Starting Over


I'm not okay.
Hello guys! So, I'm not new here persay. I joined probably about a year ago. I stayed on for maybe a week... Not very proud of myself for that. This time around I'm hoping to be more loyal. I'm also a pretty different person now, which is why I had my username changed. I'm hoping to be a better member this time, and possibly learn about dice role plays since I've never heard of them. Well, bye guys and gals! (music)
Nanii? well, that changes my normal welcome wagon hello. lol

At any rate, I'm Viska, and I welcome you back from the bottom of my fuzzy heart.

Drop me a line if ya ever get lonesome. I know how dull and dry forums can be if you don't have some one to chat with for days in a row.

Hiii! Well it's nice to meet you and I hope you're successful this time around. I left roleplaying a while ago and have just returned via this site, so hopefully we can both make it work :) If you're ever looking for an rp or to chat, feel free to get in touch!
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