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Fantasy Spirit Exodus - First War

Jorrin was not use to crowds. Having lived with only three people for nearly all his life, he had little experiences with the "big city" and typically went out of his way to avoid them, only going when he had to, or Azrial urged him to do so, either to buy supplies he didn't wish to waste time finding themselves, or taking a break from their almost never ending trek. This time however, it was he that wanted to venture into the capital. The music, decorations, smell of roasting boar and endless roar of fun drawing his attention.

The young man was now regretting his decision.

His dress made people look at him wherever he went, something he absolutely despised. He wore nondescript, tan leather pants, a black sleeveless shirt and his usual white cloak, lined and embroidered with bear fur. To him, this was normal attire. To the population of the city, it was an oddity. Under the afternoon sun, he was surely baking under the heavy garment and truth be told, he was. But, Jorrin would rather be prepared for the cold then to feel comfortable in the heat. A habit he couldn't quite kick. But, maybe it wasn't his clothing that drew attention to him.

"I don't blame them. Most of these people have never seen anything outside of a common kitchen knife and here you are, carrying Noren like a child on your hip." Azrial's voice rang in his head, amusement obvious in his tone.

Glancing down at the blade, Jorrin shrugged. Better safe then sorry. Noren was the shorter of the twin blades if only by two inches. Its pummel was a simple, steel coating while the haft was tan and wrapped in like-colored leather bindings. The cross guard was a two-layered square design, nothing special. The entire design was nothing special. But then again, the sword was asleep.

Looking around, he frowned at the decorations. Purple and red bloomed in every inch of his vision. If his teaching was any good, those colors were painfully ironic.
The elvish lass beckoned Bishop into the alley with a simple gesture, but said nothing else, only cocking her head arrogantly. Bishop did not know why elves were so intent on making themselves seem high and mighty. It didn't bother him too much, for who was he to judge? With a hand on the hilt of his dagger, Bishop mustered a wry smile at the motley group before him. As inhumanly impossible as it seemed to be before, an elf, a drow, and a vampire could indeed be stuffed in an alley together without murdering each other immediately. "How queer." Bishop commented. He took a sideways glance at the elf, for a moment. "Methought I'd lost you back there. I only sought your name."

@Knight Nate
"Ah yes. Well, Feyre is the name you seek, sir. Might I inquire as to whom you are, or perhaps, the name you abide by?" Removing a sleek leather glove, her fingers curled out, holding her hand just before her face in a display of inquiry. Whilst this motion took place, the small manifestation of lightning winked out of existence, then back again, reappearing on Feyre's shoulder in a soft flash of light, the energy of the minute creature crackling and hissing in the frigid alley air, no longer warmed by the heat of the festival and its inebriated apostles.

Raising a brow as her gaze slid from the man to her left, she clicked her tongue lightly. "Seems like we are missing all the fun, and while the common folk eat and sleaze their way through the night!" Swiveling her head to fully take in the whole group, golden locks tumbling from their neat place upon her shoulders, and ice-blue eyes glinting in the moonlight, Dorian's energy illuminating them as well, Feyre nodded curtly.

"I do hear the previous tavern has accommodations available. If anyone cares to pick a room, I shall see them upon the morrow." With that she turned on her heel, and stalked away into the shadows, heels clicking and hips swaying. As she entered the darkness, the light upon her shoulder blinked out, plunging her section of the alley into darkness.

@Knight Nate
Kiana3746 said:
"Ah yes. Well, Feyre is the name you seek, sir. Might I inquire as to whom you are, or perhaps, the name you abide by?" Removing a sleek leather glove, her fingers curled out, holding her hand just before her face in a display of inquiry. Whilst this motion took place, the small manifestation of lightning winked out of existence, then back again, reappearing on Feyre's shoulder in a soft flash of light, the energy of the minute creature crackling and hissing in the frigid alley air, no longer warmed by the heat of the festival and its inebriated apostles.
Raising a brow as her gaze slid from the man to her left, she clicked her tongue lightly. "Seems like we are missing all the fun, and while the common folk eat and sleaze their way through the night!" Swiveling her head to fully take in the whole group, golden locks tumbling from their neat place upon her shoulders, and ice-blue eyes glinting in the moonlight, Dorian's energy illuminating them as well, Feyre nodded curtly.

