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Fandom Star Wars: Chaos Theory


phantom of the library
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My Interest Check
“Status, Commander Faro.”

The woman looked down at her datapad. “Approximately minutes until Commander Tarkin arrives, Admiral.”

Thrawn nodded. “Excellent.”

Several weeks earlier, a pirate wanted by the Empire found ground on Ithor. Soon, it was discovered that the pirate was a Jedi, but they couldn’t pin down their location. A blockade was set up to ensure that the Jedi couldn’t leave the planet, but therein remains the problem of finding them.

And they couldn’t just go to the planet and search for the Jedi, either. The planet held very sacred beliefs concerning hunting, and while most Imperials would disregard those beliefs as silly, Thrawn did not and would not.

It was vital to keep the people of the planet on their side, and upsetting them would sway them the opposite.

So Thrawn requested an expert on Ithor customs, and to his surprise, he was sent one without much argument as to why they should be mindful of the customs of some backwoods planet.

And it was a Tarkin. Not Grand Moff Tarkin, thankfully, but someone else of the family. Someone he was curious to meet and see how they compared to Wilhuff.

For his sanity, he hoped they were different enough.

Thrawn entered the hangar, where everyone was moving about in preparation of the Commander’s arrival. A few nodded their heads in acknowledgement at their Grand Admiral as they passed him, but most focused on their task, as he preferred.

“Commander Tarkin is approaching, sir.” He could almost hear the thoughts racing through Faro’s brain. ‘I really don’t want another Grand Moff Tarkin.’ He could only agree.

Thrawn nodded his acknowledgement at Faro, and he straightened himself as the hangar doors opened to allow the aircraft to come in and land. He waited nearby for the Commander to disembark, quite eager to see how the first impression of this Tarkin would go.

For his sake, and for the sake of his closest in command Faro and Vanto, he could only hope they proved to be more agreeable.



Ayla straightened up from her hunched position over the latest incoming crates, inspecting the contents for anything out of the ordinary. She arched a brow at her supervisor approaching her. “What is it, Callahan?”

He walked at a brisk pace, only stopping once by her side. “Get yourself together and look presentable.” Ayla looked unamused at her supervisor. He huffed. “Imperial soldiers are coming here for their shipment. They’ll be here soon.”

Ayla swore she felt her heart freeze. Being so close to Imperials was always risky, and she had managed to avoid detection for so long. Not every Jedi-in-hiding was so lucky. What if she slipped up this time?

But she wouldn’t. She would remain low, let her supervisor do what was needed, and get on with her job.

If need be, she’ll move on and find another job on some other planet far away.

After a brief conversation, Ayla tried to turn back to her job, but her mind was far gone from the task that she only pretended to focus on what she was doing before she heard the arrival of the Imperials.

Callahan scrambled into position to meet and greet them. Words were exchanged, but Ayla hardly paid them any attention, as she focused more on keeping herself calm and not physically having an anxiety attack around the Imperials. That would not look good for her.

But as Callahan spoke to them, they slowly approached where she was working, so Ayla busied herself so they wouldn’t speak to her.

“What is your name?”

Ah fuck. She just couldn’t stay invisible.

Ayla straightened up and turned to face the Imperials. “Lorelai. Lorelai Vale.”

“One of my hardest workers,” Callahan praised.

The Imperial speaking nodded. “Good. We’re pleased to see the trust of its valuable shipments into the hands of capable workers. Now, if you don’t mind loading our shipment onto our ship, so that you may return to your duties.”

“Of course, sir,” Callahan said, before getting out his datapad to input the command to others working nearby to help. Ayla could feel her hands shake a little, but she did her best to swallow her nerves. The sooner they could load the cargo, the sooner they would leave.
Eli Vanto had been in the hangar before Grand Admiral Thrawn, just in case Thrawn ran late, he’d have to greet the Tarkin. He did a bit of research – or as much as he could, really. She seemed nomadic, an oddity in the Navy. She had a personal craft, but so far as a Fleet or a Grand Admiral to report to, it shifted – but most notes suggested Grand Admiral Octavian, which even Eli could admit was a bit amusing.

Commander Octavia and Grand Admiral Octavian. Not even related or from the same planet.

‘That’s how Core naming works.’

He saw Thrawn enter and gave him a subtle nod, before adjusting his own position in the hangar to make sure to be a bit more background, just in time for the ship to blink into realspace. Even at a distance, it stood out; chromium was never subtle and her entire ship shimmered with it. It resembled a Thranta-class corvette, though modified, down to the hammerhead that Eli was pretty sure was just as functional as on larger ships. It was a style mostly utilized by the Rebel Alliance, which was…odd.

It looked sharp.

More like an axe.

‘I think we have have another Wilhuff.’

Eli would take that thought back as soon as the corvette settled and the doors opened.

Wilhuff Tarkin would never let himself be upstaged by a nexu.

Octavia Tarkin was perfectly imperfect in her black Commander attire, strawberry blonde hair pinned up, only a few strands out of place. She spent her life examining the details of other officers, so she understood how to be perfect and too perfect, only too well. As it was, nothing about her appearance was out of place, nor could it be claimed to be too much.

She wore, visibly, only a blaster. Some might notice the knife in her boot as she walked by them, but none would see the numerous blades quite literally up her sleeves and scattered in other places.

If they even noticed the blaster.

Prince, a rather large, silvery nexu, walked alongside her, his gait perfect. One could almost claim he was a lockstep soldier, except the way his head moved, and the slight sway in every step, said otherwise.

He was a nexu in new territory, and there was no removing the caution even alongside Octavia’s confident steps. He was ready to lunge at a moment’s notice, all it would take was a gesture from her.

But she made no gesture.

She paid the fear no mind as she approached the Grand Admiral, flanked by two other commanders she could assess at a glance.

Loyal. Trusted. One was the infamous Eli Vanto that Wilhuff had told her about, a man deserving of higher rank, kept low. Hidden. He could be the one she was looking for, but outwardly, she gave him no more importance than anyone else.

“Grand Admiral Thrawn,” Octavia greeted, “an honor to meet the one who took down Nightswan. I am Commander Octavia Tarkin, here to assist with Ithor.” A Jedi. Octavia was always intrigued by them. They’d been all encompassing in her early life, and then, gone overnight.

