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Fandom Star Wars Rp- Post TLJ (closed)

Poe could feel his own heartbeat in his fingertips as they stood inside the Millenium Falcon, rushing off towards an unfixed destination. He looked around him and tried not to think about how small their numbers were. Poe Dameron did not often let thoughts like that find their way into his head. Instead, he reminded himself of Vice Admiral Holdo and Luke Skywalker and countless others that had sacrificed themselves so they could, as he'd told Finn, survive to be the spark that reignites the rebellion. It brought an ease to his face.

After all, he told himself, he'd just finally officially met Rey. That was something to buzz about. General Organa had survived. Finn and Rose hadn't died. There were things to keep going for. Poe could feel the blood slowly rushing to his ears as he thought of the next destination. He had contacts scattered throughout the galaxy, but after no one had responded to the Rebellion's multiple distress signals, Poe wasn't so sure about landing anywhere yet. They'd lost too many to encounter another ambush. Or, even worse, apathy.

Seized by this thought, he suddenly moved from his position between two of the few surviving rebel fighter pilots and beelined for General Organa. Before she could even acknowledge him he started on her. "We need to choose a secure location fast. I have some... friends, I could try to contact but it's--"

General Organa raised her hand as though Poe's resolve might knock her over if he didn't slow down. "You're always ready for a fight, Poe, I'm glad I don't doubt you on that." She chuckled, but there was a sadness to it, as there would come to be about anyone who spent a lifetime fighting a war. "I've already told Chewey where to fly us. We're going to Naboo. I have some...friends, as well," Leia offered Poe a reassuring pat on the shoulder before stepping around him to go speak to Rey.

Rey, who had been hovering around Finn as he tended to Rose, was lost in her thoughts. She'd put the broken pieces of Luke's lightsaber into Finn's jacket, unbeknownst to him. It would only be until they arrived wherever they were going, Rey had told herself. Better than holding it. Though she'd told Leia that she felt a peace to Luke's passing, it was not Luke whom the broken lightsaber reminded her of. Rey folded the jacket and set it aside on a small pile of ammunition that had been carried out of the fortress on Crait. It was most of what they had left to defend themselves. She thought it looked pitiful, almost disappearing beneath Finn's jacket. A small flare of anger stoked in her chest, and before it could get much momentum, Leia approached her.

"We're going to Naboo."

"Wait, Naboo? As in the site of the Clone Wars?"

Leia sighed. "And much more."

Rey paused, waiting for more information. General Organa simply gave her one long stare, as though a question brimmed between them, and then she turned to walk towards the front of the ship. Rey blinked a few times, as she was wont to do when trying to hide the uncertainty in her eyes. She surveyed the ship bay, where Finn still sat next to an unconscious Rose. Something kindled again in her chest, though this time it was not anger alone. Rey couldn't name it, but whatever it was it made her want to shut everything out and scream into space. For the briefest moment, she could hear the sound of Ben--of Kylo Ren's lightsaber turning on as they stood across from one another. Was it in the Forest? Was it in Snoke's room?

She shook the thought. Where was Poe? Rey could ask him about Naboo.


The landing wasn't as soft as a group of still wounded and grieving would have preferred, but they made it to Naboo's surface. Rey had only heard stories of Theed, the human capital, but she wasn't expecting them to be greeted by a giant swamp. The Falcon dipped its nose ever so slightly into the swamp, having landed at an angle. The bay doors slowly opened, and from where she was standing all Rey could see was a giant green grassland that seemed to surround the marsh they'd landed in.

And, slightly off in the distance, was that... a body?
Jessa had heard the distress signal of the rebels. She had notified her military not to respond. Not that she didn’t want to help Leia but she had others to think about. The first order had left the people of Naboo alone so no one was really anxious to get into a fight with them. They weren’t very militaristic either. It made no sense to involve her people in a war.

She been elected a few times to be the queen of Naboo but she declined it every time. Instead she was a small voice in the Queen’s ear. She advised them on what to do and what not to do. They took her wisdom and utilized it to the best of their ability and at the same time they did their best to keep her existence a secret. She never did anything publically, she rarely even went outside.

