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Fandom Step Up; Game On

"Don't lie." November snarled. "I don't like liars and don't call me cute when you just let me win!"She grabbed her cap our of The dark haired girl's hand and put it on her head. "I don't need pity, I don't need reputation or fame or help or whatever, I want a really battle. I havent danced in 3 years and this is what I get?! I'd rather dance the tango with my ex then win like that! You still have something up your sleeve, I can see talent when I have it in front of me. So thank you for being kind, but no thanks." She rolled her shoulder and walked towards the exit. This was almost as humiliating as walking as a pregnant 17 year old. She bumped shoulders with some blond guy that she hadn't seen before, apologized quickly and left. She was shaking with anger, every time is was the same thing.

Once done with school, I am moving back home again.
She kicked the tires of an innocent impala in her anger, growling even more as the alarm went off, but decided to keep walking anyways.
Jude fell into his thoughts his gaze skimming the surface of each dancing form, searching for the inspiration he had been promised but wasn't finding it. Just as a girl bumped into him he saw that it had been the girl who had just been in the earlier dance battle following after her to make sure she was okay he grabbed his notebook prepared to write. When he strolled outside unsuspected by Richard he saw the girls foot meet his tire making the alarm go off in its patterned beeps, as a small fire of agitation filled him he quickly extinguished it as he jogged after the girl.

Telling himself that she was just angry that she wasn't quite thinking about what she was doing, he caught up to the girl before she could get to far. Taking hold of her shoulder before stopping his car alarm making it known that she had just kicked his car.

Making sure she had surly halted he rose a finger before slipping his keys into his leather coats pocket before grabbing his pen and writing within its pages,

'I get that you're angry but please don't kick my car again.' It stated as he flipped the small journal so she could see, once he believed she had read it he wrote beneath the sentence,

'I wasn't around to see the battle. What happened?" Perhaps she'd cool off if she just talked about it, that or it'd get worse.
“They are having a little chat about their battle just know, the lady over there isn’t satisfied by the way it ended.” Tobias huffed as he gazed at the two.

“I wouldn’t have been happy either, she has all the right to be angry.” Zia growled a little on the soft side as she had helped herself to her drink again, but before she could take a sip the cap she had held a hold on for the blonde girl was snatched from her hand by her. Zia watched her stomp off angry, she bumped into another guy that followed after her not seconds later. Zia gulped down her drink before she reached for her money again and paid her last drink and asked her plastic bag back from Tobias. “Thanks for everything Tobias, but I’m going again. I will speak to you later okay!” Zia jumped on her high heels as she turned to the boy who just asked Tobias a question. “If you want to know more about what just happened ask him.” Zia said as she pointed at the guy who the blonde girl had just a battle with, she send the guy a disappointed glare before she walked to the exit as she walked outside “Too bad that such a good battle had to end like that” She huffed to herself as she exited the club and continued her way back home.
Jace grin grew when she left but he also ran out after he since he wasn't a fan of the inside was one reason he threw in the towel. "Hey November!!!" Jace shouted ignoring the person who was talking well writing to her. "You know where break dancing was made right so how about round two I will admit I threw in the towel before even though I would have won but they was one reason for it to be honest I hate inside clubs break dance was made on the streets so battles should be taken out on the streets I meant no disrespect but if you want to continue i'm up for it if you want to be beaten again that is." Jace said sounding very cocky now the outside was his domain where he loved to dance and was brought up dancing.
November frowned at the weird guy. Paper, really? She thought, but then figured she wasn't allowed to judge since she was weird as well. "Wasn't around to see the battle. What happened?" She read out loud before looking at the guy strangely. "Why the hell would you care?" November asked. "You wernt there and-"

