed so unlikely to go on a journey with one another. It was very possible for there to be a terrible accident that would split the group apart before they even got past the forest of Khai. However, somehow, they left the kingdom and walked, side by side, as equals.

Except for Fenris. That bastard decided that it was cool to walk ahead of the group, not wanting to be associated with those kind of people. After all, he had just met them, why would he trust them enough to go on a quest? Oh, right. It was because the kingdom's princess was in danger and that one guy - What was his name again? Theo Walker? - practically got down on his knees and begged for Fenris to come along.

The main group of heroes were just a few meters away from Fenris, all four of them were chatting happily with one another. Like little birds waking up to a new morning, they were simply annoying. However, they didn't care about what others thought, they were contempt with their mindless socialization and chit chat between one another. There were equal genders in the group, two young men and two young women. Both of the boys seemed to be carrying swords along with them while the two women seemed to be rather...different.

"Come on, Gizmo! Show 'em what you can do!" A petite blonde lady by the name of Gadget Gears roughly patted the back of her mechanical friend. She rode on the back of the rather interesting creature, a silly grin was spread across her lips as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around the mechanical beast's neck.

Said Gizmo seemed to grin at Gadget, who preferred to be called Gaddy, and spun around, whipping its tail. The tail nearly knocked over the dark haired young man that was walking just to the left of Gizmo and Gadget. A soft blast of wind came from the tail as Gizmo immediately balanced itself so that its owner would not fall flat onto the grassy ground that they were walking on.

"Hey! Watch where you swing that thing!" Haru yelled out as he jumped up, the tail just skimming the soles of his shoes. An upset expression covered his face, pulling his lips down into a frown and furrowing his eyebrows as he attempted to look like one of those elderly bakers who didn't want people taking a bite out of the bread that was set out in the store.

A buxom woman giggled from the left end of the group as she leaned forward to peer at Haru. "I'm sure Gizmo didn't mean it." With the long pointed ears of an elf, the woman's name was Lola. Simply Lola. No last name, no nickname, just Lola. She was dressed in the stereotypical clothing of a mage, her cleavage poking out for all of the world to see. Not that that was a bad thing. The world loved to see it. It was great for distracting the enemies. The woman continued to giggle only for it to be drowned out by obnoxious laughter from the young man beside her.

"Ahahaha! Good one, Gizmo!" Theo gave the mechanical creature a big thumbs up as he did his best to contain his laughter. Bending over and clutching his stomach, the young man felt the tears poke out from his eyes and reached up to wipe them away with a gloved hand. Grinning like a madman, Theo placed a hand on the hilt of his sword, a gift he had received from Titus, and looked straight ahead of him, past Fenris. They were approaching the forest and swamp. "I can't wait to slaughter all of those monsters that dare to get in our way!" Throwing a fist up into the air, Theo was pumped and picked up the pace with his walking.

A few meters behind the four youngsters was a....A DEMON! Everybody run for your lives! Oh. Wait. That's just Saladin. Glaring at pretty much everything around him, the goat demon-human hybrid looked so out of place in the flowery fields of the outskirts of Raynworth. However, at the same time, he looked perfect in that scenery. Just imagine a flower crown on top of that horned head and he would look perfect.

"Fuck you, narrator." Saladin muttered, clenching his fists due to the fact that he couldn't hurt the bitch who was narrating this adventure. Sure, he broke the fourth wall, but what he wanted to break were the faces of all the roleplayers that joined in on this roleplay. Especially that AmericanEagle fellow. Perhaps it was just due to the fact that the roleplayer had the words American and Eagle in xir username. Saladin hated Americans and he hated eagles. Fuck it. He hated everything. Stupid shit.

Now just a little further back was yet another demon, however, this was a demon of a whole new kind. This demon's name is Triss Kelmen. She's quite infamous in, not only the kingdom of Raynworth, but in the surrounding kingdoms and villages as well. Some would say that she's a good fuck, others would say that she's incredibly sneaky, and most would tell you to stay away from the Devil's spawn.

"This princess rescue mission better be worth the payment..." Triss spat at the ground and folded her arms over her chest. There were no good looking men in this group. All of them were either pre-pubescent little boys or fifty year old demons. How was she going to ever be happy in this group? Triss' eyes wandered around each member of their little "party" and as she did that, a frown continued to grow on her face. "At the least, they'll be able to trick." Triss shrugged and decided that the only one that she would have to worry about would be that Saladin guy.

And so, the adventuring group continued on towards their destination. They knew that they would have to pass through the the forest and swamp of Khai and they heard the rumours of the witch that lived in there. However, the witch was only one of their worries. There were plenty of monsters in that forest. So many monsters that even a goat demon-human hybrid would have trouble defeating all of them. And that's saying something.

Now, it wasn't long until our heroes found themselves standing in front of the entrance to the forest. They looked up at the gigantic trees and the first thing that was said between them was, "Fuck this, I'm going home." The random man who wanted to go save the princess Evangeline turned around and headed straight back to the kingdom of Raynworth. "You idiots have fun dying!"

And that was the start of an adventure of a lifetime.
A demon, a mage, a few warriors, an assassin and a woodsman. A nice rounded group to keep me safe. Now, I know what you're thinking. A little girl with no weapons and nothing but a giant mechanical one-winged raptor to protect her. Well I'll have you know! That you're probably right. I can't fight, like, at all, but I can build technological marvels that astound and stupefy others, I figured that has to be worth something to a group of fighters. I'll just need to make sure I don't get attacked myself. I refuse to be the girl that needs saving.

