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Fantasy Spirits of the Dedale

On hindsight, Aru could have attempted to write down all of the runes before touching the wall. "At least they aren't interfering my body's movement... considering the theme of the zone, they could even have been some wonderful thing. Could I have broken them?" He looked at the runes on his wrist. He hmmed a bit, touching each of them with a finger while pondering how they might work. He looks around to make sure he didn't attract unwanted attention, or if there were any other easily findable places with runes like the ones he saw. Maybe there were more places like this in the zone! Even if he had to comb through it to find them!

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"An alliance, huh?" Joey muttered, thinking it might be a good idea...but it's still a kill or be killed game. An alliance would last as long neither of them killed each other and that's if they decided to not betray the other...'and that's really stupid.' She understands it's a good plan; Kill your partner before he kills you, but it's still stupid because if you wanted to kill someone, you kill them upfron-! The blonde noticed something move behind the giant Russian. She walked calmly towards Dima, not alarmed outwardly, and keeping her eyes on it. Inwardly though, she's panicking. "I see...that's real sweet of you, Master of Inertia." Oh, that bastard is preparing a spell! It was another guy and he's preparing a spell! "As proof that I agree on the alliance, let me hug you!" She cheerfully said, wrapping her arms around him, ignoring his reaction as she created a bigger dome barrier that can cover the both of them. Ready to counter-attack!


(How I picture the situation  9_9 @Katsuya)

Dima was surprised. Is it how they complete alliance in the west ? He weakened his defences cause it's unpleasant to hug a rock, but as some fiery rocks hit Joey's barrier, he understood what was happening.

"I don't know how you stop those fireballs but could you open a hole in your barrier on my signal ?" whispered Dimitry, he then proceeded to turn around to face their opponent. He was ready to rush at his top speed, he knew that he could kill that man if he could touch him even the slightest, One touch and he could paralyse him and then accelerate all his body parts in different directions. All he needed was an opening. The signal took the form of the sonic boom caused by Dima's rush.
Chesire chuckles as she made another her appear near William. "Let's just say, that I've got a very unique gift huh?" The second Chesire copy nuzzled against the lad purring much like a cat. She was enjoying teasing him and he seemed harmless for the most part. "So, are you trying to hide out through this whole thing?" Cheshire asked with a smirk. Just knowing what this boy's power was would enable her to move about the worlds and AVOID conflict. That or they could spy and learn about different people so they could know who to approach and who take care of in their sleep. "If you're willing to help me, I can be sure that you and I won't be killed right away." The copy that was nuzzling against William looked up at him. "So what do you say kiddo?" All three Chesire, including the one hiding in the cloud, smiled at the boy as if they already knew the answer.

(That's exactly how it is! I'm sorry that's short! xD @Lokionze)

Joey saw fiery rocks hit her barrier and she heard Dima's request. She tightened her arms before letting go, nodding subtly to his idea. "I'll explain that later..." She whispered, talking about her powers. It's when he turned around and created a sonic boom, that she let down her barrier, and watched him attack the guy. Her eyes widen in shock. 'Holy shit...'
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  • Dima got burned by some of the rocks, nothing much, but still. He is able to touch his opponent.
  • William is confused by the second Chesire, he doesn't seems to understand everything that is happening. "I mean... Okay... I guess we could help each other... but if we do, I think I should introduce you to my protector" Suddenly, some black smoke started coming out of the boy, he put his hands around his head as he had some kind of headache. A chock dispersed the smoke, William seemed taller, stronger and scarier. His voice was deeper : "I am Azreal, I can't seem to be drawing any life force from you, I guess it's another of your talents ? I think that you're the one hiding here. Oh. The boy want his body back, Guess we'll talk next time." The boy coughed, he was back to his normal self. "Sorry... he is always like that."
    PS : Since the boy agreed about the alliance, @Kiroshiven may control him directly if she feel like it. The Character sheet has been made.