She rolled her eyes when she heard Jace come up to her. "I don't care what you think about inside our outside. A battle is a battle!" She snarled. "One; no I will not battle you again. Two; don't interrupt people when they talk, sort of talk at least." She gave the guy a quick smile. "And three; I have a kid to get home to, so piss off. Why would you enter a club anyways if you think battle should happen on the streets? Turn the corner and you can have a battle with people that can't get in. Now go away. I was talking to Mr. Mute." She turned back to the blond guy. "What happened was that this dirtbag just gave up the battle because it was "inside". Thank you for worrying, Mr Mute, but I'm gonna head home. I'm November, nice to meet you." She turned to Jace, stuck up her nose and turned on her heels to head home, which was on the other side of DC. "See you guys around." She waved over her shoulder and headed into the darkness.
Richard nodded in understanding speaking a thank you before jabbing out his elbow suspecting that Jude was standing beside him and the tap was meant to hit his side. But when met with empty air he rose a brow in confusion looking around a moment before eyeing a girl in the crowd silently asking if she'd seen where he had gone and she knowingly pointed to the exit. Probably having seen him walk in with him, smiling a grateful thank you. He left outside to where he saw Jude between the two earlier dancers taking his time as he walked over he didn't really want to get into the middle of a growing rivalry.

Jude didn't quite mind being interrupted it having been done far to many times for him to be truly affected by it. And a smile even played on his lips when he was referred to as Mr. Mute and for the girls independence and how strong she was. It was a hard trait to have when the world was full of so many ignorant and self centered women, when she bid them farewell he waved although he only knew her name and she was unaware of his. And at that point Richard showed up slinging an arm over his shoulder,

"You left me in there with a bunch of drunk people Teller, how dare you?" He stated through his teeth before eyeing the other man around them jabbing a finger in his direction.

"You where dancing in there right? What type do you usually do?" He chose to speak to him, not quite minding the idea of having a conversation with someone who took dancing somewhat seriously like them.
Jace began to laugh hysterically "Priceless." He said aloud clapping his hands. "To be honest I wasn't planning on battling today you know after nine years of not doing anything competitive wise other wise I would have done it outside just as the DJ said this girl got BARK but that's about it." Jace face grow into a giant smile as he hit the back of the car he was nearby his own car and the boot opened showing a big sound system which he then switched on. "But sure run back to you're little kid I guess you don't want to feel embarrassed twice over don't worry i'm sure you're kid will be so proud look mummy won a dance battle since the other guy threw in the towel." Jace shouted in his most mocking voice he was really trying to get under her skin as she walked away. Jace then switched on his cars sound system and played Droideka-get hyper. He then heard the other person begin to talk to him. "I dance hip hop and break." Jace said turning up the sound system."YOU MAY WANT TO STAND BACK" Jace shouted over the music as he took off his bandanna and tied it around his elbow he then back flipped away from his car and just felt like playing around with some of his moves he didn't care that he was outside shirtless he landed the back flip and went on to do a elbow chair spin.
(Have to pick up my parents at the airport, be right back)

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November froze and turned back on her heels. Snarling she ran back and interrupted Jace's chair flare, knocking him towards the asphalt. "Do NOT insult my baby!" She shouted. "Do that again and I'll beat you up, you bastard! You were the one who through the towel, don't make this my fault!" She turned off the radio with a kick to one of the speakers. "I would love to battle you again, but I can't! You try carrying a baby at the age of 17! My body can't do the same movement like I used to." She said calmer. She didn't know if she spoke the last part to Jace or to herself. "What you saw in there was my limit, okay? I have to build it up. I can't battle again without hurting myself… And what are you two looking at?!" November snapped at the Mr. Mute and his friend. "Sorry for kicking your car, Mr Mute, next time I'll just take my anger out on this guy." She said and pointed at Jace. "Look, I'll battle you again, but if you insult my daughter again I'll put you into a coma, is that clear?" She threatened at the guy on the asphalt, hovering over him.
Mr. Mute aka Jude held up his hands in surrender when November reappeared, holding them out in front of his chest to say that it was just fine. Just as Richard nudged him with his hip before mumbling in his ear,

"You've met some scary people," his voice was so quiet even Jude had to strain to hear his tone before his head was shoved away from beside the boy,

