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Fandom Star Wars: Old Republic Era CS


Innocent Little Cannibal
A ship and her crew are searching the far outer rim for a mysterious energy source they believe could end the war. They will discover new worlds, forgotten worlds, find strange creatures and people, and have adventure.

Ship Name: The Vigilance.

Class: Corsair

Crew: Mix-Matched crew of sith, jedi, and non-force users.

Character Sheet:







Force User:

Skills: (No god modding please)

Other things we should know:
Character Sheet:

Name: Norava

Age: 25

Species: Lethan Twi-Lek

Homeworld: Ryloth

Profession: Sith, Assassin

Force User: obviously

Skills: trained by the sith as a stealthy killer, and uses her red lightsaber to take down most specific targets in her path. As a smaller female, she was trained in force sorcery to trick the minds of her victims and show them their darkest fears, distracting them from her and the fact that she was killing them. But, she can only do this to one person in eyesight. She can also cloak herself in darkness and be practically invisible unless someone is actively searching for her, then she must do something to not be caught.

Other things we should know: She is truely a sith, the only reason she is searching for the energy is to claim it for herself and end the war by wiping both the Jedi and the Sith, off the map.
The yellow saber she took from the dead body of her first kill, hangs at her belt at all times, unless she must use it to get out of a situation.
Name: Spippey Corsair

Age: 28



(Just pretend the words Mako and Blizz are carved into the handles instead of...Whatever that is.)

Species: Human Cyborg

Homeworld: Hutta

Profession: Bounty Hunter

Force User: Nope!

Skills: Implants allow a heads up display and help aim. Further implants help resist force manipulation.

Other things we should know: Spippey's only allegiance is to credits. He goes to whoever is the highest bidder. Weapons are dual blasters named Blizz and Mako.
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Name: Oberyn Highwind

Age: 30


Species: Human

Homeworld: Atrisia

Profession: Matukai

Force User: Yes

  • Standard Matukai Force Abilities including their ability to make themselves burning hot. He will later on develop Alter abilities but those will be focused through his weapons because wan she are a Matukai's focusing point for the force. He may develop some sensory abilities but to a lesser degree then his alter abilities will develop.
  • Jar'Kai Swordsmanship
  • Jar'Kai Spearmanship

Other things we should know: He was born and raised on Atrisia coming from a bloodline of Yovshin Swordsmen. He was trained in the art of Jar'Kai by his parents who were non force sensitive individuals. Oberyn at first had a small amount of force sensitivity not even enough to invoke an accidental use of Alter powers. But this little bit of force sensitivity didn't escape the htoice of a Matukai who was visiting Atrisia. This Matukai offered Oberyn the opportunity to become a martial artist and warrior unlike any other. Through harsh training and adversity Oberyn became a Matukai but even then he was Matukai unlike any other. He forged two force imbued wan she and reforged his jar Kai swords. He then set off on his own to develop his own style of wielding wan shen applying Jar'kai to the wan shen fighting style. Overtime he began to develop an interest in continuing to transcend the Matukai order.
Name: Spippey Corsair

Age: 28


Species: Human Cyborg

Homeworld: Hutta

Profession: Bounty Hunter

Force User: Nope!

Skills: Implants allow a heads up display and help aim. Further implants help resist force manipulation.

Other things we should know: Spippey's only allegiance is to credits. He goes to whoever is the highest bidder. Weapons are dual blasters named Blizz and Mako.

Whenever you feel like finding pictures of your blasters, post them.
Name: Oberyn Highwind

Age: 30


Species: Human

Homeworld: Atrisia

Profession: Matukai

Force User: Yes

  • Standard Matukai Force Abilities including their ability to make themselves burning hot. He will later on develop Alter abilities but those will be focused through his weapons because wan she are a Matukai's focusing point for the force. He may develop some sensory abilities but to a lesser degree then his alter abilities will develop.
  • Jar'Kai Swordsmanship
  • Jar'Kai Spearmanship

Other things we should know: He was born and raised on Atrisia coming from a bloodline of Yovshin Swordsmen. He was trained in the art of Jar'Kai by his parents who were non force sensitive individuals. Oberyn at first had a small amount of force sensitivity not even enough to invoke an accidental use of Alter powers. But this little bit of force sensitivity didn't escape the htoice of a Matukai who was visiting Atrisia. This Matukai offered Oberyn the opportunity to become a martial artist and warrior unlike any other. Through harsh training and adversity Oberyn became a Matukai but even then he was Matukai unlike any other. He forged two force imbued wan she and reforged his jar Kai swords. He then set off on his own to develop his own style of wielding wan shen applying Jar'kai to the wan shen fighting style. Overtime he began to develop an interest in continuing to transcend the Matukai order.