Rise laid up in the grass. It took a moment for it to come to him. "Powers huh? That's interesting... In any case, this isn't just a game of who kills who... It's a survival game, I need to find food and clean water as soon as possible." he surveyed his surroundings, from what he could tell he was in the mountain zone. That was good: Plenty of rocks to throw, and he could get a height advantage, but... There didn't seem to be many animals around, those would likely be in the forest zone. He filled his pockets with pebbles to throw and went searching for a portal. He hopped he didn't encounter anyone, because if he did, he might have to become a murderer.
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Dima got an hold onto a middle aged man, Dima was in some kind of fury, he didn't think, he acted. "Left hand up, Left arm down, Liver west, Lungs east, Heart south." The man was no more, his body parts flew to different directions. Dima killed a man, it wasn't the first and it won't be the last. He went back to the cabin, and sat down in one of the rocking chair. All his energy was gone, not because of his powers but because of the stress of the battle. He needed to chill out a bit.
  • Aru found another ruin, In the ruin, Aru detected a wounded man. He also saw some kind of church far away.
  • Rise found the zone's portals, he can go to the plains or to the caves. There is a corpse near the portals.
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"Wow...that's brutal..." she whispered to herself, already feeling her hands and legs trembling. This...was the first time she ever saw someone die and it's not pretty. Death is never pretty, she hears about it from tv, from books, from people's stories, but to see it in life...Joey was definitely not ready for it. When Dima walked back to the cabin and sat on the rocking chair, the blonde slowly walked behind him, already tired of seeing the results. If she stares anymore, she'll throw up for sure. Breathing in and out to calm herself down, the petite girl noticed that her Russian ally looked tired...and he has burns from the fire-rocks. Joey paused in front of the porch, thinking for a minute before asking him "Hey...do you want me to fix that? The burns, I mean..." She might be afraid of him, for all they know (she doesn't know if she's scared of him or scared for the other players), but she doesn't like seeing him like this: tired and stressed. If there's a way to calm him down more, then she will take it as long he is okay with her doing that.

"... I'm fine... but I wouldn't say the same of the pig..." muttered Dima as he pointed at the boar. The boar was on the side, still alive, but for how much time ? Some rocks did hit him pretty hard, it is strange that he is still alive, maybe the Dedale's boar are stronger than the normal ones ? "I don't think there is much we can do else than allowing him not to suffer anymore, I will do it." said Dima as he painfully stood up and started walking in the direction of the animal. "Another victim of a foreign conflict" thought Dima.
Joey heard what he said and looked at the boar. 'Poor thing...' The blonde thought sadly, frowning a bit. When Dima stood and walked towards the boar, she quickly caught his arm, wanting to stop him. "I'll...I'll do it. You...should rest while you can." The petite blonde puts herself in front of him and forced a smile on her face. "Besides, we'll have food now, right?" Joey knows that she's trying to lighten up the mood and it's possibly not working, but she rather not see the boar's body be ripped to pieces like the guy from before. Once was enough for today. Pushing him lightly back to the cabin's direction, the blonde readied a semi-transparent knife, big enough to cut through and sharp enough to be quick. "I promise he won't feel it."

Rise rushed over to the corpse yelling "Are you okay?!". When he arrived he took a closer inspection. The person was dead. Someone had killed them. He held back the vomit. "So it's begun. I should get moving." He ran into the portal to the plains. His mind raced. "I didn't think the killings would start so soon... Is it that easy to distance themselves from reality? Enough to kill?! Those afraid are probably forming hunting groups around now, and then those on their own like me will be... Should I join a group? No perhaps not, only one person can win so betrayal is inevitable." He ran faster. "I... won't kill for any reason but defense."
Aru looked at the wounded man, taking a look around to ensure there wasn't an ambush before asking him from a distance, "What happened to you?" He offered the wounded man a light smile as he slowly walked over. Though he was ready to use his teleporting abilities to attack the man should it be a trap, no reason to not help them, "Are you alright?" He asked, as he attempted to take a better look at the man.

