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Realistic or Modern St. Visto Private Academy


Always Confused
IC // CS // OOC


Welcome all, to St. Visto Private Academy located in Long Island, New York! It's an honor that to have you here at such a prestigious school as ours. St. Visto is a well known school nationwide for being the best private school in the entire country and producing many wealthy graduates. St. Visto is a school that has the best scholars from around the world to come teach our students the most up to date methods we have to offer.

Of course a school as prestigious as ours is very costly and the only way you can attend if being rich or maybe you're here on a scholarship. Whatever the case is, we're all here for the same reason. Now, for this rp in particular, you'll be playing the part of a host club member. What is a host club member you ask? I'll gladly tell you!

Host Club: a place for people to come to and relieve their stress and to come relax. Members of this club cater to their needs and their goal is to make their clients happy and forget about their problems, even if for a moment. The host club at St. Visto is one that is only a year old and still fairly new to the school. Even though it is new, it is very popular and only the elite are allowed into the club. There are only eight members of this club and no more. It's strict but once accepted into the host club, you will participate in many theme days, field trips, and many more club activities. This host club happens to be a coed host club so males and females are always welcome.

So, won't you come join us here at the club, my dear? The St. Visto Host Club will be waiting for you! We can't wait to meet you!

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The smell of the salty air and the feel of the sun's rays beating down on Merci's body caused the girl to open her eyes. She turned her head, squinting her eyes as some of her curls fell before her. "Perfect, Merc! Absolutely stunning!" a male's voice called out and Merci covered her eyes, standing up and stretching. She let out a yawn and turned her back to the man, running her fingers through her hair slowly. The sound of a camera flashing rapidly behind her as she turned was as loud as the music that was playing around her.

After a couple of more minutes of doing pose after pose, Merci heard the words that she had been dying to hear. "And that's it!" Merci walked towards where the group of people where and to the man who called to her earlier. "We're done?" she asked to make sure, grabbing her sunglasses and a giant beach hat from one of the assistants. She walked with the photographer to where a couple of tents where set up to look at the pictures he took of her. "I can't thank you enough for coming so quickly, Merci. I really owe you one." he added, smiling as they looked at the pictures.

"No problem. I may not model anymore, but for you I'm always available. Especially since you've helped me out so much in the past. It's the least that I can do." she smiled back, commenting on some of the pictures. Normally, Merci would have declined the offer to model because she hadn't done so in two years and she wanted to keep it that way. She stoped modeling so she could lead a semi-normal life, which if she thought about it, her life would never be normal. Especially since her family was so well known. But the normal she was striving for was middle class "rich kid" normal or "my parents just started their own business and people know about it because a celebrity was there" type of rich. It's complicated, but she just wants to be able to go somewhere without someone asking if she's so and so's daughter, or so and so's sister.

"Oh the time! Merci you have to go! You have school the tomorrow!" her caretaker Sylvia said, putting her arm around Merci's waist and pulling her after her. "Slow down, Syl. I'm coming." Merci laughed out, telling everyone at the shoot goodbye before following Sylvia to an awaiting car that was taking them to the airport. "I wish we could've stayed longer. Barbados is so lovely." she sighed, watching as the scenery flashed by them like a fast moving green screen.

"I know sweetheart, but school's starting tomorrow. Aren't you excited to see everyone in your club again?" Sylvia asked, offering her a warm smile. Merci smiled back and nodded. "Yeah, I am. I feel like it's been ages since I've seen everyone. This summer's been crazy, what with going to Romania for most of it and then there was Japan with Ollie and then this last minute shoot. It's been a long summer. But at least I got a tan." she teased, looking at her naturally tan skin.

"That's true. It seems like your summer's are always like this though. Traveling to other countries. You're lucky." Sylvia said and the door opened, allowing them to step out. "Yeah, but for once I'd like to stay in New York for a summer. Just stay home. But that wouldn't go well with mom and dad." she sighed and walked to the awaiting plane. "That sounds lovely, you should do that. I wouldn't mind it either." she said as they boarded and took her seat across from Merci.