"I do hear the previous tavern has accommodations available. If anyone cares to pick a room, I shall see them upon the morrow." With that she turned on her heel, and stalked away into the shadows, heels clicking and hips swaying. As she entered the darkness, the light upon her shoulder blinked out, plunging her section of the alley into darkness.

@Knight Nate
(Swaying those hips huh?)

Akua Okafor & Cephas

"Did you find me or did I find you?"
Poison Dart Frog RS_zpsxtqujpcx.jpg

Hello? Hey!
Akua carelessly walked through the forest, the singing and slew of drunken voices growing louder with each step forward. Cephas eyes rose at the sound of blubbering men, the scent of hard liquor filling her nose. Good, there was liquor. At least her bait hadn't proved to be fake. Cephas would indeed be getting his reward. A sharp turn at a large pine tree, a small pivot at a large bush, a sudden halt at a deceased deer, a rabid blue tongue helping itself to the multitude of flies and mosquitoes that hovered above it. One more turn and she saw it. Amazing. She had never seen a village of this size and structure before. She had grown used to seeing small dirt villages, houses comprised of either wood, some form of low quality metal, or stone. They had always been small, the people either friendly or suspicious depending on location. But this, this had been on a completely different level. The village, if it could even be called that, was large, building decorated with weird reds and purples. Some buildings wore the colors with dignity while others weren't so lucky, the watch tower in particular sending out ironic waves of disgrace. Like a large woman and a small dress, the structure was not simply built for it.

The village had been ablaze with lights, human voices filling the air, the sweet and sour scent of alcohol mixing and mingling to make the perfect smell. If she wasn't careful she'd find herself becoming drunk off the fumes alone. Chuckling at the thought, she focused her attention on the rather large statues that could be seen in the distance. One had been a dragon, the fire bellowing from it's mouth being a clear sign of it's species. She hadn't seen it in its entirety, but she was sure it was indeed a dragon. Next to it was an outstretched bird, falcon or eagle probably, with the tip of its wings pointed towards the pale skies. There had been two more statues, but she could only see bits and pieces of it from her location, the mismatching heights of buildings hindered her view. Akua awed, somewhat upset not being able to see the others that accompanied the dragon and bird of prey.

A quick knock to the head brought her attention to a rather reluctantly cheerful Cephas who sat impatiently on her shoulder. She had stared at him for a moment, and he at her. No words had been exchanged for he had been too embarrassed to admit that she was right for the first time in a long while. That and the sight of alcohol made him giddy. Raising the hood that hung lazily behind her head, she forced her blue and black fingers into the man-made gloves, the finger slots being incredibly small for her hand. It had always been, but with no beast human of her nature, finding gloves to fit her hand was nearly impossible. Groaning at the stiffness of the leather crushing her fingers, she released a breath of air. She just had to deal with it. Disguise readied, hands safe from causing harm, she entered the crowd of humans in search of something edible.

Wow, this was harder then she had originally thought. The village had been packed with men, women, and children of varying sizes. Even with her small frame it had proven difficult to maneuver through the crowd of ever growing people. She had nearly kicked one girl with her unsheathed foot, but quickly slunk the striped appendage back into her cloak. Damn, this was harder then hard. It was super hard. Sighing at the challenge ahead, the succulent smell of grilled meat got caught on her nose. Enticed by the rich scents, she followed her nose to a large vendor run by a man twice her width.

"Get your grilled deer legs! Get your deer legs here! Best in town, we guarantee it!" he proclaimed following it with a hearty laugh and a fist to his chest.

