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Realistic or Modern ST&FF - Characters


In Denial That I Have an Internet Addiction
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Available Places
  1. Infactuated (me)
  2. BeautifulNightmare BeautifulNightmare
  3. BloomingSoul BloomingSoul
  4. Livson Livson
  5. DreamingBlackbird DreamingBlackbird
  6. [free]
  7. [free]
  8. [free]
Character Creation
The information below is mostly suggestions. Feel free to replace or add any of the fields. The only exception to this is the Basic Info section. The Appearance section mostly has suggestions on useful things to describe, and even if you have a photo-reference, please also provide a written description!

Let's try and make a diverse cast with plenty of variety! We can't have every character able to see ghosts, and we can't have every character at the house indefinitely. Try and think up something different from what I've suggested if you can, to make everything more unique (:

If someone would like to play the caregiver, feel free to do so, otherwise I will control them on the side. Depending on if someone would like them as their character or not, they will have a bigger or smaller role in the story. The caregiver most likely won't have a supernatural ability, unless you can make it work. For example, seeing demons or spirits would be useful for the caregiver, but being susceptible to possession won't.

On another note, the youngest character allowed will probably be around 10, at the very, very least. I'd like the average age range to stay between 15 - 25 if possible, but if you'd like to make a 10-year-old or a 50-year-old, go for it, but they'll have to have a pretty good reason as to why they're in the house and not say, in their own home or with their parents.

This is a character-based RP, so try and provide as much detail as you can or think is necessary!

Basic Info

Full Name |
Nickname / Preferred name | if applicable
Gender / Pronouns |
Birthday / Age |

Height / Weight |
Eye / Hair colour |
Ethnicity / Race |
Clothing style |
Distinctive marks |
Physical Description |
Family and Background

Family |
Birthplace |
History / Background |
Education |
Languages Spoken |
Job | if applicable

Basic Personality |
Strengths / Weaknesses |
Likes / Dislikes |
Quirks / Ticks |
Hobbies |
Sexuality | if applicable - younger characters may want to leave this blank
Demons and the Supernatural

Reason for stay | e.g. recovering from supernatural possession, able to see demons / spirits, family history of possession. If you're unsure, feel free to drop a message in the OOC chat.
Length of Stay (currently) |
End of Stay (prediction) |
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Name: Scarlett Westbrooke
Nickname: Scar
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Dallas Texas
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 138
Eye color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Clothing Style: Tomboyish, Jeans, T-shirt, leather jacket
Physical Description: Curvy, sorta tall
Personality: Sarcastic, Brave, Sometimes Hot-headed
Quirks: Bites her lip whens she's nervous, plays with her hair too much.
Strengths: When she can figure out her power she's pretty strong
Weakness: Her powers are unpredictable
Hobbies: Doesn't really have any since her mother kept her homeschooled
Power: Half-Demon telekinesis power, Basically throwing things without touching them, sometimes things fly off walls when she gets mad (But she can barely use them since she's getting used to it still so she isn't OP)
Family: Mother and Step-father, no siblings
Education: Homeschooled
Story: Came to the house because of her mother was afraid of her losing control and hurting other people and since she's half-demon she doesn't have a father only a step-father who doesn't really like her and pushed her mother into putting Scarlett in the home.
Jobs: None
Length of stay: 3 years now
End of Stay: Not sure
(Tell me if i need to add anything )
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Name: Scarlett Westbrooke
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Sarcastic, Brave, Sometimes Hot-headed
Power: Half-Demon telekinesis power (But she can barely use them since she's getting used to it still so she isn't OP)
Story: Came to the house because of her mother and since she's half-demon she doesn't have a father only a step-father
(Tell me if i need to add anything )

