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Fandom Star Wars: The Call to the Light


Shipper Trash

Please keep OOC chat here. Can include:

- OTP/ship planning

- Plot planning

- General randomness

- Pretty much anything else


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Just throwing it out there, if no one plays as Snoke I'd be willing to play him as well as the Knight of Ren character.
Red Thunder] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22157-girogirl723/ said:
@GiroGirl723[/URL], would you mind an OC Mandalorian?
Hmmm... welp, in Star Wars canon they were believed to have died out, but I don't see why we can't work around that. It would be complicated and you would have to put a decent bit of explanation into your backstory, but all that considered, we could always come up with a way your OC endured.

So... I don't see why not.
GiroGirl723 said:
in Star Wars canon they were believed to have died out
They did? They were around for the Clone Wars, according to the cartoon. Granted, I'm not quite done, but there's no indication they're on the way out. There's a Mando character in Rebels too, isn't there? And I know I saw a Mando crest in Force Awakens on the outside of the cantina.

Not trying to be difficult, I promise. Trying to get my facts straight.
I don't believe the Manos are extincted. Their still around in Rebels, and Darth Maulks currently alive, and he's the leader of deathwatch. Plus one of the Knights of Ren wear a Mandalorian helmet.
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]They did? They were around for the Clone Wars, according to the cartoon. Granted, I'm not quite done, but there's no indication they're on the way out. There's a Mando character in Rebels too, isn't there? And I know I saw a Mando crest in Force Awakens on the outside of the cantina.
Not trying to be difficult, I promise. Trying to get my facts straight.

Well, I am a little rusty on my Star Wars lore. I may have missed the Mando crest, and you probably know better than me. Either way, you're definitely good to go on your OC for sure.
Ashman74 said:
I don't believe the Manos are extincted. Their still around in Rebels, and Darth Maulks currently alive, and he's the leader of deathwatch. Plus one of the Knights of Ren wear a Mandalorian helmet.
Ooh really, Mandalorian helmet? I didn't catch that. Goes to show just how rusty I am LAWL. Maybe you guys should be running this RP xD
@GiroGirl723, sorry to have to tell you, but when this didn't show activity for a while, I got involved in other RPs. So I don't have the time to devote to it anymore. Sorry, and best of luck!

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