Today was the only exception. She had felt something. A disturbance in the force or something of the sort. She could feel Leia nearing with several others. Was she bringing the resistance to Naboo for shelter? If that was the case she would turn them away. If they asked for her help, she would be even more unhappy. She wasn’t a soldier. She was a peacekeeper but peace had been long extinct.

She sat on a rock meditating when the ship landed. She felt a surprisingly strong presence in the force. Stronger than Leia’s. She lifted her head slightly and listened the doors opened and the ramp drew down. She was silent as she turned to look at the familiar ship. It almost made her heart break all over again. First Han then Luke. She saw a young girl gazing at her. She didn’t appear much older than herself. “You need to leave,” Jessa said before turning her back to them again.
Ren was having his men do anything and everything it took to find the resistance. They couldn’t have gotten that far. He sat in his room meditating, trying to fight to see through Rey’s eyes. Where was she? Where had she led them? He sensed the presence of General Organa around her but that was all he could see.

In anger, he slammed his fist down onto the ground and got to his feet. Suddenly a young officer hurried in almost out of breath. “Supreme Leader, we have some notable activity on Naboo. Someone believes they spotted the falcon,” he said quickly. Kylo’s brow scrunched in confusion. Naboo? What in the galaxy could be on Naboo? Perhaps food and shelter but the Naboo had no means of protecting themselves against the first order. “How certain are they?” Ren sneered.

“Very certain, supreme leader,” the man said carefully, “It appears to have landed just outside of Theed.”

“General Organa may still have associations there. Take us there immediately,” kylo said.
Rey slowly walked down the bay and stood on the lip of the ramp, just behind General Organa. Poe had rushed forward to get a better look, actually stepping off the ship and into the impossibly green grass that rustled against the intrusion of the ship's giant body. As they all spread out in anticipation of what would greet them, staggered down the loading bay of the Millennium Falcon, a sad looking bunch to be sure, both Poe and Rey could feel something shift around them. It seemed General Organa did as well, for her expression tightened when the figure Rey had seen in the distance came to greet them.

"You need to leave."

No stranger to being turned away on the first try, Rey didn't register the words with more than an ounce of concern. She slowly stepped forward, maneuvering around a fighter pilot to get a clearer view.

When she came eye to eye with the figure, seemingly a woman no more than a few years older than her, Rey suddenly felt the air around her suck itself up and freeze. She could feel something powerful emanating from the woman. It was a surge similar to what she felt when Luke passed. It was even similar to--well, Rey refused to let herself finish that thought. Instead she bottled it up and tossed it behind other thoughts, though something faintly stirred in her chest. A small voice inside her echoed. Naboo? He was thinking about Naboo?

No! She shut the walls of her mind, just as she had done the first time Kylo had interrogated her. The first time they met. He'd taken off that mask...

"We're not leaving. We just got here. Listen, you don't know what we've been through." Poe interrupted the silence, even speaking before the General. Realizing that this was awkward, he stepped back onto the lip of the ship and cleared his throat, gesturing to Leia. "Of course, that's what, you know, the General would, well, say, yeah." He crossed his arms behind his back and looked away from the woman, as if it might help him keep a lid on his energy.

General Organa had yet to even move. She was staring at the woman, though her face remained unreadable. Finally, she spoke. "I wouldn't have come here if we had another choice. This... this is all that's left of us. Everyone else is gone. I have lost too many good people." Despite her unmoving position, there was a vulnerability in her tone. Perhaps in some way it was a plea from one leader to another.

Rey hadn't been listening. She was too wrapped up in both trying to keep the walls of her mind shut and fighting back the curious thoughts that whispered against her efforts. Why did she feel like she'd heard Kylo still? Shouldn't their connection have been severed once Snoke was killed. Rey dismissed her confusion, determined instead to chalk it up to some remnants of... whatever it was that happened. Just an illusion. As soon as she put the thought aside, her eyes went back to the woman. Again, Rey felt the same surge of energy from before.

