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Fandom Step Up; Game On

I think I would go you guys are have lots if fun with out me said Jessica. So you guys some another time okay.
"Alright, Mr. Loos Hands." November snarled. "How about I make my ass less temping with a challenge. Since I'll have to go to jail for killing you, I'll just have to beat you on the dance floor. Put on some real music so we can battle… Oh and once this is done, you can get some new water." She said and took off her white cap and tossed it at Jude's head, making it land almost perfectly. "Just stay for one Battle, Sam, just one."
Jude was a bit surprised by Novembers reaction, he expected something more dramatic due to the earlier sight of her irritation. When a white hat was thrown at him balancing on the front of his hair so it blocked his eyes he stared motionless for a moment before Richard walked around the car and tore it off his head and stuffing it back into his hands.

Jude held it loosely for a moment before putting it atop his head, hoping she didn't have lice as he waited for the battle to begin.
Max stepped away and joined the circle being formed around the two dancers. He was about to watch his first dance battle, in a way he was excited, in another way he was kind of disappointed that he had fallen so low after being accepted into Juilliard only to then be expelled. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, he hated dwelling on the past. He turned his eye towards the guy that November had tossed her hat onto, he was very thin, but rather attractive. Again, Max shook his head, those were not thoughts to have right now.
Fine I will stay for one more Then I have to go because U have to go take care of my sister. Jessica lead against a pile to see one more battle
Jace smiled. "Bring it but I might just be watching you're ass the whole time." Jace said smirking. "So what music you want Drumstep or Glitch hop?." Jace said as he turned around to face his stereo. "Now who about a bet. If I win I get that arse if you win you get whatever you want how about it." Jace asked smiling he wanted that arse.
"Glitch hop." November answered with a smiled, but glared at him when she heard the bet. She really hoped she wasn't going to regret t this. "Okay, fine." She said, "But my arse for your car including everything that is in it, deal?" This was stupid, she knew that, she never walked out on a bet. Kill me now. She though and reached out her hand.
"Hmm thats one big price the car cost the stereo its self cost over five thousand dollars and the car its self another fifteen thousand but sure that's worth a chance at you're ass." Jace said with a smile on his face as he cracked his neck. "Any song you want or just pain old anything." Jace added.
"As if my arse is cheap." November said crossing her arms. "Last guy only got it when our crew won 20.000 euro's and your car seems something I can easily sell for a couple of grands." She huffed. "You choose, I dance to anything."
"You can sell cheap... did you even hear me right... It cost twenty thousand dollars and I can tell you're arse an't cheap that's why I said it sure as hell worth a chance at you're ass." Jace said before he turned to his stereo. "Don't hurt ya self you hear I don't want my bet ruined because you got hurt ya hear." Jace said as he turned on a song he knew well Tut Tut Child - Mysterious Stranger this time he would let her go first.
Once the base started November twisted herself, falling into doing a couple of halos. She lowered herself on her shoulders, doing flares, faster then in the club, happy that she was wearing a top. She got on her back and did a spin, but instead of a normal spin, she moved her body which caused her whole body to twist as well, but every time the base hit she did a flare and stood back up, waiting for Jace to do something.

(0:50-1:00 [media]

[/media] didn't know how to describe the move really, sorry...)
Jace was impressed but he had a friends trick up his sleeve. He was going to pull of some crazy Taisuke Criticals in fact his one of his whole amazing sections. He started standing up stepping around a bit before heading to the floor and pulling off a section of Taisuke Criticals.

(The video but the move is general called Taisuke Criticals so I can't describe it.)


"Wow, not just your move." November said, "but how desperate are you?" She smirked and did a backwards tumbler on the hood of a car before doing some locking moves. She did a flip backwards, landing on her head and did a head spin, like a ballerina upside down. Doing a split as she was still upside down, November grabbed her right foot and turned on her elbow, slowing her down, before she jumped to spider, doing a headrol forward, down the car and back on her feet. This was one bet she didn't want to lose, though it would probably not be easy to win.

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Jude was speechless, which wasn't much of a change of attitude. But he was truly astonished by the twos skills, sure for hip hop he could perform a few moves but never like this. The moves flowing into one another despite the originality in each movement. He had technique and stamina but they had imagination and strength. Their determination evident with their tense expressions, they made the moves look so simple though all their word was obvious.
"Hell all's far in love and war." Jace said since he was standing he opened himself to a wider range of things to do. He back flipped into the air at a insane height making him look like more of a Olympics jumped than a dancer. He made it over his open car boot and landed on his elbow just where he wanted to be. "That was a risk." He muttered to himself since he was on his elbow he was in a good place on the top of his car. He began to spin on his body shifting his weight to make sure he could spin at least three full rotations before keeping some speed to change into a one-arm elbow tracks on top of his car doing another three and to finish up he changed into a one-handed chair flare and doing three of them before front flipping barely missing his car boot with his head but landing just away from his car boot but being able to land just in front of his car so he could sit on the boot slightly.
November smiled as Jace sat down and decided to put a little more sauce on her dance, she danced around a bit, doing some tricks until she reached Richard. She grind up against the guy as fluently as she could before grabbing around his neck and dropping to the floor in a split, making Richard bend down with her and kissed him. She turned herself by pushing her legs back together and spinning as she continued making out with Richard. After ten seconds or so she let go of Richard's lips and leaned her back against him in some form of sexy Latino position. Looking up at Richard, she smiled and kissed his cheek. "Told you that everybody had to learn." She smiled before giving a challenging look to Jace, waiting for his reaction.