Sweet!!!! I love it!
Name: Zetra Setruk

Age: 26


Species: Nautolan

Homeworld: Unknown born in slavery

Profession: Smuggler, occasional bounty hunter, ships pilot(captain?)

Force User: Yes (unknown)

Skills: Piloting, tech repair, hacking, sharpshooter, dirty fighting

Other things we should know: Former imperial slave helped by parent to escape slavery by smuggling her on a trade ship. Was found by another smuggler who adopted her and trained her to the smuggler life, passing her his ship to her before his death. Became a smuggler of renown working for all sides in the galactic conflict, though tried to avoid working with the hutts. A force sensitive open for training by either side if the force or both.
Name: Zetra Setruk

Age: 26


Species: Nautolan

Homeworld: Unknown born in slavery

Profession: Smuggler, occasional bounty hunter, ships pilot(captain?)

Force User: Yes (unknown)

Skills: Piloting, tech repair, hacking, sharpshooter, dirty fighting

Other things we should know: Former imperial slave helped by parent to escape slavery by smuggling her on a trade ship. Was found by another smuggler who adopted her and trained her to the smuggler life, passing her his ship to her before his death. Became a smuggler of renown working for all sides in the galactic conflict, though tried to avoid working with the hutts. A force sensitive open for training by either side if the force or both.
Yes! I like!
She would have had to be a sith slave, because the empire hasn't been made yet.

[x - First lightsaber]
[x-Second lightsaber]

[x - What he normally wears]
Azur Xenuek




Jedi Rogue (Similar to exile)

Force User

Aside from the force powers that he was taught while still as a knight for the Jedi Order, after leaving the Order; he was able to keep his powers before the council could cut him off fully from the force. Traveling from one place to the next, while avoiding to return to the Jedi Order but as well as keeping himself from falling into the darkness; eventually, he had ended up achieving the power to control a few of the force abilities that are normally used by the dark side as well.

Other things we should know
Being born and raised on the planet of Alpheridies, Azur spent most of his time with his family to farm and simply try and enjoy life as much as possible; staying far away from the influences of both the Jedi as well as the Sith in anyway he could. It wasn't until a fateful day that strange men and women came to the planet and began kidnapping his family and his people did Azur see how ruthless people from other planets could be; unaware that these people were taking his family away to the planet known as Hutta, it took quite some time but eventually Azur was found by the Jedi who came to the planet on exploration and decided to take Azur in due to his high sensitivity to the force. From there, he eventually learned to become a Jedi and grew in the ranks until he finally reached 'Knight'.
When a mission came up stating a rescue for people on the planet of Hutta came up did Azur's memories return and remember that his family was there; believing that his family could still be alive, he pleaded for the council to allow him to go and save the people trapped there. However, his plea was denied; stating that it was too dangerous for a lone Jedi to go to the planet of Hutta just to save a few people, concerning that it would disrupt the balance and possibly create an unneeded war between the Hutts and the Republic. Refusing to accept this, he continued to plead the council further, each time being rejected and finally ending up making Azur go on his own no matter what the consquences were; coming there to find that it was a trap that the Hutts had planned to attempt a capture of a Jedi, when Azur demanded the release of his family he believed was in captivity, he was informed that his family and people were slaughtered already in the use of 'entertainment' in the arena against beasts. Just this information had nearly driven him mad and caused him to almost kill the Hutts along with everyone in the room, only to be stopped by one of the Masters who knew how Azur would act even though his request was denied. From there, Azur continued to deny listening to his Master and eventually this causing him to do battle with a Jedi Master but of course fail in the end; rather than being brought back to the council; he was told by his Master that if he continued his ways he would be exiled as well as being forced to be cut off from the force. Refusing to take the punishment of being cut off, he only ran off and luckily able to leave the planet without being caught by the Jedi or his old Master.
Azur tends to spend most of his time meditating anywhere that is quiet more than anything. He rarely is seen using both of his lightsabers and is either using only one if not resorts to hand-to-hand combat; mainly the Teräs Käsi style of combat. After practically being exiled by the Jedi and there being multiple attempts from the dark side nearly drawing him towards joining the Sith, Azur has had trouble trying to figure out where his place is to belong in the galaxy.