Deer leg huh. Well, whatever the hell it had been it looked amazing. Her mouth watered at the sight. The meat had been marinated in some sort of duck sauce, the grill dripping with the delicate juices of the large hind leg. The flesh was visible, the bone hanging out from the side of the grill. They had made no attempts to remove the bone from the flesh which made it all the more wonderful. Unknowingly, Akua had found herself standing in front of the vendor, eyes drawn in by the sheer size of the meet. An annoyed Cephas turned his head. He had been strictly vegetarian, or so he would like to think. She didn't think one could announce themselves as a vegetarian when they missed one key factor that made them a vegan. One had to eat to have dietary accommodation, and Cephas did not. He had no mouth for it.

"Interested in a deer leg kid?" he inquired, eyes watching as the clear liquid fell onto his counter.

She nodded quickly, never looking up at the humans in front of her.

"That'll be 40 bronze lorans."

Akua whined. 40 bronze lorans!? She barely had half of that amount. "Can you make it 15 lorans?" she negotiated.

"15?! That's not even half of the original price kid. 40 lorans!" he stated, hand ready to receive his pay.

"Amount is all in the mind sir. If I were to show you 15 lorans you can easily imagine it to be 40 lorans can't you. It's not hard at all. Wanna try it?" she asked. The man smiled for a moment his shaven head glistening with sweat as he turned the leg with it's bone.

"It's not hard at all huh? Well then why don't you imagine you have this leg and get away from my stall ya swindler. It should be easy right?" he said sarcastically. Cephas laughed at the sight of Akua's own rationality being used against her. Sighing, exited the vendor as he had demanded her to. However, he had not seen the last of her. In fact, they were going to meet very soon, very soon. Sooner then expected. Really soon. Like a few seconds after she was shot down. The frog girl was hungry, the man was a shrewd, and their was a delectable leg calling her name. Although she didn't recommend children to follow her example she was going to have the damn leg no matter the cost. She didn't condone this, but stealing is perfectly okay if a bald man told you no to food. Making a quick dash to a deserted alley near the vendor, she hopped along the walls until she sat high above the small cart. Head stretched out, mind focused on the task at hands, she watched as the man flipped the leg onto the grill. She counted. One. Two. Five. Nine. At ten, her tongue propelled itself downward, the man's back facing towards the bone of the leg. It didn't take long before she felt the weight of the meat pull down her tongue, but she was not gonna let a dead deer deter her of her meal. With a might pull, she brought her tongue forward, and with the bellowing voice of the shrewd below her, she knew she had done the deed.

"Uhm, Akua. Aren't you forgetting something you promised me?" Cephas hinted, his minuscule rocks point at a jar of ale resting on a nearby table. "Since we're already do this, might as well get that for me right?"

Reluctantly agreeing to his wishes, she aimed for the hand, and with a quick thrust of her tongue the jar had found its way next to an ecstatic Cephas. He sang. Horribly, but sing he did as he forced her to pour the ale on him. He didn't drink the stuff, but rather, he bathe in it, his spirit absorbing the liquid for him. She let him relish in his liquor bath, chewing slowly on the meat before her. A few minutes and she and Cephas found themselves leaping across buildings as to watch the festival unfold. Jumping, she was able to see the other two statue she had taken note of earlier, but their majesty had to wait as she felt the sudden lack of roof beneath. She had made a small miscalculation in distance and now here she was, tumbling downward. As she fell, an out of place close line entangled her body, acting as a rope that kept her from hitting the ground. The meat in her hand had increased her weight, but regardless, she was not letting it go. One quick second and she found herself hanging upside down, suspended from the close line above her lunch still in her hand while Cephas clung onto her cloak.

Attempting to untangle herself, she couldn't help but take note of two darkened figures before her. Having a unique pair of eyes she discerned one to be a white haired female and the other a short haired male with something of a bandage over one of his while an elaborate tattoo had decorated the other. The frog had been unaware if there had been more as she was only able to see those two, but that had been the very least of her worries. Akua began to sweat. Was this one of those, she shouldn't be hear moments she always found herself in. She felt one of them walk closer to her, body still suspended from the clothes line. What should she say when they met? She wasn't going to untangle herself quick enough to avoid their gaze, so she might as well come up with something witty. She hoped they enjoyed a good joke. Hmm, well seeing herself hanging upside down with a hand glued to the rope she thought this line had been quite appropriate.