"I feel like I know you," she suddenly found herself saying, half in a whisper. It was the same familiarity Rey had experienced when she'd found the Jedi temple on Ach-to.
Jessa listened quietly to the voices that emanated behind her. She recognized only one. Leia. Her eyes closed tightly for a moment when she heard the general speak. “Naboo cannot help you, Leia,” she said, “We’re no match for the first order.”

Chewie moves past Poe quickly, shoving him a bit out of the way as he let out a little roar in Jessa’s direction. He inched a bit closer before taking the young woman into his arms. Jessa was a bit startled but when she recognized the furry arms she smiled ever so slightly. “Hi,” she said gently and Chewie let out a small roar.

Chewie held her for a moment before finally releasing her. Jessa sighed and crossed her arms as she looked at the foreigners. Her hair was braided down her back. Her eyes skimmed them carefully and only stalled when she looked to Rey. “You don’t know me,” she replied, “I’m nothing but a legend. A figment of your imagination. Nothing more. I fought in the clone wars, watched the Jedi become all but extinct, battled the empire and now you’re here to get me to help you defeat the first order. You’re wasting your time. I’m not a soldier and I will not be treated as such. I’m a peacekeeper, but peace is dead so now I’ll wait to die too.”
Rey had been startled when Chewie erupted in what seemed to be a long awaited reunion as he took her into a hug. Squinting a bit, as she often did when a connection began forming in her mind, she leaned in a bit to make sure she caught every word of the woman's reply.

"...but peace is dead so now I’ll wait to die too." The woman's final words echoed. Once again, Rey felt something like anger stir in her chest. Why did this keep happening? She felt as though her surroundings peeled away and she was once again in Snoke's throne room, burning and raging inside as he told her all hope was lost.

"Then that's your choice. But we still want to fight. And we aren't asking you for more than a place to rest." Rey found herself speaking without realizing what she was doing. Something more visceral led her, something that bloomed in her gut and fought its way out in that look she got in her eyes--the one that meant she'd made up her mind. "Please." Rey held the woman's gaze.

Poe had been edging his way closer to General Organa, waiting for a chance to whisper to her. "Is there a back-up plan if we aren't welcome here?" He glanced back and forth between Chewie and the woman, adrenaline bubbling up in his fingertips again at the mere possibility that he'd have to act fast.
Jessa listened as the young woman blurted out. She wasn’t much for holding her tongue or keeping her feelings in check. “You sound like me. That’s not not necessarily a compl...,” she started before feeling a surge in the force. It was strong, it radiated from the dark side. She looked to Leia for a moment. She was angry but at the same time she knew why they had come.

“They’re entering the atmosphere,” she said quietly. She knew she had a choice. Either let the first order come in and strike her and the members of the resistance down or hide them away until it was safe for them to retreat and find shelter elsewhere. She pursed her lips for a moment before shaking her head. “Get whatever men stayed on the falcon and bring them out here. We need to go. Now.”

Chewie hurried to the falcon and let out a loud roar. A few men ran out with their weapons. Chewie quickly helped Finn grab an unconscious Rose and hurried them out. “I’m going to regret this later,” she hissed before leading them deeper into the forest. Soon they came across remnants of a massive and beautiful castle that appeared to be long deserted.
Ren paced on the bridge as he waited impatiently for them to land on the planet’s surface. He was angered by the fact that he couldn’t sense Rey yet he knew she was here. She was making the biggest mistake of her life by helping these rebels. They couldn’t teach her about the force. He could, and yet here she was throwing everything away.

When the ship finally reached the surface near Theed, he had his men storm into the castle. “I want to speak with the queen,” he sneered. They were hiding something. He could sense it already.
Everything from the Falcon to the castle doors was a blur. Rey and Poe hustled along with everyone else, each of them carrying weapons and supplies from the ship along with them.
A few men had stayed with the ship, armed with only enough ammo to make it through a single round of gunfire with the First Order. Rey tried not to think about the odds as she ran through the forest, dodging snags and balancing the armful of weapons she brought along.

