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Fandom Star Wars: Jedi Rising Characters and Sheet

Previous Era
  • Name: Aurora Australis
    Age: 25
    Race: Zabrak and Human hybrid.
    Physical Description: Lylack eyes and purple skin with dark purple hair. She also has light purple markings on her forehead and under her eyes. Credit to the artist in the face clame.
    Profession: Smuggler
    Personality: Determined and cheeky. Being a smuggler since she was a child has led to a habit of stealing. She also loves going to the club and having a bit of fun. She is a force to be reckoned with in the skies as she was trained by her father who was a Zabrak Smuggler.

    History: Aurora grew up on her father's ship and never knew her mother as she died giving birth.
    Aurora learned everything from her father and soon started winning races at the age of 5 for extra pocket money.
    Having become an excellent pilot from a young age her father knew he could count on her to help him with his business.
    She also learned how to smuggle things in plain sight. How to be sneeky and steal.
    It was all going so well until they where smuggling a criminal from one side of the galaxy to the other.
    The job was risky and soon ended in disaster.
    Their ship got raided by Bounty Hunters and in the mess her father was shot dead.
    They then turned to the young teen and shot her twice by the very man her father had tired to smuggle to safety, leaving her to die beside her father.
    But her wounds weren't fatal and by some miracle she survived.
    It was when all 5 men had gone to the cockpit, Aurora had dragged herself to the engineers quarters at the back of the ship.
    She was able to patch herself up save her own life.
    That was when she knew what she had to do.
    The man they were smuggling was with the Bounty Hunters and they where here to steal her Fathers ship... The Firefly.
    She knew what she had to do and she did it quickly.
    She opened up one of the panels on the side of the wall that was hiding a kill switch.
    She pressed it and the entire ship was filled with toxic gas apart from the engineers quarters.
    She stayed by herself in that little room for 24 hours until the gas had done it's job and new fresh air had filled the ship again.

    She limped out of the engineers quarters and past her father's body and into the cockpit to find only 4 bodies. The man that had killed her father and shot her, had gotten away.
    She made an oath that day, to never stop looking for the Bounty Hunter that killed her father. If she ever saw him again. She would be the last thing he ever saw.

    Abilities: She is a skilled pilot and isn't a bad shot with her ships fighter blasters. She can usually fix anything broken on her ship pretty good as well, but the patch up jobs never look the most prettiest.
    She is also a good shot with her blasters and prides herself on being quick on her feet when in hand to hand combat.
    Previous Era
  • Name: Ras Elased

    Race: Human Mandalorian

    Gender: Male

    Age: 24

    Personality: Ras is far wiser then most young guns, but being brought up in the way of the Mandalorians since he was 4 can do that to a person.
    Although he can speak, he would rather remain silent, but when he does speak he uses his words wisely and just says it like it is.
    He does have a kind side to him, but does try not to show it and would rather people see him for his cold, metal exterior then trying to go any deeper to find the real man underneath the helmet.

    History: Ras Elased wouldn't be able to tell you much from his childhood before he became a foundling as he was only 4 years of age when it happened. His Father as he would call him said he found him on the streets of Tatooine, looking for anything to eat.
    His Founder had taken pity on the small child and took him in as his own.
    The rest was simple from then and the life of a Mandalorian was all Ras was to need to know and the only life he wished to know.

    All seemed well in his life, having worked alongside his father until one faithful night on the planet Cholganna.
    He earned his signant, the Nexu, but lost so much that night that his signant became a constant reminder of how his father died.
    Ras may have killed two Nexu that night, but he was too late to save his father, who had lost too much blood from being injured.

    Ras was to come home to the Mandalorian Hideaway, only to be carrying his own wounds, a tooth each from the Nexu he killed and his Father's armor.

    It was after these events when Ra's became almost silent, only speaking when it was necessary.