"Don't mind me I'm just your friendly neighborhood frog, Akua." she thought to herself.

Maybe this wouldn't get them angry.

She hoped.

Can you hear me?
Tagged: @Kiana3746 ;; @Lorkhan ;; @Yaoke Saint ;; @Mitchs98

Character's Mood: Awkward Position

Bum Bear's Mood: I'm awake, but I am so lazy right now.
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Generally wandering the city now, Jorrin tried to ignore that feeling in his gut. The feeling that being here, was a bad idea. He always got that feeling whenever he ventured into most populated areas. Too many people around him. Too many opportunities to get pick-pocketed, randomly stabbed or worse, talked to. It wasn't that he hated conversation, he just didn't like random people talking to him. Something about not being quite comfortable he didn't know and trust? Jorrin didn't quite know himself.

As he aimlessly but fluidly made his way through the never ending crowd of people, the young man was too deep in his own thoughts to notice that his steps had became not so aimless. In fact, they became directed to a very certain location.

"Jor! Pay attention!" Azrial scolded.

Stopping immediately in his tracks, causing the person behind him to run face first into his back. Jorrin spun around and apologized to the annoyed middle aged man, growled at him before shoving him aside and going about his day. Staring after the disgruntled citizen, Jorrin frowned.

"What? What's the problem?" He asked, only slightly annoyed.

There was a moment of irritated silence before the Astral sighed. "You were following an Astral trail without even realizing it. I'm glad you can sense these things without even trying but please be careful. You never know what lies around the corner."

Astral trails were trails of remnant energy that the spirits left behind wherever they went. It would dissipate after sometime but until then, any Astral mage could follow it by either sensing it, or turning their eyes to the Astral plane and following it by sight. Jorrin cleared his throat and quickly apologized for his mistake.

"Should I follow it? See if there's anything to be worried about? Maybe its a mages Astral." He bit his lip at the possibility.

Jorrin had met very few mages on is journeys. They were either too young to understand their abilities and have a real conversation about it, or were of the variety that hated themselves for wielding such a "demonic power."

Sensing his excitement, Azrial sighed once more before giving his consent.

"Be wary. It is a lighting Astral you follow. They are quick and hard to catch."

His advice was duly noted. Jorrin was already sprinting.

Raising a brow at the upside down... Frog Girl? Feyre chuckled lightly, and sheathed the small blade she had pulled from the belt around her thigh, absolutely filled with the sharp knives.

"How's it hanging there, little lass?" Her laugh was melodical, despite the roughness of her exterior. The golden swath of hair tumbling down her back shifted as she lifted an arm and began to fiddle with the girl's cape, working to free her. If successful, Feyre would back up, and let the amphibious little girl bounce to the cobblestones below.

A chirp sounded from Dorian, who had popped up from behind her legs and was now staring quite intently at the opposite females Astral.

"Oh my, it seems you've piqued his interest." Her words would be cut short as she turned and spotted a figure, racing rather quickly through the crowd, and raised an eyebrow, shooting a glance back at the girl. "He with you?" Feyre jerked her head to the man who seemed to be barreling towards them at a rather unsafe speed.

@Bum Bear @AzureSkye
Dreyar, who had been sleeping in the woods for a rather long time, thought going into an inn and sleeping in a real bed was wonderful adventure. Before he rushed off, he turned back to the vampire girl. "If you want some food, little girl, I could lend you some Lorans. But I think you got yourself covered." With a small smile, he took off, his soft leather shoes padding across the rough cobblestone. He stumbled a little on a particularly badly set stone, cursing the lazy humans and their disgusting living conditions. When he caught up to Feyre, his eyebrow (the one not covered by the half-mask) popped up. There was some strange being, like a... frog? He had never seen something like this before. It must have looked like his eyebrow was trying to escape.

Just when he was about to ask Feyre what in the underworld she was doing, his sword began to hum on his back. "Well, what do we have here. This is an unusually thick congregation of Astral spirits. And what have you been doing Dreyar? Have you finally come to your senses and conversed with the humans?" The sword shook a little and shifted on the drow's back, so that the circle above the handle was visible from the front. "But this group isn't human... what have you gotten youself into?"