Great start, but try to flesh out the character a little more! What are her powers like? Why did her mother send her to the house? And please include a written description as well as the photo!
Full name: Eliza Williams
Nickname: Lizzie
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 21
Age: 11
Family: father, two older brothers
Birthplace: Oregon, Portland
Education: if she were ever in school she'd be in middle school. But other than that she learns by her surroundings.
Language: she forces herself to be a mute but her language is English
Strengths: Eliza does have wings, which means she can escape whenever by just flying off, she can fly at a fast or slow pace. Her long nails can be used as a small weapon to scratch, and..can bite with two sharp teeth she has, but that's about it.
Weaknesses: She can't take yelling, or loud noises as they remind her of her being yelled at herself, which would make all the bad memories come back.
Likes: Nice people, candy, warmth, flying.
Dislikes: Rudeness, lightening, cold, the dark
Quirk: Being quiet and a crybaby
Reason of staying: Somehow, I want her to be found and taken into the home because she's like the others hopefully. She'd have a better life as a child if she stayed there, after all she had no where else to go.
Length of stay: Only been two months
End of Stay: Since she just recently got there, she doesn't know. But possibly when she can take care of herself and hide her traits.
Personality: The girl is a shy one, she barely speaks at all, and if she does, it can come off as shocking. She likes to avoid as much people as possible, due to her experience with others, she can barely trust anyone. But, she can grow attached to people that are kind to her and she can slowly start to like them to where she follows them anywhere they go, like a little duckling. She can easily get emotional and sometimes takes things too literally, which would cause her to start crying out of no where and seeks comfort.

History: Eliza, is the definition, of a monster...atleast that's what she's been told. The girl had killed her mother during birth. When a woman dies from giving birth to their baby, it's usually the woman's fault due to some body problems, but this time it was the daughter's fault. Why? Because she was born into something no one wants to see, a horrifying creature. The baby was born with small wings attached to it's back aswell with long fingernails as if they were claws. She was already born with such a power no other child has, even if there were more children out there like this, they were probably killed.

But, the girl was spared, her father couldn't kill her, it was something his wife had made before she died. So he kept her and let her grow, but over the years it was a struggle to take care of her. Her brothers despised her right off the bat, and wanted nothing to do with her, they wouldn't even call her their sister. And her father soon too..started to hate her. He had realized she had killed the woman he loved and took his anger out on her. This would come to abuse, she was being harmed just because she was different, it's not like the child wanted this.
One day, it had finally crossed the line, the man broke both of the girl's wings and threw her out on the streets, not even looking back. She'd be left alone to suffer that is..until she'd been saved.

  • Full Name |
    Amelia Grace Haverthord

    Nickname / Preferred name |

    Gender / Pronouns |
    Female (She/Her)

    Birthday / Age |
    18 (15th of December)

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|| Full Name + Nickname ||
Mikaela "Kai" Evander

|| Age + Birthday ||
(March 28th)

|| Gender + Pronouns ||

|| Height ||
(Weight unknown, but she borders on the thin side)

|| Eye + Hair Colour ||
Her eyes are a tinge of amber brown, and her hair chocolate-brown in color.

|| Clothing Style ||
She has a penchant for jackets and scarfs, with a simple white v-neck shirt underneath and accompanied with dark jeans. Her colors are pretty neutral, broken by a hint of blue or red (usually her scarf).

|| Distinctive Marks ||
Nothing much, except the numerous freckles surrounding her body.

|| Physical Description ||
Kai is a bit tomboyish in appearance, with her hair constantly tied up in a messy bun, or her clothes frequently stained in pastels or charcoal. She doesn't seem to care much for her looks, although she keeps herself clean as possible (or at least, as clean as her activities can get her). Skin tanned, she displays an agile figure and walks in an airy sort of nature. Her nose is slightly upturned, and she carries a lopsided smile with her wherever she goes.

|| Family ||
Ozmatiah "Oz" Evander
(father/brother figure, 20, deceased)

|| Birthplace ||
The streets of Boston, Massachusetts

|| Background ||
As a child, Kai was raised by an older street dweller named Oz, whom she called her father figure. The life of a street urchin wasn't easy, but they moved through day by day with what little they had on their hands. Everyday life ran as normal as possible, up until the blackouts came.

