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Realistic or Modern STAR ☆ PROJECT || ooc



Doing their best!
「an all-male idol group rp」

out of character

welcome to STAR ☆ PROJECT, a roleplay about an all-male idol group! this is our ooc thread! pls talk to each other and become best friends!

template by
hello fren~!
i think this roleplays gonna be a good one,, i just hope people join..
i could try and see if my friend wants to join??
once everyone gets their characters faceclaims up, are we going to do like full out character sheets or no?
kouzcy kouzcy did you have any ideas as far as relationships go? i think setsuna and nikkari would be a good bunch of pals bc your boy likes to nurture and my boy likes to be nurtured.
Hoshino Setsuna | Nikkari finds Setsuna close to a brother. He wouldn't see him as anything but family. He loves to make him lunches, dinner, breakfast, just like he would with all the other members, but knowing that Setsuna loves being nurtured like a child, Nikkari does nothing but. He cuddles him and gives him kisses when he needs them, and he finds him adorable sometimes. Even with Setsuna being one inch taller than Nikkari, Nikkari finds himself being the bigger person in most situations between the two. He also enjoys doing Setsuna's hair just as much as he loves doing his own. He enjoys braiding it, and then letting it own the next day in curly waves and what not. Even though Setsuna might not like it, Nikkari finds it very amusing and adorable. I think it would be adorable for them to be seen cooking breakfast together, or possibly going live together during their first concert. eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch

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