Dreyar hurriedly reached back and grasped the handle of the sword, preventing any more moving around. His teeth clenched and he seethed: "Not now Silletus. We are in public. In public, people don't like moving swords." A thought ran across his mind, and he quickly added, "And dont even think about appearing. This festival has enough problems, even without piles of dead, poisoned villagers." He gave a half-hearted smile to Feyre, his eye tightening a bit. "Who's this Feyre? And why is that crazy guy running toward us?" he forced in a rather strained voice. His hand tightened on his sword as the man grew closer, making the leather of his glove rub against the tight, twisted wire. He loved that sound.

@Kiana3746 @Bum Bear @AzureSkye @Mitchs98
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"I am Bishop." he said as he shook Feyre's hand firmly. Her grip was strong also, and Bishop liked that; to him, it showed strength. He opened his mouth again, trying to formulate a good icebreaker, but his words were cut short with the materialization of a spectral fox on Feyre's shoulder, sparkling with lightning. Bishop's eyebrows raised in mild surprise. "An astral" he finally said, gingerly. "A dainty little thing, that."

At the next moment, Bishop heard something tumbling down from the rooftops above. He jerked his head upwards to find . . . something . . . ensnared inside a mess of low-hanging clotheslines. By now, total bewilderment was written on Bishop's face. If a frog were as big as a girl, or if a girl had a frog's slick, bright skin, it might look like that. A giant frog. "Don't mind me I'm just your friendly neighborhood frog, Akua." Bishop was sent into a raucous fit of laughter, but it was a good-natured laugh. "Do you need some help, frog girl?" he asked when he finally managed to calm himself enough to speak coherent sentences.

Bishop pulled the dagger from his belt and reached up to hand it to the girl. From the look of it, the knife was just within her arm's reach. However, his attention was suddenly diverted by the sound of running footsteps echoing down the alley behind him. Twirling his head around, he caught sight of a figure, sprinting faster than a stallion towards him and the group. While some of the other fellows were becoming a bit anxious by the running man's hastiness, Bishop thought nothing bad of it. Perhaps he was in a hurry to get somewhere, and would rather take a shortcut than deal with the crowds. Bishop shrugged, and stepped to the side so as to let the man pass, still waiting for the girl to grab the knife.

@Bum Bear @Kiana3746 @AzureSkye

Akua Okafor & Cephas

"Did you find me or did I find you?"
Poison Dart Frog RS_zpsxtqujpcx.jpg

Hello? Hey!
Akua watched as the woman approached, hand touching the small dagger at her side. Was she about to? Oh no. Akua started squirming, the slime that encased her body steadily increasing as she felt the woman approach. First she had to fall down entangled in an out of place clothes line, and now she was going to get killed by a woman for that same reason. Cephas struggled, the brown cloak falling off Akua's childish body, revealing a thick grass leaves sewn together into a skirt, her bra being of the same creation. As the woman approached, she felt her pupils contracted, her fight or flight instincts returning to her. This woman had to die. Or so she thought as the white haired beauty quickly cut the rope that surrounded her, her head softly meeting the pavement. The frog croaked as she rolled from off her head to her bum, the impact causing a slight knot to form on the center of her head.

What? Akua was confused, her instincts to attack dissipating as confusion took the role of her main emotion. So she wasn't planning to kill her? Sitting on the ground, she watched as the woman noted of the small fox taking a slight interest in the upside down Cephas. The golem, unaware of the creature, squirmed to get back on it's feet, his head weighing more than the rocks that formed his body did. Swinging to the left and then to the right, he found himself lying on his side, the spirit groaning as he felt a slight presence from behind. Turning his head slightly back, he jumped, black eyes peering into his own. A fox? No, it was more than just a common fox, the creature had been an Astral. It hadn't reached his level of greatness, but the thing was indeed one like his own. Fixing one of his rocks that had turned backwards due to the fall, he felt the thing approach him, Cephas quickly jumping to his feet.

