Starlight City and the Children of the Comet (Supers in 2035)


<strong>MagnaTech Facility Maintenance Building</strong>



<strong>Tuesday, Early Morning</strong>



<strong>August 7th, 2035</strong>





The man in black slid his hand forward and lightly tapped the illuminated white button on the black box, the color changing to a deep crimson. The box itself seemed to emit a soft sigh, and 163 became aware of the device's function a a soft static filled the airwaves. If anyone was listening in, they were now deaf to the goings on in that maintenance shed. His hand slid down from the box and he leaned slightly forward tapping the thick file folder with a leather clad fingertip. The folder itself began to change, little dark stains seeping up through the light brown cardstock. Words and numbers formed. "Each target is marked, a black rose is death, a white rose is live capture." As quickly as she read them the ink seemed to seep back into the folder, "These are not typical targets. Double bounty for black roses, triple for white." Each line rising and vanishing from the page, "37 targets. On completion, you will receive a sum of forty times typical bounty and you will leave Starlight City and never return." The last words faded out and the man lifted the steel case from the floor with one hand, laying it on the table facing 163. His other hand slid over the surface of the case and the lid lifted. Inside was a right handed battle glove, fifteen small vials of a clear liquid, and a small data pad. He let the lid close and slid it across the table to rest next to the folder.



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<strong>Miko Huyo</strong>



<strong>Starlight University</strong>



<strong>Tuesday, Early Morning</strong>



<strong>August 7th, 2035</strong>





Miko sat in the music room, tuning her violin. She plucked a string, and listened intently before gently turning the knob and plucking again. She nodded her head, "One down, three to go." As she continued her tuning she did not notice a man in a black suit and sunglasses peer into the door's window briefly before moving on. Satisfied with the state of her violin, she rosined up her bow and laid it gently on the black painted steel music stand she'd set up. She turned through the pages of sheet music in her book before picking a song. She began slowly playing before she began to pick up tempo, her body moving as she played, her hair bobbing as she shook her head.

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163 was quite intrested in the vanishing ink. As it left no proof or trace of what was written..

However she saw that the man slided the box with the glove to her and she raised her shoulders as to ask what she had to do with the glove.

The offer was quite intresting, and she wanted to accept it..

<strong>MagnaTech Facility Maintenance Building</strong>



<strong>Tuesday, Early Morning</strong>



<strong>August 7th, 2035</strong>





The man in black nodded his head and spoke, his voice was deep and powerful. "After the glove is loaded with the provided toxins, when flexed into a fist it will allow injection. The subject of the injection should be incapacitated within a minute and stay in a comatose like state for roughly twelve hours. It's for white rose targets. The data pad has more detailed instructions of it's use. Beneath the data pad is an antitoxin that will counter the effect, in case of accidental self application." A slight curl of the corner of his lip gave tone to the final statement of perhaps light humor. "Any white rose targets acquired are to be brought here to this room and left secured to the chair you are standing next to." He leaned back in his chair, "We look forward to enriching your bank accounts 163. If at any point you wish to reconsider our agreement, break the data pad in half and we will contact you. Until then, happy hunting." His hand moved to the box and he gently tapped the glowing red button, turning it back to white.

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163 took evrything the man gave her and then she walked away..

She exited the building and sat in the car.

Once in, the car sped up and drove away.

She then proceeded to open the box and put on the glove examining it from all kinds of angles.

She then heared something ring, it was the datapad, with the information on her first hit...

<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong>TARGET : ALPHONSO RIBEIRO JUNIOR</strong></span>



<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong>AGE : 46</strong></span>



<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong>HEIGHT : 5'8"</strong></span>



<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong>WEIGHT : 190 LBS</strong></span>



<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong>RACE : BLACK</strong></span>



<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong>STATUS : SINGLE</strong></span>



<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong>WORK : LIVEWIRE HEALTH AND WELFARE SERVICES, HEAD OF SECURITY</strong></span>



<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong>LIVES : LIVEWIRE ON SITE LIVING FACILITIES</strong></span>






<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong>THREAT STATUS : YELLOW, USE CAUTION</strong></span>



<span style="color:#00FF00;"><strong><img class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" alt="alfonso-ribeiro-ftr.jpg" /></strong></span>

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163 readed the info about the man.. then she gave the pda to the driver and tapping on the place where the target lived, indicating to the driver to go there.

