Squad B IC

Ayame Mifune

Ayame looked up from her work at Kiso when the Gennin voiced her question. Dark brown eyes softened as she studied her. So Kiso had been cast from her home for this . . . poor child. "I'm sure you do have a home to return to, even if it isn't with blood family." She motioned to Mochizuki before continuing. "Your team . . . they're also your family from now on. You may not always see eye to eye, but helping one another in and out of battle is part of being a team."

She turned to face Mochizuki as the kunoichi struggled to word her question. "Things did get better, yes. But it took time, you can't expect things to magically change. You both wish to become renowned shinobi? Then learn from your mistake and take that lesson to heart."

@Kinzu Hekmatyar @Ganryu
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Kiso took the nurse answer for what it was,she rubbed her face the tingling sensation of the healing made her feel better.

However she had thoughts on the nurses words clicked,she shook rapidly "No way ! ,I don't need her help. I rather quit being a ninja than accept her help,she why I'm....homeless ". Though this was a total bluff it at least spoke of Kiso stubbornness toward Mochizuki .

Scowling at Mochizuki,before she sighed mover her own knees to her chest . Wrapping her arms around her legs ,Kiso thought all she wanted was to go home and not to deal with this.



Mochizuki Tonbo

Mochizuki wings buzzed all throughout Ayame's response, chirping happily. They stopped abruptly at Kiso though. What did Kiso mean she was the reason she didn't have a house?

Mochizuki's mind immediately raced back to 2 weeks ago when she'd fallen through a roof. Was that Kiso's house!?

All sorts of thoughts, only understandable to the weird little dragonfly ran through her mind. A knife produced itself in the doctors place of all places, and Mochizuki strained out a sentence, loudly as she could.

"I'll make it up, I swear it!"

And swear she did, parts of her swearing dripping down her hand. Rather than have it healed, Mochizuki waved her other hand to her doctor.

"Thanks Ayame. I gotta go fix something."

And Mochizuki was gone out the window. One day, Mochizuki might learn the meaning of honorifics, but it definitely wasn't today. She was headed towards the building whose roof she'd collapsed prior, not stopping for anything. Oddly, Mochizuki could have sworn it was abandoned. Oh well. She had to fix Kiso's house!

Ayame Mifune

Ayame sighed at Kiso's outburst, slowly shaking her head. "Did your teammate force you to follow along in the mission that night? Or did you do so on your own volition?" The Jounin offered a slight smile. "Butting heads comes with being part of a team. You're bound to have days you all swear you hate one another, it's no different than being family. In the end it's up to you to watch one another's backs and be there for one another."

The doctor paused, blinking as she turned to see Mochizuki make a blood oath of sorts before running off. Silence hung in the air for a moment as Ayame shook off the shock from the Gennin's little display. "Erm . . . right . . ." Shaking her head she looked back at Kiso. "All three of you made a mistake that night, you're all equally to blame for the matter. Though despite your harsh words, your teammate still tries to make up for her error."

Standing, she made a few notes on their charts. "You can begin light training, come back in five days and we'll see how you're healing from there." Ayame turned towards the door, making a mental note to get the blood cleaned up. "And Kiso," She stopped at the door, but didn't look back. "You're not the only one hurting from what happened . . . don't shut everyone out. Let them help you."

Without another word, she stepped out from the room.

@Ganryu @Kinzu Hekmatyar @Hanarei
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Kiso watch her ever energetic comrade,speak about some about making up. What was this girl on about,as Kiso attempt to stop Mochizuki however the girl was a gone. Without thinking Kiso was at the window,her body acting on its own but almost throwing her self from the window. Yelling out for her teammate to halt,however the nurse address Kiso caused her to turn and listen.

The code that she had lived her life wouldn't allow abandonment ,or to be correct her old life didn't allow it . "It was my fault to follow her...But she my teammate if I don't support her who will ..Idiot moth". The comment that she was allowed light training,it would have done she ran to her bed going under it . Waiting til the nurse left kiso went under bed she reached for her bag her mother had packed for her. Pulling on it she whirled around running,and throwing her self from the window with a leap . It felt great Kiso,landed onto the side of the building her feet glowing with the use of Chakra.

Kiso would push off it her body ached some,as she gave chase ignoring it for now Kiso shoulder the bag while on the move. What remain of her life was on her back,she had to try to see what Mochizuki was about to do.