“This is Prince,” she gestured down to the nexu, who sat with the gesture, “He is also here to assist.” The nexu was still, sway and swagger gone as it seemed to sit at attention while under scrutiny.

‘Tame….’ Eli doubted the thought even as it popped into his head. Even as he saw the metal bracelets that the nexu, Prince, wore. He had no idea what they were, but he knew they couldn’t be decorative.

No, not Wilhuff – but he almost wanted Wilhuff if only because he started to understand the fear he felt around him.


“Bantha spit.” Ryker Blaesson cursed as his own ship docked only minutes after the Imperial ship, no doubt there for the doonium he planned to heist. He was decked out in an olive Imperial suit, donned the false rankings of a colonel. He knew it wasn’t perfect, but there was one thing he had Octavia Tarkin to thank for: the lesson of confidence.

Act like you belong, and you did.

“It is not difficult to redirect the shipment to your ship. The Imperials will return to their ship and not observe. If the workers are hasty….” The larceny droid hesitated, recognizing the odds were still slip.

“If,” Ryker straightened out his tunic, then tucked his longer hair under the hat. He’d made a bun, but he was still concerned about it, anyways, “We’ll have to hope, eh? Stay in the cargo space, Ellie,” it was LE-37, but he often shortened it that way. He patted the black metal before heading out to the shipyard and seeing the crews were indeed gathering the doonium shipment. He walked over to one of the workers.

“I can direct you to the loading ship,” he held his datapad in his hand to look professional, though the dark gray plating had clearly taken a beating over the years. Not that the minor detail was noticed by the worker.

“It’s not in dock C-5?”

“No, D-2,” he indicated, “make sure the message reaches the others, we would hate for Imperial supplies to get misplaced.” He made sure to ice the last words as a threat, casting his brown eyes out over the scene of the workers. Indeed, no other Imperials were out observing, so he could get by with this, and make sure it all got taken to his ship.

In and out, as the Imperials waited, no doubt thinking the workers were just incompetent.

Which, well…he couldn’t argue that as they started to take shipment towards his ship, where he knew Ellie and the other human in his crew, Aro, would be there in Imperial garb to help direct them where to place the doonium.

He made sure to loom, and walk. His appearance, height, and posturing, could get a lot done.

Up until the actual Imperial Officer returned, “What the hell is going on here?” he demanded, and spotted him.

Spotted the errors at a glance, no doubt, “Who are you?”

“Colonel Matteo,” he lied, “I am retrieving the doonium shipment for the seventh fleet.”

The Imperial stared at him a moment, blinking once, before laughing outright at the audacity. Ryker could see this going downhill quickly as the workers began to stop carrying shipments to see how badly they had fucked up.

“Provide me with your credentials, Colonel Matteo,” the officer invited, and Matteo grabbed that irksome pen all Imperials had in his tunic. He didn’t bother walking over to hand it over; it had no credentials.

It was rigged as an explosive anyways, which he pressed down on the button to activate it – and hurled it at the Officer.

It was only a smoke bomb, but he knew it was about to cause chaos.
Thrawn immediately assessed the woman as she stepped off her ship with…her nexu. He didn’t know how to feel about that, but its rigid stance, and the confidence Commander Tarkin held next to it, suggested to him that it was well trained. It wouldn’t attack without permission.

It shouldn’t attack.

Minus the nexu, Commander Tarkin held the appearance of what Thrawn expected. It sent an aura of authority to everyone around her.

Except Thrawn did not waiver. He would not.

He politely inclined his head at her greeting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Commander Tarkin.” He looked down at the creature who trailed beside her. “And your Nexu, Prince.” It was easy to sense the nerves of both Eli and Karyn.

His attention diverted back to Octavia. “I trust that your journey was uneventful. Would you like to come to my office to discuss your plans concerning Ithor?”


Ayla heard the commotion of the cargo ordered to be brought to a new docking station. She furrowed her brows at the newest officer to make an appearance, not quite getting the same…vibe from him as she did the others.

There was something off.

Still, she helped the other workers to get the cargo to the other dock. That wasn’t her problem, and if she was fired, then so be it. There were other jobs on other planets.

But it wasn’t soon after that chaos erupted.

Two officers argued, leading Ayla to confirm her suspicions about the newest officer to arrive. And then that’s when the fun began with an eruption of smoke.

She wanted to laugh at the scene, and at the realization of the imposters stealing the Imperial cargo. Really, she had to hand it to them to be so bold to try and steal it right from under their noses. It was funny.

And, as further chaos unfolded with blasters, Ayla wanted to see the last of the shipment delivered onto their ship, which the workers had halted when the smoke bomb went off. But they were largely out of the range.

She went up to the closest one, who was staring at the carnage unfolding. “You will take the Imperial shipments to dock D-2.”

He straightened and nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” He resumed his duties, and Ayla told a few others, with her little assistance, to continue as well, while the officers were…busy. Distracted. She followed them to docking bay D-2 to see exactly who these imposters were.
Steady. Unafraid. Polite.

Octavia had admirals and others yell about Prince before and demand his removal. A quick call to the Grand Moff – or just the threat of involving the Emperor – tended to shut them up. Thrawn responded better, but that hardly removed suspicion.

It only meant he stayed calm under stress, a trait any good traitor needed.

“You may trust in whatever you like, Grand Admiral,” Octavia commented, one of her favorite non-responses to asinine statements like that. Wilhuff suggested Thrawn wasn't very political, so she was curious how long it would take for him to break away from pointless social niceties as that.

It certainly caused a surprised stir in Eli, who jolted a bit at the off-script comment.

“I would like to head to your office to discuss the situation,” she gestured outwards, “you may lead unless you'd like to handle some business first, in which case I'll meet you there.” She already had the schematics of the ship, not that it was really any different from any other ship.

She just had it mapped out already and knew the room number for Thrawn's office.

Eli glanced up at Thrawn, a silent question of whether or not he wanted others in the meeting. They'd discussed it, but he didn't know if things had changed with Octavia’s arrival.

She didn't seem to be sending the nexu away, and Eli saw her ship closing up.


Ryker wanted to get off the planet with what he had. That would be a task but the smoke helped. He tapped an earpiece, “Hey, Ellie, it's gone to shit. Have the ship hot when I get there we're off.”

“Affirmative,” he barely heard it as a blaster shot rung by his ear and he ducked behind a metal crate and pulled his own, before noticing that the workers were picking up crates and carrying them…towards his ship.