The driver sped up and stopped a copule of streets away from where the man lived.

163 got off the car and went to the back of it, opened the trunk of the car and took her m89 with a supressor.


She put it in a suitcase so nobody would suspect anything, and then started to search for a nice position where to shoot.

She noticed there was a skyscraper near the area witch faced directly where the man lived.

She started to go there...

When she entered she started to take the stairs to the roof.

When she got almost to the roof she noticed there was a guard there, so she took one of her 9mm pistols, put a supressor on it and shot the guard in the head.

The guard fell down withouth a noise, 163 then proceeded on walking over him and opening the door to the roof.

She went to the side of the roof witch faced the road and proceeded onto opening the suitcase, she took the m89 and started to put a large supressor on it.


Then she proceeded onto laying down, opening the bipod, and regulating the scope to zoom 4 times, as the target was 1886,48 ft away.

She waited a copule of hours before taking aim at the target and looking if he had a black or white rose..

<strong>Livery Tower and Suites - Rooftop</strong>



<strong>Tuesday, Late Night</strong>



<strong>August 7th, 2035</strong>





As 163 settled in and observed the Livewire on site living facility, she scanned from room to room with her scope. This was the boring part of the job. Waiting. Nine PM passed and she finally caught sight of Alphonso Jr. as he passed by a window with varnished wooden blinds. He was in a security uniform, most likely home from a long day's shift. A few minutes passed and he moved by the window a second time, no longer in his daily wear. His head was obscured, but 163 had a wonderful side view of his strong looking chest. What was he doing there with his arms out in front of him? It didn't really matter, the shot was clear, and with the calibre of the rifle she could blow him in half with a shot like this. As she dialed in her scope for a tighter zoom, the data pad chirped and she slipped it from her case. A holographic rose began to form above it, starting at the base of the stem, crisp and green, and slowly flowing upwards until petals formed. They were white at first, but within moments they changed, darkening and opening up. In the center of the now black petals was a flowery skull. The petals fell away as if blown by the wind leaving nothing behind but the lightly glowing data pad's screen.

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Blythe Brooks

Starlight University

Tuesday, Early Morning

August 7th, 2035

There weren't many things Blythe cared to say, especially after Kate compared her 'headaches' to the ones she would suffer with when she would run fast. Blythe was pretty certain they weren't the same, not by a long shot, but decided it would be more polite to not say anything. Especially now that Kate was seemingly feeling a bit emotional. She steeled herself when Kate placed her hand on her shoulder and she took a deep breath. She didn't like being touched, and definitely not by strangers - strangers that assumed they were buddies after cleaning up some mess the day before.

"It's okay to pry, just don't get disappointed if you don't get the answer you're looking for." She tried to sound as gentle as possible while still delivering the truth. The redhead could pry all she wanted, didn't really mean anything. She climbed to her feet and picked up her violin case and looked down to it when it was mentioned. "Oh yeah, been doing it as long as I can remember. Nothing can quite drown out the noise like immersing yourself with and playing music. It's an escape."

Tilting her head, she laughed at Kate. "Yeah, no piggy back rides. Thank you, though. I'll keep you in mind if I ever need a DD in the early morning hours." Blythe laughed again and lifted her hand, gesturing to Eastern side of campus. "I'll catch you around... Maybe at that Below Zero thing... Or whatever that place is called."

<strong>Katie Tate</strong>



<strong>Starlight University</strong>



<strong>Tuesday, Early Morning</strong>



<strong>August 7th, 2035</strong>





Katie smiled at Blythe again and nodded her head enthusiastically, "Yup, Below Zero. It's a great place, and like nearly no creepers on either side of the fence, if you get what I'm saying." She quickly moved onto another subject, "I adore music of most sorts, I also love to sing. Just get a little nervous when not like singing to a karaoke machine or to the radio. I kinda wanted to give rockapella a try some time though. My little brother says I should give American Idol a try, but for reals, a Child getting past the stuck up jerks? Never gonna happen. Not in my lifetime anyhow." She shrugged her shoulders, "Anyhow, see you later BB." She put in her ear buds and turned them up and put on her helmet before darting off to her class on the other side of campus.

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163 smirked under the mask afther she saw the black rose...

She then put the pda away and then proceeded onto grabbing the sniper rifle once again.

