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Fandom STAR WARS: Stories from The Old Republic [Closed]

Darth Oats

522882dd17199763deea19d40bfc603f.jpg Hakraa is an adult Zabrak that lives on the planet of Iridonia. His height reaching upwards of 6'4" and weighing nearly 200 pounds, he is a force to be reckoned with. Adorning a crown of head spikes that were neither the largest, nor the smallest; They are nothing in comparison to the intimation one would feel from the gaze of his eyes. Looking into his eyes you will see the color of a flame that never dies out. Almost seemingly filled with pure, burning hate. This isn't entirely true however, though the man may be fierce in battle, he reserves that hatred for those that would threaten the people he loves. His skin is a shade of ashy gray, only recently earning the tribal tattoo that covers his body. The ink of said tattoo is red in reference to the deadly red blades of the 'God' Hakraa slew. The feat earning him the position of chieftain and the title Hakraa. Translated to Galactic Basic, Hakraa means: Godslayer. The Zabrak hunter that was previously known as Kuto is no more.

Hakraa is obsessed with achieving absolute victory in anything and at any cost. He is seen as a terrifying being capable of withstanding pain in order to succeed against all odds. He is brave and protective, yet he is prideful and stubborn as well. Hakraa may be a formidable warrior, but he is nowhere near being a one-man army. He relishes combat however. In fact, he lives for it. In battle, Hakraa is a ruthless and implacable enemy possessed by an arrogant urge for self-improvement to become the best. A reckless and impulsive animal, Hakraa has often shown himself to be a leader rather than a follower. His preferred method of persuasion: His fists. Most likely, any outsider would say he is stubborn, but that was just how he and all his kin are raised. As a species in general, the Zabrak are arguably the proudest and learn to respect that, to embrace it. This often then rubs off into each individuals personality. By the time he reached adolescence, it was well known that he was at a much higher level than his peers. Hakraa obviously knows of nothing outside of Iridonia, so if he had happened to be taken to another planet he would probably act as if he possessed just as much power. Unknowing that there are forces in the galaxy at play that make him seem like an insect in comparison.
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Jedi Knight Jihbira Srik'rurol

Jihbira, or Jib, as he is often called, is a Jedi Knight. He owns a green lightsaber that he made as a padawan on the planet of Ilum. Other than that, he travels relatively light, having a Jedi robe and comlink that pairs with his padawan's.

Jib is a serious type of guy. His sense of humor, which doesn't come out too often, is a dry one, and he has been known to remain unresponsive to even the funnies of jokes. He remains stony-faced almost 100% of the time, and when he isn't, you might count yourself lucky. The padawan he mentors now is his first, and he does what many have done with their first: he is a hard teacher, much like his master was to him, expecting a great deal and giving very little in terms of approval.

But he isn't so bad. Jib cares a lot for his padawan and wouldn't hesitate to put himself in harm's way to protect them. He monitors their learning process heavily, making sure they understand the material before they begin to learn it. He considers daily training a must in his padawan's regime, and often wakes up early with them just to stretch in the morning. Overall, he desires a strong bond with his padawan and wants them to trust him as one would a father.

Jib's own padawan times were as basic as it gets; he was a slow learner and had to work hard to master several lightsaber techniques that should have come easier to him. He often found it frustrating that those padawans the same age as him were at higher levels, but he forced himself to put that frustration into working at what he needed to instead of giving up.
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88BA98F2-D19C-41F7-92AE-24F2FE266AA7.jpegZuur Moj is a Falleen bounty hunter who will work for the highest bidder yet struggles with the morality of his job choice; an enate want to help others always resides in his heart but the pain of losing his mentor at early age and never knowing his parents triumphed over that want. He also struggled to find purpose, meaning that he can’t quite even explain his own views of the galaxy and what is right and wrong. (He has no knowledge of the Jedi religion which would likely fulfill him).

He tromps around in highly impenetrable armor (he has made numerous changes as the years have gone by) that he stole from a Republican trade ship as an adolescent. He also wields a highly lethal blaster that has the capability to fire various rounds like incendiary and electrical along with the average blaster ammunition; his lightning quick reflexes suggest he was is somewhat force senesitive yet nobody has ever cared to cultivate his skills.

Where he was born is much a mystery, yet his earliest memories come from the planet of Naboo where he worked for a food vendor until a Sith affiliated pilot killed the vendor out of anger. Upon killing the vendor Nalik simply told Zuur, “All debts are collected one way or another.” Out of pure anger Zuur caused an entire food stand to fall onto Nalik using what seemed like only his mind. Being fearful of the talented youngster, Nalik decided that he would take him under his wing and raise him as his own. He ignored his ability to use the force thinking that if he were to know of his power that he might turn on Nalik. Nalik took care of him until he was capable to fight on his own. For many years Zuur hopped from solar system to solar system collecting puny bounties from galactic gangsters and rich beings who wanted their dirty work done without a peep. His onboard droid one day relayed a correspondence that informed him of the death of Nalik and Zuur, rather than showing affection, simply ignored the message and continued his work. The weight of Nalik’s death continues to weigh on him. He is signed to capture a Jedi and their young companion yet his conscious has never looked over him more, his powers are calling him but to what he does not know.
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Syla Daz, Fallen Jedi​

Syla Daz stands an unexceptional 5'9", sharing the thin frame and pale skin of the Umbaran people. Meeting her eyes stare is rather disconcerting, as they have no color aside from her pupils and often seem to look through you, as opposed to simply, at you. She has done away with her people's traditional robes, finding them altogether to cumbersome to survive in; similarly her Jedi robes were discarded with her departure from the Order,replaced with a simple grey tunic and pants. Over that she has acquired a various pieces of armor for her arms, lower legs, and chest, most scavenged from those who have tried to kill her over the years. Some of those encounters have left scars, mostly over her arms and torso.