    Appearance: (doesn't show his face)

    Wepons: (in pictures as well.)Screenshot_20201114-213327_Pinterest.jpgScreenshot_20201113-005632_Pinterest.jpgScreenshot_20201113-005401_Pinterest.jpgScreenshot_20201113-005158_Pinterest.jpgScreenshot_20201113-004914_Pinterest.jpg
    Previous Era
  • the night is dark and full of 1s (1).jpg

    Something akin to this, green scarf included.
    Name: Galen Alder
    Race: Human
    Force Sensitive (Yes or No): Yes
    Birthplace: Corellia
    Age: 24

    If Force Sensitive, fill out the following:

    Affiliation (Jedi Order or Sith Order): Jedi Order (Formerly,) Green Jedi
    Lightsaber Colour: Purple
    Hilt (Description or Image):
    Quizzes and Trivia.jpg
    Force Abilities:
    Force Empathy (Very rudimentary)
    Mind Trick
    Force Push and Pull
    Basic Precognition (The same kind every Jedi has)

    Unit (Dark Honor Guard, Temple Guard, Temple Security, etc) (Not Required):

    If not force sensitive, continue here:

    Bio: Galen did not start as a member of the Green Jedi. Instead, began his life in the main Jedi Order. Hailing from Corellia, Galen came from the wealthy Alder family, who had a large stock in CEC, as well as other smaller starships companies. He was found to be Force Sensitive by a passing Jedi and brought into the Order, much to the chargin of the local Corellian Jedi. The kid spent about twelve years with the Order, rising to the rank of Knight for his exceptional service against the Sith. That being said, he was not the most adherent to the Code. He saw it as assinine. Emotions did not lead to the Dark Side, neither did attachments. Sure, they could lead to one falling, but that was individual in nature. He voiced his opposition time and time again, only to be shot down every time. He contemplated leaving the Order, settling down somewhere and living out the rest of his life in peace. But for the time being, he followed the Council's orders, still held in by a feeling of obligation.

    Until he went back to Corellia.

    While on a diplomatic mission to his home planet, he saw firsthand the work of the Green Jedi. He learned of their history, their ways. He was enamored with them. They were everything he wished the Order was. So, after sending in his report, he..."accidentally" missed his shuttle back to Coruscant. He was welcomed into the Corellian Conclave, and quickly rose through the ranks, currently standing at their equivalent of Knight. That being said, he does see the threat of the Sith, and is trying to convince his Jedi bretheren to ally alongside the Jedi Order to stop the Sith Order once and for all.
    -Lightsaber. You know how it works, right?

    -Blaster pistol, just for emergencies

    Personality: Galen was never cut out to be a Jedi. Not in the sense that he was undisciplined or weak willed. Quite the opposite, in fact. It was his connection to others and empathy that made him unfit for it. A Jedi was to be unemotional, unattached from the Galaxy. Galen was both emotional and attached, always striving to help people, whether they deserved it or not. In a way, he represents what the Order could be if they let go of the Code. Passion without anger, attachment without fear. He loves Corellia, he loves his comrades in the Green Jedi. They both drive him to do everything he can to live up to both of their legacies, and be the best Jedi he can be. Not saying he's perfect. He feels the pull of the Dark Side, same as everyone else. It's easy to get drunk off power. That first dip into it is...intoxicating. The power, the rush of fear. It scares him. The thought of himself being consumed by the Dark Side is something from the Order that never truly left Galen. If anything, it's even stronger now that he's left.
    Previous Era
  • Name: Torren Val Kurr
    Race: Human
    Force Sensitive: Yes
    Birthplace: Coruscant
    Age: 26
    Affiliation (Jedi Order or Sith Order):
    The Jedi Order - Jedi Knight

    Lightsaber Colour:

    Hilt (Description or Image):
    Force Abilities:

    Basic Precognition
    Force Push - Torren has an odd affinity towards this ability, making this his strongest in the arsenal of force abilities. Capable of cracking bones and denting metal if charged up enough.
    Force Pull - Not as powerful as his force push, but strong enough for any Jedi Knight
    Force Stasis - Torren has little control over this ability, and aims to strengthen it.


    Torren couldn't tell you anything about his life before being a padawaan. Or even before he had arrived to the Jedi Order. What he can say is that he probably was found as a promising youngling by a wayfaring Jedi, and whisked off to the Temples for training. He spent much of his childhood training as a youngling, up to becoming a padawaan for a Jedi Master known as Zetto. The training with Master Zetto was grueling, hard work but also rewarding by Zetto's laid back nature, which meshed with Torren's young and untethered mind. Zetto took an odd approach to being a teacher and master, allowing Torren to experience his training rather than sit him down for hourly sessions. Advocating for Torren to have hands-on experience with the situations of being a Jedi, which grew some weary eyes by the rest of the Jedi Council for his backwards style of training. Although it did pay off, Torren saw himself becoming a better duelist, and a better force sensitive with Zetto's guiding hands.
    Zetto and Torren grew close, and both complimented each other's sarcasm. Torren was growing up to become a promising Jedi Knight, and Zetto was proud he could finally pass down his teachings to. Someone who understood him and his way of life.