What in the nine hells?’

He couldn't figure why.

He'd just been outed as an imposter.

Well, no time to question it as the Imperial started to yell. Ryker made a run for the ship, doing his best to avoid being shot, when he heard the Imperial raise his voice.


Ryker assumed he was being spoken to. Recognized.

Instead, the officer was hyper focused on a woman with brown hair amidst the workers. “What do you think you're doing? Don't think I don't see you giving orders! That is our cargo, are you utterly braindead?”

Ryker had to pause in disbelief. Why was this woman giving orders to help him?
Thrawn didn’t quite know what to think that she already knew how to get to his office from the hangar bay. Or her response to his statement.

She was going to be another Tarkin that gave him a headache and a reason to take up drinking. He could surmise that.

“We can both head straight to my office,” Thrawn answered. He had nothing pressing to attend to at the moment, having already prepared for her arrival and any immediate concerns that they needed to discuss soon after.

Seeing the glance Eli sent him, Thrawn nodded. “And of course Commander Vanto and Commander Faro would be joining us.” That did not come as a surprise to Karyn, who had already been briefed on the possibility of joining the conversation in Thrawn’s office.

“I’m sure that won’t be of any issue, Commander Tarkin?” He paused before his office door, turning to look at Octavia.


Ayla thought she would be able to fade back into obscurity as she watched the others transport the crates to the incorrect docking bay, but luck wasn’t quite on her side. But when the Imperial officer raised his voice and pointed to her, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to stay there any longer.

“I’ve been called many things, but I don’t think someone has called me braindead before.” Really, the audacity of them!

Without another word, Ayla broke off into a sprint towards the ship, vaulting effortlessly over some cargo in her way. A blaster bolt flew past her ear, and she dodged another one that was aimed closer to her torso.

She aimed her sights on her one ticket out of there quickly, the ship that was stealing the doonium. What happens after that, Ayla would figure out then. But as she ran up the ramp to the ship, she could only think of making sure she didn’t get hit in the crossfire. ‘Oh well, I didn’t like this job anyways.’
Despite the calm demeanor, there was some evidence that Thrawn's brain was already shifting gears. Octavia did pride herself in throwing people off. The script so many learned was hard to break from.

Even as he was thinking, he still fell into that habit, asking if the presence of Vanto and Faro was acceptable. Amusing, coming from a Grand Admiral who could bark orders and expect them to be followed.

But that wasn't his reputation.

“This is your mission, Grand Admiral, it's only a problem if their presence offends you. Are you looking for someone else to deny them entry?” A wry grin came with the query.

Eli finally broke, a little, “It's polite to make sure you don't come with information you can only disclose to Thrawn.”

She shifted her eyes to Eli. “I was not speaking to you, Commander Vanto.” It was in a very different voice, a very different tone, and Prince perked.

Eli didn't quite shrink but the fear was what made him straighten. “Understood, Commander Tarkin–,”

Giving up so soon?’ boring.

“--however informing you of the customs of the Chimaera and it's crew felt significant enough to intrude.”

No, not giving up. He held his ground.

Octavia grinned. Genuine approval. “Very well then. I appreciate the information, Vanto. Your presence does not bother me. I see why the Core loathes you.”

Eli could not hide his bafflement if he tried. He wasn't sure this brief approval was a good thing, as Prince relaxed again with ease.


Ryker wasn't expecting any living resources, but the woman made a beeline for his ship, and hells, what was he supposed to do if she helped load him up? He could see most the doonium made it, so he supposed he owed her a trip away from Imperial trouble.

He was right behind her, not as lucky with the blasters now that most of the smoke had cleared. One struck the back of his left shoulder as he stumbled onto the ramp that was rapidly lifting, his crew also not having much idea of what to do with the intruder.

“Positions – we need to get out of here fast!” Ryker barked the order, before rounding on the woman, “we'll deal with your arrival once we're in the clear, try not to get in the way,” he sight leave room for a response as he rushed out of the room to get to the helm.

He was in the pilot seat in seconds, abs getting the ship into the air while setting coordinates for a light speed jump.

The way the ship jolted was the sign to everyone that they'd made it.
Thrawn felt a sense of pride at Eli, for how he handled Tarkin. Naturally there was a reason Thrawn took him under his wing, along with Faro, and how they didn’t shrink from threat was just one of many reasons.

They were both intelligent and highly capable. They knew which battles to take on and not.

“Commander Vanto is quite right. I feel that both he and Commander Faro are both more than capable of showing you how the Chimaera is quite different than other ships you may have served on.” And why many in the Empire are quite annoyed with him.

“Anyways,” he opened the door to his office, and motioned everyone inside with a wave of his arm, “I am eager to hear your plans for Ithor, and how your nexu factors into this.”

Thrawn moved through his office to take a seat behind his desk, before motioning for Octavia to take a seat in front of it, if she so chose to. Karyn decided to stand nearby the desk, not quite feeling at ease with the nexu so close.


Everyone rushed around to get the ship off the planet, and Ayla was left to her own devices. Before anything else, she grabbed her blaster that was hidden and moved it where she could better reach it. She may have helped these people, but she still didn’t know who they are, or how dangerous they were.

Or if they would shoot her first and ask questions later.

Her lightsaber was also hidden on her, but that was always a last resort for her.

She could feel the ship moving. It wouldn’t be too much longer until someone returned, and so she opted to get comfortable. Ayla hopped up on one of the crates and sat on it, waiting for someone to come back so she could tell them which planet to drop her off at.

She was still determining which one to go to next.
Thrawn did not get upset with Eli for the interjection. He let his subordinates speak, and in a place that should have been his to speak into. He spoke of trust, in their capabilities, encouraging further commentary. Octavia made notes of it and wondered if it extended to all, as she stepped into the room.

It was a bit cramped with Prince, but Octavia took her seat, as Eli Vanto also opted to stand near the desk. Prince laid down near the chair, curling up like a common lothcat.

“Prince is more of a symbol where Ithor factors in for the first part. They allow no hunting on Mother Jungle at all. Many cultures that revere nature in some fashion look to the response of creatures they see as in tune with nature. Prince has never been domesticated. He serves the purpose of inspiring trust from those cultures.”

“Wait – he's wild? Like, you found him as a baby or something, right?”

“No, he was leader of a pride of nexu," Octavia answered that unimportant question, if only to see the way Eli went ashen.