A firm believer that 'knowledge is power' Syla seeks knowledge of all sorts. Further, it is her view that power comes in many forms, not just violence, or the Force. Her view is that power can be the ability to convince another to do your bidding without lifting a finger via manipulation, or threat, or even just one's reputation. Power is knowing that you have options in how you act, and being able to follow through on them. This view gives her a very deliberate manner, thinking before acting, and giving the air of having carefully considered her actions. This leads ends itself to her extensive patience and calm, remaining outwardly unflappable in the face both miraculous events and horrifying ones. However those who look can see the subtle clues suggesting what her true feelings are, for good or ill. Tue atrocities will move her to act, sometimes calculated sometimes out of anger. If one managers to unsettle her to the point of anger, Syla is merciless, and sometimes even cruel, although on the inverse, she will help those in need, within a reasonable degree, and usually won't use her altruism to get favors later. Moderation and middle ground are her preferred stances, making it far easier manipulate those around her in exactly the fashion one my expect from an Umbaran. Her preference is to use words, action or the Force, subtle or otherwise, to manipulate, although if pressed/short on time, she's willing and able to apply violence. However she favors precision, swift and efficient, as opposed to raw destruction, seeing that as having little value. She can be seen as an excellent mediator, because of her cool head, general neutrality, and large wealth of knowledge, although some might argue her ability to manipulate can be disadvantageous. Still she can be a steadfast ally, and is loyal to those she feels deserving, or a dangerous enemy.

Although a Jedi, and skilled Force user, Syla does carry a blaster pistol and is somewhat proficient in its use. She bears two light sabers, one full length green blade, and a second shorter blue that she uses in more serious situations.

Syla's disillusionment with the Jedi was a slow process, the more she learned, the more she found was forbidden. At first this merely irked her, after all, she could obtain that knowledge in other ways. However, as time, and years passed, she began to find the position of the Jedi more and more irksome. Small ire began to grow, especially after her first encounter with a Sith, Syla wished to study them, to learn all there was of their ancient enemy, and the powers they used. From there her frustration snowballed, and she began to see the Jedi as extremist in their own right, finding herself unable to defend the organization she was part of Syla left.
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Feyre “Fay” Ashriver


Standing at a little over 5’4, Feyre is human with grey-blue eyes and long honey blonde hair. She has a skinny build that belies the strength hidden underneath. Though lean and small in stature, she is far from weak and is almost constantly underestimated because of it. Feyre trained with her first master, Jevaal Jantso, from age 13 to age 18 before his death at the hands of a Sith Lord. Having travelled and trained with him for the formative years of her life, Feyre was emotionally attached to her mentor and the loss hit her hard. She wields a green lightsaber and has a comlink paired to her master’s. Additionally, she wears a small medallion around her neck, a memento of her former master.

Originally outgoing, cocky and sure of herself and her power as a youngling, Feyre has mellowed quite a bit as she’s grown older, especially with the loss she suffered and the ensuing grief and guilt over the last year of her life. Withdrawn and a touch sarcastic but not lacking in kindness, she keeps to herself mostly, remaining at a distance from those she cares for, isolating herself from family and friends she had kept in contact with, and anyone she may become attached to in the future, including her new master Jihbira Srik'rurol. Despite her emotional distance from him, she is constantly questioning her new master on orders and teachings, comparing him to Jevaal and second guessing him and his orders, though never directly disobeying she will find her own way of doing something if she doesn’t agree with a method or if Jevaal taught her differently.

Since the death of her first master, Feyre has come to consider her actions and their repercussions much further than she had before, sometimes hesitating and questioning her own judgment. Though she refuses to admit it aloud, she feels guilt for the death of her former master, blaming herself for being too cocky and trying to take on an advanced Sith apprentice by herself, having disobeyed a direct order not to engage and leading them both into a trap meant to lure her master out. While the trap itself was what killed Jevaal, Feyre came very close to dying herself, sustaining numerous injuries from the Sith apprentice. It was only the intervention of another knight that saved her, but left her hospitalized for several months afterwards. Though her body was healed quickly, her mental and emotional state were unstable after watching the Sith Lord kill her master, leaving her comatose with little physical reason for several months after. After waking, Feyre took a year to mourn her loss, refusing the request to be reassigned to a new master until recently. She is not entirely over the death of her former master, but has come to a decision that she will not let the five years of effort and care he put into her, or his sacrifice, go to waste.

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