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Star Wars, and a few others


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet. Tabs have all relevant information.

You need to read and understand this ad clearly. If I feel that you have ignored certain incredibly important sections, I'll redirect you.

    1. This is my major, major rule: don't be rude. This has been a problem on several occasions, and it's something that's just unnecessary.
    2. Going with the above, communicate! People change their minds or disappear (something I've done as well). If you have a change of heart or want to quit or whatever, do your best to let me know and I'll try and do the same!
    3. I am a longterm rper, I don't want this to be a few replies and then it's over.
    4. I'm 22 and I rp like it, and I don't care for anything below that age range. That being said, be over 18. Over 20 is even better. I've had people lie about this.
    5. Be able to add to a plot and pitch your own ideas. I will not rp with someone who does not contribute, it is not fun or fair to do all the work.
    6. If you want a pairing as well, we'll double. I'm absolutely fine with that. That being said, if you don't want anything of what I have listed, that's fine but don't contact me for something else.
    7. My replies are usually 250-500 words in third person, easily more depending on my partner but rarely less. Be able to get in this ballpark. Quality over quantity, but a couple paragraphs would be wonderful.
    8. Arguably, I have no limits except for a few extreme cases. I can clarify those if there's ever any concern. Otherwise, go HAM, you won't offend me.
    9. I am not a stickler for canon or bullet proof logic. Rping is literally just a hobby for me and I treat it as such. These rules above are just so I can have a solid framework. In all honesty, I don't care what it is you want, if we can make it work, we'll make it work. I'm laid back and just here to have a good time, man.

If you're interested, please message me and we can discuss things further. I don't rp over the boards nor do I use PM.

When you do contact me, tell me what you're interested in and any limits you may have. Please be specific. I'm getting a lot of half hearted responses lately, so please don't contact me unless you're seriously interested.
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man I'd love to join since I love star wars but my RP level is too low to make 1000 word responses. sorry. have a bump
[QUOTE="Killer Queen]man I'd love to join since I love star wars but my RP level is too low to make 1000 word responses. sorry. have a bump

That's just a range, it depends on each individual rp. I'm absolutely fine with shorter replies if that's better for you. That's just the high end of my word count, most of my replies will never be that long.
Hey, I'm 22 and can be a little long winded, so I don't thing the word requirement is that big of an issue, but I am still new to the site and only tend to check it 3-4 time a day; I am a huge Star Wars fan and would love to RP a story with you, especially if you're a fan of the KoTOR fan.
I'd so RP with you but the only thing in this list that I know very briefly of is Skyrim, so yeah. And even at that I'm not very knowledgeable. But well, the least I can do is give your thread a bump.
Damn I was about to type I'd double and play Poe for ya if you could do Kylo for me. But i understand. Best of luck in your search!

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