In the meantime, it's time to show off what Gizmo can do! "Show them how fast you are! Show them how strong you are! Show them..." BOOM What seems like an explosion shortly off in the distance soon reveals itself to be a giant monster! It crashed into the ground from the air. It's maybe 20 feet tall, dark gray skin and no clothing other than a loin cloth add to it's sinister look. It has massive wings, thin and veiny. It looks like some demon, though not as nice and friendly as Saladin. It doesn't seem to have any weapons, but I think Gizmo's speed demonstration is done, "Let's show them how fast we can get behind them and support them Gizmo!" I didn't sign up for this! I signed up to save the Princess, not fight monsters! They sure do conveniently leave out details don't they?
"You fools!" Fenris shouted at them. "If only you have kept your mouths shut, this demon would not have heard us." He said, his eyes burning with disgust and anger. Why did he have to take them along? They're going to be the end of him. If he was alone, the trip would only last a week. But with a party as big as this, it would take months. To add to his troubles, none of them knew how to hunt and track, meaning he would do all of those. Still angry and disgusted, he instead unleashed all his anger on the demon, firing volleys of arrow at it.
'Not as friendly as me?' Saladin thought, Oh, I'll show that bitch friendly. I'll friendship my foot knee-high up its ass!'

The demonspawn let out a deep guttural roar and charged at the full-blooded beast. The towering creature swiped its massive claws at Saladin, but the eternally angry half-breed nimbly rolled forward, evading the blow and passing between the creature's legs before delivering two devastating blows to its left heel with his heavy blades.
Lola stared at the demon before sighing, she hadn't wanted to fight just save the princess and become a famous mage just like her pop. She flipped open her book and begin to chant, a bright purple glow forming around the demon holding it it place. "I can only hold him back for so long so you guys need to finish him off quick."
The giant demon seems unfazed from the attacks, instead pointing to the goat demon and staring intently. A loud booming voice comes from the giant Demon, "Son, come home with papa!" The demon bends down and looks closer, realizing his mistake, "Mmm hmm, nevermind, you are far too ugly to be my son! I shall take my leave now, but if ever you should come across my son, please tell him Papa's waiting!" With that the demon fell backwards, as if he were doing a trust fall. A huge portal opens up, red and black swirls and little red dust particles floating up from it, in the ground. The demon falls through, leaving the portal open for only a moment before it closes.

Well, that seems a little weird, but this is the perfect opportunity! "Hey guys! Did you see how awesome I was? I mean we!" I try to take credit, despite doing nothing, because let's face it, if that guy stuck around, everyone knows I would have killed it! Nothing the others did even fazed it, and Gizmo is the only one strong enough, it's basic science. Well, I guess it's time for us to continue our quest now. He seemed nice enough, maybe I will save his son!
Mitsuru came stumbling out of the brush into the open after hearing the commotion and having seen a slightly out of place, not overly attractive demon trampling the undergrowth. Taking a moment to fully comprehend what in the name of the gods they were seeing, Mitsuru, in an almost incomprehensible stupor, blurted out "What ARE you doing out here?... You all look ridiculous. Haven't you the slightest idea what the fuck you think you're doing? ... What are you doing by the way? That is certainly NOT how you capture an owl." Upon realising that they were making absolutely no sense and a complete fool of themselves, there was honestly no point in trying to continue, Mitsuru dropped their swords and laid back onto the grass and moss covered earth "Not quite the way I would have wanted to introduce myself. They'll never let met hear the end of it." passing out straight into an ale-fueled sleep.
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Theo stared at the destruction that the monster seemed to leave in its wake, his eyes wide with shock and another emotion that was difficult to tell. His mouth hung open so that a fly or two could easily fly into it. He seemed to resemble the look that a fish gives you when taken out of the water. Theo's mouth kept opening and closing, the words that he wanted to say were all caught in his throat, disabling him from speaking for a few seconds.

A moment or so later, the young man burst with excitement, jumping up in the air and throwing his fist up. "Wow! That was so cool!" Theo's mouth began to run with words, popping sentences out like a machine gun. Acting like a kid who had just gotten the present that he wanted for Christmas, Theo hurried towards the path of the forest, stepping over the person who had collapsed on the ground after shouting at them. "And you," Pointing at the blonde little lady by the name of Gadget Gears, Theo grinned nonchalantly. "Are you a summoner?"

Eyeing Gizmo like it was some sort of contracted monster, Theo frowned and stroke his imaginary beard. "Is this some sort of monster that you made a contract with? Did you summon that giant demon? You must have been too weak to handle it, that's why it tried to attack us." Theo nodded to agree with himself as he began to walk on the path, still stroking his imaginary beard. Resting his hand on the hilt of his sword, Theo looked up towards the sky, only to see that the trees were already blocking the sunlight from entering the area.

Glancing back at the collapsed person, Theo frowned. "She might get attacked if we leave her here..." Automatically assuming that the person is a woman because of xie's long hair, Theo walked over to xir and picked xir up in a princess position. If he was going to save a princess, might as well get some practice by saving a woman. Theo then proceeded to lead the group into the dense forest, carrying a beautiful stranger in his arms.

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