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Star Wars: Commanders and Traitors [Closed]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
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The command shuttle of Kylo Ren descended onto the planet of Dantooine, onto one of its many continents. The planet, infamous for nearly being destroyed by Grand Moff Tarkin when Leia offered it as a rebel base, was still considered a relatively unimportant agriworld in the Outer Rim.

The only reason the First Order were now beginning to swarm it was because of a ship that had been shot down not far from where the command shuttle landed.

As soon as the ramp descended, the black robed commander of the infamous Knights of Ren descended, covered head to toe in black as TIEs began to land around him. Through his visor, he could see the smoke of the ship shot down and he walked towards it.

He was not leaving this to the Troopers.

The last time he trusted the First Order with that was Poe Dameron, and Poe Dameron escaped him, with FN-2187, and that led to the series of events that destroyed Starkiller base, and left him permanently scarred.

No matter what the First Order did, no matter how much bacta was used, and no matter how Kylo focused on the Force, he could not heal the scar across his face, nor near his heart. Both were painful reminders of his failure to Supreme Leader Snoke, in spite of his own personal success against his light.

Troopers began to swarm out of their own ships. Some were ahead of Kylo, and he found the wreckage with a few Troopers nearby.

“Commander,” one immediately greeted him, this one with a red shoulder plate signifying him as a leader. “The rebel is not here, but we do not believe they have gotten far.”

“Spread out. Comb the area,” Kylo gestured out, and immediately the white armored Troopers moved.

Kylo moved closer to the wreckage, examining the cockpit to find clues to how the pilot escaped, as well as signs of injury or difficulty in escape.

He was all but motionless in his examination, feeling things out not only with his eyes, but also with the Force, looking for a powerful emotion left behind to draw on, that might bring up a vision of the escape and the direction that the rebel had gone.

This one was no low-ranking rebel. This one was one of Leia’s precious pilots, someone who would know where rebel bases were scattered about.

Where Leia Organa herself was.

Kylo just had to make sure to lose this one. This clue could take him to Leia, and then, to Luke, if his own spy didn’t manage it.


Orange was an atrocious color for a red-head, Vera had decided upon checking herself out in one of the Resistance jumpsuits. So, the Knight of Ren turned spy tossed the jumpsuit onto her bed in the barracks and threw on something more casual – she was just going out to get breakfast, after all.

She tied her red hair back, threw on a black sweater and matching slacks. She always felt more at home in black. Imperial. First Order. Knight. Always, black. Besides that, it made sense.

The base she was on was freezing. ‘Because of course you would get sent to Hoth.’

At least the food was good. Warm.

Vera Schaeffer exited from her tiny quarters, as put together as she was going to get before her first cup of caf, and made her way towards the mess hall.

She got some looks for having a vibrosaber at her hip, but she was used to that. She felt vulnerable without her lightsaber, but that couldn’t be with her. She had to pretend she wasn’t Force sensitive, which meant, no lightsaber.

She hadn’t gotten much time to contribute to the Resistance. What they knew of her was simple: Vera Schaeffer of Eriadu. Family of Imperial supports. She went through the Imperial Academy system, so she had all the poise of an Imperial Officer, was on board with it all – until Hosnian Prime. She defected to the Resistance then.

So they knew she could fight. Pilot. Lead.

But, she hadn’t been tested, and she was from an Imperialist background, which meant she was mostly delegated to repairing ships – they didn’t trust her fighting with them yet, not on the field and not in the sky, but her knowledge of ships wasn’t going to go wasted.

“Hey, Schaeffer,” someone called to her as she walked into the mess hall, “You might have your work cut out for you today,”

Curious, she grabbed a cup of caf, abandoned breakfast for the moment to stand besides the twi’lek woman who had quite the grin on her face. “Why’s that, Vivi?” That wasn’t her full name, of course. The turquoise twi’lek had a much longer name than that, but it was what everyone called her.

“I heard Black Squadron was showing up. They usually get into some messes.”

There, Vera let her eyebrows rise, and the twi’lek laughed, “Don’t get too excited, you’ll embarrass yourself around the celebrities.” Everyone knew Black Squad.

Vera rolled her eyes, “They repair their own ships, anyway,” or that was what she heard. “I’m going to get something to eat,” she said, didn’t say if she’d join Vivi as she went to figure out just what it was she wanted that morning.  
Gasping for air and her skin feeling like it was on fire, Melsara pulled herself from the smoldering wreckage that used to be her X - Wing Starfighter. The black smoke continued to roll off of the warped metal and waft up her nose. “Not good,” She muttered as she pulled the cracked and dented helmet from her head, discarding it beside her. 

A simple recon mission, Poe Dameron, the best damn pilot in the Resistance had told her. It would be over in a flash and she’d be back to the main base before their night fell. As Melsara looked over the wooded area she’d crash landed in, it was clear that she would indeed, not be home in time for supper. 

Looking around wildly, it was hard not to miss the command shuttle of the infamous Kylo Ren landing not far enough away. 

She had to move, and she had to move fast. 

Her mind spinning wildly, she tried to think of where she could go, how she could possibly make contact with the Resistance base and request back up, or at least a rescue mission. Melsara faltered when she realized she’d spent to much time just standing there, and she could hear movement coming through the trees. 

The destroyed X - Wing held little value now, the communications system didn’t work and there was no hope of it ever flying again. Melsara reached in and took the only thing that seemed logical and headed into the surrounding trees. 

As she tucked the damaged blaster into one of the pockets of her orange jumpsuit, she tried to keep an ear out for the people pursuing her. Storm Troopers she had expected, but had Kylo Ren himself really come looking for her? 

The adrenaline rushing through her veins had kept her from noticing the tear on the side of her thigh that revealed a bloodied gash. Turning again, she tried to keep her movements sporadic as she moved through the woods.

Breathing heavily Melsara looked back towards the column of smoke that cascaded from her ship. She needed a moment to breath and to think. Sinking down into a ditch between a rock and a tree she pulled the blaster from her pocket and held it tightly. 

She didn’t know much of the Force, or those that could bend it to their will, but she knew that they were dangerous. She wondered what exactly Kylo Ren was capable of. Could he find her based on this power? Could he read her mind and track her like an animal? The thoughts rushed through her as her heart raced with fear.

