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Fandom Star Wars: Episode I - The Rising Force

Alana's focus remained fixed on the oncoming droids, her lightsaber elegantly swaying in all directions. She started to advance on the droids, now getting on the offensive so she wouldn't get overwhelmed, but for every one she destroyed, two more took it's place. Things were looking bad, she was so focused she hadn't even noticed Davin get split up from her.
Davin kept fighting, rushing in to try and close the distance between them. It wasn't working as well as he would have hoped. He deflected a blaster bolt back to the droid that fired it, using the same motion to slice through a droid that had rushed up behind him. Droids weren't difficult to fight, but in numbers like this they were becoming more than just a nuisance.
When she finally noticed the lack of Davin's presence nearby, she lost focus and feared the worst. "Davin?!" She called out, whipping her head around. A grave mistake. A split second was all it took for a droid to clip her arm, sending her reeling to the ground, letting out a painful yelp. The droids then circled in for the kill.
Davin heard her call his name, whipping his head around to look. He saw her fall, the pit of his stomach dropping. He shot forward, knocking droids away with the Force as he launched towards her, ignoring the searing pain of blaster bolts ripping past his arms. He landed next to her, blasting the droids away as he grabbed her as quickly as he could, using the Force to leap above the group of droids.

He shielded Alana's body with his as he felt blaster bolts grazing him, the Force barely protecting him from harm. He launched off a nearby tree and rocketed away, moving with enough speed to lose the droids far behind them.
Alana felt her body being tugged every which way, the jerking movements not doing anything beneficial to her injury. When she opened her eyes again, the droids were gone and Davin held her. She pulled herself from his grip, standing on her feet, holding her arm where the blast struck. "I feared the worst when I lost sight of you."
Davin was gasping for breath, drained from the exertion of their escape. He offered a little smile, shaking his head slightly. "We got split by the droids... I'm afraid they're learning better tactics." he explained. He had a smoking wound on his arm, but the way he was facing her, she couldn't see the marks on his back. The only hint that he was injured was the wisps of smoke rising from behind him.

"Are you alright? You're hurt..." he said quietly, complete disregard for his own injuries.
"I'll be fine. We need to find a way back to the ship. If we're caught here long the droids may spot us again. We can't risk it. Give me a few moments to patch up. Your arm may need the same," she said, nodding in the direction of his wound. Pulling off a length of cloth from her waistband, she ripped it and began to wrap it over the wound, wincing horribly. "This never.. ah.. was easy."
Davin wanted to help patch her up, but it looked like she had it under control. He glanced down at his arm as well and offered a little chuckle, the searing pain in his back overshadowing any pain his arm might be in. "I'll... I'll be fine..." he said quietly. "It's not my arm that's the problem..."

He turned a little, showing her the myriad of smoldering burns on his back. He had taken the brunt of the attacks to protect her.

"I might have made another mistake... But you would have been killed, I couldn't let that happen."
"Is that all that you had? A few droids were able to best some jedi...how weak. To think I even had an ounce of respect for you close-minded warriors of the force. Disgraceful..." Lunstra spoke as she suddenly appeared from what could be called nowhere. Lunstra gazed at the jedi and frowned slightly as she reached for her double bladed lightsaber but then grabbed her single bladed saber. She was hoping she wouldn't have to fight them in a weakened stated as it would be a little harder to gauge their strength properly but any information she could gather would be fine with her and hopefully her master. "No matter...as long as you aren't dead you aren't lower than dirt..." She remarked as she ignited her saber.
Master Ja'dell gazed over Davin's wounds until a sudden interruption called her attention. The red-skinned woman from Tattooine had appeared and with malicious intent. This was troubling. With both Jedi dealing with injuries, the desire for battle wasn't too welcome with Alana. Then she saw it. The ignition. The hum and glow of a lightsaber. A red blade. "You were right, my apprentice. The Sith have returned." Alana's eyes narrowed, her fixation reminiscient of a hawk focused on it's prey. She used her good arm and drew her own lightsaber, standing ready. "You will not take us so easily."
Davin's eyes snapped to the new threat, a quiet curse under his breath. "We never get any breaks..." he mumbled with a heavy sigh, turning to face this new opponent. He was pretty badly hurt, but he didn't have a choice but to fight.

"I hate when I'm right..." he said with a small smirk, igniting his saber as he squared off to the Sith. The presence of the new threat was enough for him to ignore the pain and focus, his eyes narrowed as he stared her down.

"I suggest we take her alive, Master. That way we can figure out what they're planning."
Lunstra offered the jedi a small and sinister grin. "Take me alive? Oho, that's a good one. Now, show me the restricted power of the jedi." She demanded as she took a stance, flipping her saber to be held backhand and darted toward the pair of jedi, prepared to swing with plenty of force behind it. She needed to be careful, while she could indeed fight them both with no problem, WINNING was the issue here but it's not exactly her intention, at least not now anyway. She made mental note not to drag out the fight for too long.
As the Sith rushed forward, Alana took a defensive approach, going to absorb the force of her swing and open up an opportunity for her Davin. Their lightsabers clashed, Alana struggling to hold her ground for long with one arm being disabled. She growled under her breath, "You will not succeed here."
As the Sith clashed with Alana, Davin rushed forward, gritting his teeth through the pain. This Sith attack was badly timed, but he figured that the Sith were cowardly enough to only fight them when they were injured.

He slid next to the two, aiming a sharp stab at the Sith's torso. He wasn't sure if the attack would land, but anything was better than just letting Alana get hurt.

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