Then they were in the castle, silent as mice scuttling across a smooth surface. Rey felt her chest constrict, losing her balance. As she buckled to the ground, the roaring sound of her own heartbeat in her ears made her feel certain that Kylo Ren had just entered the castle.

She wanted to run straight through every rebel fighter until she reached his face and then she wanted to put a single hand across it. Whether to slap him or to burn his very flesh from the light that rumbled inside her. The light that he refused, even though there was still something in him.

Rey's anger was so heavy on her heart that she felt herself reach out to Kylo. She could not get her mind to think of anything else, even as they huddled and waited for the Queen to protect them. For a fleeting moment Rey felt how pitiful their position was. So reliant on others, at the mercy of grief and unimaginable loss. Trying desperately to cling on to hope.
Jessa led them inside the worn down castle and immediately her eyes went to Rey. She could feel her anger. It was the most immense amount she had ever felt in one person before. It made her think of Anakin and Order 66. A sickening feeling overcame her but she pushed it aside when she heard her comm link beep. “Luke obviously didn’t teach you to mind your feelings,” she said to the girl before clicking the communication device on.

She leaned on one of the columns panting slightly as she listened to what was going on at the palace. This castle was massive but it had been more of a summer home for the royals back when she was a young girl. “Lady Jessa, the First Order...,” one of the handmaid’s began.

“I know,” she interjected, “Route me to the queen’s earpiece. I’ll assist her.”

Immediately it was done and she could hear Kylo Ren speak in the throne room. She sensed his anger and frustration even from here. “We have received news that you are hiding enemies of the first order. If this is true, you understand that violates your neutrality,” Ren reminded.

“We are not hiding members of the resistance on our planets surface. They would have no reason to come here. We are defenseless. What would be the point?” Jessa said and the queen repeated her word for word.

“That’s what we were wondering,” he said as he gave the signal to search the palace.
The woman's words stung Rey. She had managed to strike a long-sitting nerve--a weakness that had followed her the entire time she had been on Ach-to. He certainly tried to, she thought to herself.

Poe leaned over, catching the handmaiden's words. He looked between her and the woman who'd led them to safety, continuing to eavesdrop. Slowly stepping towards them, he tried to wait patiently but after a few seconds he could not help but interject. "Do you have any weapons, just in case, you know?"

As the words left his mouth it occurred to him that a planet sworn to peace would not keep any weapons on it. He found himself hoping that this was the kind of planet that was full of hypocrites. It was likely, being a place rampant with humans.

Rey poked her head around from behind Poe, having been eavesdropping herself this entire time. "Luke's lightsaber," she tried to catch the woman's gaze, "it's broken in half. Do you know how to fix it?" It was a shot in the dark, but this woman seemed to be strong with the Force, much like Luke, and with so little weapons and the First Order searching the castle they were dangerously teetering on hopelessness.
Jessa bit her lip quietly as she waited to hear what the queen would say before heard Poe and Rey both speak up. Weapons. On Naboo? Please. That was definitely a shot in the dark.

She let out a sigh before pulling the hilt of a lightsaber from her robe. “I’m not much of a mechanic,” she replied as she put the lightsaber hilt in Rey’s hands, “Don’t ignite it and most importantly don’t break it.” She didn’t like giving her weapon away. Every time she did she heard Obi Wan in the back of her head. “Your weapon is your life, Jessa” he would always say.

The queen remained silent as Ren had his men search the area. Soon one of the men came back. “Sir we found a letter addressed to Ms. Jessa Arundelle,” He said handing him the letter.

Kylo Ren snatched it away from the officer and skimmed it over. “Jessa Arundelle died during her battle with Darth Vader and Darth Sideous,” Ren said as he looked at the queen.

Jessa bit her lip quietly. She was ready to give herself up but before she could the queen spoke up. “She is dead. We keep her memory alive by allowing our people to write to her should they need her advice. She was quite wise,” the queen replied but by the look on Ren’s face he didn’t believe her.