“Additionally,” she went on, “he has a rather strong hatred of Force use,” somewhat. He'd learned to track it in dealing with the blackstalkers on Eriadu. Octavia didn't need to understand the fine points, really, “he will be useful in hunting the Jedi. All we need to do is convince the Ithor that the Jedi is hunting in Mother Jungle, and we will only hunt the Jedi. Proper supplies will go some ways towards that.”

She'd determine the rest in conversation.

“Do you have any wilderness survival skills, Grand Admiral?” She heard how he was found, but that didn't mean much.


Ryker took a few seconds to watch the stars become lines, to breathe. Lightspeed would be safe, but he couldn't really relax with an unknown on the ship, and he wasn't sure how to deal with it.

Was it an Imperial plant? ‘No they're not that good.’

Yes, they were.

He sighed out, but eventually pushed himself up and walked from the helm back to the storage of the ship.

Ellie was still there, watching the stranger, who was sitting on a crate.

He cleared his throat. “Don't mean to be rude,” he said, “you did us a favor,” his way of acknowledging gratitude, “but I'm not looking for any more crew. You got a place you'd like to be dropped at? I can get you there once I deliver the doonium.”

Not before.

He was going to make sure this got where it needed and he got paid. Then they could all be on their separate ways and forget each other. Hopefully.

She didn't need the kind of trouble he was in. All the more reason why he didn't start with an introduction or even ask her name. It'd be bad for her if he did. Not as if the Imperials couldn't just get it from her boss after she so surely quit that job.

If the boss wasn't executed.
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Thrawn hummed and looked down at the nexu that was now getting comfortable on the floor of his office. He already held some belief that he wasn’t complicated domesticated, and now Thrawn received his confirmation.

He couldn’t read creatures the same way he could read people, and that made Prince a wildcard for him. Something to keep a close eye on.

Thrawn raised a brow at her question directed at him. Of course, he expected her to know of the story of how the Empire found him, and while he wasn’t exiled as long as they were told, he still held wilderness survival skills. “Yes, Commander, I do.” That shouldn’t be of any surprise to her.

“I am more than capable of surviving out in Mother Jungle for some time. And I’m sure my commanders here will also be capable of surviving out there.” Karyn looked at Thrawn in surprise. She didn’t know that she would be coming along to Ithor, and she certainly didn’t hold many wilderness survival skills.


The man came back to the storage, and Ayla raised a brow at him. “And I’m not looking for a crew.” No one she could drag with her if the Empire ever discovered her.

Or maybe it’s a, when they discovered her. Not if.

She sighed, thinking for a second of which planet she wanted to go to next. “I guess Tatooine.” Maybe she’ll be a miner. Or a moisture farmer. Quiet. Peaceful. Boring.

Nowhere the Empire would think to look.

“Any chance I could get a few credits from your doonium shipment?” Ayla raised her hands in a gesture of peace. “Not much, just enough for maybe a meal and a night somewhere on Tatooine. You do have me to thank for not completely losing all the doonium.”
Octavia held Thrawn’s gaze as he answered, looking for any hint of deception in the answer about his survival skills. She detected none, but of course, he might not think he was lying. He might think he was genuinely skilled.

‘We shouldn’t need to find out.’

When he offered Karyn and Eli, she saw the surprise written on both of their faces, and that mild fear, clear as day, “I have my doubts,” she stated plainly, “on their capabilities to survive without aid. I suppose I will soon learn if you are all dead weight or not, though.” And in the end if they all perished in Mother Jungle, that wasn’t her concern.

Thrawn could send his men and women on suicide missions if he liked.

“I am capab—”

“How do you start a fire, Commander Vanto, if you have no tools but what is offered in nature?” Octavia didn’t even look at him as she rose to her feet, and she kept her gaze on the desk as Vanto remained stubbornly silent.

“I don’t know.” He confessed at last.

“No, you don’t, Commander Vanto,” Octavia looked towards him, and Eli swore he saw pity mingled into her amusement. Something about that infuriated him, but he held back on reacting to that. He’d embarrassed himself enough just then, and in front of Thrawn. “Fortunately for you and Commander Faro, this is not a trip that will require an absence of tools, except what we must give up in negotiations with the Ithor.”

Prince rose then, looking mildly annoyed that this seemed a short meeting as he hadn’t really gotten to drift off.

She let her attention return to the Grand Admiral, “Shall I entrust you to the task of arranging negotiations with them, or shall I take over?”

It was a question – but Eli sensed more under the surface to it, and he wasn’t sure Thrawn would. It was a test. ‘Don’t give it to her.’


Tatooine. Backwater enough. Sure, there was an Imperial presence, but not much of one. It was easy to move in and out of that planet thanks to the Hutts. Ryker nodded, “I can do Tatooine.” She asked for credits afterwards, and he wanted to scoff.

Except, he really would have plenty to spare. It wasn’t like much of what he did required credits. He stole most of what he wanted, after all. He had credits to pay a few people he was willing to work with, to buy fuel, to repair his ship, but otherwise, he wasn’t paying for too much, compared to what he was making.

Yet another problem with the damn Empire, really.

“Yeah. You can have a few. We’ll negotiate after the sell,” he confirmed. “Let me show you to the lounge and a room you can use until Tatooine,” he offered, gesturing her to follow him so he could show her the lounge first.

Basically, where the food was kept, and where they all went to winddown. There was a holo-player, and a game table, among other sources of entertainment. It was where some of the other crew had gathered to be away from the stranger – and gossip, of course.

Aro, still in false Imperial garb, fell silent with the others as they stepped in, before blurting, “So what are we doing?”

“Taking her to Tatooine. She’ll use one of the spare rooms until then. She’s not to be harmed.”

Aro assessed her under dark brows, clearly not certain about that direction. “How do we know she’s not an Imperial plant?”

“We don’t, that’s why we’re getting the doonium offloaded first. Once we get our pay its their problem keeping it safe.”
Thrawn regarded Octavia with a curious stare. He may not admit it, but he was curious to see Commander Tarkin in action over the course of their mission on Ithor. Surely the survival skills wouldn’t be needed, but he at least would be prepared in any case.

Even if they did need to know how to start a fire without tools, Thrawn trusted Eli to be able to learn within a few days. But that shouldn’t be necessary. Ideally, their mission would be a quick one now that they have someone familiar with the planet and Mother Jungle.