@Ganryu @KageYuuki
A figure lurking in the shadows observed as the one Genin burst out the window. As the second Genin slipped out of the window a few moments later, the shadow began to follow trailing well behind the two. It slowly approached... moving closer and closer. Its pace far out matching the two. It was then that the figure jumped ahead, taking a dramatic pose.



"Heeeeyo! Where do my little fishies think they are swimming out without d'ere papa frog around dis street?"

He spoke keeping his one knee bent up as if attempting to do a crane stance. He shifted his stance straightening back ui looking at the two. His sun glasses seemed all the more unneeded considering it was dark outside at that point, the stars quite faded due to the smoke from the nearby city making them hard to see. His bandanna was changed to remain black, although containing several crescent moons decorated along it. It was his lucky night bandanna after all meant to get him all his night time needs. He wore his typical garb, seemingly prepared to go off to do some ninja work despite the time it was.

"Yah ain't be at yer peek percent, should be restin my youngin's and taking some time off. No reason tah be sneakin out from Lady Aya Aya's care." He spoke keeping before them acting strangely a little less... goofy? While his voice carried out as his usual self it seemed almost as if his overall demeanor was more relaxed then usual.  

@Kinzu Hekmatyar  @Ganryu


-Flashback during Timeskip, week before current mission-

~Mochizuki and Seji Go Wild~

Mochizuki rubbed her throat as she approached Seji. She'd healed up nicely since  her 'last mission'. She hadn't seen much of her teammates. She was afraid Nobu didn't want to be a ninja anymore, and Kiso was still mad at her and healing. Eitherway, Mochi had sworn she'd make it as a great ninja, she wasn't going to stop just because everyone else had been mad at at her.

Honestly, Ayame was the main reason for her drive, even though she was just a doctor, she'd encouraged her, and it was the first time anyone had really had any hope for Mochi. Everyone else thought she was weird.

It was an off day, but also the first day she'd been given the okay to train. She intended to.

"Hiya Seji! Hey, Seji, Ayame says I'm good to go for training. I was wondering if I could spar against you. You beat Shingen, and I have to at least get stronger than him! Hope he changes, becomes nicer."

Not exactly the norm towards someone who had slashed one's throat.

Seji turned his head looking over towards Mochizuki. His eyes darted from her to the lollipop he had in his hands. He quickly tossed it away brushing himself off attempting to play it off as if it was nothing. 

"Doin' better my lil bird? Good to see." He spoke with a grin giving her a thumbs up in response. His eyes darted down looking her over, his sunglasses partially obsecuring the worried look he was giving her before pushing such thoughts to the side.

"Spar wit' yo teach eh?" He spoke with a grin. "Yah got it. Don't go being too wild now, ain't wanting to push ya' too much." He commented relaxing a bit looking down upon her. He brushed himself off, start to stretch making a bit strange stretching gestures working himself up to move around.

"Well then, ya' ready tah show me your moves?" 

"Nah, I gotta go wild! I gots to be strong! I'm sure Ayame'll help if I go too far anyways."

Mochi reached into her pouch, touching a healing salve she'd gotten and learned how to use. It wasn't omnipotent, but it was her little secret. She didn't want to show off she'd still been doing some training while she was out. She wanted to impress everyone. Til then, she'd just be plain old sniper.

Mochizuki pulled down her goggles, the same way most people might do the 'prepare' sign, or crack their knuckles.

"I wanna go wild! I wanna see what a strong ninja does!"

In true Mochizuki style, she fired a tagged dart at Seji to start a casual spar.... also in the middle of the street.... which was thankfully barren. Mochizuki had chosen this location for a reason, it was where they had first tired against Seji's Daemon, 3 against 1. Now it was 1 on 2 the other way! Even if it was just 3 months ago, Mochi had hoped she'd gotten just a bit better training by herself. It was a bit nostaligic to her.

Mochizuki immediately turned to run towards some construction scaffolding she'd spied earlier. It was new stuff, so sturdier. She'd seen Ryu put it up himself.

Seji nodded a little bit. Inside his mind he could only wonder what might happen if she ended up heading back hurt... even worst what Kazou might do if he ever discovered it. He shook his head pushing away such thoughts. He would just be careful with her is all.

"Dats my pupil al'ight!" He spoke with a thumbs up just as a dart flew towards him. He blinked suddenly shifting to the side, looking taken back not expecting it. He brushed his hair a bit laughing it off as if he had seen it coming instead of the fact he had been a doofus not being prepared for such an attack. He watched her move away, seeing her attempt to create distance between them. 