Kai was only a six-year old back then. They were mild at first, and only hit Kai for a short while until she eventually returned, but during the first times she always woke up to animal fur or feathers sticking to her clothes. Oz would always stand bewildered beside her, and she didn't quite know why until on one particular night, she woke up with memories of flying as a bird, or crossing the city highways on all four legs.

Turns out they weren't just blackouts, but Kai turning into random animals at night.

They were small at first, domestic animals like a bird or a cat, and Kai always had Oz to keep her in check every night. No one ever caught them, which was probably the only perk they had as street urchins--no one cared. Everyday life was normal for them once again, just with a tinge of the supernatural. Surprisingly, they managed to go through unnoticed for a few years.

But of course, all good things come to an end.

When Kai was eleven, Oz got into trouble with a dangerous gang. Simple as that, they grabbed him by the neck, stuck various knives into his chest and threw his body into a river. They never touched Kai. In fact, they never found her. Oz had told her to run the moment he realized they were after her, and so she ran.

Kai became quite aimless at that time, her blackouts getting the best of her. She would wake up in an entirely different place every time she closed her eyes, even under a bridge and floating in the water at some point. A few months later, she spotted blood on her nails, and that prompted her to contain herself as much as possible every night. This went on for about a year, until someone ( Lixy Lixy would it be a'ight if this someone was the caretaker?) found her when she was 13 and took her to The Cronin House for the Supernaturally Disturbed.

It's been a good five years now, and during her stay there Kai has considered the house as her home. She frequently helps out in maintaining the house, and sometimes being a sort of night watcher when the moon comes out.

|| Education ||
Never went to school. Oz only taught her what needs to be learned, like basic reading and counting. After his death, she's been self-teaching herself for the most part.

|| Languages Spoken ||

English. And Animal, when she's being one. She jokes about it from time to time.

|| Strengths + Weaknesses ||
+ She's quite observant and takes note of small details
- Despite that, she forgets things very easily (she calls it a selective memory*)
+ In times of peril, she keeps her cool as best as she can.
- Kai is an extreme insomniac. She tends to stay up late at night (excluding the blackouts) and has severe trouble falling asleep.
+ Very collected, rarely gets angry.
- Has a fear of knives and tries to stay away from the kitchen most of the time. (This is mostly due to seeing Oz get stabbed multiple times)

|| Likes + Dislikes ||

+ Listening to the rain
+ Creative projects that keep her distracted
+ Helping out
- COCKROACHES (Although she did turn into one once)
- Idleness/Inactivity
- Crowds/Too much noise

|| Quirks ||
- "Wait, what?"
- She's frequently seen twirling a pen in her hands, in a fidgeting manner
- Also, writing notes on her hands with the said pen, for "in case I forget something,"

|| Hobbies ||
Creating stuff with more random stuff
- Drawing and painting
- In the many cases where she wakes up in an animal that she can easily manage/control (like a cat or a mouse), she tends to watch over the house at night.

|| Basic Personality ||
All in all, Kai can be described as a tad bit oblivious, although it is clear that she is trying her best not to be. Her innatentiveness is a likely result of Kai's lack of sleep, partnered with frequent blackouts that leave her missing small details while she stays an animal. Despite her unfocused demeanor, Kai actually cares for those around her, and frequently offers to help them the best that she can.

She carries a smile with her wherever she goes and rarely gets angry or offended, preferring to take things the calm way. Kai loves keeping things light when the mood is down, and has a penchant for comforting those who need such. In a way, she has a sister instinct in her.
(I guess we'll know more as we go)

|| Reason for Stay ||
Kai turns into a random animal every night. She doesn't particularly know when the blackout begins and what animal she turns into. Sometimes it's a predator, sometimes a prey. Kai's primary reason for staying in the house was to contain, if not control, her blackouts, and be self-aware whenever she turns into an animal. It's getting better now, at least when the animal's small or domestic or tame, but she's having big problems with the wild ones, and would frequently have to chain herself every night just in case.