- - - 

Even though there was no place he’d rather be than in the air, after a long flight Poe Dameron was pleased to be returning to a Resistance Base, even if it was on Hoth. He’d always enjoyed the cold anyway. 

He came in slow, leading the rest of Black Squad to land around the hangar in ease. Jumping from his ship, he slid out and dropped to the ground below him. The icy concrete crunched beneath his boots as he began to move towards the buildings that held the rest of the posted Resistance fighters inside. 

“Good job guys, let’s get some rest, get some food and we’ll be back at it in a day or two.” Poe called to the other members of Black Squadron as they started to climb from their ships and follow him. 

There wasn’t necessarily another mission to jump right back too, they could’ve taken a few days if they wanted, but Poe didn’t like to stay in one place for long and it was easy enough for him to come up with something for them to do. 

He carried his new jacket in one hand, as he’d let his friend Fin keep the one he used to wear. Unzipping his orange jump suit, he wore a plain black t-shit beneath it, and he let the top half of the jumpsuit hang around his hips as he pulled the jacket on. 

Poe rubbed his hands together, warming them before opening one of the side doors to the base that led into a hall way. As the rest of his squadron entered, they all took off in different directions, mingling amongst themselves. He was left alone as his friends wandered away to find their own ways of relaxing while they had the chance. 

He’d only been to the Hoth base a couple times before, but Poe was confident in his navigational skills as he followed the scent of caf and food until he found the warmth of the mess hall. 

Grinning to himself, Poe looked around the room in admiration. Few things made him happier than seeing the people that fought beside him looking at peace for the moment. Various groups of troops sat scattered across the tables, sharing in meals and conversation. The mess hall was a great place to be distracted from the war outside. 

Though they could never become to distracted.

A few recruits stopped and said hello, thank you, and welcome as Poe passed by, making his way towards breakfast. He smiled and shook hands in response. While it was fun to be well known, sometimes it was a little over whelming. Especially when all he wanted was a cup of caf and something to fill his stomach.
It was like a gentle thud in the back of Commander Ren's mind. A heart beat. His dark eyes followed it down to the blood that was upon the X-Wing and the torn fabric. It was enough. He could hear her life force.

The black robe swirled around his booted feet as he turned and cut a path through the trees, each stride long. With the pulse in his head, he picked up the spatters of blood that drew him closer.

There was no pattern just chaos, something Hux's Troopers were not prepared to deal with. He saw them as he moved and did wave over two that noticed the trail of blood, even if they couldn't manage to follow it through.

The forest had its dips and rises. Kylo knew they were coming to one as the trees thinned. The upwards swell of land also gave it away. First came the ditch and Kylo Ren paused at the height of it. 

The thudding was much louder.

Rocks and logs made up the ditch. Some trees. "The rebel is near," Kylo stated. "Find them."

Neither trooper asked how Kylo Ren knew, they just obeyed and spread out, one moving left into the ditch, the other moving right.

Kylo did not descend. He kept the high ground and used the Force to pull his lightsaber into his hands. The shaky and erratic red blade came to life with that ever-threatening sound. He was hoping to scare the rebel out as he walked left along the top of the ditch.




The first week among the rebels, Vera found their food to be decadent. So many fried options, starchy things, salty things - it seemed like heaven to someone so used to a far healthier diet. So, she indulged.

Then came week two and disgust and regret. Vera would have killed for a fresh salad and did look forlornly over the eggs she knew came from a milk carton and not an actual egg.

Hoth was a frozen wasteland though. The food was all shipped in.

So, she picked her way through, putting together a meal of yogurt, toast, sausage, and recently unfrozen fruits to go with her caf. She heard the talk behind her while doing this and did glance back to try and pinpoint Poe Dameron, but to no avail. Too many had gotten up to greet him.

Fortunately her twi'lek acquaintance was a good friend to make. Shortly after Vera returned to her seat, the alien whistled as if she were at a strip club. "Damn Dameron!" Far too bold. She had a teasing smile on her lips, "Back at it again with the jacket, eh?" Vivi joked.

Vera used the opportunity to follow Vivi's look to the 'best pilot' in the Resistance and give a quick assessment, once over, of the man still half-in a jumpsuit.
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Now that she had her breathing under control, Melsara remained perfectly still as she waited, crouched in the corner of her hiding place in the ditch. Her breath hitched when she heard a deep voice, distorted by a vocorder. Kylo Ren was standing just above her, and Storm Troopers were on their way. 

She had wasted to much time trying to think of plan that she hadn’t kept moving. She cursed herself and her swirling mind. She had always had trouble thinking straight in times of great stress like this. If she was still in the air she would’ve had no problem continuing to fly while she though, but being on solid ground made her uneasy. 

As one of the Storm Troopers neared her, Melsara inhaled sharply. As soon as the solider in white came into view she fired off her blaster, striking it twice. She didn’t know how many more Troopers there were, or where Kylo Ren was, but she knew that now she had to run. If she continued to sit there, they would just continue to come until she was taken. 

Lunging forward from the ditch, she scrambled to the level ground above her gaze flickering wildly around her surroundings. She turned quickly. 

There he was. 

Kylo Ren was standing on the other side of the ditch, just feet from her in plain sight. For a moment that felt like forever, she couldn’t breathe. She had heard stories of the torture he’d inflicted against the previous Resistance captives. 

So she ran.

- - - 

A space opened up and Poe moved past the people that so fondly greeted him. Everyone acted as if they were his friend, even if they hadn’t met previously. His reputation certainly preceded him. 

He turned his head, looking away from the collection of tables and recruits that still occasionally eyed him, murmuring hushed words about his conquests. 

A grin spread across his face when he heard a whistle from a Twi’lek woman ring across the room. “Yeah yeah, keep it down Vivi.” He smiled picking up his pace to close the space between them. “People are trying to relax in here. This isn’t a club.” Poe teased her as he pulled his hands from his pockets. 

“I’m not here long, so I’m going to capitalize on breakfast while I still can.” The raven haired man said as he moved past her and towards the food arranged on another table. He picked up a cup and filled it with caf looking back towards Vivi and then bringing his gaze around to Vera. 

“ ‘Morning.” He cast the unknown redhead a charming smile as he noticed her sizing him up. One nice thing about his so called fame, was it was much easier to talk to women when most of them already wanted to know you.
The rebel outed herself as Kylo Ren hoped she would. A Trooper drew too close and was gunned down. Kylo heard the shots and whipped around to see as the white armored being fell. A red-haired woman rose, and for a second he wondered if he’d been hunting his own Knight.