The nexu should help immensely in tracking down the Jedi.

“I will arrange negotiations with them,” Thrawn said coolly. “You needn’t worry about that.” He rose from his desk, meeting Octavia’s gaze. “Would you like to be shown to your quarters? I apologize, we didn’t realize you would be bringing a nexu along, but your quarters should be spacious enough for him.”


Ayla hopped off the crate and followed the pirate. She didn’t know exactly how many of them were on the ship, how outnumbered she would be should they decide to not risk having her around.

If it weren’t too many, she could take them out.

She was taken to a lounge area that didn’t look too bad. Maybe a bit cozy. Of course there was silence, before one of the pirates spoke up of her being an Imperial plant.

Trying not to laugh, Ayla scoffed at that. “I’m pretty sure the Empire wants me dead more than you,” she muttered as she scanned the area. Scanned for any potential threats, scanned to see if anyone looked ready to attack. “Now, where will I be sleeping?”
Another shift, however subtle. Thrawn's protection of his crew didn't get in the way of an unhostile curiosity towards her. A positive. He could adapt well.

Octavia shook her head at his question, “I do not intend to keep quarters on the Chimaera. My corvette has space enough for myself and Prince, and I promise, I won't think less of you for not walking me back,” a tease, though Eli let his displeasure with all of that show. The ship had more than enough space with just her, the nexu, and a droid. Most of those ships were piloted by a crew of six. She made some modifications for that to be unnecessary.

“I will return there. Please inform me of when the meeting is to be and the arrival plan.” she'd happily take her own ship down apart from one of Thrawn's, but arriving together would certainly look better for all of them.

“Is there anything else that you would like to discuss before?”


Ryker scoffed at her comment. “Unless you've pissed off the Emperor himself, I doubt it,” Tarkin was the only step down and Ryker had done just that. More than once even if Octavia hadn't yet taken the bait on any of his runs through the Seswenna sector. Luck would run out one day.

He knew that

It just wasn't clear if it'd be his, or hers.

“Anyways, I'll show you to the room.” He gestured for her to follow, taking an exit to the east wing of the ship and opening up an empty room that was little more than a cot and a random assortment of crates with supplies. The room was basically used as extra storage, but none of it was on the bed.

“This is all we got, but it shouldn't be more than a couple days.” She ought to be glad they had space at all.
Thrawn raised a brow at Octavia’s statement, but he wouldn’t argue. If she wished to stay in her corvette, then who was he to stop her? Well, besides being the Grand Admiral of this ship. He was sure that the nexu being onboard her own corvette would reduce the headaches for several of his officers.

Maybe even for himself.

“Very well. There is nothing else I wish to discuss at this moment, however I will let you know if there is anything else to be added.” He motioned with an arm towards his door. “I do trust that you can find your way back.” She was capable.

She already knew the layout of his ship.

“I do hope you have a pleasant evening, Commander Tarkin.”


Ayla withheld a laugh that wanted to bubble at his comment. Oh, if only he knew, but no one should know. No one could know. Anyone that were to know her truth would either put her at risk, or put themselves at risk.

She still couldn’t trust these pirates to not simply just hand deliver her to the Empire.

They came into her temporary room, and Ayla looked over the crates with mild intrigue. No, the room wasn’t much, but it was a bed, and that’s all she needed.

She went over to the cot and perched herself on the edge. It would be comfortable enough, not that she needed much. She was used to doing without comfort. “And I can trust that no one will come in in the middle of the night and shoot me?” she asked with a wry grin.
Octavia didn’t really anticipate argument. Most preferred she stay in her corvette, after all. The company she kept wasn’t exactly welcome. They also assumed they could keep a better eye on her there with the cameras in the hangars. The joke was on them, but Thrawn didn’t need to know that the Scion had a hatch below his cameras were unlikely to notice the movement of.

Or notice someone cloaked slipping out of.

She’d start planting her little bugs that evening when everyone assumed she had settled for the night, but for now, “Thank you, Grand Admiral. Rest well,” she bid before exiting his office, Prince following, tail shifting behind him.

Eli watched them leave, and his posture began to relax when the door whooshed shut behind them, but even then, he waited until he was sure he didn’t hear the click of the nexu’s nails on the ground. ‘No report mentioned the nexu.’ How did something like that get overlooked? Why weren’t they briefed on the nexu, given the critical role it played.

‘Why don’t we have an Inquisitor?’

Tarkin seemed secure in handling it.

“Well she’s…not Grand Moff Tarkin,” but it didn’t lessen anything. She held herself with just as much confidence, and although there were hints of her abiding authority higher – it seemed at a whim. As if she allowed power rather than accepted it.

Eli shook his head and looked at Thrawn, shifting to move around the desk a bit to better face him, “I do not understand one thing, Grand Admiral,” Faro was still there, so he’d still be a bit formal. “Actually, several things, but one in particular: why are we going planet side? Not myself and Commander Faro, but you.”

It couldn’t be expected, although Octavia asked that question of his survival skills as if it was a given. “This seems an opportunity to give her use of our Stormtroopers or others, not…us.” Weren’t they above this kind of thing?

Not to mention, vastly undertrained for something like this. Had Octavia merely caught Thrawn off guard or had he planned it from the start?


“No,” Ryker stated flatly at her question, even though her wry grin suggested she was joking. He’d been betrayed too much to give people a false sense of security. “I wouldn’t, if I were you. I don’t intend it. I’d rather we part ways quick as possible with no issues between us, but you’d be a fool to trust me, too.”

Even so, he added, “We’re heading to Crait to drop the doonium supplies. We won’t be there long. You’re free to leave there if you like, but if you stay, we’ll go to Tatooine. If there’s a port you prefer to dock in there, just let me know. Mos Eisley is usually the easiest, but the others are possible.”

He stepped back and out of the room. “You can have whatever food you need from the lounge. I’d say make yourself at home, but,” well, that was foolish, and he offered a half-hearted shrug with his own half-hearted smile.

That smile certainly didn’t last long.

“If you need anything, odds are you’ll find me in the helm. You can also talk to the droid, LE-37.” The others weren’t off limits, but he couldn’t vouch for them helping her with much. “Anything you need to know before I head up?”
Thrawn gave a polite nod to Octavia as she left, and as soon as the door clicked shut behind her, he could see the loosening postures of his two commanders there with him. It was almost amusing.