|| Length of Stay ||

5 years, currently

|| End of Stay ||

She doesn't seem to plan on leaving, considering she doesn't have a place to go home to. Instead, she's sort of working on the house now, helping wherever she can


'Selective memory': Kai's term for being able to clearly remember things that interest her, from the big picture to the small details. Partnered with being extremely forgetful of things that don't catch her interest. Mostly unintentional.​

When in animal form, the easiest way to identify that it's her is through the amber color of the animal's eyes.​

I guess that's it! Just tell me if there are any things needing changing or clarification :)
BeautifulNightmare BeautifulNightmare
Looking good now! Although, on the "OP" note, these characters are unlikely to do much fighting, so no need to worry too much about that.

BloomingSoul BloomingSoul
Sounds interesting :) Are her wings able to carry her? If so, they would have to be massive! Has she always had them? If she can fly with these wings, and they are big enough to do so, you'd have to think about that in relation to her everyday life (:
EDIT: just realized, yes, she can fly. In order for her to fly, they'll have to be huge compared to her body, and her bones would have to be particularly fragile; just food for thought.

Livson Livson
I like her! Don't see much wrong/to add with her. It'll be interesting seeing how her powers interact with the environment, especially since things like exorcisms and banishments etc. are performed in the house, and she may see echoes of that. I'd also like to see how her powers play into how she reacts to the other characters, seeing as a lot of these guys have violent and supernatural histories (;

DreamingBlackbird DreamingBlackbird
Everything looks good! And totally, half the caretaker's job is finding other supernaturally inclined in order to take them in. Her powers are certainly quite unique. Can she turn into a particularly large animal randomly? Could she be sleeping and turn into an elephant? Maybe she should have one of the larger/stronger rooms then. Of course, you can always add that she's never bigger than her human size if you don't want to work around that particular issue

On another note, we only have females thus far, so whoever is next might want to think about another gender ahaha
Lixy Lixy

Eeyup! Her powers are quite unpredictable in a sense that she doesn't know what time of the night it'll happen, and what animal she'llurn into (probably the reason why she's an insomniac), also that suggestion about the elephant's gonna be interesting to see, although that might cause wrecks and such...but, let's give it a shot and see :D

Btw, what's the preferred post length, if I might ask?
DreamingBlackbird DreamingBlackbird Once we get started I'll write up an opening post which will probably be a little longer than what I'll expect for the rest of the RP. I tend to lean on "however much it requires to move the plot along or add something to the story". Quality, not quantity. But it will be around 2-5 paragraphs if you need a ballpark
BeautifulNightmare BeautifulNightmare
Looking good now! Although, on the "OP" note, these characters are unlikely to do much fighting, so no need to worry too much about that.

BloomingSoul BloomingSoul
Sounds interesting :) Are her wings able to carry her? If so, they would have to be massive! Has she always had them? If she can fly with these wings, and they are big enough to do so, you'd have to think about that in relation to her everyday life (:
EDIT: just realized, yes, she can fly. In order for her to fly, they'll have to be huge compared to her body, and her bones would have to be particularly fragile; just food for thought.

Livson Livson
I like her! Don't see much wrong/to add with her. It'll be interesting seeing how her powers interact with the environment, especially since things like exorcisms and banishments etc. are performed in the house, and she may see echoes of that. I'd also like to see how her powers play into how she reacts to the other characters, seeing as a lot of these guys have violent and supernatural histories (;

DreamingBlackbird DreamingBlackbird
Everything looks good! And totally, half the caretaker's job is finding other supernaturally inclined in order to take them in. Her powers are certainly quite unique. Can she turn into a particularly large animal randomly? Could she be sleeping and turn into an elephant? Maybe she should have one of the larger/stronger rooms then. Of course, you can always add that she's never bigger than her human size if you don't want to work around that particular issue

On another note, we only have females thus far, so whoever is next might want to think about another gender ahaha

Thank you! I'm very excited for this to play out :)

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