The second faded quickly.

This woman was too short, hair too dark, and had a more feminine build with her curves than the Knight he had placed in the Resistance.

It had kept him paused for a moment too long, though. In the second he assessed her, she bolted like a Lamareddian krugga deer. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t have the Force on her side.

It took nothing for Kylo to jump the ditch, just the shift of Force in his own body to his legs, and then he was over it. He gave pursuit, but not directly. He moved into the woodwork as he’d done with Rey on Takodana. He intended to overcome her through his agility, Force aiding him in that as it had with his jump. He was able to keep ahead, and once he determined her path, he knew where to turn to make sure to position himself in front of her.

He would come out before her on her path, lightsaber still lit, and lift one hand to push the Force out from himself, and grasp at her instead, to freeze her where she stood as he’d done to countless others. He didn't imagine she'd get away so easily, but on the off chance, he was prepared to move to engage her physically, cause harm with the lightsaber itself rather than the Force.


“I know,” Vivi gave such a desperate sigh, “We need to get back out to Coruscant,” they had great clubs there. Vivi did miss being in the active bases, on active missions, but duty called – and apparently that meant searching for the First Order in the middle of nowhere.

As Poe moved to get his breakfast, Vivi took note of the way Vera was sizing him up, smirked, “You, too?” A hushed whisper, but when Vera’s eyes met her own, it had such a disparaging look. Such disappointment that Vivi would think that. Vivi gave a sigh that would have blown hair out of her face, had she been an alien with hair. "Uh huh, you keep lying to yourself, sweetie."

Vera's gaze returned as Poe spoke to her, no doubt noticing the earlier sizing-up, and she smiled to him, a bit impish, “Good morning, Dameron.” Spoken without the touch of worry that he was a celebrity.

“This is Schaeffer,” Vivi introduced, going by surnames, finding it amusing she did so with these two. Dameron just had such a great surname and Schaeffer? Schaeffer just…fit. “New to the Resistance, works on the ships right now. Ought to show her Jess’s X-Wing.” Hella modified. Jess was a member of Black Squad, of course.
Dashing through the trees, her boots slapping against the damp ground, Melsara was shocked when Kylo Ren didn’t immediately give chase. She was surprised that she was even able to run as long as she had. She had expected immediate pursuit from him or at the very least an attempt to attack. 

She kept running, as long as her legs would carry her. Melsara heard movement behind her, she turned her head for half a second to see Kylo Ren chasing after her, and then he disappeared into the trees to the side of her. She inhaled sharply and looked straight ahead again. 

Her mind rushed almost as fast as her feet did. She wondered where he’d gone to, if maybe he’d turned back. Had he decided that she wasn’t useful? No, she was never that lucky. 

Turning again, she looked to check behind her once more, fearful that he was still pursuing her. She saw nothing in the trees beside her either and when she looked forward again, there he was. 

Kylo Ren was standing before her again and quicker than she could tell, Melsara suddenly couldn’t move. She wanted to scream but she could barely even breath. Her whole body was tense and though she tried, she couldn’t even twitch a finger. He had a complete hold over her and there was nothing she could do about it. 

She was sure that this is how she would die.

- - -

Poe’s smile softened as he looked back towards Vivi before returning his gaze to Vera and the cup full of caf before him. He raised the steaming hot liquid to his lips and took a short drink, wondering what Vivi had muttered. He assumed it was something about him, but he didn’t dare ask. 

“Dameron?” He stood back, one hand on his hip, the other holding his cup in front of him. “That’s mighty formal. Feel free to just call me Poe if you want to, everyone does.” A chuckle escaped his lips as his gaze flickered back and forth between the two interesting women. 

“Schaeffer, huh? Well welcome to the good fight. We’re glad you have you, especially if you know your way around an X-Wing. A lot of people can fly them, but not enough can fix them.” 

Poe nodded in agreement when Vivi mentioned Jess’ X-Wing. “Yeah, I mean you’re always welcome to check out our ships. Black Squadron likes to do our own repairs, but we’re not opposed to show and tell. I can’t lie that we like to show off.” 

As they chatted, Poe let his eyes wander down across the table of food, scoping out what he’d pick up as soon as he had a chance.
Fortunately for Kylo, the rebel was unable to resist the Force. Kylo kept his hand extended, even though it was unnecessary at that point, and walked closer. 

The hold on her neck would loosen. He would need her to be able to speak. "Another foolish X-Wing pilot." He sounded intrigued, "You must know Poe Dameron," the best, rumor had it. Still he knew his mother. There would be a familial vibe. Everyone knows everyone. "I am sure you know what I did to him," a pause. He was close enough now to eviscerate her with the lightsaber, "What I can do to you."

He watched her for signs of fear. Understanding. He wasn't launching into it for a reason. Getting the information was crucial but more valuable than even that was the mind for future use. A rebel who knew how their fellows would behave and be able to anticipate their actions. Kylo could get information on their bases but once those bases were found and attacked, things became complicated. The First Order wasn't doing well in these engagements.

"It doesn't have to go that way." He informed her, then waited for the response. He wanted this one to be different, this rebel to have sense enough to see the flaws of their organization.


“She’s formal,” Vivi said, almost as if it were an insult. Vera just smirked over her own cup of caf, sipped it. “Or she pretends to be.” They’d had enough back and forth for Vivi to think she knew a bit of what was under that polished front. 
“I would like to see the ships,” Vera confessed, “If we’re to be on a first name basis, it’s Vera,” she offered to him, “Vivi talks you and the others up quite a bit. What was your term?” 
Turquoise cheeks tinted. A, “Don’t,” and Vera just relaxed into her chair.
“Never mind. You’re clearly hungry,” she saw how distracted he was. “Go eat, you can join us, or go see your other friends…Poe.” Odd. Didn’t quite like it. She was still so used to using surnames. Commander Ren. General Hux. 
Unfortunately for Melsara, she wasn’t able to resist the Force. Kylo had a hold on her and there was no chance of getting away. As he neared her and spoke, it suddenly felt easier to breath. She attempted to move anything, wiggle a food or raise an arm, but still she was paralyzed by both the Force and fear. 