    As Torren's test to become a Jedi Knight grew near, Zetto made it his mission to make Torren the best he could be before such a important moment came to be. As a planned vacation for the both of them, Master Zetto brought Torren to a planet in the outer rim to train and grow a stronger connection to the force. Though all would come to ruin about a month into the training. During a tropical storm on the jungle planet, Zetto and Torren awoke to an ambush by a Sith Inquisitor. A deadly chase ensued where Master Zetto gave up his life in order to allow Torren to escape further into the jungle.
    For another month Torren, wracked with guilt and loss played the game of cat-and-mouse with the Inquisitor until finally he gained the courage, and the balance he needed to face his master's killer.
    In an epic conclusive fight against the Inquisitor, Torren had sliced clean through them, and left victorious to return to the Jedi Council and give the horrible news. Taking his master's green lightsaber along with him. Torren was immediately given the trials and passed, becoming a Knight based on the merit alone of facing off against an Inquisitor, alongside passing his trials with ease . 4 years ago seem such a long time to some, but to Torren it is a constant reminder in the back of his head.

    Two lightsabers, his very own yellow one, and the green lightsaber of his fallen Master.

    Torren is what one would say your not so typical Jedi. Always going against the grain of tradition, always has something to say, never one to settle down for less than what he feels is right. Respect is surely given to the Council and their ways, but he will make it known when he does not agree with something. His loyalty lies in the path the force forged for him. He only serves the Jedi Council, and by extension the Jedi Order on a whim of his master's teachings. "A solid foundation is needed for power, and your power is great."
    For Torren, the dark side is just another pathway to the force. Though he garners no interest towards it, he is less likely so that he has lost his master to a Sith Inquisitor. For him, to hunt down any Sith he might come in contact with is good enough for him.
    Torren is sarcastic, laid-back like his master before him, and centered. Not above cracking a joke at ill-advised times, and somewhat arrogant. A fire burns in Torren, one dedicated to bringing about justice and peace. Whether the Jedi Order agrees with his style of bringing it about or not is of little concern to him. At best, Torren keeps an arm's length from the Temple, always wanting to keep busy or not have to stay for too long. Its a rarity for one to see Torren even inside the temple unless called upon by the Council.
    Previous Era
  • togsmuggler.jpg
    Name: Kator NeVall
    Race: Togruta
    Force Sensitive (Yes or No): Yes
    Birthplace: Unknown
    Age: ~ 30

    If Force Sensitive, fill out the following:

    Affiliation (Jedi Order or Sith Order):
    Sith Order
    Lightsaber Colour:
    Hilt (Description or Image):3373882.jpg

    Force Abilities:
    Choke, Push, Pull, Crush, Scream

    Dual Bladed Lightsaber
    Cocky, Sarcastic, Caring (Though he does everything he can to hide it), Aggressive, Vengeful, Understanding

    Name: Kathara Kett'teri
    Race: Twi'lek
    Force Sensitive (Yes or No): Yes
    Birthplace: Unknown
    Age: ~ 27

    If Force Sensitive, fill out the following:

    Affiliation (Jedi Order or Sith Order):
    Sith Order
    Lightsaber Colour:
    Hilt (Description or Image):zgvizyct65w11.png

    Force Abilities:
    Choke, Push, Pull, Storm, Horror

    Weaponry: Lightsaber Whips
    Personality: Sadistic (Deadly), Manipulative, Cold, Untrustworthy, Loyal, Power Hungry, Compassionate

    Bio: They Call themselves "The Twins of Chaos." a unique pair brought together by the horrors of the Empire, power of the Dark Side, and understanding of what is Right. They were constantly sent on missions together by their master overpowering well-known lords of the sith and uncovering the closest secrets of the force the galaxy had to offer. Unbeknownst to their master when the combined power grew too much for him to handle his death was certain and painful which Kathara sought to personally. Trusting no one but themselves they soon left the order after that for reasons only known to them. Traveling the galaxy the pair knowns not what they seek, but knows when the time does arise they will rise to the challenge to complete their ultimate goal.
    Previous Era
  • Ardan Sakra

    Name: Ardan Sakra

    Race: Arkanian

    Force Sensitive: Yes

    Birthplace: Arkania

    Age: 47

    Alignment: Dark Side

    Class: Assassin

    Lightsaber Color: Red

    Hilt Design:


    Lightsaber Styles:
    Shii-Cho: Mastered. Like any youngling, she was first instructed in this form, and has kept her techniques sharp to this day. She incorporates Shii-Cho when fighting multiple opponents.