Similar to Eli, many questions were going through Thrawn’s head at the moment. He especially wanted to know why he wasn’t briefed on the nexu. Maybe withholding that information was intentional, to test him somehow.

There were far too many guesses.

“Indeed, she’s not,” Thrawn agreed with Eli. And he could only hope that was a good thing. Was she playing them? He still didn’t know what to think. Would he ever?

Faro shifted, but she didn’t speak up just yet. Thrawn regarded Eli’s question. “It is a precarious situation we’re in, with attempting to handle a delicate situation on Ithor. One that requires…a diplomatic solution, and while I do not doubt Commander Tarkin’s ability to handle this situation, I feel it is one best that I directly oversee.”


Ayla cocked her head at him. No, she wouldn’t trust him at all. She didn’t even know his name. But she would trust that he wouldn’t do anything to her while she slept.

Would that be a foolish decision as well? She would have to wait and see. Good luck trying to sneak up on me.

She shook her head. “I would prefer Tatooine. And no port preference, so Mos Eisley would be fine.” A bit more…rambunctious of a port than she’d prefer, but sometimes those are the best ones that allow her to blend in. No one would pay her any attention unless she did something out of the ordinary.

There was one thing Ayla was curious about, if he was even going to answer her, before he left. “What’s your name?” Then he could leave, and she would be alone again.

Alone. Like always.
‘I doubt it.’ Eli wondered if Thrawn was being diplomatic in suggesting he didn’t doubt Tarkin. But there was no reason to – not in front of him and Karyn, anyways. He also wasn’t sure what was diplomatic about dealing with a Jedi.

Then it clicked.

Not the Jedi – the Ithorians.

And the Ithorians wouldn’t trust a bunch of stormtroopers, purgetroopers, or even an Inquisitor down on their planet. Eli had been involved in the initial negotiation that put them in this tricky situation, where Thrawn preferred to gain permission to step onto Ithor, instead of just go through it by force.

Besides ruining the alliance the Empire had with Ithor, it was likely to also give the Jedi a better chance to escape in the chaos such an action created. Eli frowned, but shifted his weight, as his expression became thoughtful, and he nodded, sighed, “I think I understand.”

Perhaps Thrawn was in a position to leave Tarkin to go to the planet alone, but there was something…wrong about that. “I hope you have studied enough Jedi art to know how to deal with one,” Eli sighed at last, “I’ll trust that you understand what we’re getting into, though.”

What else could Eli do?

“I’ll be ready when the negotiations are set.”


Ryker nodded, accepting the location. That made things easy for him. Mos Eisley was chaotic, but that was what made it a good port to dock in. At her question, though, he scoffed a laugh and shook his head.

“Don’t you know how dangerous names are?”

Apparently not.

Or she did – and was curious to know how dangerous he was. If she thought she was important to the Empire, she certainly knew how damning a name was. “Why don’t you tell me your name first,” he said, gesturing out with his hand towards her, “I’m sure you know it’s rude not to introduce yourself first.”

His hand fell back to his side, not even sure he’d offer a real name. Then again, someone in his crew was likely to say it. Lying wouldn’t get him far for too long. Not with a crew that didn’t know. ‘How the hell did she do it for so long. How did everyone go along with it for so long.’



No, he wasn’t ruthless enough for those games, was he? Damn it all. But he could still wait until he got something from this woman.
Thrawn could see the logic click in Eli’s and Karyn’s mind at around the same time. He smiled slightly, his trust in them not misplaced nor misguided.

There was a reason he kept them by his side.

He sighed, “I have, but there’s always the case of potentially missing something along the way.” There was certainly a lot to learn about them. Even his past with Anakin Skywalker, he learned as much as he could, but there was always more.

He would be foolish to underestimate this Jedi.

“Do we know anything about this Jedi, Admiral?” Karyn asked.

Thrawn shook his head. “Nothing more than we know they’re hiding out on Ithor. I am hoping my lack of knowledge will change soon enough.”


Ayla didn’t answer his question, but she did know how dangerous names are. Still, she wanted his, or at least something to call him by.

She was already in danger. She hardly cared about additional danger from names.

Of course, he asked for her name first. “Lorelai,” she answered easily, the name she gave her old job. He wouldn’t know any better if it was truly hers or not.

“There, now you know my name.” Except he didn’t. “Now do I get the honor of knowing yours?”
Eli wanted to ask what Thrawn had in mind for dealing with the Jedi, but he knew it was premature. There were a few too many unknowns, including what compromises they'd have to make to go down to the planet. Still, it worried Eli. What little he knew told him the Jedi had power beyond his comprehension.

He did wonder if Tarkin knew more, but she hadn't left them with anything else.

Just marching orders.

“Is there anything you want us to do in the meantime?” Eli didn't know how much changed now that Thrawn had met the Commander and she chose to stay on her corvette. That really wasn't an issue; it was no doubt outfitted for long stays.

Still, he would await any additional direction before letting Thrawn tend to any other business he had.


Lorelei, no surname. That was for the best, though he supposed she also might not have one. That was generally unlikely among humans, though.

“Ryker,” he wouldn't offer anything more than that. “There. If that's all I'll let you rest up. I'll inform you when we reach Crait.”

There was little else to say, that had been all she wanted, so he would exit her borrowed room and head back to the helm to monitor the ship as they moved through lightspeed.

Eventually, they shook out of it and he sent a hailing signal on the encoded channel he was meant to use.

It picked up. Coordinates were given in a monotone, but he knew the voice of Helena immediately. He took the directions down to the planet and found a fun new salt cave to park in.

He went by Lorelei’s room once the ship settled and others went to open up the cargo hold to let her know.
Thrawn inclined his head at Eli’s question. There wasn’t much to do in preparation, except, well…be prepared for anything. But that wasn’t the answer he knew his commanders wanted, or needed.

“Brush up on your survival skills,” he answered with a small smirk.

“Do you think we’ll be in a position to use those skills?” Karyn asked, worry evident on her face.

Thrawn gave a slight shrug. “Even if we aren’t, it would be wise to become familiar with how to start a fire without the proper equipment, would it not? We must be prepared for everything.”

Karyn nodded, apprehension still settling deep in her stomach. “Yes, sir.”