"This is why you don't leave my side idiot, c'mon I guess we're spending the night at the studio. I didn't want to work on conditioning pass midnight but what're you gonna do." The brunette murmured in irritance not quite into the idea of sticking around as he strolled around the hood of the black impala and waited for Jude to unlock the car his hand hovering over the doors handle. But he hadn't moved yet, though he was always one up for the task of perfecting a routine he wanted to stay and make sure nothing violent grew from the situation.
"Hey, where are you two going?!" November shouted after them. "How about we watch you guys dance? I don't believe for a second that you guys came to the club for some drink that you can get anywhere… What are you're names again?" She asked. "The silent guy didn't really tell me and then this bastard interrupted him… Really, by the way?" She looked down at Jace. "How can you interrupt a silent guy? Don't you have any manners? Even my two year old knows better."
Jessica walked in the club looking around like she knew what she was doing. She was wearing A nice red top that said Dance and her Black legging and dome nice black and white flats. Jessica went to the bar to get some drinks and she was looking around in her seat and seeing what was all the noise for, Tell she saw the flashing lights.
Jace face goes very serious as he hit the asphalt. "You're a good mother I can tell that just from now." Jace said in fact she reminded him of his own mother. "I won't insult you're child again that was over the top I admit that so sorry for that." Jace said knowing he went way overboard his voice sounded rather upset at himself for doing such a stupid thing. "and watch the speakers they cost around one thousand each." Jace said slightly annoyed that she would kick them. "And how would I knew he was silent I was stood across from him its not like I could hear him anyway." Jace added as he stood up checking his speakers to see if they were fine which they lucky were.
Jude rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably never liking the sensation of being questioned or the topic of him never speaking being brought. Having been through this state of affairs many times Richard spoke up knowing what to say and do, but couldn't speak when began to laugh at the scolding the poor man on the floor continued to receive. Once he calmed down taking a small breath he leaned on the top of the impala as he spoke,

"I'm Richard and that's the Teller over there, or as others may call him Jude. Not as exciting in my opinion," he introduced before running a hand through his hair lazily,

"We came here for some inspiration, and Teller is more of a jazz dancer then hip hop. He wouldn't be able to make up moves to this type of music on the spot." He explained,

"And me? After escaping with a glimpse of another dance battle I know I don't even stand near your peoples levels." Jude eyed his friend disbelief, he was more into the robotic dancing, his moves mainly robotic. If you watched him move he was naturally very stiff so it suited him, a natural talent.

"It'd be weird to dance around people of your skill." Richard concluded when it seemed the other had finished speaking.
"Well at least you can afford speakers like that." November mumbled and turned to Richard as he spoke. "You can always learn, we all start somewhere." She then looked at Jude and smiled. "Can you show us some of your dance?" She asked before turning to Jace. "Play us some Jazz dancing music, I don't really know." She then turned to Jude again. "You will dance for us right? Ofcourse you will, everybody dances… So dance!" She said a little louder, making it sound more demanding then she had intended.
Zia walked further away from the club, the music was getting softer as she began to hear the sound of her high heels on the street. Suddenly Zia heard something fall behind her, Zia looked around as she saw her other sandwich down on the street.

“Wt-?!” Zia cursed her eyes widening as she raised her plastic bag in the air, there was a big hole in the bag as her stuff began to fall out. Zia panicked as she grabbed hold of the hole to prevent more of her stuff from falling out, but as she opened the bag and looked inside to check the rest of the things she had with her she let out a loud curse. “My keys! Oh you can’t be serious?!” Zia shouted out loud as she headed back the way she came, searching every last part of the street in search of her keys. ‘Of all the things I could lose why did I lose them!’ She mentally growled at herself, she couldn’t believe she didn’t notice that hole earlier. Her search brought her all the way back to the club, she noticed the people she met before standing outside as they were all standing together, she looked up at them as she was wondering where they were talking about, she guessed they probably where still talking about the battle from before. Zia shook her head as she turned her face down again, she didn’t had time for this! she needed to find her keys. At that moment Zia’s phone went off, she picked up the phone annoyed as she brought it to her ear.

“What!” She shouted through it.

“Aren’t we nice.” She heard the voice say on the other side of the phone.

“Tobias! I’m sorry but I’m not in the mood to talk, I lost my keys.” Zia growled through the phone as she recognized the voice.

“Don’t worry, I found them.” He said. “Where are you?”

“Thank god.” Zia huffed relieved as she straightened her back. “I’m before the club.”

“I will bring them to you, stay there okay?” Tobias said.