“Where is she?” Ren said. His eyes glared at her and the queen knew that they had been compromised.

“You will never get anyone on Naboo to betray Lady Arundelle,” the queen said. Ren had had enough. “If that’s the way you feel,” he said before quickly igniting his lightsaber and slashing the men and women in room, starting with the queen. Jessa quickly dropped the comm link and bit her lip as she started at the ground. More people she loved died because of her.
Rey almost dropped the lightsaber as the woman put it in her hands. She looked down, stunned, but also feeling a great sense of relief wash over her. And, perhaps, something that was a bit like renewed hope. She turned to Poe, holding out the broken lightsaber pieces to him. He seemed to silently understand, taking them from Rey.

As they waited, breaths held, for the woman to give them the clear, Rey could sense that the tides had turned towards their destruction. She felt a powerful rage beating the castle walls above them, and knew that it was Kylo. The same rage from the forest, even from the throne room.

Slowly dropping her gaze to the lightsaber in her hands, Rey closed her fingers around its base and looked back up at the woman, igniting the saber as she met her eyes.

"Tell me where he is. I can..." Rey hesitated, conjuring the faces of Luke and Han and Finn to give her strength, "I can face him." She paused, "I know him." Her tone betrayed a hint of guilt, but it was true and it gave her the best odds at protecting the Resistance now.
Jessa couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She couldn’t believe they were dead. They had worked tirelessly to keep her safe and now they were being slaughtered because of her. She was snapped back to reality when she heard the lightsaber ignite. She looked up to see the gold shimmer of light, but Jessa was not like Luke. Luke had his feelings in check. She had never mastered that.

“Absolutely not,” Jessa snapped at her, “You’re not a padawan let alone a Jedi. You can’t face someone like him. Besides you have too much hate and anger. He’ll use that against you and before you know it you’ll be fighting against the resistance by his side.

“Rey would never do that,” Finn snapped at her.

“That’s what I said about Anakin,” Jessa growled back at the man before catching herself, “And he turned and killed the Jedi. All of them. Even the younglings who were no older then 5 or 6. He murdered them with his own lightsaber because of hate and a manipulative man who knew just the right thing to say and when to say it. You are low on numbers as it is. You can’t afford to lose anymore.”
"I'm not Anakin! I won't fail!" Rey half whispered, half-shouted. She could sense the violence--the darkness--that consumed the castle. How could they simply do nothing? When Finn defended her she cast him a cursory glance of appreciation. At least someone placed their hope in her.

"He has anger and hate in him too. Why can't I use that against him?" Rey stepped back from the woman and swung the lightsaber around by her wrist a few times, trying to get used to its weight.

Poe took this as a chance to throw in his support of Rey's plan. "I approve any kind of running into things head first and blowing stuff up. It's not exactly the same," he gestured towards the lightsaber, "but I think Rey can handle Cry-lo Ren." Poe smirked.

Rey, feeling impulsive and bold with the gold light pulsing from the saber's handle, started walking towards the entrance that led back up into the castle. KYLO! She screamed in her mind, hoping that if anything remained of their Force bond it was enough at that moment to let him know that she had set her mind onto him.
Jessa shook her head. No it was going to happen again. She couldn’t let the dark side get any stronger. She feared it. She always had but she also knew she would be protecting Rey. With a wave of her hand the lightsaber deactivated and flew back into her hand. “I said no,” she said before securing the hilt in her belt.

She looked at Rey for a moment. Was this what Obi Wan has seen in her when she was a child? “I don’t know what Luke told you but you’re not a Jedi. You’re an impulsive child who think she knows the force because she’s wielded a lightsaber once before. Jedi don’t use their hate or anger in battle. It corrupts you. It hinders your grip on the force. All you’ll be doing is getting yourself killed. Besides you don’t even have a weapon on you. We need to go.”
Rey felt helpless as the lightsaber flew out of her hands. Just as Snoke had been able to overpower her with the Force, this woman reminded Rey of how much there still was to learn. It agonized her. She wanted more than anything to be ready to face her destiny, to know what that destiny would be.