Smart thinking, keeping distance from me and create an advantage. Seji slipped out two Kunai from his jacket. He tossed them forward directing them towards Mochi as she started to climb up attempting to throw her off balance. A little bit of unease filled him that he was using the Kunai so directly but he was certain she would be able to deal with them. He began to move forward keeping a steady pace behind her to 'catch up' with her.

Mochizuki had made it up halfway the scaffold as she turned to see the incoming kunai.


She really needed to find a way deal with kunai. Her neck seemed to pulse with dread, she wasn't blocking both of them. One would have to do!

Mochizuki swatted at one with her blowdart as the other seemed to fly straight at her head. A thud was heard as it hit her straight between the eyes, right in the googles. Mochizuki dizzily stepped back, a bit dazed by the impact. Those were her favorite pair of goggles! She hated shopping. But definitely worth it. 

She blurrily saw Seji getting closer.

"Gots to keep moving!"

Mochizuki kept moving. She was a sniper! Seji probably could catch her in a second, she couldn't give him that!.... could she?

Mochizuki made it to the rooftop, before reaching into her pouch. A few darts came out, along with three small yellow balls. She rolled them forward at the edge, expecting Seji any second now.

"Come on Seji! I know ya move faster than that! If I'm a lil' birdy, you're a big one! I wanna go wild!"

Her nose hurt....

Seji watched as she deflected the one kunai, cringing greatly as it hit her goggles. He slowed briefly watching her recover as he went back to moving at the speed he was trying to play it off not hesitating on her. He began to run up the building as she climbed it, seeing her reach the rooftop. 

He heard her speak up, grinning a bit. "Don't worry, Seji's gunna getcha!" He spoke reaching up to the edge seeing the yellow balls she had rolling towards them looking on. It was as if the world was slow motion for him. He watched as they went off as the yellow cloud shot out before him. Seji's body fell back, almost as if he was 'struck' by it falling backwards before his eyes were effected.

He fell towards the ground flipping himself around. He grabbed hold of some of the scaffolding flipping himself around jumping towards the other building. He ran up quickly heading up taking advantage hoping she might go to check on him if he had fallen to the ground. He grabbed another Kunai waiting for her. Please don't get hit please don't get hit... He tossed the Kunai up running up the side of the other building.

Mochizuki didn't hear a thud. Normally when someone fell, they made a big thud, he was probably fine.... or stuck on a pole. Flashbacks made her hope he hadn't hurt himself.

"I thinks Seji's good."

Mochizuki backed up slightly, before making a run for the edge of the building, towards the street, jumping as far as she could. Considering she didn't have tree climbing jutsu, or any enhancements, it was a pretty good jump. She then noticed a gleam out the corner of her eye. The gleam was pretty fast.


A tearing sound would resound as it tore through her wings. It hurt alot! Not as much as falling off a building, but it definitely stung! 

She flinched as she landed against the side of the building, holding onto the rooftop with her gloves. Her right hand lost it's grip with a flinch before she pulled herself up. If it was her dad, he'd probably have a fit, he always made his wings look pretty. 

She'd landed, ironically, atop the factory roof. Looking around for Seji, she saw the trademark bandana. She began a series of handsigns. The wings weren't going to stop the training session! 

"Whoo! This is getting fun! Let's keep going, that ain't nothin'!"

She began to chant under her breath.

"Distance, 11.2 meters across, 15 meter's down. Feta of 1.5...."

Mochi fired a dart near straight up.

Seji cringed a bit seeing her wing struck. He continued to run up the side of the building, flipping over getting onto the roof top. He looked over to Mochi with a smile. "My lil' tadpole got some fire heat'n up." He spoke looking at her with a grin.

He grabbed yet another Kunai, tossing it as quickly as he had retrieved it putting no delay on it as he moved forward once again. His eyes kept locked on her attempting to pace her keeping his focus on her not having sene the dart she had fired up.

A small shadow began to fom atop Mochizuki's own head. She didn't seemed troubled in the least by it.

She again whacked at the kunai. It made her lose mobility, but she could deal with one at a time. The kunai landed on the ground infront of her with a thwack.

As Seji approached, Mochizuki stepped back slowly, the shadow growing where she had been.

Seji ran forward, jumping over to the factory. He rolled across the roof, not for the sake of aiding in the landing but for the sake of looking 'stylish'. He got to his feet, adjusting his glasses. He ran forward heading towards Mochi. 