She then proceeded onto aiming at the mans chest. She looked forward to hit the hearth or atleast a lung.

She then adjusted the aim, and on the advanced scope it told her how much the target was away and how strong the wind was.

Afther making a copule of little adjustments and calculations in her head 163 placed the finger onto the trigger and shot.

<strong>Livery Tower and Suites - Rooftop</strong>



<strong>Tuesday, Late Night</strong>



<strong>August 7th, 2035</strong>





163's sniper rifle loosed it's bullet through the air, soaring down towards her target. The spent shell casing ejecting from the chamber in almost slow motion. Down at the Livewire living facilities, a window shattered like a spider's web with a single hole in the middle. Alphonso gasped and was knocked to the floor as the bullet tore through him, entering his body just under the armpit, exiting the other side of his chest and through the front of his trash compactor. He was dead, and he knew it. With the last of his rapidly waning energy, he pressed a button on his watch and then fell still. The shell casing clattered on the floor and the acrid smell of spent powder filled the room where 163 had nested for her shot. The deed was done and her own pda beeped letting her know her money was in her account.

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<strong>Miko Huyo</strong>



<strong>Starlight University</strong>



<strong>Tuesday, Afternoon</strong>



<strong>August 7th, 2035 </strong>





Miko sat alone. In front of her was a letter from her little sister Shi. The ink was slightly streaked as if water droplets had fell upon it then dried. She reread it for the twentieth time, hoping to find the katakana changed. It did not. She carefully refolded the letter and tucked it back into the plain envelope it had come in. It was true, her mother was dead. A few moments passed before she pushed her chair back slightly and she rose to her feet, picking up her backpack and violin case. She set her jaw in a determined fashion as she began to walk, silently willing the tears not to flow. She walked out to where the shuttles ran from campus to the dorms and waited. Five, ten, fifteen minutes passed until the driver pulled up. A handful of students exited the shuttle, two carrying a massive art project. The driver waved to Miko and another student who were waiting, "Sorry I'm running a little late, it took a while to get that project loaded up. All aboard for the dorms." Miko entered the shuttle and sat just behind the driver, the other student went all the way to the back row and plopped down as the shuttle began to move. They had traveled just out of sight of the shuttle stop when the student in the back said, "Hey, someone left a bag back here." Then it burst, in a blue-gray cloud of vapor. The driver pulled over quickly as the vapor filled the shuttle, and Miko cried out then slowly slumped over, the driver doing the same a few seconds later as he got up to try and pull Miko out of the front door. Within moments of the vapor's release, a dark van pulled to a stop beside the shuttle and three men exited, a fourth stayed at the steering wheel. The vapor was already dissipating by the time the men entered the shuttle, one retrieving the bag, the other two taking Miko and her baggage. It took them less than a minute to get in and out again, the dark van pulling away just as the next set of cars were allowed to travel down that stretch of road. It took campus security an hour to notice the missing shuttle, and when they found it, the two occupants were slowly waking up. Their memory of what happened were foggy, but both agreed that a passenger was missing without a trace. the Starlight City CSI was called in and the shuttle was taken in for detailed investigation.

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163 then started to disassemble the sniper rifle deteaching the silencer from it and closing in the bipod with a swift hand motion.

She closed evrything in a suitcase and then started to walk to the door witch she came from. She opened the door and saw the guard's body, and then she proceeded to close him in a bag. She then exited the skyuscraper and went inside the car.

Police units arrived and closed the area off, but fortunatly the car managed to get out of the area before it was closed off.

She then checked her datapad, and the money were there... alongside with a new job.

<strong>Starlight City Action News (S.C.A.N.)</strong>



<strong>Tuesday, Evening</strong>



<strong>August 7th, 2035</strong>





This is April O'Neil reporting live from the Starlight City University campus, where earlier today a school shuttle was attacked with a chemical weapon and a student was abducted. It appears to have been a targeted attack, as only one of the two students were taken from the shuttle during the assault. A nearby resident says that he witnessed it all and that the smoking shuttle bus came to a halt at the curbside and another van came up beside it. Three men in dark clothing entered the shuttle and took an unconscious female student along with two book bags and a an instrument case from the bus. The driver and another student are being treated for chemical inhalation at Hope Hospital. No names have yet been released. Starlight University officials have placed all classes on hold until more is known, as they say their students well being is of utmost importance to them. They have also placed a five thousand dollar reward for any information leading to the recovery of their student and the capture of the abductors. April O'Neil, signing off.