Finn and Poe began to protest, but Rey came over between them and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. She gave them both a look that hopefully communicated a begrudging acceptance of their situation.

"Alright then, let's go," she mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed in front of someone who had already pinpointed her greatest weakness and was infinitely more knowledgable. For a moment Rey felt a pang, missing Luke and the mentor he had slowly become to her, but she remembered the peace in his passing and the pang dissolved just as quickly as it had come.

"Tell us how to get out of here, then." Poe nodded. "Oh," he grinned sheepishly at the woman. "By the way, what the hell is your name?"
Jessa relaxed slightly when Rey agreed to leave with her. There were a few protests from the others but she quickly put them to rest with one simple glare. She wasn’t in the mood to fight. She needed to get what was left the of the resistance to safety. How did she always get mixed up in all this stuff especially she clearly said she wanted no part in it.

“My name’s Jessa Arundelle,” she replied. She had been something of a legend back in the clone wars and even more so against the empire. Luke, Han, and Leia had started the rumor that Jessa had died in battle against her father, Emperor Palpatine, but instead she had really gone into hiding on Naboo.

But now the force was bringing her back into a war and though she wasn’t happy about it, she would oblige. She ushered them out of the castle and led them through the populous city of Theed. No one knew what had happened but she knew when they did, they would be looking to her for answers.
When she told them her name, most of the group exchanged shocked glances with one another. Poe was especially startled by this revelation. "But, you're dead," he replied flatly. Then, he shrugged, turning the corners of his mouth down, impressed.

There wasn't any time to say more.

They followed Jessa through Theed, looking a bit obvious as a group of exhausted, dusty, terrified bodies weaving in and out of a city they did not know well. General Organa was at the very end of the group, insisting that she be the last to evacuate.

Finally, they came to a garden placed in the center of two busy streets. There was an entrance to an old stronghold beneath the garden's mouth, right where an explosion of flora protruded.

"What happened back at the castle? Is there anyone there protecting the people inside?" Rey asked between steadying breaths. The rest of the rebels filed into the garden.
“Yes but I’d have to admit baby I’m one of the more lively dead ones,” Jessa replied as she led them through the busy streets. Eventually got them far enough away from the palace where she could stop to think. “We have a few soldiers but nothing that can withstand the power of the first order. That’s why we signed a neutrality treaty because we knew if they invaded we wouldn’t stand a chance,” Jessa explained as she pulled a small device from on of her pockets.

The queen has a few ships though that you could use to escape with,” she explained, “It’s past a few more streets, but it’s a massive landing platform. You can’t miss it. Tell them I sent you. They recognize Leia as well.”

“You’re not going?” Finn asked, “You’ll get yourself killed.”

“I can’t leave my people behind,” Jessa explained.

“You’re not much good to them dead. We can protect you,” Finn said.
Ren felt the force leaving the palace and immediately his eyes widened. The rebels, Rey, Jessa. They were all together and they were trying to escape. “Nothing leaves the Naboo surface!” Ren decreed, “Find them all and bring them to me in chains.” Immediately the stormtroopers began to hurry out to search for the group. Time was ticking and if they didn’t seal off the planet soon they would feel the full wrath of Kylo Ren.
Rey nodded in agreement with Finn's plea. She suspected there wasn't much left of the castle now, but she sympathized with Jessa's refusal to leave. Jakku, no matter what state it fell to, would always be the place Rey had turned her back on. She understood the reluctance of Jessa to do the same.

And it was this understanding that let slip a dangerous idea into her head.

Turning to Poe, she grabbed his shoulder and gently pulled him to face her. "You saw what happened when I flew the Falcon back on Crait. They sent the entire fleet after me. That's what we need right now. We need another Falcon." As she spoke, Rey felt more confident with the plan, her sureness coming through in a release of nervous energy. She shifted her weight a few times, excitement gathering in her eyes.

"I will distract them long enough for you all to evacuate. Then I'll meet up with you."

Finn almost yelled, "No! We're not leaving you behind!"