She was embarrassed at how afraid she was. The emotions built up behind her eyes, stinging with every blink as she tried to look anywhere but at Kylo Ren’s mask. She couldn’t look away though, it was like staring into the sun or watching a cruiser crash. 

“I know what you did.” Melsara croaked out, her mouth felt dry and her tongue heavy. “Everyone know’s what you did.” Though Poe didn’t like to talk about how he’d been broken by The First Order Commander, word had gotten around about what he’d endured. She wasn’t sure if it was all true or just to scare the other pilots but she didn’t want to take any chances. 

This isn’t want I wanted to do. She thought. This isn’t what I signed up for. She had wanted to help The Resistance, but she never thought she’d end up here. “What other way is there?” She still struggled to speak even though he allowed her to speak. 

- - -

Poe watched between the two women’s exchange. It amused him to see them bantering a little bit. Vivi was very friendly with all of the recruits and he was always pleased to see her making more new members feeling welcome. 

“Well it’s a pleasure Vera Schaeffer.” He rolled her name off his tongue with ease, it fit her. He smiled smoothly, and then a little sheepishly as she noticed his gawking at the food. “Thanks, and I think I will join you ladies if that’s alright.” 

Setting his cup of caf down for a moment, Poe loaded his plate up with sausage and eggs before sitting down at a near by table to continue interacting with the girls. The rest of Black Squadron was off somewhere, and he’d already initiated conversation with them, he didn’t want to join a new group. Though he didn’t mind eating alone either. 

“We can go check out the ships after breakfast if you’d like.” He offered, looking to Vera over another sip of caf.
Fear was just another word for power. Hux understood that when he built Starkiller. It was a great way to remind the universe who held power. It had failed, but the universe shook all the same.

The way this rebel would if Kylo let her go.

Poe had spread his story. Perhaps he meant it to help prepare others, but in this case, it served its purpose as a tool of intimidating. Beneath that mask, Kylo’s lips quirked up in something between a half-smile and a smirk, before he answered her, “Reveal the information you have on the Resistance – their movements, their bases, their plans – of your own free will,” he told her. “Lead us to them. Integrate yourself into the First Order and assist in destroying the Resistance, and all of your crimes against the First Order will be forgiven.”

He expected his request was one made of madness, expected to be balked at.

However, he held onto a sliver of hope that something different would happen – that this one would be the one to give up her allies, as FN-2187 had given up so much of the First Order.

A lowly sanitation worker he may have been, but he was still useful.

Kylo wanted that power from a rebel traitor, too.


Poe left the caf and Vivi leaned forward once he was gone, “You really should be nicer.”

“Lie? Vivi, you wound me,” Vera seemed amused at the prospect. “I’m formal, remember.” Not the way Vivi usually put it – stick up her ass was the usual comment.

“This is your chance, though! I know you hate just working here on the ships,” Vivi said. She had confessed as much to Vivi, to have someone on the lookout for other opportunities.

‘Fair.’ Vera thought, bit the inside of her cheek. ‘Nice’ wasn’t really something she did. Not the way Vivi meant, anyway. She was polite. Not nice. ‘It’d be fake.’ Poe would see as much. Still…she was supposed to move up in the ranks here, without using the Force. It’d be so simple to just use the mind tricks, but no – Leia would notice, and if Leia noticed, the game was up.

Poe returned, though, and Vera did answer affirmatively, “Please,” she said to his request, “Especially this Jess’s – I’m curious about the modifications, now.” No lie, “Stealth?” Eriadu had its own fascination with stealth ships, thanks to the Carrion Spike – a ship she wanted to steal from Terex, but no. That wasn’t allowed, apparently. Damn Hux. Perhaps she could use this Resistance stint as an excuse.... 'No. Terex would rat you out sooner than you could say 'Spike'.'
There was a long moment of silence that lingered in the air. The leaves rustled and the ground crunched under the feet of Storm Troopers in the distance. 

Had the infamous Kylo Ren really just offered her a full pardon in exchange for information? Melsara didn’t know what to say, or even where to begin. Her body felt like it was vibrating as she still couldn't move. 

“I…” She gaped, her eyes searching for a hint of the man behind the mask. “Why aren’t you just going to take it?” As the words escaped her lips she closed her eyes, silently cursing her choice of words. “No I didn’t mean…” She tried to gather herself before speaking again, her mind was running faster than her mouth could keep up. 

“How can I trust you?” Melsara’s words were careful and slow this time, not rushed and scared like her previous statement, though her fear had not subsided. “How can I know that you won’t just dispose of me after I betray my friends?” 

She couldn’t believe that she was really considering betraying The Resistance in order to live a little bit longer. But at this moment in time, her options consisted of being tortured and killed or being allowed to live a little longer, and then most likely killed.

- - - 

As Poe sat down and joined Vivi and Vera he looked between them and his food before staring to eat without much hesitation. It was hard work being in the air and he was often hungry when he finally reached land. He was pleased with the food from the Hoth base, it was always more decadent in a way. It was fattier and fried since they couldn’t have anything fresh besides meat. 

“Great, we can take a look. Most of Black Squadron is inside the base somewhere but they won’t mind if we check out the ships.” He spoke with half a full mouth as he picked through his plate of food, occasionally breaking to take a drink of caf to wash the food down. 

“So Vera, are you planning on just staying here on Hoth and fixing ships, or are you looking to join the fight directly? We could always use more people on the ground.” The dark haired man looked from his food up to the red haired woman. 

He was curious as to what led her to The Resistance. “Have you ever dealt with The First Order before?” He asked, being more straight forward than he had previously in their conversation.
There it was.

Kylo had a feeling that this one would be…different. More malleable in some way, perhaps, but either way, he was pleased with his intuition on this. Rather than balking or flat out denying it, she was considering it. Questioning it.

So, Kylo gave her the answers she sought: “You cannot trust me, but you can trust what will happen if you say no,” that much, she could rely on. She had no other reason to trust him. He had done nothing he could prove to her, that would show him as being worthy of her trust. “I could take the information. Unfortunately, I could read your entire mind, and still not be able to replicate the thinking patterns.”

That was the difficulty. “You understand the Resistance and how they move. I need that information, and that is not something gained by reading a mind. It is a predicative talent that your own gained when FN-2187 betrayed us, and was able to assist you all in destroying Starkiller Base. He knew how the Order worked.”