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Nathaniel looked up at the monitor displaying the recent events. He knew something was off around town, and Miko wasn't answering any of the messages or calls he had sent. Just nothing. Nathaniel exited the school, and made his way back to his apartment.

After about 25 minutes of walking, Nathaniel finally managed to reach his apartment complex. An extra 5 minutes of climbing about a couple flights of stairs, the grown man entered the hallway and made a left into his apartment. The dogs he owned were concentrated more on the TV he had left on for them.

Nathaniel made way to his room, and pulled out a footlocker from under his bed. With a swift motion, the locker was opened. In it was a shoulder holster, a classic P229 an a pair of combat gloves. Looks like things were about to get serious.
Miko Huyo

Unknown Location

Wednesday, Unknown Time

August Unknown Day, 2035

Miko woke with a start, gasping for clean air. She was sitting down and her bottom and thighs screamed out in soreness, she felt as though her arms were leaden and her wrists burned like fire. Her attempt to stand only confirmed her situation, she was bound to a chair. She blinked her eyes, clearing away the gunk plastered to her lashes and eyelids. She was in a very dark place, save for a single lamp a few feet above her head. Here eyes scanned her surrounding, the chair was steel with no padding at all she attempted to shift the chair but it was unyielding, most likely bolted to the floor. The rope that bound her was a black synthetic fiber, it reminded her of baling cord but her tugs assured her it was much stronger. The floor was black, like everything else, and felt slightly rubbery or plasticy under her bare feet. She was warm because of the strong lamp above, but she became aware that she was wearing only her bra and panties. Even her hair clips had been removed. "Let me go!" she shouted into the darkness. No answer came and soon tears welled up in her eyes as she began to weep and sob. She cried until she had nothing left within her, her head sinking down against her chest. She tried to sleep, but the brightness of the lamp kept her awake, shining through her eyelids.
Blythe's House

Wednesday, Mid-Morning

August 8th, 2035

Marcia sat in front of the television watching as more information came out about the abduction, including the girl's name Miko Huyo. Music student from Japan, one of the top tier violinists at the university, perhaps even the city. A picture of her face plastered across the screen that made her look twelve instead of nineteen years old. "Sis! Hey Sis! Do you know this girl? She's a strings geek like you! Come in here and look!" Marcia shouted from the couch, trying to coax Blythe from her room at the far end of the house.

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Blythe needn't emerge from her cave to know what Marcia wanted - she could practically hear her sister's frantic thoughts at the mention of the college campus. She wasn't worried about the girl. Well, of course she was, but more so for her younger sister's safety. Blythe brought the white stick to her lips, took in a deep drag and stubbed the butt of the cigarette out on the window sill before kicking away from the wall and rolling back on her computer chair. She left the window open to breathe and fastened up her knee high combat boots that were so worn at the sole they were becoming uncomfortable to wear. Grabbing her backpack, her violin case and a leather jacket, she sauntered out of her messy room, down the hall to face a distraught Marcia.

She held up a hand and sighed. "Don't... Just stop." Blythe rolled her eyes, dropped her belongings, slid on her jacket and sat at the back of the couch. "First of all, I wouldn't say I
know her... Secondly... Good. Competition has been eliminated. No more need to worry about someone stealing a solo." She cracked a grin and leaned forward, ruffling her older sister's hair. Marcia didn't even look like her sister. While Blythe was clearly ethnic and brunette, Marcia exhibited more of their Caucasian heritage with a pale skin tone and light brown hair and hazel eyes to match. Blythe often wondered if they were even full-blooded sisters and always laughed at how agitated Marcia would become at the mention of it.

Blythe could tell that Marcia was less than amused with the way she was acting and had even thought a few negative things following her initial reaction to the news. Holding her hands up, Blythe laughed. "Okay, okay. I'm kind of kidding. It sucks that she got abducted, but what am I supposed to do? Not go to school, go hunt for her?
Why is this important?"

Marcia stood. "Don't you have powers? Like, do something with your brain. Can't you, like, use your mind to try and find where she is? Aren't you telekinetic or something?"