Ryker. Ayla nodded and let him go, leaving her in silence and quiet contemplation until they reached Crait. But she remained on guard, not quite trusting them to just relax and take a nap.

No, she would be up, listening to every little noise on the ship.

Soon, they dropped out of lightspeed, and Ayla began preparing herself. She didn’t know what for, but…it was better to prepare for anything. She couldn’t just stay in there and do nothing. It made her too antsy.

Ryker came by, and Ayla opened up the door. “We’re here?” Well, that much she could guess, unless they had to make a pit stop. “And you personally came to get me, how sweet.”
Eli frowned at Thrawn’s direction and shifted, but rolled his eyes and let just the touch of a smile reach his lips, “If there’s any fire starting, I’m leaving it to Commander Tarkin.” Just because she said she could. Or suggested she could, really. She could prove it, damn it! He had a feeling she would, but at least then he’d be satisfied she knew what she was talking about. “But I will brush up on some…knowledge.”

He admittedly wasn’t sure what survival skills he could actually practice in the Chimaera, but knowing the flora and fauna of the planet below would be useful.

“I’ll see you tomorrow for the negotiations then, Sir?” Eli asked, prepared to head out and at least get to studying so he had some preparation for going planetside. Assuming the negotiations went well.

Assuming…well, a lot of things.

He hated the thought of all that could happen in just the matter of a few short hours. They could be planetside by breakfast, and hunting a Jedi before he ever had lunch! This was not what he signed up for.


Ryker rolled his eyes at her comment. “Just doing what I said. We’re here. You can stay in this room or you can help unload. Your call.” He didn’t have much more to explain, and he wouldn’t wait for an affirmative either way. He stepped out of the room and went down to the cargo bay where he could already see the rest of his crew.

He had five others, not including the droid. Six including the droid.

“Took you long enough,” Helena said, stepping up into the cargo bay once it was unloaded. Her face was drawn, tight with age and muscle, but her eyes held a flame in them that did make him wonder at her true age. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a single braid, “You cut it close.”

“We were actually late,” Ryker said, “the Imperials got there first, but we redirected as much as we could to my ship,” he could already see her eyes assessing what was there, counting it up, comparing it to expectations.

He wasn’t getting a full payment, he knew that when she nodded, “Well, I’ve got other jobs lined up for you. Don’t worry.”

Aro shook his head, “You are fast.”

She snorted, and motioned for droids to start entering with hover-pallets, and so Ryker moved to help load up the doonium on them. “What are these other jobs?”

“Some dolovite is moving through Epiphany in two days time. With how rare that is anymore, that’ll be worth a fortune.” Helena said, “Imperial cargo. It’s coming from Samovar, but not along any known routes.”

Ryker did wonder where Helena got her information. It was always good. She claimed she had nothing to do with any formal rebellion. He suspected she had some droids she’d programmed and released into the Empire, but it still felt like a lot.

“I won’t make it. Gotta drop some cargo at Tatooine.”

Another scoff. “Fine. I’ll get some other info for further out.”

“Usually you have more.”

“My main sources are all fussing over a Jedi the Empire’s tracking.” She shook her head as if such a thing shouldn’t matter.
Thrawn nodded at Eli, a slight touch of a smile. “I am certain she will be more than capable of assisting us with any danger we may face, should it come to that moment.” But were something to happen, should they somehow get split up, they all needed to be better prepared.

And he had hopes that Vanto and Faro wouldn't let him down.

Thrawn nodded, extending an arm to allow Vanto and Faro to leave. “Yes, I will see you both tomorrow. Rest well. We will need our bearings with us.” But he didn’t want to scare them unnecessarily. Just warn them that to expect the unexpected, as they should know with any mission.

But any mission involving a Jedi is a wildcard.

“Any other questions?” he asked.

“No, sir,” Faro answered, and when gestured, she would leave his office, visibly relaxing and sighing deeply when she was out of the office.


Ayla wouldn’t wait idly in the room while they did…whatever it was they were doing on Crait. Whether it was dropping off that shipment or something more he didn’t want to tell her.

It made her uncomfortable to not know what was going on. Too paranoid.

So she opted to help unload, as it gave her something to do, and it allowed her to keep an eye on everyone, including this contact of Ryker’s he was meeting with.

She did not like how he referred to her as cargo, but she kept her mouth shut.

That is, until the woman mentioned a Jedi that the Empire was tracking. Her blood froze cold. “Jedi? Didn’t think they were around anymore,” she said calmly. It wasn’t her, right? No, she’d been careful. Someone she knew? “Out of curiosity, did you hear a name for that Jedi?”
Eli also left with Karyn, and he would begin his studies, as suggested by Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Commander Tarkin would take advantage of the likelihood that there would be nothing until the next day, and when ‘night’ fell on the ship – or what was night on time period that the ship followed, at any rate, she would take her leave of the Scion through the hatch below her ship, cloaked in the weave of her armor.

It was a tedious process, planting her bugs around the Chimaera. To keep up the guise of her cloak, she couldn’t open any doors herself, so she had to follow people through them.

Marking Thrawn’s quarters, and Thrawn’s office spaces, would have to wait for another day – but she was able to bug the command center all in time to get a couple hours of sleep before she’d exit the Scion more properly with Prince to head to where she knew the gym was.

‘Still no message from Thrawn.’ She thought as she checked her datapad on the way into the gym, putting it back into a back pocket as she glanced around what was offered, and shook her head a bit. The Executrix was much better outfitted to how she preferred to exercise.

Prince let out a disgruntled noise at her side. “I didn’t forget your toy,” she said, which was likely obvious to Prince since she carried it under an arm. It was a simple mouse droid, though she didn’t even consider it a droid at this point.

Just a nexu toy. She’d had to upgrade its speed and armor so it could survive, and she settled it down on the ground. Nexu’s needed their exercise, too, and she tapped a button on the top of it. It stirred awake, “Easy,” she told Prince as he crouched, while the droid zipped around in a loop, trying to get its bearings.

When it headed towards the more open area of the track, she said, “Go on,” and Prince ran right after it.

The gym wasn’t entirely empty, so the few who were that saw the nexu suddenly run, were startled. One let out quite the scream, but Octavia ignored them as she went to the weights, and tried not to laugh as one of the crew ran right out of the gym.

Thrawn was probably not going to be nearly as amused as she was with this.


Helena knew Ryker’s crew.