"Maybe one summer." Merci smiled and pulled her phone out and plugged her headphones in. She grabbed her blanket that she kept on the plane, cuddling up and decided to rest while she could. When she woke up, they were back home. Merci looked at the time and saw that it was only eleven o'clock. She grabbed her things and got off of the plane and went to the awaiting car.

"Did you two have fun?" Sylvia's husband, Santiago, asked the two when they got in. Merci nodded and looked at him as he began to drive. "Next time you're coming, Santiago." she said with a grin, bringing her phone up to her face and taking a quick Snapchat to let people know that she was finally back home. Quickly after the picture, she texted her two favorite twins ever, Rhyss and Cecil. She sent the text and put the phone back into her pocket, listening to her caretakers talk about what happened while the other was gone.

"Oh, your sister Lula and her boyfriend said that they would be in town next weekend. Her boyfriend has a show close to the house." Santiago said and Merci groaned. As much as she loved her sister, she didn't love her boyfriend that much. He always made such snide comments about her and her body that made her uncomfortable, but Lula always said that's just what he does. It's how he writes his songs. But she knew that it was a lie. The two of them always broke up and got back together the next week. It was exhausting so Lula just stopped caring.

Santiago chuckled and Sylvia laughed as well, shaking their heads. "We're home, Merci. Go on to bed. Santiago and I will get your things. You have to get up early." Sylvia said and Merci nodded, thanking them. She got out and jogged up the many flights of stairs to her room. She opened the door and to a normal person like you and I, her room was the size of a living room, but this was the norm for all of the rooms in the house. Merci dropped her purse on the floor and walked to her bed, landing face first onto her bed.

When her alarm clock went off, she hadn't even realized that she had fallen asleep. She turned it off and did her daily routine which consisted of eating breakfast, doing a quick workout, showering, and doing her make up. By the time she was headed to school, it was 7:15 and she had to be there by 8. Merci always drove herself to school and got there around 7:45 so she had enough time to meet her friends.

It was always the same for Merci when she was at school. Everyone always asking her for the latest news about some celebrity her dad was working with or where her mom was. Everyone was always so interested in her parents and she couldn't just blow them off like she didn't hear them. She just gave them generic answers like, "oh I have no idea, he/she doesn't tell me about his/her projects." and so on. On the inside she was screaming but kept it cool on the outside.

She finally pulled away from the people and to her locker. Once there, she sent a text out to her twins again and then one to the entire host club.

My Twins<3
Finally got back home!! Can't wait to see my favorite twins tomorrow<3
Good morning! I'm already here, so when you two get here, please save me. So done with the constant Q's about my parents. #overit

Hosts with the Mosts
Hey everyone! Don't forget about our meeting today on the third floor! Same room as always, Art Room 211. Can't wait to see everyone! Oh! Don't forget that there is no theme this week!
Ethan Didrick Belinsky

Mornings had never truly been Ethan Belinsky’s strongest side. As a boy who loved living his life in the dark, he almost never saw the first rays of sunshine in the morning. To his disappointment, Maaria Belinsky had a whole different idea of living.
Maaria Belinsky danced onto his son’s bedroom long before his alarm would go of, but to her defence it was set to ring three hours after school started, and was just about to sit down on her youngest son’s bed before she got a hard kick from under the blanket.
Let the sun in, darli - “ she started, always with her bright and hopeful voice. Ethan hated her voice, he hated the sound of anything that reminded himself of mornings; Maaria and Ethan almost only spoke to each other in the morning.
Maaria, get out” Ethan interrupted her with, his words muffled as his head was still under the blanket. Maaria lifted her hand as to touch her son, but she changed her mind.
Please go today, I don’t want to send you away, too” Maaria said when she stood up, still looking at her son. She was still smiling, still trying. She and her husband, Kacper, had always tried with both their sons, neither of them really understood where they went wrong. Kacper had a few thoughts, but as he hated blending work and family, he had never analysed either of the boys.
It’s not like you care”, Ethan said, mostly to himself, as the door closed behind Maaria’s back.