Simple. “You know how the Resistance works. You can predict what they will do with some degree of certainty. That is what I require of you.”  

Because he could not see well into the future with the Force, and what Snoke saw was far-reaching. At times, too far-reaching to be useful. Kylo tried to hone his own mental focus to look ahead, but it never worked. Always scattered and frayed, torn by his emotions as he feared what he might see.

He needed more training, and he would take it. Meditate. However, right now there was no time for that. The First Order had to get on the rise again.


Vera was pleased with the idea of getting to look at the ships, and finished up her own toast as Poe dug into his own food a bit like a starving animal. He likely had to eat a lot, though, considering his job. It wasn’t exactly easy, and those suits were not the most friendly to the body. Sweat was a nuisance.

“Tell that to the others here,” Vera said to Poe, that derision touching her lips.

“Vera has Imperial training,” Vivi said, realized what she said, added, “Um, sort of all that Eriadu…has…Imperial-inspired Academies.”

Vivi wasn’t sure how to correct herself. Make this look good. It never looked good – it was one of the reasons Vivi flocked to Vera, to make sure she didn’t leave them because of the prejudice some had. People were prejudiced against her because she was a Twi’lek, and should be like so many others they saw – selling her body in some way. Never.

“What Vivi is trying to say is that I can fight, and I can pilot a TIE, because Eriadu’s Academies were based on the Imperial structure and have raised a few First Order officers,” herself included. Didn’t say that, of course, “I’d enjoy joining the actual fight, but the commanding officers here have me on something of an unofficial probation because of that,” a sigh, “As if I didn’t learn from what our esteemed Grand Moff Tarkin did to Alderaan. As if I’d support another regime that sought to commit genocide.” She spoke it with disgust that was sincerer than she’d ever admit. The obliteration of an entire galaxy had chaffed her. “I suppose now you’ll be wanting to take back your considerations, Dameron?” Why ask the question if he wasn’t considering making it reality, after all?
His response sent chills down her spine. He was right, she had no way of trusting him but the other option of being tortured to death didn’t seem any more appealing than taking the chance that he might not kill her if she cooperated. 

Melsara tried to understand exactly what he was saying. He could take the information, but he wouldn’t be able to see it the way she did. He needed her to willingly tell him everything if it was going to be of any use. “FN-2187…” She echoed back to him, trying to think of who he was referring too. She assumed it was Poe Dameron’s friend, that was supposedly a rogue Storm Trooper. She had heard the stories of what they did during the battle at Star Killer Base but she wasn’t close enough to the inner circle to learn any real truths. 

“Okay…” Melsara hated herself so much in that moment. She was agreeing to help The First Order in order to save her own skin. “I’ll tell you whatever you need.” The words came out quiet and breathless. 

Her only hope was the fact that the masked man before her had indicated that reading her mind was a hassle. Which meant she might have a little more leeway in the truth than he anticipated. 

“I don’t want to die yet.”

- - -

Poe listened in interested silence as he continued to eat, cleaning his plate quicker than most. It was certain that the suite caused him to perspire more but it wasn't all bad. It helped keep him in such good shape after all. Though, the rigorous workouts every time he reached a base also contributed. He was determined to stay in fighting condition at all times, even if he was almost always inside his ship.

"Imperial trained? That's interesting." He said as he sat back in his seat, taking a drink of his caf. He wasn't really prejudice against anyone that wanted to join The Resistance, his best friend was a rogue Storm Trooper after all. It wasn't hard to hate what The First Order was doing, and if someone wanted to help it didn't make sense to hold them back. 

"If you can fly a TIE fighter and you were trained in an Imperial Academy then you have valuable knowledge that we're not utilizing by keeping you cooped up in Hoth." Poe leaned forward on the table, resting his elbows to prop himself up as he studied Vera. 

"I'm always serious about advancing recruits, as long as you are too. It doesn't make a difference to me where you went to school." His voice was serious, a hard change from the playful tone he'd used when he had first entered the mess Hall. 

"When you're finished, we'll continue this conversation outside with the ships, and I'll see what I can do about putting you on a test mission. But you've got to be serious about this, being a pilot is dangerous. One of the most dangerous jobs in the Resistance."
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Though it could not be seen, Kylo Ren smiled at her agreement. “I knew you were different,” he said, all self-confidence, as Stormtroopers finally started to catch up to where they were. Kylo would lower his hand, releasing her from the hold the Force had on her.

Two Troopers were there, then. “Bind her hands in front,” Kylo directed them, “She will be coming with me,” not like there was much room in a TIE fighter anyway.

A trooper would move forward, removing a set of magnetic cuffs from the belt at their hip. “Hands forward,” the Trooper sneered, leaving out the words ‘rebel scum’ for the sake of decency, and on the off-chance Kylo Ren would shift into one of his moods.

He hadn’t yet gone Vader on them and started recklessly killing them, but one never knew with the way the Commander worshipped the long-dead Sith lord. The Trooper wasn’t taking any chances.

“Sir, should I call ahead to General Hux to have a cell prepared?” The other asked.

“That won’t be necessary. This one is willing to work with us,” he informed the trooper, still sounding far too smug.


Revealing the details to Poe could have gone either way: everyone knew of his friendship with the traitor, but everyone also knew what Eriadu was infamous for: Tarkin.

And Leia hated Tarkin.

Poe’s tone changed completely, and he leaned forward on his elbows. Vera mirrored, though crossed her arms over the table rather than put her elbows on them, meeting his gaze as she leaned forward, taking in his words. “I left my home and my family,” she told Poe, “I’m quite serious.”

And then, a pull back. A gesture to the empty plate, the toast having been the last bit she had to eat. “The caf can come with me,” she picked up the cup to signify that. ‘Whenever you’re ready, flyboy.’

Kylo and Hux would be pleased.  Vivi certainly looked delighted.
Suddenly her body relaxed. Melsara’s muscles no longer felt tight and restricted and her lungs finally felt clear. She didn’t feel like she was drowning anymore. 

As the Troopers moved forward, coming around to speak to their Commander, she thought about running. She could take off again, she had another chance now that he was giving her the benefit of the doubt. 

But he’d just catch her again. 