    Makashi: Mastered. This is her preferred form and the one she has poured most of her time and energy into, and as a result she is probably one of the most skilled duelists of her generation, Jedi or Sith. This doesn't make her completely immune to the form's weaknesses, however.

    Soresu: Competent. This is not her preferred fighting style, but it comes in handy against blaster fire, and she will use some defensive moves in a pinch.

    Ataru: Competent. Also not her preferred form, but she has learned some techniques to compensate for the inherent weaknesses of Makashi.

    Force Abilities
    Force Speed
    Force Wound
    Drain Life
    Mind Trick (Persuasion, Intimidation, Insanity)
    Force Lightning
    Force Concealment (limited)
    Force Barrier
    Thought Shield
    Enhance Attribute

    Ardan was born on the planet Arkania and discovered by the Jedi Order when she was five years old. As a student, she was bright, curious, and diligent, but also perfectionistic and high-strung. When she became a padawan, her Master introduced her to the Makashi style of lightsaber combat, hoping the form's focus on finesse would provide a healthy outlet for her perfectionism. Showing a natural aptitude, she quickly became one of the best young duelists in the Order.

    When she wasn't training, Ardan studied galactic history and the sciences, memorized star maps, and meditated to keep her mind off of her anxieties. She didn't make many friends among her peers, becoming withdrawn due to her struggle to control her emotions. Instead she developed a close friendship with the elderly Keeper of the Archives, who saw his younger self reflected in her and was happy to indulge her curiosity.

    Alongside her Master, she was deployed to several crisis situations offworld. As she worked closely with local law enforcement, relief organizations, and civilians, forming personal relationships with some of them, she was struck by their desire to do the right thing for its own sake, apart from any code. Attachments and emotions didn't hamper their ability to do good, and she envied them. It dawned on her just how much of the Jedi belief system was dedicated to what not to do over what one should do.

    During their travels they also assisted in several battles against the Dark Jedi, which allowed Ardan to witness the Dark Side first hand. She was terrified by their ferocity, but a tiny part of her admired how they were able to fight without holding back and exist purely in the moment without worrying about the consequences. Horrified and ashamed of these feelings, she buried them deep and never spoke of them to anyone.

    Later, she and her Master traveled to a planet torn apart by a civil war to assist refugees, and were forbidden to intervene, despite the bloodshed. When the government was overthrown in a coup, the Council seemed content to leave the planet to totalitarian rule as long as the conflict had ceased, something Ardan found difficult to swallow. The information control tactics she'd seen during the war had also planted seeds of doubt about the many secrets held by the Jedi Order, doubts she tried and failed to suppress.

    Finally, she discussed her concerns with the Archivist, but he became guarded, especially when she asked about the Schism. Most padawans had a basic idea of what had led to the war they were fighting now, but many details were closely guarded, lest they become curious about forbidden Force techniques. When she grew frustrated he scolded her and warned that certain knowledge could cause an inexperienced padawan to fall to the Dark Side. Ardan was hurt by what she perceived as a lack of trust, which created a rift between them. Without her confidante, she was tormented by unanswered questions, and began to wonder if the reason so many fell to the Dark Side over these teachings was because they contained an element of truth the Jedi did not want to admit.

    After months of internal conflict, she swallowed her fear and snuck into the Archives. There she learned bits and pieces of events leading to the Hundred Year Darkness, including descriptions of Force Alchemy and the exiled sect's beliefs that they could revive dead worlds. She did see the potential for abuse of these powers, but she also began to wonder if the Dark Jedi were not quite as misguided as she'd been led to believe. Wracked with confusion and guilt, she refused to read any more and tried to forget what she'd learned.