Ethan considered going back to sleep, it was still to early to go to school, but if he let himself fall asleep he would not wake up until his alarm went off. So Ethan rolled out of bed, making as much sound as he could, both to tell his mother that he was up and that he hated her for it. Laying on the floor he found his phone, still in the jeans he had thrown of late last night, and started up a playlist. The stereo standing on the other side of the room came to life and blasted death metal at such a volume that the table it stood on shook. Ethan smiled for himself as he put a black t-shirt over his head, if Maaria destroyed his morning, he would destroy hers.

The Mitsubishi Lancer was Ethan’s most loved possession, he had gotten it from his brother when he was arrested. It did not look much to the world, especially not standing in the driveway beside Maaria’s champagne coloured Porsche. It was old, it had broken down a few times and most of the parts under the hood had been changed up. Back when Nathaniel owned the car he had trown out the backseats and pushed in a sound system. Beside the sound and the motor, the car had been striped from any part seemed unnecessary, for speed purposes. Ethan had kept the car running, he work quite hard to keep it on the road. And as he sink down into the seat he felt a warm feeling of home. Ethan smiled into the rear-view mirror before he drove of to the hell-hole called school.

It was not as Ethan hated school, more that it took time away from him that he could spend doing other things. He was a smart kid, when he tried. Maaria and Kacper had many, long arguments with each other about what they could do to make him care about school. Their decision had come in the words ‘boarding school’ and ‘you are going back to Russia’. Ethan had hated both of the ideas, so when he slammed the door behind him when he stepped out of the car, his mind was stuck with his brother. Ethan missed Nathaniel, he missed their late nights, their racing and their cheap food. He locked the car and walked through the front doors with his head hold high and his back straight, but with his normal attitude. His way of walking talked about power and will, but had also an inviting feeling over it. Ethan could feel looks following him, and he liked it. He stood as strongest when other followed him, but never stood by his side. As he opened his locker he opened the text he got earlier. A slight smile hid on his lips as he read the group chat. Even if he would not admit it, he missed the Host Club. He missed being part of something, even if it was so much less than what he wanted. So he answered with a short: ‘For you? Always’ before putting the phone away. It was no secret that Merci and Ethan was of different skin and bone, that they longed for two different worlds. But he tried to be a little more cheer in the club, so he could stay. He slammed the locker door shut, an old habit was hard to break.
Cecil sat on the porch, overlooking the city. It was their last day before returning to the boarding school. If he had any interest, he could shift and see the island that contained the privilege school but he didn't. Instead he took out a pack and lit it up. The cancerous smoke entered his lungs, infected it before being sensually expelled from pale lips. He knew that after today, he would not be able to smoke. His friend detested it. Cecil conjured the idea that he was concerned for his health because in some form Xavier liked him in the same manner as he did for Xavier. It was a long shot but it kept Cecil smoke free during the school year. Not only his promise but tons of nicotine patches would be hidden inconspicuously under his uniform. Although not what Xavier would approve of, it was a bigger step than anything he has ever done. Cecil was addicted to it at an early age, around fourteen. Xavier was left in the dark about it.

Another inhalation and his mind shifted to other matters. Preparations for their departure were finished. His father gave them the yearly speech about keeping up a reputation and not screwing things up. Like he would ever. Cecil wanted to make his father proud. Even if his father was condoning illegal actions. It was better than other people's lives. At least that was what he told himself as he would sometimes failed to please his father and suffered a fractured rib, cracked nose or nasty looking bruise on his pale skin. It built character. He snuffed out the cigarette and mechanically reached for another. The pack was empty and he crushed it with his hand. No matter, it was time to head in anyways. The last rays of the sun were settling on the horizon.

Cecil never got to see his brother throughout the summer, just like the summer before that and the summer after. Rhyss holed himself up. It was fine. He had more pressing events to take up like earning respect and throwing massive parties for his father's co-workers. Their relationship was weird. Even though they never saw each other during the break, they would manage to reconcile during the school year and cling together in a way. As if the two would be up against the school. They must have unconsciously seen their low status compared to others but Cecil would gladly avoid those thoughts. It was freeing if he believed he was more entitled than what his subconscious told him.

