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Fantasy Steamhaven: Land of the Lost

Samael chuckled with noticeable effort - it'd take longer to reduce the garlic effect completely. "Oh, you're more like me than you realize," he said. "Or perhaps you do and simply refuse to acknowledge it. Who knows?"

- Ask what he means
- Smack him
- Insult him
- Deny it
- Agree
- Ignore him
- Other
"I'm nothing like you." Lianna scowled, feeling him pull at her strings again. They had this conversation already, she would not let it go any further. She took a deep breath and calmed down. "If you keep your snarky comments to yourself, I'll untie you." With that said, she made sure she had the garlic wreath at hand.
His laugh was louder this time. "And lose your hilarious array of reactions? Without those, I fear I'll die quicker of boredom than I will a stake." Samael shuffled in his seat as if getting comfortable. "I'm fine here, thanks."

- Smack him
- Insult him
- Ignore him
- Laugh
- Untie him
- Other
Lianna raised an eyebrow at him, "I thought you'd jump at a chance of being untied... since you are likely to try and kill me in my sleep and all." She shrugged, "But, fine, suit yourself." She sat on the couch, and crossed her legs, unsure of what to do next. His presence made everything awkward.
"Oh, make no mistake, I hate you," he said. "In fact, I'll make jewelry out of your canine teeth one day." Samael looked around, lips pooched in boredom. "Unfortunately that day is not today."

- Ask him why
- Ask about himself
- Ask something else
- Ignore him
- Other
"Ugh, you are disgusting." Lianna gave him a scornful look, but couldn't help being curious yet again, "Why not today? Today seems like the perfect day for you to try. And it would give me an excuse to use this stake I've been saving specially for you." She smiled icily. Not that she needed an excuse to kill him, but she gave her word and all that.
"Pfft, put away those silly threats. We both know you won't kill me. At least not yet," he said, but Lianna could see a hint of doubt in his eyes. The vampire was very expressive. "Anyway, you're still alive because of negotiations," Samael said as if it were obvious, "I said you'll meet my boss soon, didn't I? It won't be by accident."

- Ask about negotiations
- Change the topic
- End the conversation
- Other
"Of course. You turned Landon into a runaway prince, remember?" Samael wrinkled his nose and tried to scratch it, to no avail, with his shoulder. He answered her following questions absently: "The coven is not happy, but nobody is more upset than our boss."

- Ask more questions
- Change the topic
- End the conversation
- Other
"Landon is the only one of you who has a bit of humanity left in him." Lianna said, standing up. "He's better off without you." She made a dismissive gesture and went to the bathroom to take a hot bath. This was going to be a long night and she needed a moment to herself.
"Let's see how he fares without the coven to protect him!" Samael called down the hallway from his chair. Shutting the bathroom door blocked out the rest of whatever he said.

Upon prepping the bath the front door rattled, indicating Patrick's departure. After a while, even Samael fell silent.
The bath washed away the grime of that day, leaving Lianna clean and refreshed. The warm water and today's activities began to kick in, leaving her body tired and ready for sleep.

- Stay in the bath
- Go to bed
- Other
No matter how much she wanted to, Lianna couldn't afford to fall asleep immediately. Perhaps it would be for the best for her not to sleep at all until Patrick got back. She needed to keep one eye on that sneaky vampire in case he decide to rummage through her stuff or do something he's not supposed to. She trusted that he won't try to escape, because then she'd have leverage on him with the things she told her, but she still didn't completely believe that he wouldn't try to kill her.

She walked through to the bedroom, wrapped up in a towel, to put on more comfortable clothes, before she returned to the living room to check on her prisoner.

"So, feeling sore yet?" She smirked.
Samael rolled his shoulders, stretched his neck side to side. "Now that you mention it, I am," he said, feigning amazement. "How ever did you know?"

- Talk to Samael
- Untie him
- Other
"Too bad, because you are staying there." She said with a triumphant smile as she sat on the couch, shotgun cradled in her arms, waiting for time to pass and giving her all to keep her eyes open.
Samael sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this, but you've forced my hand." The vampire wriggled in his seat, twisting his arms. A quiet crack! sounded from where his wrists were bound and he stopped immediately with a surprised yelp. Sucked in a breath. Pursed his lips. Shut his eyes.

"That's far more painful than I anticipated, nevermind..."

- Laugh at him
- Ignore him
- Comfort him
- Untie him
- Other
Lianna stared at him in disbelief as he proceeded to dislodge his wrists. "You are morbid." She said, then quickly stood up and untied him, keeping the gun pointed at him, "There, you are free, just stop breaking your wrists, it's sickening."
Able to move freely, Samael massaged his wrists with a wince. "Squeamish, are you?" He seemed unphased by the gun pointed at him; Samael stood without hesitation and stretched arms high above his head. "Mmm, much better. Now," he turned to Lianna, "do you have anything to drink? I'm parched."

Whether he meant blood or an actual beverage was unclear.

- Deny a drink
- Clarify his order
- Offer a beverage
- Tie him back up
- Other
"Uh, I have water." Lianna responded, a bit confused. "Don't you drink only blood though?" She quickly stepped back, holding the shotgun with both hands, "If you try to get that I'm going to blow a hole through your guts, despite my squeamishness."
Samael waved her off with a haughty "pfft" and glanced at the shotgun. "Yes, I was referring to blood," he said, "but seeing as I'm a proper guest this time I figured I should ask first." Looked to Lianna. "Is that a 'no', then?"

Lianna didn't have any meat in storage, unfortunately. All she had in terms of a blood stock was her own.

- Yes
- No
- Smack him
- Other
"Absolutely not!" Lianna scoffed, "Now sit back down and for once be silent." She narrowed her eyes at him. Despite trying to control it, she felt a shiver down her spine at his words. The way he looked at her, the way his voice sounded as he asked the question, it was too familiar... She gritted her teeth, suppressing a shudder and sat down on the couch, doing her best not to seem shaken. Filthy, selfish, hateful creatures. Why did she insist on associating with them!
Samael shrugged, "Suppose I'll starve, then." He didn't sit down in the chair. Instead, he dropped onto the couch and stretched across the entire thing, kicking his feet up on one armrest, arms behind his head as a pillow.

He sat up and wrinkled his nose. "Do you have a dog?"

- Answer him
- Ask why
- Ignore him
- Other
She scoffed again as she was pushed to the end of the couch by the vampire who suddenly acted like he owed the place. Irritated, she responded. "I don't, but even if I did, I would not let you drink its blood either." Then she pushed him back, "Put your legs down and move, you are cramping me!"
Samael's jaw dropped, "As if I'd hurt a dog." He scowled when she pushed him and retaliated by stretching his legs out farther, nearly boxing her into the armrest. "You kidnap me, have your boyfriend beat me, and then you starve me. At least let me have the couch!"

- Refuse to move
- Drag him off the couch
- Hit him
- Move
- Other
"No!" Lianna quickly put the shotgun on the table, and used both of her arms to try and heave him off the couch, "My couch! You can sit in the chair!" She was adamant about not letting him win any battles, no matter how small they were.
Samael hissed when she reached for him and gripped the back of the couch as if his life depended on it. "Don't be selfish!" Kicked at her grabby hands.

With legs and arms tangled in a relentless battle for the couch, Samael was bound to hit the floor at some point. Whether he meant to or not, he also took Lianna with him on his way down - and did so very, very loudly. It sounded like he hit his head.

"Ow..." Samael groaned. The way they'd fallen, awkward and clumsy, Lianna practically straddled him.

- Show concern
- Tease him
- Scold him
- Stay quiet
- Get up
- Other

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