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Fantasy Spirits of the Dedale

Dima looked back at Joey, he came back to his reasons. We may not need to kill him, but I don't know anything about him. thought the Russian man, he walked back to Joey and delivered the flick to Joey's nose. He then walked away to resume his wood carrying task, still laughing about the surprised look of Joey when he pinched her. I know that it was a bad joke but it is still hilarious.
"Well... My dad told me never to trust a lich in D&D, but this isn't D&D so..." He very carefully laid the book on the ground, walked back slowly and ran away as fast as he could. "Why'd you steal that thing anyway? It seems to be more trouble than it's worth." He asked the woman, trying to nudge her into consciousness. @Lokionze
"Eep!" She flinched when he pinched her nose, surprised at the action. Then she pouted, her cheeks turning a bit red when he laughed. 'Well...at least he's not gonna go silent on me.' Joey was glad that he'll be fine...but now, there's an issue with the evil-book guy. The blonde looked back at the guy and decided to heal him a bit; Enough to hear him out, but not strong enough to hurt either of them. Then she'll put him in a bubble. 'That way, if he does something, it won't hurt Dima or me.' The blonde got closer to the unconscious man, yelling out what she's about to do to her ally. "Dima, I'm gonna fix his injuries a bit. When he wakes up, we can ask him stuff."

"Oh, wow... I thank you most kindly, I am forever in your debt. I will make leave of you know, it was lovely to meet you," Aria said, amazed at the power she had just received. She smiled, and quickly ducked out of the cave, heading back to the edge of the lake, holding onto the amulet tightly, keeping it secure around her neck. She was so happy that she had managed to gain such a wonderful possession in such a short amount of time being here.
  • Aru's kick was a bit short, but it made the swordsman back up without attacking him. His glasses fell up. Aru saw that the swordsman's eyes were opened wide, not quite naturaly, his face displayed the same expression without any change. Aru also saw some kind of huge spiked beatle coming down on the swordsman. 
  • After about half an hour, the bag was opened again. A hand reached in, looking for something blindly, It grabbed Eris and took it out, it seemed they had moved to another zone, they were on a island surrounded by water. "What is that puppet ?..." said the woman to herself. "I am the ugly puppet ! And I dont have any friends !" said the woman while playing with the ragdoll, she then procceded to make the ragdoll sit down next to the bag. The woman went near the water. At about 10 meters away from the bag. She took out her coat leaving her in a tank top. She had scars on the arms. She looked at the Sea. 
  • The lich flew down to take the book, he opened it and incantated something, a ghost came out from the book. The ghost looked like a young girl, maybe 10 to 14 years old. The lich seemed relieved as he clossed down the book. The woman woke up and said: "He was nice to me... He seems like he isnt participating in the killings... So i thought that the book would be more usefull, as he didn't want to give it... I stole it... I am weak. I thought that it would help me not to die. "
  • Aria saw that a few crabs were still following her from a distance, being as sneaky as crabs can be. 
"From what he said he's been here from before this event started. It would have been better to have him as an ally if he was as nice as you say. Your decision wasn't great, but I can understand, the pressure of realizing only one person can survive this has a way of crushing sensible thought. However, I'm certain that there's a way out of this. If we can understand why this is happening, we can free not just ourselves... But everyone trapped in this sh***y death game. So... work with me!" he said as he dashed @Lokionze
The swordsman's retreating was more than enough. Noticing the beetle, Aru attempted to distract the swordsman, "At least announce your name before coming to attack me." He suspected that maybe the swordsman was being controlled in a way or another. Surely, there would be someone out there whose ability was controlling others. He stood in a proper fighting stance, albeit a rather defensive one. He wondered how stronger had his strength become ever since he found himself there. His physical attributes did raise over time... but by how much?

Dima came back to the cabin and started a fire, again. He was concerned about the wounded man, what will he do ? He decided not to take action until Joey had an answer to her questions.
While Dima started the fire again, Joey got close to the wounded man and sat next to him. She placed her hand on his back and concentrated to get the blood back in his body, mending his wounds. She won't give him a boost on strength or speed. All she will do is recover his body, enough for her to ask him questions. 'Like why was he in the book in the first place? That's a good first question.' She thought, finishing on healing him, and made a large bubble around him. "Done! Now we'll just have to wait until he wakes up." Joey scooted near the fireplace, enjoying the heat it provided. "Thanks, Dima. For the fire, I mean." She smiled at the Russian man.

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  • Aru could lift 120kg, dash at about 30 km and his reaction time was 3 times faster. The swordsman was clearly mentaly controled, as he didn't react at all and kept starring at Aru, without noticing the huge beatle. 
Guessing that the huge beetle was Bill, Aru simply remained in a combat position while waiting for the beetle to do its work. He did pay attention, just in case it were to come after him. Who knows what kind of person Bill really was?


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