    As her Knight trials approached, she finally confronted the Archivist with this information, believing she could not become a full-fledged Jedi without resolving her doubts. An argument ensued, during which the Archivist revealed that he had been briefly seduced by the Dark Jedi's teachings in his youth before coming to regret his self-destructive path. In that short time he'd committed crimes that haunted him to the present day. He begged Ardan not to lose herself as so many Jedi already had. Thoroughly chastened, she put her doubts aside and prepared for her trials.

    She passed without incident, and threw herself into her duties, but peace continued to elude her. Eventually she began to doubt that she had a place within the order, even as her dark curiosities returned in force. Rather than expose herself to temptation, she quietly left the Order two years after her trials and wandered the galaxy, helping others where she could. She soon found herself in close proximity to the Dark Jedi, and, seeing this as an opportunity to discern their true nature, decided to infiltrate their ranks to gather intelligence for the Order.

    Once on the inside, she resisted at first, but was ultimately enthralled by their teachings and the freedom they seemed to offer, and her ruse became genuine. For the first time, she could truly feel and think without constant condemnation from her inner voice, and she could trust her own judgement and rely on her own strength. She proved to have a talent for strategy and for Force alchemy, which, along with her ambition, allowed her to rise quickly through the ranks. The first apprentice she was assigned was the son of a diplomat, sly and keenly intelligent. They were well matched- or so she thought. Within three years he got too deep into the twisted game of politics and was killed by the apprentice of one of Ardan's rivals.

    Losing her apprentice cost her considerable prestige, so her next apprentice was one no one had high hopes for, a quiet girl who was probably better suited to the Jedi. Determined to redeem herself, Ardan forged her into the perfect weapon. In the end the quiet girl became a power-hungry, sadistic schemer who grew impatient with her teachings and allied herself with another of Ardan's rivals- an older and wiser schemer who eventually betrayed her. Her third and last apprentice was brash and reckless and they clashed constantly, but developed a grudging respect and even affection for each other over time. However, he came to suspect her of deliberately holding him back and attacked her in a fit of rage. During the fight, he force-pushed a brazier at her, resulting in a burn scar across the right side of her face. He refused to back down, and she was forced to kill him.

    These failures revealed the ultimate futility of everything she had accomplished since joining the Dark Jedi. Tired of the constant backstabbing and manipulations, she left without a real plan or destination, vowing to unravel the mysteries of the Force, and, someday, to take another apprentice.
    She would not fail again.

    Intelligent, cynical, reserved, introspective, focused, determined, wise, irritable, stubborn

    While trying to keep a low profile, Ardan uses a longsword instead of her lightsaber, and keeps a vibro-knife in her boot.

    Artwork courtesy of Princeofredroses, Rinmarugames, and dolldivine.com.
    Saber image is from saberforge.com.
    Last edited:
    Previous Era
  • Everon Marcess


    (Battle Armour)

    Race: Human
    Force Sensitive: Yes
    Birthplace: Alderaan
    Age: 28


    Jedi Order, Jedi Consular

    Lightsaber Colour:


    Force Abilities:
    Battle Meditation
    Force Wave
    Force Immunity
    Force Speed
    Drain Force
    Death Field
    Force Confusion
    Dominate Mind


    The Short Version:
    Everon grew up on Coruscant, discovered to have an unusual affinity with the force, even developing Battle Meditation, and he was sent to provide support in the war effort at the age of 23. He discovered dark side powers while at war, captured Dark Jedi who taught him their ways of the force, and Everon willingly plunged into the teachings of the Dark Jedi out of a desire to learn all aspects of the Force. Despite darkening himself, Everon did not betray the Jedi or joined the Dark Jedi, and eventually word reached the Jedi Masters on Coruscant about what Everon had been learning and practicing, despite Everon's best efforts to keep his new studies a secret from the Masters.

    As a result, Everon has been summoned back to Coruscant, to face the judgement of the Jedi Council. Rather than run or join the Dark Jedi, Everon accepted the summons and returned to Coruscant, and face his future honestly.