He made his way to his grand room and ready for sleep. Not before he got a message from Merci. She was quite quirky for a prestigious girl. Her name did not help her case as well. She had an unfortunate name. Her parents must have been in France when they gave birth to her. The nurse must have heard only thank you as she handed her the child and thought that was the name. Cecil laughed as he climbed his bed and arrange the pillow around him. There was a reason why he did that but it was quite silly. The pillows were a barrier to keep him safe. Safe from anything that can get to him at night. It did not matter that he had night terrors as long as he had pillows around him, Cecil could sleep in a relative peace.

The giant ferry boat drifted into the main dock and dropped anchor. Although the twin's father had his own personal boat, he subjected his kids into using a public transportation. Rhyss did not mind. It gave him the thing he craved most, social interactions. A sense of normalcy in their always crazed lives. Now that they were boarding and moving away from the mainland, Rhyss could feel the weight on his shoulder disappear. The school was his escape from responsibility and his home life. He could not wait to see Merci again. As if on cue, another message popped up from his queen. Rhyss read it and started to type a response when a group message popped up. He read that one before starting his message again.

Finally got back home!! Can't wait to see my favorite twins tomorrow<3
Good morning! I'm already here, so when you two get here, please save me. So done with the constant Q's about my parents. #overit
I'll sav u, my Queen. We'll b there in an hr or 2. Meet us in our dorm? It should be the same as last yr. We have tons to talk about. I.e. plans for the beginning of school year.
Ozzy sat in a little coffee shop that happened to be rather close to the school grounds, practically bursting at the seams with excitement. Sure, Saint Visto was school, but at least it wasn't home. The only good thing he had to say about going back home was that his brothers had started sticking up for him, to the extent that they said that they loved him still.
But if there was one thing that he couldn't wait for at school, it was Host Club. He could not wait for Host Club to begin once more. He had ironed washed, and neatly folded his uniform, and also bought new cologne for himself. Well, it was more like perfume. Strawberry and vanilla scented. Hopefully, he'd do aso well as last year, which was his self proclaimed "Bestest year of all the years ever".
And so, Ozzy sait, sipping his tea and eagerly awaiting what was in store for this year. Perhaps he'd finally find a boyfriend this year! Maybe...
Nathan rolled sluggishly off of his bed and hit the floor of his apartment with a thud and a groan.

"Please... not today..."

He pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the date. Sure enough, today was the day. He glared at the display for a full minute before turning his phone alarm off, shutting off his phone, and pulling his Bluetooth earbuds out. He missed the days back in the San Francisco suburbs when he could set an alarm to play directly from his phone, but the walls in his apartment—if you could call his 200 square foot closet-space that—were thin, so he had to play it through his earbuds to avoid disturbing the neighbors, most of which wouldn't be waking up until 7:30. It wasn't like he could live anywhere else, though; this apartment was the only place within walking distance of the school that was a thousand dollars a month, which is a steal compared to the rest of Long Island. So, he'd just have to live with the small inconveniences.

Nate, unlike his nine-to-five working neighbors, woke up at 6:45. He practically dragged himself out of bed, and pulled himself up to get through his routine as quickly as possible: eat cereal, brush teeth, get dressed, done. He was out the door by seven, as he never liked to drag out mornings any longer than he had to. Of all things, one thing he absolutely hated the most was wasting time. He walked to school as usual (because anyone who drives in Long Island is an absolute masochist), and by the time he made it to the door of the school, he felt his phone vibrate.

He took his phone out and looked at it: a text from the head of the host club. He chuckled for a moment, as he'd forgotten he'd joined it for a while. He originally joined it last year as a joke, as it honestly wasn't his kind of thing at all; social interaction was the bane of his existence. It wasn't from any particular shyness or social anxiety, either. He'd honestly just rather be playing Dark Souls or Ninja Gaiden than talk to other people. But it eventually grew on him ("like a cyst", as someone he knew would say), and he decided to stick with them.

He made a mental note of the text and entered the school.