[x - First lightsaber]
[x-Second lightsaber]

[x - What he normally wears]
Azur Xenuek




Jedi Rogue (Similar to exile)

Force User

Aside from the force powers that he was taught while still as a knight for the Jedi Order, after leaving the Order; he was able to keep his powers before the council could cut him off fully from the force. Traveling from one place to the next, while avoiding to return to the Jedi Order but as well as keeping himself from falling into the darkness; eventually, he had ended up achieving the power to control a few of the force abilities that are normally used by the dark side as well.

Other things we should know
Being born and raised on the planet of Alpheridies, Azur spent most of his time with his family to farm and simply try and enjoy life as much as possible; staying far away from the influences of both the Jedi as well as the Sith in anyway he could. It wasn't until a fateful day that strange men and women came to the planet and began kidnapping his family and his people did Azur see how ruthless people from other planets could be; unaware that these people were taking his family away to the planet known as Hutta, it took quite some time but eventually Azur was found by the Jedi who came to the planet on exploration and decided to take Azur in due to his high sensitivity to the force. From there, he eventually learned to become a Jedi and grew in the ranks until he finally reached 'Knight'.
When a mission came up stating a rescue for people on the planet of Hutta came up did Azur's memories return and remember that his family was there; believing that his family could still be alive, he pleaded for the council to allow him to go and save the people trapped there. However, his plea was denied; stating that it was too dangerous for a lone Jedi to go to the planet of Hutta just to save a few people, concerning that it would disrupt the balance and possibly create an unneeded war between the Hutts and the Republic. Refusing to accept this, he continued to plead the council further, each time being rejected and finally ending up making Azur go on his own no matter what the consquences were; coming there to find that it was a trap that the Hutts had planned to attempt a capture of a Jedi, when Azur demanded the release of his family he believed was in captivity, he was informed that his family and people were slaughtered already in the use of 'entertainment' in the arena against beasts. Just this information had nearly driven him mad and caused him to almost kill the Hutts along with everyone in the room, only to be stopped by one of the Masters who knew how Azur would act even though his request was denied. From there, Azur continued to deny listening to his Master and eventually this causing him to do battle with a Jedi Master but of course fail in the end; rather than being brought back to the council; he was told by his Master that if he continued his ways he would be exiled as well as being forced to be cut off from the force. Refusing to take the punishment of being cut off, he only ran off and luckily able to leave the planet without being caught by the Jedi or his old Master.
Azur tends to spend most of his time meditating anywhere that is quiet more than anything. He rarely is seen using both of his lightsabers and is either using only one if not resorts to hand-to-hand combat; mainly the Teräs Käsi style of combat. After practically being exiled by the Jedi and there being multiple attempts from the dark side nearly drawing him towards joining the Sith, Azur has had trouble trying to figure out where his place is to belong in the galaxy.
Sounds Cool! Accepted!
D3-AD M-3A-T
"I would prefer you just say D3."

"Error: CPU access to memory denied."


Mk. III Combat/Scout Droid


"I am programmed for combat, tactical analysis, and lone elimination tasks. Data regarding early use is restricted to the Administrator."

Force User:

"This unit is equipped with an Echani made Vibrosword crafted with a cortosis weave. It will stand up to almost anything, even lightsabers. I am proficient in all types of hand to hand and melee combat. However, I lack the required functionally to fully utilize blaster weapons, and while I may be an excellent strategist, there exists no plan for living after taking a blaster bolt to the face. To counter this, I also come equipped with a small personal shield on my left wrist, capable of deflecting and absorbing blaster fire. Should you need an able body to take on any opposing force, you can be certain this unit shall accomplish the task."