It didn’t take her long to realize that there was no escaping him. Melsara probably could’ve made her way to the complete other side of the planet and he still would’ve tracked her down. Her heart was in her throat as the magnetic cuffs clamped around her wrists. 

What have I done?

Looking up towards Kylo, she almost immediately moved her gaze to the Storm Trooper standing far to close for comfort. She thought about speaking. She didn’t know what she would say though. There was probably nothing she could say to make this transition any easier. Sarcasm wouldn’t help either.

- - - 

An easy smile returned to Poe’s face as Vera continued the serious tone of the conversation. It pleased Poe to see that she really seemed to care about The Resistance and moving forward in the chain of command to further their cause. He took a deep breath, leaning back in his chair again and picking up his own mug of caf. “Alright, let’s go look at some ships then Schaeffer.” 

Standing from the table, he discarded his plate as he moved towards the door of the mess hall that lead towards the hallway. “See you around Vivi.” Poe called over his shoulder with a grin as he adjusted his jacket, stuffing his free hand in his pocket. 

“I’m all for visiting Hoth sometimes, but I don’t know how you guys live in this cold, much less work on the ships out here.” His voice held a whimsical amusement as he walked Vera out towards the yard where they’d left their X-Wings.
With the cuffs on her, the troopers backed up and allowed Kylo to take over. The one did step further back to radio Hux, to at least let the General know the situation and that there was a chance they’d be away for a while longer.

It depended on if Kylo decided he still needed them, now that the rebel was caught, “First question,” Kylo said, speaking directly to the rebel, “What were you doing out here?” He gestured up, not down. For all he knew, this wasn’t the planet she meant to come to.

But she must have had a mission to be flying about in an X-Wing, and he needed to know what that was, “And who gave you the mission?” And needed more information on the hierarchy among the rebels. He’d figure out where she came from, as well, and determine the best route from there, based on what she was up to and where she’d come from.

He tuned out the sounds of the Stormtroopers around him, masked head never once turning away from the rebel.


Vera followed him out, picking up her own mug, slightly pleased with his use of the surname. Sure, she should be trying to get close and encouraging informality, but it wasn’t her. She couldn’t appear too fake, either. She had a reputation established. Couldn’t deviate too far.

“Tatooine is worse,” Vera answered, “but if you want a challenge, go to Eriadu and the Carrion Plateau. If you learn to work in that environment, you can work anywhere,” and she’d taken the challenge. Not a Tarkin, just a girl who wanted to prove something – and she definitely did.

Figured out she was Force sensitive that way – the only reason she survived in the first place.

The hangars were always colder than the rest of the area, since their doors frequently opened to let others in. Vera wished she’d grabbed her coat then, but made no verbal complaint, just crossed her arms over her chest to hold in the warmth as best she could.  
Melsara’s heart raced again. There was no turning back now and her captor had already started asking questions. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out right away. 

“I came looking for information. Any kind, on anything. It was supposed to be a simple fly by.” Her words were careful and uneasy but they flowed quickly, like she couldn’t get them out fast enough. Her gaze flickered from his mask to the middle of his chest. 

“It was passed down through Poe Dameron. I don’t know the original origin.” Even though she’d agreed to work with Kylo and The First Order, she didn’t want to go spilling all of the secrets of The Resistance. She had a plan in her head to dance around the truth on what she could. Lead them close enough for Kylo not to be suspicious, but far enough away that she’d hopefully protect her friends. 

Leia and Poe would be so disappointed in her. She dreaded ever seeing them again. Melsara couldn’t imagine facing them after this and really she kind of hoped she would never have to.

- - - 

Poe had picked up that his new companion felt uncomfortable with straying to far from the formal. She seemed more uptight than what he was used too, but it wasn’t a bad change, just something he was unfamiliar with. The people that he tended to surround himself with were for the most part, easy going when outside of a mission. 

A smile crossed his face as he nodded in understanding. “Yeah I could definitely see that.” Her coming from Eriadu definitely explained some of her attitude and work ethic. Being Imperial trained seemed to just make sense for her. 

Glancing back at Vera, Poe’s smile couldn’t help but spread. He was proud of showing off what they’d done and the ships that they did it in. “So here we are.” He said gesturing to the X-Wing before them. “This baby is mine, that over there is Jess’ with all of her fancy modifications.” Poe turned to face her, standing before his ship like he was posing.
Kylo Ren could believe what was said. He knew that in the early years of the New Republic, others like Wedge Antilles had been sent on similar fly-by missions. It was how the Empire’s rebuilding was discovered on Akiva.

That the order came from Poe was good – she had connections high up, then. Perhaps they knew of something in the area, then. Or had enough suspicions. Hux would need to be advised, but that could wait. “And where is Poe Dameron now?” There was pleasure in Kylo’s voice as he asked, glad this woman was being so helpful already.

He would like to reunite with that pilot. Certainly he knew where Luke was. He’d tear the location out of Poe’s brain this time. He’d done it once, he could do it again, and then he’d know exactly what he was looking for. “Or, where was he?” In case she didn’t know, he could follow a trail. Follow Poe Dameron to his current location and deal with the ‘best damn pilot’ in the Resistance.

This time he wouldn’t escape, either. When Kylo was done, he’d kill him.


The X-Wings were of far better quality than most that Vera saw to here. It was clear they were Dameron’s without him even gesturing to them. They were cleaner, they were newer, and yet somehow they looked as if they’d seen more action. Like the dents were lovingly polished on one, rather than removed.

Jess’s was obvious, the modifications glaring out to the trained eye of Vera, and she did itch to go examine it, mentally pull it to pieces, but there went Poe to stand in front of his own, and she couldn’t help but smile as she shook her head, “You should take a selfie,” he probably had hundreds in front of his own ship. “Name it?” She asked.

Her ship had a name. Kylo’s didn’t. Something about daddy issues and Millenium Falcon and attachments.

And though Dameron looked good posing, Jess’s ship was what captivated Vera, and she turned to it, walking up to look at it without opening it up, assessing it in the same gaze she’d given to Poe earlier, tearing it to pieces with that look.  
Shaking her head slightly, Melsara denied knowledge of Poe’s location. “It was passed through transmission, from a ship in motion. I don’t know where he was, or where he was going. He does a lot of flight’s by himself that are kept on a need-to-know basis.” She hoped that she had provided enough information to at least get her through this interaction. 