Poe, however, was silent. The plan was genius, to him. It was the best last ditch effort they had, and running head first into near suicide missions was a comfortable notion to him. This was, after all, a goddamn war. He put a hand on Rey's shoulder, looking to Jessa and General Organa for the final say.
Jessa looked at Rey as she started to speak. She wanted to divert them away but Jessa was weary of using her as a pilot. She knew force sensitives usually made the best pilots. They were in tune with their surroundings but...this one had a great deal of anger and of uncertainty. That worried her.

“I can get another pilot,” Jessa said as she looked at Leia, “This one’s too...unstable. Besides Naboo ships are not that easy to fly.”

Finn appeared relieved at the idea. He looked to Leia with pleading eyes. He didn’t want Rey going up there. He of course thought she was capable of pulling it off unlike Jessa but...he didn’t want to see her get hurt.
"You may be able to get another pilot, but you won't be able to get another pilot the First Order would send every last ship after. Rey is their top priority as far as killing goes, you know," Poe tried to hide a grin as he spoke, as though this made him proud of Rey in some perverse way.

"It's true," Rey echoed him, nodding vigorously.

General Organa turned to Jessa, her eyes heavy with loss. "Jessa, I can't lose another. And, I suspect, neither can you."

Poe turned to Finn and whispered, "I know you're worried for Rey, but come on, you saw what she did with those rocks back on Crait. We've got to take Kylo down, and she's our only shot now."

From around the courtyard they'd all been huddling in, sounds of shouts and blasters faintly grew. Rey turned to Jessa, determined not to show panic in her face. "They're coming. Please, let me do something."
Jessa still didn’t like the idea but she couldn’t say no. Poe was right. If this Kylo Ren was as strong as the force as everyone said he would know that they weren’t aboard that ship and wouldn’t follow them around like they would her. “You let us get out of range and then you come meet us,” Jessa said sternly. She was reluctant to go but she knew they needed to move and fast.

She gave Rey a slight nod before heading to the main hanger. Her ship was prepared for her. The Captain of her majesty’s forces was there waiting to ensure they left safely. “It has been an honor serving with you,” he said to Jessa.

“You as well Captain,” she said gently before starting to towards he transport. She paused and looked back at him. “Captain,” she said loud enough to get his attention, “May the force be with you.”

He smiled slightly and nodded to her before hearing a few of the stormtroopers start down the hall. Jessa quickly ushered her newly found team into ship and started it up.
Rey accepted her mission with a defiant grin. It felt good to have some use. She turned to Finn and gave him a quick hug, whispering as she pulled away, "Don't worry."

Poe clapped her shoulder and flashed a mischievous expression. "Good luck, don't die, when in doubt always steal a ship," he said as he handed Rey a blaster from his side holster. He turned to Jessa. "Lead the way."

The resistance fighters followed Jessa to the ship and boarded quickly.

Holding the blaster close to her shoulder, Rey crept out of the courtyard and turned to fire at the Stormtroopers advancing on them. She managed to knock out two of them while the third took cover. For a moment, all of the firing stopped. Smoke settled in the street, revealing a massive cannon hovering above a row of Stormtroopers. They were going to blow up the ship.

Acting on instinct, Rey jumped out of the alley and shouted, "Where is Kylo Ren? Tell that coward to come face me!" It would certainly distract them and buy time, even if it were a poorly thought out plan.
Jessa quickly went to the cockpit and started the ship up. Chewie ran in to help her. “Let’s get this thing moving, big guy,” she said as she reached up and flipped a few switches on the ceiling. She put her headset on and soon the ship had gotten off the ground.

The stormtroopers aimed at her but Kylo Ren quickly ordered them to stand down. He could feel her fear. It made him smile a bit. “Without a lightsaber you’re hardly a worthy opponent,” he said as held his hilt in his hand, “Even with your weapon you had no chance against me.”

He watched her carefully. He knew what she was doing. She was letting the resistance get away, but his ego wasn’t going to allow him to leave Rey to go find the others. “What did you come here for?” He demanded.

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