    The Long Version:
    Like many other Jedi before him, Everon was taken from his family at a young age and brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, to be trained in the ways of the Force using traditional Jedi teachings under the sage watch of the Masters. During his upbringing, the war against the Dark Jedi raged, though the battlefields lay very far from the tranquil sanctuary that is the Jedi Temple, and Everon grew dedicated to the ways of the Light like almost all other young padawan. Even from a young age, Everon's affinity for the Force was obvious to his teachers, and they watched Everon develop force abilities faster than all of his peers, at a level of power rarely seen. As a result, Everon became a Jedi Consular, and dedicated his future to the proper study into the mysteries of the Force. But when Everon developed the rare force power of Battle Meditation, everything changed for Everon.

    In a desire to bring a swift end to the war, the Jedi Council decided to send Everon to provide support in the war effort, to use his Battle Meditation to assist Republic forces and his fellow Jedi against the Dark Jedi. As expected, Everon went out to the front lines, and used his Battle Meditation for the good of the Republic. But war and battle would change Everon, as would the discovery of Dark Force powers. Powers that Everon was never taught, never saw, and his natural affinity to the force as well as his hunger for knowledge drove him to uncover the secrets of the Dark Jedi. He would use Battle Meditation to capture rather than kill Dark Jedi, preparing to draw their knowledge out during interrogation, but Everon found that the Dark Jedi were rather compliant in sharing their knowledge of the Dark Side. With every captured Dark Jedi, Everon's knowledge drew, as did his force powers, and visiting his prisoners for training and lessons became a regular occurrance.

    But it was when Everon started practicing his newfound powers that he began to fall to the Dark Side. Everon started to step out of his support role and began participating in battles personally, using the Dark Jedi's own force powers against their own armies, and Everon's natural affinity meant he often proved more powerful than most of the Dark Jedi that he faced on the battlefield. Everon even began brutal experiments with prisoners of war, refining his abilities to perfection in the process, darkening himself with every passing day.

    Despite Everon's fall, he did not turn against the Jedi and nor did he truly embrace the philosophies of the Sith, but rather he had a desire to learn all aspects of the Force, not just what the Jedi taught. But Everon's exploration and experimentation of the Dark Side did not go without notice, and his fellow Jedi grew concerned about Everon's dark studies. Though Everon used his Force powers to control the minds of others around him, keeping them from reporting on him, he knew that one day word would get out to the Jedi Council, and eventually word did reach the Jedi Council. Everon would receive a summons, to return to the Coruscant immediately and face the judgement of the Council. Though Everon could have run, or joined the Dark Jedi, he decided to accept the summons, and face the Jedi Masters of the Council.


    Curious, Studious, Intelligent, Calm, Controlled, Disciplined, Couragous.​
    Previous Era
  • Name: Bogan Adas Starkiller
    Race: Sith Pureblood
    Force Sensitive (Yes or No): Yes
    Birthplace: Korriban
    Age: 10



    Affiliation (Jedi Order or Sith Order):
    Former Sith, Reluctant Jedi
    Lightsaber Color: Red with a black core
    Hilt (Description or Image): Two black hilted curved bladed lightsabers with electrum finish that can join together at the hilt.
    Force Abilities:
    Force lightning
    Force Choke
    Force Crush

    Dark Transfer
    force concealment
    Unit: N/A
    Bio: Bogan Adas Starkiller was born the same as his entire family, Through the use of a Sacred sith Artifact called the Orb of Adas. The orb, commissioned by King Adas in the wake of driving the infinite empire off Korriban. It's purpose was to act as a repository of both the genetic blueprint of pure sith and their subspecies, as well as hold all the knowledge, secrets, and history of the sith culture.

    For untold centuries, the Family that would come to be known as the Starkiller family would use it to maintain their blood purity as well as store the secrets that the dark jedi exiles held.

    By the time of the great Galactic war, The Starkiller Family grew in strength, influence and numbers, that the dark council's authority was threatened by them.

    Taking a preemptive strike, The dark council in a rare act of complete unity, instigated the Starkiller Purge.

    Only Bogan was able to escape. fleeing with the orb of adas, He sought asylum with the jedi order.
    Bogan was raised to believe himself to be the Sith'ari, the perfect being. He is proud, intelligent, and surprisingly capablr of kindness and patience. He lives by a set of sith standards of morals and an honor code. In time, Bogan may come to realize there is more to life than studying and training. So far his life on Korriban was devoide of all forms of affection and normalcy,He was being groomed to rule the galaxy, not live in it. If anything wasn't relavent to that goal, it was ignored completely