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Futuristic Star-Quest


Master of Creation, Lord of Cosmic Storms, and Hug
The Central Core Station was abuzz with life as people from all races and walks of life went about their business as usual. Ruun priests preaching in a corner near a fountain, Elvaan conversing about their lineage, and several robotic aides shuffling about in a hustle. The "Fizzy Mix" was no different, the exterior being just a sliding door against a wall but the interior being that of a dark, neon-lit bar with several booths and tables. At the center, Elvaan and Catharsian dancers twirled around poles and on the stage to entertain the patrons while a multi-limbed Grund served drinks at the bar beneath the stage. Several waiters and waitresses of varying origin, some even robotic but made to look comely, were bustling about in a hurry to serve people their food. Dance music boomed across the speakers as, in the corners, more Xeno dancers from across the galaxy danced in giant tubes and cages elevated from everyone. Some were human, others Wajeelian with their tails flicking as they danced.

The bouncer at the door to this cantina was a sturdy but gruff Grund with both sets of his arms folded, eying people as they passed him by.
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Salien was told to meet someone at this club for her next assignment and comes walking down the corridor seeing the bouncer she sighs but does nothing about it looking to find this person. She would basecly just attempting to walk into the club looking like she usually dose

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While loading some Cargo into 'Fizzy Mix', Noyeh sees all the other Wajeelian's flicking their tails. He reverts himself, carrying the Cargo into the Bar. He doesn't do much except attach a Gravity Module to help him, and pushing the Crates. He soon enough finishes Loading the Crates, he runs back to his Room, opening the Door and entering. Noyeh walks over to his Closet, checking if all of his Stuff was still there, he soon walks over to the Bed, laying down.

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