Amanda looked out toward the clear, grassy, fields she and her siblings called their "home" for the past week. She sat on the porch of a farmhouse as she looked over the lands. It was nice to get away from the busy city, A change of scenery was always appreciated, not to mention the precious time she got to spend with her siblings. It was not long before one of Amanda's older brothers came and sat beside her. "Hey, sis." It was Kodi, he was the oldest of Amanda's large family. He was close with everyone, the 'Star' of the family. It annoyed some of Amanda's other siblings, but she didn't mind him. "Hey, Kodi," Amanda spoke giving a happy smile to her older brother. "We all go back to living our lives tomorrow." Amanda let out a soft sigh as she looked down at her drawing pad. Different scribbles and shapes laid across the white paper. It was hard to tell, but she missed being with all of her family. Only being able to see them all together for one week a year upset her quite a bit. "Yeah" Kodi scratched the back of his head as he looked out toward the fields.

To think that in the morning they would all pack up, head out early so that they could get to work or school, then not see each other for another year. Of course there would be times where someone would come by and say hello, but it wasn't the same. Out of nowhere, Kodi placed his hand on Amanda's shoulder.
"It'll be fine kiddo." He gave his signature goofball smile as he gave her a side hug. "I know, I just miss being a family like this." Amanda smiled hugging Kodi back. "We'll meet again. We always do." Kodi Paused, looking down at his phone to see the time. "We should get to bed though, we all need to get up early." Amanda nodded in agreement before getting up and heading inside to say goodnight to the rest of her siblings before heading to bed.

In the morning Amanda was woken up from her father knocking on the door.
"Amanda." He called through the door. "Time to get up, we got a long drive." Amanda let out a soft sigh, stretching in her bed as she rolled around. "Five... more... minutes..." She softly mumbled curling into her blanket. "Amanda. Last warning." Her father's voice could be heard through the door once but this time again, but this time being followed by the chuckles and giggles of others. Though Amanda ignored the sounds as she tried to sleep.

Without warning the door flung open and a bucket of water was thrown on Amanda's head. Amanda began coughing, the sudden awakening catching her by surprise. She looked up toward her siblings and parents laughing softly. Some of her siblings looking as if they have already had the water bucket wake up treatment.
"Very funny." Amanda giggled trying to shake some of the cold water from her skin. "I warned you." Her father chuckled as some of the family gave high fives then started to file out of the room to let her get ready. "Now, get up sleepy head. You can sleep in the car." Her father tossed a towel on her bed then left the room, letting her get ready for the day. As Amanda went to look out the window she noticed that the sun was just beginning to come up. She grabbed her clothes then went to one of the house bathrooms, showering and getting ready for the day.

Going back to her room she packed up her bags then headed down to the kitchen where her mother and sister Elizabeth.
"Good morning SunShine!" Her mother greeted Amanda happily as she flipped some pancakes. "Good morning mum." Amanda smiled taking a seat at the table. "Good morning Elizabeth." It was at this time that Elizabeth turned motioning a hello with her hands and she silently smiled at her younger sister before turning back to the food on the stove. "When we be leaving mum?" Amanda asked as she waited for her food. "In the next half hour or so. Some of your siblings have already left." This Amanda already knew the sink being full of dirty plates and cups told her all of that. It was not very long till a plate full of eggs and pancakes was placed in front of her. "Thank you." Amanda smiled as she began to eat, after a few minutes clearing her plate.

"Need any more help cleaning up mum?" Amanda asked as she stood from her chair seeing her mom elbows deep in soapy water as she cleaned the breakfast dishes. "No, I'll be fine dear. Elizabeth and I have this all covered." Her mother looked away from the soapy water to look at her daughter. "Your father should be taking you to school today. I'll see you later at the house when you get home." Amanda smiled then waved a goodbye. "Okay, I'll see you then." She went to grab her bags to take out to the car.

With her bags in hand, she placed them in the back of the vehicle, leaving only her small backpack to stay on her shoulders as she took shotgun and waited for her father. Her back now sitting on her lap she leaned the chair back and looked out the window. The sun was just finishing coming the rest of the way up. She felt herself start to drift off as the call of sleep took her once again. When she woke up she was just being pulled up to the school. "Looks like you woke up just in time." Her father chuckled as he nudged her a bit to make sure she was actually waking up. "I'm up.." She nudged his hand gently away then rubbed her eyes. She looked in the side mirror to make sure she still looked decent then got out of the vehicle. "Thank you, I'll see you after school." Amanda smiled and waved before heading toward the actual building. It was then that she got a text message. She smiled taking a mental note before heading into the building.


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