She was already considering the fact that she’d have to come up with more in depth details, but she’d have to believe them herself, just in case Kylo went digging mid-conversation, she couldn’t risk being found out as a liar. 

Melsara swallowed hard as she looked around the small clearing in the forest where the stood. The Knight was much closer than she would’ve liked and the Storm Troopers seemed to have fanned out a little, it seemed clear that they all feared their own Commander, and rightfully so. He was a terrifying man. She wasn’t even sure if he was a man behind that mask.

- - - 

Grinning wildly, Poe just shrugged, amused with Vera’s comment. It was no secret that Poe was proud of his ship and more than willing to show it. “I’ve got a couple.” He might’ve had a few more pictures standing in front of his baby than normal, and he would happily scroll through and show people every single one. 

Poe pocketed his hands again as he went to follow Vera over to Jess’s ship. It was impressive, all of Black Squadron was, but her was easily the most modified ship in the fleet. “It’s a beauty, huh?” He said, looking to Vera as she studied the ship. He found the intensity in her gaze refreshing as he watched her visually pick apart the ship in front of her. 

He knew ships, and he knew his ship, but there was something about someone that could look at one and just see it completely disassembled that he’d always been jealous of. He had to physically do things, he couldn’t just see it the way they could. 

“Maybe if you ask her nicely, she’ll let you take it for a spin.”
Kylo couldn't help but shake his head in exasperation. Of course she wouldn't know, that would be too easy, wouldn't it? He could have looked to see if she was lying but decided instead upon a query that she couldn't tell him 'I don't know' to.

"Very well, what is your base of origin?" He asked to see how she would answer, "Who is the commanding officer stationed there?" He might not get to Poe or Leia just yet but he could get there now that he had a rebel assisting.

The fear coming off of her was palpable. A good sign. Fear was a way to learn the Dark Side. Force sensitive or not, the rebels needed to be introduced to it. Needed to accept it as they accepted night.

Soon, this...wait, what was her name? He realized only then he didn't know, "And who are you? Your name and rank," lest it seemed like he cared for her individuality too soon. He did-would want to know more to turn her heart and not just her mind against the Resistance.


Vera nodded her answer. It was a beauty - an agile ship her own would have trouble keeping up with. Given, her focus wasn't speed so much as stealth. Most the Knights did play to their strengths. Kylo's shuttle had more firepower than most were prepared to deal with.

"It would take more than chocolate with her, wouldn't it?" Something almost like a pout crossed her lips as she debated if it was worth the effort.

Decided not right then. Broke her gaze away from the beauty to Poe, "I don't suppose you're easily swayed by sweets, are you?" 

It was a horribly kept secret among many of the First Order. Strict regulations meant people like herself offering temptation - easier done since she occupied a questionable place in the chain of command. What it meant for her was the ability to bribe Troopers and Officers with sweets to do small favors. Never anything substantial.
With her heart racing again, Melsara tried to quickly think of a base that she could pin her origin on. She tried to think of a base that would be harder to find and harder to battle on. Somewhere where there wasn’t many resources or valuables. 

All of his questions came piling onto her before she could answer even one. She gaped for a moment trying to choke out an answer. “Melsara Sterger. I served under Rosann Battoo on Felucia.” It may not have been her home base, but it was a rural enough location in a dangerous planet with a dangerous leader there. She hoped that it was enough deterrent to keep him from visiting to soon. 

She wondered if she was even going to leave the woods. Was this going to be where she died? Standing in front of him and Storm Troopers, stricken down after she was empty of information? A lump formed in her throat and she tried to swallow it down, ignoring the continuing creeping feeling of fear.

- - - 

Poe looked surprised and a little confused when she mentioned chocolate and sweets. He hadn’t considered trying to bribe Jess with sweets in order to have access to her ship. “I mean, I like sweets as much as the next guy.” 

Poe didn’t have a real noticeable sweet tooth. It was a nice treat sometimes, especially when coming into a base after a long mission, but it was something that he could easily live without, considering how much he took care of his body. 

“If you’re asking if you can fly my baby,” A smile spread across his face as he turned his head to look back at his ship sitting across the hanger from them. “I mean, you can sit in it, sure.” Poe wasn’t sure how he felt about letting someone else take his ship out for a joy ride. Really, they shouldn’t be out flying without proper cause anyway, that was a good way to run into trouble.
The information was given and Kylo smiled beneath that helmet. Name, base, and leader. It wasn’t a high priority location, but anywhere with rebels was a starting point. “Good.” The masked commander walked forward then and reached for the magnetic cuffs that bound her wrists, gloved fingers wrapping around the middle of it. “You’ll be coming with us now.”

He would not immediately attack Felucia, but it would be soon. He had to run it by Hux, loathed as he was to do so, and see if the man would be willing to contribute any of his own soldiers to it. Or if he needed to go to the Supreme Leader.

Hux never made things easy. So much protocol. So much complaining about his toys.

If need be, he’d call in the rest of the Knights. That’d certainly be something the rebels wouldn’t soon forget.

He turned and kept hold of the cuffs, spoke to one of the Troopers, “Radio General Hux, let him know I will be returning with a rebel prisoner and we need to discuss Felucia.”

Perhaps he would be able to get word to their own spy. Do some recon on the Felucia base first.


‘So, not much.’ Written into Poe’s body language, into his words. The casual ‘well’. Vera smirked, “I see I’ll have to find something else to bribe Black Squad with,” in general. Her eyes moved to the cockpit as he mentioned sitting in it.

Just sitting. “I suppose if I wanted to actually fly it, I’d have to sit in your lap,” not enough space for two people, not like the new TIEs.

She returned her gaze to Poe, rather than comment if that were a distasteful idea, “So, you mentioned missions and helping out, right? If that’s what will help get me my own X-Wing, let’s get talking, Dameron.” She might find a way to bribe Jess down the road, just to see why those modifications were made over others that she could think of.
When Kylo Ren approached, Melsara’s instinct was to retreat. She wanted to pull away and run, but she’d gone to far and there was no escaping him now. Her breathing hitched when he grasped the midsection of the cuffs that marked her a captive. She nodded a little bit, unsure how else to respond to his statement. It wasn’t so much an order, as just announcing what was going to happen next. 