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Jace smiled girls got spice I can tell you that much he thought to himself as he stood back up and grabbed a cap from the boot of the car next to all the CDs and he put it on back flipping in order to face November before he head slid towards her then shifting his body weight to his feet landing so he was by November hands he grabbed one and kissed it letting it go soon after into another back flip with his legs just missing her face which was a sigh of disrespect with him passing so close to her nearly hitting her he landed his back flip on one hand and he began to do hand hops mixed with one handed chair flares so he was making his body change from going close to the floor to do the one handed chair flares and then straightening his arm to do hand hops he then added a 1990s spin to the combination so he was spinning his legs and body when close to the floor when doing the one handed chair flares but when doing the hand hops he was now rotating before he finished up with a back flip and landing on his feet.
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November didn't blink when Jace almost hit her, after all he told her not to get injured, pushing herself away from Richard, she did the flares, a little more violent then first and did a hand spin in a handstand, which caused her to rip her skin open, she did a couple of backward tumblers. The last one was in a big and slow bow, which caused her to land on her chest, but she caught it up and pushed herself, freezing in different positions before getting to her feet in a windmill. Once she stood she waited for the next song to play. She wondered how many more tricks Jace had up his sleeve.

(Probably last post from me tonight, it's almost 2 am here and I have to get up at 7 for work... Maybe I'll still read if I don't fall asleep, but goodnight everyone, see ya tomorrow :3)

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Jace was getting less and less impressed but she did have talent and a lot of it to say she hasn't danced in three years she was great but unlucky for her Jace wasn't going to give up on that booty. The song changed to another Glitch hop song this one was Rogue - Night After Night. He waited for a few moments while the song get revved up doing some simple body and shoulder movement until the first night after night about thirty seconds in. Now it starts he thought to himself smiling. He started standing flicking his legs like he was doing a flare standing up he then acted like he was falling but landed on the palms on his hands and did a Buddha spin then outstretching his legs to a deadman float then pushing up into a 2000's spin the moving only his body down moving his leg apart but keeping spinning he went to a doing some boomerangs before heading into a relevantly new move called the floating gremlin spin stopping the third rotation about half way when his legs are together he then quickly raised himself up by using one hand to propel himself to he legs to stand straight looking at November it was clear that he wouldn't throw in the towel like he did last time.

November smiled and raised her hands in surrender. Now that her hands were scraped, she wouldn't be able to do much and she couldn't really think of a movie to pass that one, so Jace had own, fair in square. She walked over to him and grabbed his cap. "You drive me home later." She said and placed his cap on her head before taking a seat on the edge of Jace's car. "Okay, next battle, how about we give the others a chance?"

(Got to go to work, I'll read back everything later :3)
Jace put a smug look on his face. "Yeah i'll drive you home and you now what November as a consolation prize you can keep the hat looks better on you than me." Jace smiled as he said this." Right who's up next we aren't the only two dancing today the rest of ya'll better get too it or i'm gonna start changeling you."Jace said cockily as he took a seat near November on his own car.
"Please wipe that smile off of your face, you wanker." November huffed and leaned back as she crossed her arms. "You're not battling anyone unless challenged. Give the silent guy and Mr. Ballet a change, I wonder how battles like that goes... And I'm keeping your cap even if you would have wanted it back." She smiled and poked his side. "Alright, Mr. Mute vs. Guy with a stick up his arse. This should be... interesting." She said after a couple of seconds in thought.

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Jude bit his lower lip and ran a hand through his hair, the two people before him where incapable of receiving enough praise for what he had just seen. It was like receiving a glimpse into a whole new world, one that didn't believe in limits.

When he was told that he was next he took small breath rolling out his ankle praying that he wouldn't hurt it again in the process. Before waiting for Max to give a gesture or a few words to say that he'd take part in the dance battle.
Jace wiped the smile of his face and turned down the music so they could talk for a few moments. "God I love you're accent November it really shows when you're annoyed." Jace said looking at November before turning to "Mr. mute and guy with a stick up his arse". "Yeah this seems like it would be a good well... fun battle so hurry up and get started would ya." Jace said as he took back out Novembers phone. "I still got this you know right November." Jace said waving it at her as he connected the AUX cable into one of the speakers.

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