“Thanks. I own you one.” And with that she hung up the phone as she waited for him to come, her eyes went back to the people from before as she watched them as she waited.
"Erm Jazz music.... Why would I carry that crap around with me... no offense." Jace said it was his opinion and in his eyes the truth he has never been one for jazz music so he has never needed any jazz music. "O and the speakers were a gift from a friend who won big at the Red Bull BC One event he just told me the price of them after he gave them to me." Jace said wonder if anyone had a jazz CD for the mute to dance too since even though Jace didn't like Jazz he is willing to watch others talent.
Max stood on the street outside a busy nightclub. He had his boom box and cardboard mat, ready to perform. He was standing still as a statue in fifth position, waiting for just the right amount of people to begin. Even though the night was a little cold, he stood outside with just his tights and white dancer's shirt. The boom box contained a burned cd of the Piano Guys "rock" version of Pachelbel's Canon, and Max was ready, oh so ready to dance.

Like a panther ready to pounce, Max stood watching every person walk by, some stood by curiously watching, but they were small game, he was waiting for the big time, the crowd that would release when the nightclub closed.

These losers aren't going to know what hit them.
"Cant you attach your phone and look it up on YouTube or something?" November asked, taking her own iPhone from her pocket and handed it to Jace. "Code is 0395… There should be some classical music on there… You dance to classical, right?" She asked Jude, either hoping for a nod or a word on a piece of paper.
Jessica finish her drink and she would walk up to see what was going she couldn't see very well because lots of people was blocking the way. Jessica wanted to induce her self to the people that was on the but she had to leave because she had things to do to watch over her 10 year old sister
Judes heart pounded within his chest, he had opened up his studio last year and kept his talents mostly to himself or Richard. He hadn't performed for awhile, as he thought about the moves and routines which filled his history he planned a small routine containing leaps and turns as many would. When he was asked whether or not classical would work he merely nodded in agreement, hoping for something which held layers.
"Nah I only roll with CD sorry to inform you its an older model that can't use MP3s and stuff that's why the boots also full of CDs." Jace said pointing to the boot. "Well unless you brought an Aux cable anyway that is." Jace said he really needed to improve his stereo in general his speakers were fine but the DJ deck its self wasn't and needed upgrading big time.
"Maybe the DJ inside had one." November said and started walking towards the club. "Don't lose my phone!" She shouted over her shoulder before passing some guy in tight, thin clothes in some ballet position. Stepping next to him from behind she took the same position as him, only in mock. "The party is inside, mate." She laughed and pointed at the club before heading past the girl from before, during the battle. She shot her a weird look before passing the bartender that was on his way out and headed inside, towards the DJ. "Hey!" She said over the music. "Do you have a aux cable I can borrow for a while?! I'll give it back later, promise!"
Jude bit his lower lip as he rubbed the bottom of his left shoe against the concrete to make sure he'd be capable of performing alisicones or pirouettes. He didn't enjoy the fact that they where trying so hard only to see him dance, he'd never see the pleasure in it. Even without his ankle injury he'd never deserve witnesses like the people who surrounded him.

As Richard looked over at the boy break dancer,

"I never caught your name."
"The party is inside, mate." Max had dealt with many mockers of his art, and no matter how many times it happened it always ignited a ball of fury within him. He broke his position, grabbed his boom box, and stomped after the Scottish girl. Inside, the club was just the noisy and boisterous atmosphere that Max preferred to avoid. He noticed the girl was over by the DJ booth. He walked behind her and grabbed her shoulder.

"Hey! How dare you interrupt my performance! Don't you have any manners?"
The DJ looked around at first. "What the hell do you need a ....Wait I know you, you're that lass that BEAT Jace." The DJ said even he seemed to know that Jack threw the match. "Sure you can." He said grabbing one of the wires under his desk and throwing it to her. "Keep it as you're WINNING prize." The DJ said slightly mocking her at certain words. "hey loves yeah you got what you wanted so please back away from the stand." The DJ said meaning the girl who beat Jace and the new guy.

Jace decided he would go though her phone her mistake for giving it to him. He typed in the code which she told him 0395. "Clever password." He muttered to himself as he began to look at her photos and saw a photo of her and her daughter. "She must be about two or three just a year younger than my kid brother." Jace muttered to himself as he heard Richard well who he was going to call dick for obvious reasons. "Well Dick the name Jace Jackson but please just call me JJ." Jace said anyone he knew that was called Richard was Dick in his mind.

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