"Trust me, if I had telekinesis, you would have known
years ago. What I have... It's kind of different. And very difficult to live with. Stop pretending like we haven't had this conversation. You know damn well what the heck is wrong with me. I can hear you thinking about it. You're stupid. Maybe you'll get abducted next. I'm getting out of here." Bylthe didn't wait for Marcia to respond and she instantly sensed a deep hurt ignite within her. It was good that she was walking away from the situation before Marcia could break down in tears. Ain't nobody had time for that.

"BB..." Marcia called out but in seconds her sister was out of the house and down the pathway leading to the street.
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Hackmarsh Lane

Apartment 169

Tuesday, Early Morning

7th August, 2035

Nathaniel slipped on a brown leather jacket, essentially to conceal his firearm for obvious reasons. Beneath it was a holster placed over a Kevlar vest with a few pouches of ammunition. It was basic military knowledge that good ol' Kevlar is stronger than steel. A pair of combat gloves concealed Nathaniel's hands. Fingerprints at a scene would really screw him over.

After a couple examinations of his equipment, Nathaniel was finally ready to perform some street justice. He made his way through the drawing room, and glanced at his old trainee hockey mask. He would need something to conceal his identity, and this would fit the quota. Grim and intimidating. He finally made his way through the hall to leave his apartment. A couple minutes later, he was in the streets. A few seconds after that, he was then in an alley way.
163's Current Residence

Wednesday, Late Night

August 8th, 2035

The provided data pad let out a soft ding and a message flared on it's screen, "Hold tight, new target coming soon." A few minutes later a second message dinged through, "Mr. Black here. Next target will say kill, under no circumstances will you kill or sufficiently harm this target. Fake their death, drug them. Deliver them to hangar 19 in a duffle bag. A man will be waiting, the code is 'It looks like a terrible day for flying', the response code is, 'I've flown in worse'. Your compensation will be $300k in gold."

@The Black Rainbow


Tuesday, Early Morning

August 7th, 2035

The soft whir of electronics was barely audible above the sounds of the bustling city streets below. The robot's optics focused on the alleys below, a large man in a brown leather jacket walked down the alley. Advanced scans noted a pistol, spare clips, and a kevlar vest hidden beneath the jacket, as well as hefty combat gloves and a hockey mask. Someone was out looking for or expecting trouble. The robot rose from it's crouched position and quietly followed on the rooftops.
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Though nothing special like Kate, Blythe was quick on her feet and made it toward the sprawling collection of apartment buildings a short distance away from campus. It was the way she traveled all the time and she knew the city well enough and could get from A to B in no time with the utilization of alleyways and other shortcuts. Her hands were stuffed deep into her jacket pockets, her messenger bag jumping and falling against her right thigh as she hurried down the street and into a long, narrow alley. She'd been in such a rush to leave the house after being a turd to Marcia that she'd forgotten her violin and headphones and now she was left to find her way from and to home avoiding as many people as she possibly could.

Blythe usually walked with her eyes trained forward, but something today kept her focus on everything but the front of her. It was almost as if she felt she wasn't alone but the immediate surroundings were quiet enough to sway her to think otherwise. It was actually
unusually quiet. No thoughts, just quiet murmurs from residence on opposite sides of concrete walls and the occasional passerby. As hard as she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, so instead of trying to figure it out, she turned her gaze downward, opened the flap to her messenger and rummaged around for the pack of smokes she thought she tossed in here. Of course, she would have forgotten that, too.

Fucking Marcia. Fucking Marcia and her keen ability to distract someone. Maybe she does have 'powers...' Blythe could hear herself think clearly as though she'd said her thoughts aloud. She laughed at the thought of Marcia harboring annoyance and distraction powers as she continued to pat around her bag and pockets in desperate hope that she'd missed a hiding spot on her person. She shook her head - maybe if Marcia did have powers, she'd be less up her sister's ass and more up her own. And perhaps if she had more going for her, she would just disappear and not cause Blythe to forget vital parts of her day at home.

With a groan, Blythe gave up the search, aggressively closing the flap to her bag and finally looking up only to be met with a brown leather jacket clad figure. A very
large, towering, brown leather jacket clad figure. She swallowed and glanced upwards, his thoughts crowding in her mind as she made eye contact with the hopefully-jolly giant. She could sense he was hostile, angry... Concerned. Then a name rang true and clear. Miko. Oh, god. She needed to stifle an eyeroll. Blythe blinked once, then twice and stepped out of the way. "You know for someone so big, you're really quiet. Maybe we should get you a bell?"

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