He reached up slowly drawing out one of his Katana from his back. His eyes looked over with a grin. He would get close and test her in close range combat. He continued his pace, blinking as he looked up as an approaching shadow grew bigger over him as he approached. 

He let out a dramatic gasp, darting forward as the dart hit. He watched it fly down accompanied quickly realizing a jutsu had been applied to it as a strong gust of wind struck down. He let out a loud gasp as the rusted and unstructurally sound roof came collapsing down where it hit. Seji tripped down, yelling out as he slid down into the factory out of sight.

Mochizuki scratched her head for a minute.... did that.... did that just work? This sparring was going awesome!

She gave a terrifyingly innocent grin as she held her hands in a 'kai' position.

The dart she had first fired at Seji was on the other side of the factory wall, at the base of the building where both of them were at. It had an explosive tag on it. Mochizuki detonated it happily, like she was doing something fun.

The boom resonated up to here, followed by groaning in the structure. Mochizuki felt the file she was on begin to shake.

"Uh-oh... maybe I didn't dun think this through too good."

The wall wobbled, and Mochizuki dropped down, grabbing the rooftile extra hard, as an avalanche of debris started to fall.


A small section of the wall started to fall, with Mochizuki toboganing down it, riding it down to the street level, before rolling several times into the street, laying on it a little bruised and battered from her ride, but the smile on her face said otherwise.

"That was .... awesome!"

Without getting up, she turned to the pile, and excitedly called out to her sensei.

"How'd I do Seji?"

Seji had slipped down into the factory quickly getting to his feet carefully. He was going to simply surprise her moving through and ambushing her, using his own display of suprrise (which was totally staged... not at all real... nope! Totally not!) to catch her offguard. It was then that he blinked as an explosion triggered

Seji jumped back quickly fortunately being a bit more attenative then he had been earlier, only to witness as a portion of the building had started to shake and the wall began tumbling down. He quickly ran forward,  dashing through one of the metal shelves past some of the long since decayed boxes slipping away before the rubble could fall on him. 

He looked on, breathing heavily as his heart raced. Never use this place again for training... He heard the voice from outside as Mochi spoke. Her tone seeemd a bit more calm seeming to have called it quits. He smirked a bit looking over. He used his hand to get some grim and dust, rubbing it across his face attempting to make himself look more worn down then he was before carefully climbing out past the rubble putting away his blade.

He lifted his hand up giving her a thumbs up. "Good job Mochi! Yah got me good there." He spoke looking at her with a grin on his face. He brushed himself off attempting to clean off his clothing a bit. "See ya' got a new trick too! Mi lil bird been flyin' 'bout on 'er on." He spoke walking up towards her. 

"Yay! It's a good first step. I gotta get lots better though. If Imma be a strong ninja, like Shingen, I gotta keep training. I know lots of people are mad at me, but I'm still gunna do it."

Mochizuki stood, spreading her wings, looking at the holes.

"Aw... Dad's gunna be mad. That's gunna take like all day to fix. Maybe I'll just play on the rooftops til they heal."

She folded them, and put her hands carefreely.

"So, uh, got a weird question. What do I gotta do to get better?"

Seji looked towards Mochi giving a light nod. "Peeps will always be mad... best way ta' move forward and show 'em ya' mean business!" He spoke patting Mochi's head. It wasn't just some hollow advice... it was something he learned himself when he was younger. The anger... the hate... the disgust... he had suffered through much of it in his childhood. 

"Keep up with those tactics of yours. Ya' strength is range, but trippin' up the opponent with unexpecting maneuvors will get ya' the most of things in battle. When ya' can get your opponent seeing you fighting in one way, they 'be easy to catch up in your tricks." He spoke moving forward. He looked back towards Mochi a few steps ahead.

"Just keep practicin' keep thinkin' and ya' will find yo' way to be a kool shinobi like yours truly." He spoke pointing to himself with his thumbs.He walked forward with Mochi in toe. While he didn't show it, Seji felt a sense of happiness he never really felt before. It left him wondering if it was the same think Kazou felt when he was training under his wing. 

The two walked off as a loud thunderous crash could be heard now a short distance away. Seji's head turned back slowly as his eyes opened wide, kept hidden by his glasses. An uneasy look filled his face as he put his hand carefully on Mochi's shoulder. "Come come, time ta' get ya' fixed up, I'll buy ya' a lil something to eat, my treat!" He spoke a bit repetative in his words as he walked very quickly away from the scene not wanting to get caught near it. 

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