She knew that this brunette was either new, or the cargo he spoke of, “Who is she, Ryker?” Helena didn’t answer the question posed.

“Cargo,” Ryker noted.

Helena nodded, “Sorry, Cargo. Can’t say more than I’ve said already.” Names were dangerous. She had one very dangerous name attached to herself, not that her maiden name was much better. At least she could hand that out. No one was actively looking for Helena Harro, despite being from a prominent family of Eriadu.

“They’re dead, aren’t they? What’s the point hiding it?” Ryker wondered.

“Have you vetted Cargo?”

“No.” Ryker wouldn’t lie to Helena.

“Well then, I don’t know. They have a strange curiosity in a dead thing,” not even a hint of gender or species as she eyed ‘Cargo’. She regretted mentioning the dolovite already. Cargo was likely nothing to worry about, but that didn’t matter. The smallest slips were how she got any information out of the Empire, after all. “But there are Jedi alive. Plenty more than the Empire would have you believe. And more Force users beyond just Jedi.”

Plenty without the education.

“Not helping us much, is it?”

Helena chuckled agreement.
It was late, and Thrawn hadn’t left his office yet, the time spent hunched over notes and messages on his datapad. Few people would be out in the corridors save for the few who were unfortunately assigned for the late shift, though on a ship in the middle of space, time was merely arbitrary.

And time dictated that he should sleep, but he was still wired, whether it from the debrief, meeting Commander Tarkin, or something else, he did not know. So he opted for the one thing he could get some peace during, and that was time spent in the gym. He could normally get a few minutes of relaxation in there as he trained with a droid, ran laps, or lifted weights.

And he needed the stress relief.

After dressing for a proper workout, he headed for the gym, and was immediately greeted by a scream and one officer bolting out of the gym. He furrowed his brows, surmising there was only one reason why his officers would be running from the gym.

Thrawn really couldn’t think of another reason aside from their recent guest.

He walked into the gym, and immediately spotted the nexu running after a droid. Oh, how he wanted to sigh deeply. “I know creatures of his size need their exercise too, but please refrain from scaring my officers, Commander,” he said before making his way to where the woman in question was. “Keeping them in fear is not great for morale on my ship.”


Ayla crossed her arms over her chest, unamused by the ‘Cargo’ nickname they had picked up for her, but she wouldn’t argue it. Lorelai, Cargo, maybe even ‘Little Shit.’ Anything was better than her actual name, which they would never learn.

She would be gone from the pirates’ lives soon enough.

“I knew a few back during the Clone Wars,” she spoke softly, her gaze glancing around the salt-crusted scenery she could see from her position. “I was just wondering if they were still around. Well, for now.” If the Empire had their sights set on a Jedi, she didn’t imagine that they would be around for much longer.

The realization left an unpleasant feeling deep in her stomach. Her time was coming, she just knew it. It was why few knew her real name, and why she tried to not stay in one place for too long. It was just easier.
Octavia had already lain down on the bench with her weights when Thrawn walked in. She assessed him out of uniform in a different light. Uniforms were disguises. The attire one chose when they had freedom was notable.

Her own gym attire was still chosen as a disguise; gray and maroon leggings with a couple of pockets, a cropped maroon top that matched and showed the scars on her abdomen, and of course, flat sneakers. She had another set for running in.

Thrawn opted for monochrome; a black sleeveless top and gray sweats, which holo-vids would have one believe may as well be the male form of lingerie. Not that Octavia was complaining as she let her eyes trail up to his face. ‘Still practical, but not shy.’ It was going to be such a shame if he was an enemy of the Empire.

“I had no intention of frightening anyone,” she enjoyed it, and let her attention drift away from the wonderful physique, so she could actually count reps, “they saw me walk in with him and saw the toy, it is hardly my fault if they cannot put things together and become afraid, now is it?”

Well, try to count reps. Talking, listening, and counting in her head weren’t the easiest of things to do all at once. “If you have suggestions to prevent this in the future, I am listening.” She supposed reserving the gym for an hour each day was an option, but that was likely to upset people who wanted to workout at that time.


Ryker glanced over Lorelai as she mentioned fighting in the Clone Wars, trying to pin down an age, and failing dismally. Ages were difficult, but he supposed it was possible. He’d stayed out of the war entirely.

Helena also offered her own silent assessment. Whatever conclusion she came to, it seemed she decided to speak more, “Their name is Malachi Jhend,” Helena offered, “holed up on Ithor. The Seventh Fleet has them surrounded, and they’ve received reinforcement.”

“An Inquisitor?” That or Vader.

Helena shook her head, “No Inquisitors. No Vader,” a curious decision, even to her, “Commander Tarkin.”

“Tch! Really?” Ryker couldn’t hide the snort of derision, nor the anger that eclipsed his tone entirely. “She’s getting cocky,” despite that, Ryker didn’t sound doubtful. Angry – angry at the fact she would likely succeed. Angry that she would keep succeeding.

He dropped a box a bit roughly onto the hovercraft that was taking them out.

“Maybe,” Helena said, “or the Jedi wasn’t deserving of more attention,” Helena shrugged.
Thrawn observed Octavia in her more relaxed clothes. He assessed the leggings she wore and the top that showed off her scars, curious as to how she got those. Many scars told a story, or at least a funny incident that one may be hesitant to tell.

But he felt the story behind those scars was a fascinating one.

He didn’t let his gaze linger long enough for her to notice. “It is hardly common to see a nexu on a ship,” he stated, as if that cleared things up.

Thrawn did agree with Octavia though on some level. His officers should be able to put things together better, as he watched the creature play with the mouse droid. Cute, in its own way.

He hummed in silent contemplation for a moment. “I do have access to the list of times when the gym is the least busy, should you wish for some time to yourself, or at least with fewer officers to scare.” Maybe he should put out a message alerting them of the nexu that is aboard, and that they might encounter, but it is in fact harmless. Or should be.

He wouldn’t add that last part.


Ayla could feel the tension worsening in her body with the name reveal. She swore her heart stopped beating for a second.

And she knew that she couldn’t feign not knowing Malachi, when she swore her face showed her thoughts.

They had been good friends, someone she confided in often, and she had honestly thought they had perished during the Purge.

They were as good as dead anyways.

“I knew them,” she said softly, turning her gaze away from them, returning to focus on helping get the crates onto the hovercraft to move them out. “Shame what’s happening to them.”

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