Other things we should know:
D3 is not an assassination droid, but a machine built for extreme front line combat, and contains a remarkable usage of emotion. He serves the current captain of the Vigilance, and it will be up to them to decide if they claimed ownership of D3 previously or find him later in the story, via a market or perhaps in storage somewhere.
His memory is currently on lockdown by someone called the Administrator, and it will take someone with experience with computers and droids alike to be able to crack his safeguards and find out more of the droids past.​
Willow Heart



Bounty Hunter

Force User:

Hand to hand combat

Other things we should know:
She was in training to be a Jedi but when her master died she didn't continue the path. Her Master was actually her guardian at the time so when her master died her master's sibling, who was a bounty hunter, became her new guardian and also taught her everything, she knows today, about being a bounty hunter.
Weapons: She has two purple light sabers and a CR-2 blaster​
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D3-AD M-3A-T
"I would prefer you just say D3."

"Error: CPU access to memory denied."

View attachment 328437

Mk. III Combat/Scout Droid


"I am programmed for combat, tactical analysis, and lone elimination tasks. Data regarding early use is restricted to the Administrator."

Force User:

"This unit is equipped with an Echani made Vibrosword crafted with a cortosis weave. It will stand up to almost anything, even lightsabers. I am proficient in all types of hand to hand and melee combat. However, I lack the required functionally to fully utilize blaster weapons, and while I may be an excellent strategist, there exists no plan for living after taking a blaster bolt to the face. To counter this, I also come equipped with a small personal shield on my left wrist, capable of deflecting and absorbing blaster fire. Should you need an able body to take on any opposing force, you can be certain this unit shall accomplish the task."

Other things we should know:
D3 is not an assassination droid, but a machine built for extreme front line combat, and contains a remarkable usage of emotion. He serves the current captain of the Vigilance, and it will be up to them to decide if they claimed ownership of D3 previously or find him later in the story, via a market or perhaps in storage somewhere.
His memory is currently on lockdown by someone called the Administrator, and it will take someone with experience with computers and droids alike to be able to crack his safeguards and find out more of the droids past.​
No idea what the hell that thing is, but I love it!

You good with us bringing up the administrator in the RP?

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Willow Heart

View attachment 328490


Bounty Hunter

Force User:

Hand to hand combat

Other things we should know:
She was in training to be a Jedi but when her master died she didn't continue the path.
Weapons: She has two purple light sabers and a CR-2 blaster​

all right I have a couple questions and a couple statements for those questions .

How long ago was her master killed?
Did she just start trying to be a bounty hunter right after his death?In order for her to be an experienced bounty hunter, without a mentor, she would have to be a little older. Like 18ish. Even if he was killed when she was 10.

If her master was killed a while ago and she's been a bounty Hunter for a while. in order for that to be believable, add in that She had a mentor ( A bounty Hunter mentor) in things you should know, but she is traveling alone now.

Actually, ignore what I just said.
Up her age to 16-18 add that she had a bounty hunter mentor sometime but that she's working alone now.

As characters, we will be adressing all my other questions and delving into everyone's backstory.

Do that, and then she will be accepted.
Willow Heart

View attachment 328490


Bounty Hunter

Force User:

Hand to hand combat

Other things we should know:
She was in training to be a Jedi but when her master died she didn't continue the path. Her Master was actually her guardian at the time so when her master died her master's sibling, who was a bounty hunter, became her new guardian and also taught her everything, she knows today, about being a bounty hunter.
Weapons: She has two purple light sabers and a CR-2 blaster​
Once age is fixed, accepted.
Character Sheet:

Name: Alexandra Kestel (Lexa)

Age: 26

calibration_by_wildweasel339-d6o6ddc (2).jpg

Species: Vahla

Homeworld: Vengance (Mandalorian Assault/Transport vessel)

Profession: Mechanic

Force User: Yes

Tech/Ship repair/construction
Computer Use
Force Concealment
Uses the force to gain knowledge on systems even if she hasn't encountered it before

Lexa lived her early life as part of the nomad fleet the only way that she was different was that she was aware of her force sensitivity and so had used it to improve (make usable) her piloting skills. When she began training as a mechanic she also found that the force often guided her hands to help her repair or create gadgets. She left the nomad fleet at around the age of 16 as a stow away on board one of the transports that left to raid a convoy. She left because she was fed up with the Ember of Vahl always trying to force her to train in her force abilities with them "properly" instead of learning herself additionally because of her ability to use the force they wanted her to become a full member rather than just leaving her to be a mechanic.

