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star wars: the force awakens & dragon age !

darth bunny

the lamest sith lord


♕ I N T R O D U C T I O N

'SUP NERDS? I hope this BB-8 gif captured your attention.

(BB-8 is precious and must be protected at all costs.)

Anyways, hello! You can go ahead and call me Bunny. I'm 24 (rounding up), and currently bored out of my everlovin' mind. I'm a grad student, so I spend my time pretending I understand science. It's safe to say I'm online all the goddamn time. Do I sleep? Who knows?

Right at this moment, my heart belongs to

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

. It also belongs to Bioware's

Dragon Age

and anything Thedas-related.

♕ G U I D E L I N E S

i. pairings

I'm all about that


, no singles. I’m also all about that


. You got some oc brainchild darling you want to pair with <insert canon>? I’m down. Just tell me whom you’d like me to play for that darling of yours. And in return I’ll tell you what pairing I'd like and whom I'd like you to play.

For romantic pairings I do either




, and I play both the ladies and the gents. If you’re one of those losers who're all: 'boohoo life is hard, and I can only play one gender', we won't be a good fit. Get on my level,



ii. style

I write in



present tense

and I believe

quality trumps quantity

; i.e., two paragraphs of pure gold outweigh twenty paragraphs of poop. That said, I do my best to provide enough content to read and respond to. You want grammar, clever sentence structure, realistic character dialogue, and a know-how of narrative techniques? I’m your woman. Hit me up.

iii. frequency

I can churn out a

reply every day

, and there are often days I can produce more. It'd be wonderful to have a roleplay partner who writes at the same pace. Let's be honest, there's nothing in the world worse than a stagnating plot. Nothing worse than sitting around moaning and groaning as you wait for a reply to show up in your inbox.

iv. ditching

Time to lay down the hard truth: we


ditch roleplays at some point. Anyone who swears otherwise is refusing to admit they're a mere mortal like the rest of us dumb plebeians. There's plenty reason why people ditch: a lack of interest, real-life stress, prioritizing another plot, or just plain being too anxious to reconnect. I understand and I won't breathe down your neck if you disappear on me. Not my style.

v. contact

PM me for my


. I roleplay solely over email.

Please feel free to talk to me outside the plot. I want to get to know the people I write with. Let's be besties and exchange stupid memes.

♕ R E S T R I C T I O N S


I’m an adult and I’ll only write with other adults (18+ only).


Pedophilia, incest, bestiality, noncon? Sexualizing bodily waste elimination? No thanks, you godless heathens. The aforementioned acts are repugnant in every way.


If you're looking for a sex-drenched plot where the characters bang like rabbits, might as well keep looking. Don't get me wrong, smut's fun, but I'm not here to write the sequel to 50 shades (which does a terrible job of portraying a BDSM relationship, by the way).


I'm not big on AUs. Diverging from the canonical plot and adjusting it to suit our ideas and characters? Sounds like lovely time, I've nothing against that. What I'd like to avoid is taking a fandom and twisting the universe around on its head;


Dragon Age characters in a modern setting. It defeats the point of the fandom.


For the love of all that is holy, don't just email me with a 'do you want to rp?' Thanks, Sherlock, here I thought I was putting up an ad for a vacuum cleaner.

♕ R O L E P L A Y S

✧ Star Wars: The Force Awakens

You have no idea how fast I'd marry you if you roleplayed this with me. Honestly, I love this movie beyond reason. It's my main obsession right now.

⇢ I’m familiar with all characters and will play any canon for your oc. Poe, Finn, Rey, General Hux, Captain Phasma, any other loser - you name them, I'll write them.

⇢ On my end, I'm looking for a Kylo Ren to my OC.

✧ Dragon Age

No game in existence has ever drawn me in deeper than the Dragon Age series. I'm always happy to immerse myself in Thedas and all it has to offer.

⇢ Again, I’m familiar with all characters and will play any canon for your oc, so request away!

⇢ On my end, I’m looking for any of the following for my fem!Surana: Leliana, Zevran (


); Mhairi, Nathaniel (


); Bethany, Carver (


); Calpernia, Cassandra, Leliana, Samson (



♕ S A M P L E S

Before I forget, here are some of my writing samples:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WW8NUF5YEDyjOsOq11I3oqaLt6mBmOm56L-LKYQYbnw/edit?usp=sharinghttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1WW8NUF5YEDyjOsOq11I3oqaLt6mBmOm56L-LKYQYbnw/edit?usp=sharinghttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1WW8NUF5YEDyjOsOq11I3oqaLt6mBmOm56L-LKYQYbnw/edit?usp=sharinghttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1WW8NUF5YEDyjOsOq11I3oqaLt6mBmOm56L-LKYQYbnw/edit?usp=sharinghttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1WW8NUF5YEDyjOsOq11I3oqaLt6mBmOm56L-LKYQYbnw/edit?usp=sharingclick for samples!

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[QUOTE="Christopher Pyne MP]Yo, Fam, I wanna RP some of that Force Awakens. Can I hit you up?

Lol, yep! It's what the search is for. :)

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