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  • As he ran, Rise stumbled upon a small shack, like those who were used by miners, smoke is coming out of the chimney, someone is in there.
  • Aru noticed that the man was tied to the wall behind him, his body shown signs of torture. The man was scared at first but then calmed down and said : "They'll come again soon, you gotta get out of there !"
A desperate person was the best kind of person to help. Or at least, the most likely to remember you helped them. Aru quickly ran towards the man, "Tell me more about them once I have you out of there. For now be quiet, just nod if you can run." On his way, he quickly attempted to destroy whatever held the man to the wall.

He stopped at the house "crap! I didn't want to run into someone else so soon. What do I do?" he thought. His eyes moved to a boulder near the house. "I could use my ability and quietly charge that up, and blow the entire house away... But... I don't want to kill them, they haven't done anything to me." He made up his mind, and ran past the house.
Dima felt strange letting a girl do that dreadful job, but he was too tired to say anything more. He went inside, fumbled around the kitchen for something to drink. Ah... Vodka, how convenient. The bottle was already half empty but it sure is empty now. The Russian man was a bit drunk but it sure cheered him up.
She sighed, feeling bittersweet as he turned around and went inside the house, letting her do it. "I'm sorry, but it'll be over soon, I promise." She muttered to the boar and with a quick swipe, Joey killed the boar by cutting it's head off. Her hands are shaking even more now, she can feel her blooding draining from her face as cold sweat builds up. The blonde girl realized that if this is how she's going to react towards killing a boar, how is she going to feel when she finally kills an enemy? Will it make her feel numb? Sick like she is now? Or worse, will she feel excited afterwards? 'I think I'd rather be killed before that happens.' She thought, deciding that she'll kill when it's absolutely necessary. Breathing in and out, she let go of her knife, the blood dripping off all fell on the grass as it disappeared. Joey gulped down her nausea, waiting for it to go away, and continued to cut the boar into small stripped pieces with a smaller knife; So she can make pork jerky.
"Wow, it's beautiful..." Aria murmurs, looking at the waterfall and the strangely coloured water swirling around. Peering through the water, she notices the crabs, scuttling about underneath the water. "Ooh, I wonder what they are... Is it safe to go get them? This is surely dangerous, or a trap, or something, but... What's the point of doing this without adventuring?" Timidly, she crouches down by the water, dipping a single finger into the water, testing it.
  • The water was fresh, however, there was something strange in the sensation. It was feeling relaxing, and you could feel some sort of pulse. A crab passed by, visibly interested by Aria's visit. 
  • The man had a spike in each of his ankle. "I cant run, but I wont slow you down" some kind of insect like wings errupted from his back. 
  • Rise saw someone in the sky, a woman, she had white hair and a long pearl dress, she had angelic  wings on her back, she was carrying a big book. A flurry of bone shards flew in her direction, she raised a shield made from pure light. She looked like she wanted to escape. Three pilars made from skeletons were raised in her way, she hit one of them, she started to fall down. She crashed at about 100 meters of Rise.
"Perfect, better to go to or away from the church?" Aru pointed towards the church and asked the man whom he hoped would have an idea of whether or not that church happened to be the location his torturers had gone. The man did seem like a very useful person just by he was acting though... he was worth keeping around.
Rise reached into his pocket for a pebble. "1... 2... 3... THROW!' He hurled the stone, it burst out of his hand and smashed into one of the pillars. He clutched his hand, it had effectively skinned it. He reached for another stone and repeated, and another. As the pillars collapsed, Rise rushed over to the fallen woman. @Lokionze
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"Oh, wow, it's so nice..." Aria went to go all the way into the water, but stopped short. "No. Remember. Danger. Good things might be bad. Get a grip, Aria." Looking longingly at the water, she decided to test it out another way. Looking around for a sizeable rock, she carefully places it into the water, hoping that any bad effects might show themselves.
  • "The church is protected by a magic barrier, there is no way into it, we already tried, there is some kind of calice in it, it would be great to have it, but without a way to get in it's worthless. " replied the man. He tried to stand up, but failed due to the spikes, he then procceded to use his wings to fly at about a meter from the ground. 
  • As the stone touched the water, some crabs gattered around to examinate it, and then went away. 
  • The woman was unconsious on the ground, her wings were no longer there. Rise heard people coming his way. 

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