She roamed for 3 years taking on odd jobs on ships that would accept a young teenager as a mechanic while at the same time improving her skills and her "Force understanding" as she calls it. At 19 she responded to a request for a mechanic and arrived at a hanger holding a slightly battered Corsair class Battleship. Despite the title it wasn't actually massive and when she came on board she found out that it was being run by a skeleton crew of smugglers and even a few bounty hunters. It turned out that their last mechanic had died and they were making do with bodge jobs on non critical systems when the hyper-drive had failed. After doing some work she found and replaced the hyper-drive motivator, the captain was impressed and so offered her a more permanent job. Lexa jumped at the chance, all of her previous jobs were short and on small transports, to be able to work on something like this would be awesome and give her lots of room to fiddle. Even though she would get worked of her feet by trying to maintain a ship of this size by herself. 2 years on board and she had a near encyclopedic knowledge of the ships systems and how to coax every last bit of work from them, therefore when the captain changed she stayed with the ship and in the last 5 years her skills have only further increased such that she couldn't think of ever bringing another engineer into her engineering decks.

Other Facts:
She can often be seen chewing on something while she is working even cigarettes sometimes but she very rarely lights them.​
MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
(Original art: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Calibration-403405104)
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Character Sheet:

Name: Alexandra Kestel (Lexa)

Age: 26

View attachment 328627

Species: Vahla

Homeworld: Vengance (Mandalorian Assault/Transport vessel)

Profession: Mechanic

Force User: Yes

Tech/Ship repair/construction
Computer Use
Force Concealment
Uses the force to gain knowledge on systems even if she hasn't encountered it before

Lexa lived her early life as part of the nomad fleet the only way that she was different was that she was aware of her force sensitivity and so had used it to improve (make usable) her piloting skills. When she began training as a mechanic she also found that the force often guided her hands to help her repair or create gadgets. She left the nomad fleet at around the age of 16 as a stow away on board one of the transports that left to raid a convoy. She left because she was fed up with the Ember of Vahl always trying to force her to train in her force abilities with them "properly" instead of learning herself additionally because of her ability to use the force they wanted her to become a full member rather than just leaving her to be a mechanic.

She roamed for 3 years taking on odd jobs on ships that would accept a young teenager as a mechanic while at the same time improving her skills and her "Force understanding" as she calls it. At 19 she responded to a request for a mechanic and arrived at a hanger holding a slightly battered Corsair class Battleship. Despite the title it wasn't actually massive and when she came on board she found out that it was being run by a skeleton crew of smugglers and even a few bounty hunters. It turned out that their last mechanic had died and they were making do with bodge jobs on non critical systems when the hyper-drive had failed. After doing some work she found and replaced the hyper-drive motivator, the captain was impressed and so offered her a more permanent job. Lexa jumped at the chance, all of her previous jobs were short and on small transports, to be able to work on something like this would be awesome and give her lots of room to fiddle. Even though she would get worked of her feet by trying to maintain a ship of this size by herself. 2 years on board and she had a near encyclopedic knowledge of the ships systems and how to coax every last bit of work from them, therefore when the captain changed she stayed with the ship and in the last 5 years her skills have only further increased such that she couldn't think of ever bringing another engineer into her engineering decks.

Other Facts:
She can often be seen chewing on something while she is working even cigarettes sometimes but she very rarely lights them.​
MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
Character Sheet:



Skin Colour: Pale

Hair Colour: N/A

Eye Colour: Brown

Height: 6'2''

Weight: 118kg

Character Details:

Name: Morgan Killgrave

Species: Human (Cybernetic Enhanced)

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Homeworld: Corasant (Sorry hope it is spelled right)


Force User: No, but this badass carries some serious firepower

Profession: Mercenary

Training: Morgan had been recruited into the Republic armed forces from a very young age. His training included weapons, hand-to-hand, explosives, recon and intel gathering, survival, and engineering. Morgan learned to work very closely with pretty much any energy weapon aside from lightsabers. How to survive in wild and hostile environments, proper handing and deployment of explosives, and lastly how to re-purpose electronics and robotics. He was later inducted in special forces training to become a one man army.