Glancing around at the surrounding Troopers, she wondered what was going to happen next. Had she just doomed Felucia? She hoped they’d find a way to catch the attack before it happened and defend themselves against Kylo and his men. But if she hadn’t given him a location he would have no reason to keep her alive. 

Thinking of that, “Is there any chance I’m going to make it out of this alive?” Melsara asked quietly, looking back up to the face hidden behind the dark mask. “If I’ve agreed to work with you, do I really have to be a prisoner?” She knew it was foolish to ask anything of him, she was lucky to just still be standing.

- - - 

Poe couldn’t help but let a smile crawl across his face when Vera continued to speak of bribing him and his squad so she could have access to their ships. It amused him and also made him wonder just how serious she was being. She was a hard woman to get a read on. She seemed so serious, but at the same time she was teasing him. 

Shifting with uncertainty, Poe wasn’t sure how to respond to her comment, which to many would be interpreted as flirtatious, but lucky for him she moved on with the conversation before a response was necessary. 

“Alright Schaeffer,” Poe moved his hands from his pockets and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked across to the woman before him. “Why do you want to be a pilot? Do you think you’re prepared for the danger of these types of missions?” 

Speaking of danger, Poe had heard mention that another pilot had just been shot down by The First Order.
Beneath the mask, Kylo did smirk at the prisoner. Canted his head a bit, before he turned and started to walk, leading her along with him and towards his command shuttle. The Stormtrooper followed him back, to return to their ships.

“There once was a senator, Senator Organa of Alderaan,” not everyone knew he was her son. Just in case this rebel didn’t, he wouldn’t reveal the detail, “who thought that by providing information she, too, would go free. However, she revealed false information, to a long abandoned base on Dantooine,” he said, “If the base on Felucia turns out to be abandoned, then you will be executed.”

A statement of fact. “Once I’ve gone through your mind for actual locations.”

Obviously, “If, however, the base at Felucia turns out to be an active base, we will reconsider your freedoms and allowances. For the time being, you are a prisoner.”

They were at his ship then, and he looked back at her over his shoulder, “Do you want to reconsider the information you have given me?”


Vera saw the way the comment made him uncomfortable. Uncertain. Flippant comments like that often did, with her serious disposition, but she still kept the poker face on, as if she had no idea. As if she wasn’t trained to read people and make them uncomfortable in the first place.

Shame she couldn’t have ended up as a First Order loyalty officer.

“Besides the fact I’m already good at being a pilot?” She smirked at Poe, but let it fade, deadening the amusement to show how serious she was. “I am prepared, mentally, if that is what you are trying to ask. I will not panic. The lives of billions, of entire species, depends on the Resistance not allowing the First Order to regroup and recreate another planet-killing machine. If that means I have to take lives or lose my own in the process, it is a sacrifice worth making.”

She gestured to him, palm up, not quite pointing, “What else are you looking for? What do I need to prove to you, Dameron?” Because words didn’t amount to much, in her mind. Never had. Never would.  
Melsara looked towards Kylo as he lead her towards his shuttle. The hairs on her arms stood on end as he spoke through the vocorder in his mask. 

General Leia Organa. 

She’d met Leia once, she was a sweet woman and she could command a room like no one she’d ever seen before. Her stomach leapt into her throat when he mentioned execution. She shook her head quickly in return, like a scared child denying fault for a broken vase. 

“No. I didn’t lie to you.” She said carefully. “I won’t.” She looked around the shuttle, wondering if she’d ever feel calm again. He had her insides so twisted around that she was confused as to how she was even still standing after all of this. Her whole body felt heavy and weak at the realization that she was officially a captive. 

She was going to be taken to a First Order base and held prisoner until Kylo Ren decided that she'd run out of information. 

She felt sick.

- - - 

Poe shared her brief smile before letting it disappear to listen to her statement with the utmost interest. Pilots were important and truly they needed more of them. They needed people that were good at it and people that weren’t afraid of the possible consequences. He liked Vera. She appeared to have everything that was needed in a good pilot and she was determined. He normally didn’t interview recruits himself, but he had a feeling about her. 

As she spoke, thoughts were swirling around in his head as he considered how to proceed from here. Talking only did so much. She could tell him she had a ten foot wampa in her room, but he’d never know for sure unless he saw it himself. 

“There’s a mission I’ve got set aside for myself while the team is on break for a few days. Why don’t you come along and we’ll see what you’ve got, first hand. You can take a fleet X-Wing and accompany me. It shouldn’t be to difficult, and it’ll be good to at least see your flying skills.” Poe felt confident with his plan. If she went with him to retrieve the artifact he sought he’d be able to decide wether or not she was meant for their team.
“Good,” Kylo stated, the sound of a smile in his voice, “Then it won’t be long before you’re out of those handcuffs,” he wasn’t afraid of her, in or out of them, but he wasn’t about to trust her until she was tested.

The information, and then, her ability to predict movement.

First thing first: get back in touch with Hux and learn about what the First Order knew of the base.

He led her into the cockpit and gestured for her to take the co-pilot’s seat. He didn’t need one, and wasn’t expecting her to take up any controls, but it was the only seat that kept her in his sight. Which, was improved when he took off the helmet, used to being free of the dark mask in the privacy of his ship. The scar from Rey was present on his face, cutting diagonally over and down his nose.

He did not worry about how it might look to her right then. She was a hostage. He had already made his impact on her.

He began to set the path for the Finalizer, after shaking out his dark hair, knowing a Stormtrooper would have radioed ahead. “What can you tell me of Felucia base?” He asked, eyes on the screens.

He was his father’s son when it came to piloting – even if he liked to think of it as being his grandfather’s grandson. Piloting ran in his veins.  


A mission already? Excellent. “When do we leave, and how many days should I pack for?” Vera inquired, cutting to the point as per usual. She didn’t ask what it was, expected she’d be briefed when Poe was ready to deliver it.

He might not want to do so until they were already space bound, or on the planet they were beginning at.

Either way, she wasn’t going to ask for details first. She was consenting to it, prepared to get herself ready to leave if Poe wanted to leave immediately. Something that didn’t involve the rest of his team sounded like something rather important, or rather personal. Both were good for her mission to infiltrate the higher ranks of the Resistance, and there wasn't much higher than Poe. Just Leia, and that was the path to Luke. There was no way she wasn't going to work her ass off to stay on Poe's good side.

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