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Realistic or Modern Squad Hoilday

Shatter Glass

Save My Unicorn

  • All of us are from different backgrounds, different camps, but we have one thing in common: Bring down President Gasman- that's our nickname for him. A term of endearment, almost. We are part of the resistance, and we meet underground to fight. The progress may be slow, but it's all we can do. I'm the leader of this squad, and our name? Squad Holiday. We're a ragtag team, no specialty. We all have our unique talent, and this is just the beginning.

    So basically all of us have escaped from a 'concentration city/camp' (think of Divergent or Hunger Games), someway or how (Include in background), and have met in a rundown city or what used to be New York. We have our own secret hideout and grow in number as people come from the hope of the legend of the squad. Everyone trains to fight the new Government and hopefully restore the country to it's former glory.

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