Abilities: Morgan may not be a force wielding paragon or justice or sith lord, but he is far from a push over. With heavy cybernetics and implants all throughout his body he is capable or shattering bone with punches, ripping apart lesser robots with his bare hands. He has excellent vision pair with targeting acquisition to allow him to snipe someone from several kilometers away. Morgan can handle nearly any ranged and close range weapon with ease. He is capable of releasing a powerful electric charge from his personal energy reserves to shock organic targets, or disrupt electronic ones. Morgan is also adept at explosive use with both small and large explosives.


Morgan is as hard as they come. While once a happy little child that was playful and eager to make every day his fullest he was trained into an unforgiving instrument of war. After seeing countless deaths, and unending violence he had become conditioned to the worst of humanity, and death doesn't even phase him anymore. He is uncaring and callous, and only seeks to further his own ends, be it money or power. Now you may think that under all that callous robotic exterior he doesn't have a heart, but he does somewhere. When he sees someone weak in distress he feels bad, and may try to help them. However not if it gets in the way of a paycheck.

When it comes to other strong people though he doesn't care what happens to them. They are all just obstacles to him, and he will stop at nothing to bring them down if they cross him. Morgan has later in his life found some sick amusement out of violence, and developed a taste for blood lust. He does this because he had become incredibly bored, and nothing quite seems like much of a challenge anymore.


Ever since he was eight years old he was recruited into the republic armed forces. A military force that trains both youth and adults how to survive in the military. Normally they don't accept someone as young as himself, but his parents were unable to take care of him, so they sent him off to the military school. He may have been nearly half as young as all the other students, but the instructors had no such special mercy for him. He was forced to run until his feet were blistered and bleeding, he was only given a single meal a day, and worked until the late hours of the night, and forced to rise in the early hours of the day. He thought he had been sent to a living hell on earth, and no one was there to extend a hand or hold him and tell him everything would be okay.

When he hit his early teens he had become hard and cold. He was incredibly fit for his age, and even for most that were older then him by several years. He had been conditioned to be a physically superior warrior that obeyed only his superiors. By this age he started training with weapons, from blaster pistols to heavy automatic rifles used by commandos. What he hadn't known is that he had been submitted into a special training program. Chemical engineering, ruthless training, and minor cybernetic implantation become his new best friends. Blood stains freshly soaked his arms and legs as metal and enhancers were inserted into him. Automatic stimulant implants would give him a needed boost in combat if he were to start falling low. They weren't raising a child anymore, they were raising an instrument of war.

By sixteen he had started to see actual combat, and engaged in sparring with other students. The students he went against were often ones being punished, because he broke them. Arms, legs, even one poor kids back he broke them and beat them until he was told to stop by the instructors. They were proud of him, but all of the other students hated him thoroughly. He was handed a gun and sent out on his first mission. He was air dropped outside of a war zone, and was sent to infiltrate the enemy territory and preform sabotage on enemy structures. Only problem was that he stepped on a landmine. He lost both his legs, his left arm, and his right hand. He suffered from massive internal bleeding and a huge number of his bones had broken or shattered included his spine. His implants kept him alive though, and constantly administered stimulants to keep his heart beating until he was retrieved. After that they would make sure he could never fail again, and augmented him with serious cybernetics, implants, and mechanical augmentations. They completely rebuilt him to be a soldier of destruction.

After all they did to him, and the traumatic experience from the landmine he wasn't the same. When he woke he broke free of his restraints as if they had been made of dental floss. When he looked at himself he noticed he had been given experimental armor that could retract at will, and underneath the armour he was barely human anymore. So he fled, taking up a life of mercenary work. He had eventually developed a reputation as a soldier of fortune up until the present day.


Weapons: Gh-22 Blaster Pistol

AA-38 Plasma Rifle

Dual Gorgon Heavy Rifle

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