"Stay away from me you mongrel." he demanded.

"We may be the same, but we are in no way equal." with that, he hopped his way back to Akua, his uneven feet making it nearly impossible to keep balance on the asphalt.

Dazed at what had just transpired, she was snapped out of it by the sound of feet slamming onto the ground, both women turning to face the person who had caused the disturbance. She had no idea who the man was and why he had been running so erratically, and apparently neither did the woman who untangled her as she asked her was she acquainted with the stranger.

"No. I have no idea who that guy is." she answered bluntly rising to her feet, gently pulling her disheveled cloak into place.

Patting the way the dirt that now covered her hood, she heard another pair of footsteps. Not as loud as the man approaching, but a slight mishap in footing, and she saw what seemed to be . . . what did it seem to be? It was male, probably, had the head similar to that of a catfish, and was incredibly tall. A man she would guess, but a man he did not appear to be. Concerned with unusual sounds, she hadn't noticed the other man that she had deemed to be the white haired woman's friends. Husband maybe? No, the aura that surrounded the two made them out to be more like acquaintances than an actual couple. Pulling a rather irriated Cephas up onto her shoulder, she saw the faint gleam of a knife in front of her. The man holding out the silver dagger as if to give to her. A knife? Staring blankly at the man she wondered, does one usually gives knives to random strangers that fall from the sky?

The thought tickled her as she held in her laughter to speak," I am unsure as to why you're giving me this, but I shall take it as a greeting. I thank you for, uhm, this." she stuttered, the knife becoming less appealing as she spoke. Akua never found use for a weapon due to the fact that she herself was weapon born from nature. Flexible body, elongated tongue, toxic skin. A bio weapon, maybe not perfect but she had been what she was. Reaching for the dagger, she paused for a moment , examining the condition of her glove. The entrance had been soaked in her poison, but the tips of her fingers remained relatively safe except for the dirt that stuck to it. Sure of his safety, she took the dagger slowly, her fingertips struggling to lift the metal without dropping it. It took awhile, but she soon grasped it in her palm before sticking it on her side.

"Thank you."

Can you hear me?
Tagged: @Kiana3746 ;; @Lorkhan ;; @Yaoke Saint ;; @AzureSkye

Character's Mood: Confused

Bum Bear's Mood: Done
Lucy Red

Lucy simply stared as more and more people started showing up. Was there some kind of alley party in this particular alley she didn't know about? Seriously, were these people so damn bored that a finding out who little girl wearing red was was the highlight of their day? She took what she thought back. It wasn't just humans, any race was annoying and pathetic as hell it seemed. Why didn't she just seclude herself again? Oh right, she needed the pathetic creatures blood to survive. Once everyones interest shifted elsewhere she glared at their backs.

Right. Well. Me, aka the resident freak, will be taking her leave now. And might I add this was the most horrible experience I've had in about five years. Thanks. Have fun getting drunk and shit." She told them flatly before turning on her heel and walking out of the alley. "Some people..look freaky as hell then treat vampires like some kind of side show act. Pathetic. I bet those things were their astrals too..meh. Doesn't compare one bit to mine, not at all." She mumbled angrilly to herself, reassuring herself she was better than those weirdos in every way possible as she walked with a permanent scowl through the streets of the city.
Jorrin didn't know what he had expected to find as he followed the eerie trail of light blue energy. Maybe it was a stray Astral, though he hoped it wasn't that. If it did turn out to be the former, he'd assess if it was friendly or not. If it was a peaceful spirit, he'd ask it questions about the city. If the Astral turned out to be hostile, well...he'd take care of it.

As he rounded the corner of an alley, he made out two female's. Then more people showed up. A lot more then he expected. It took Jorrin a moment to realize that he was still barreling down the hallway like a freshly shot arrow. On his next step, he brought his foot down hard, extending his leg out and skidding to a halt, his armored boots causing more then a few sparks to fly out against the cobblestone. His cloak flew up behind him in flurry. He stood completely still, arms held out as if to break a fall that had never happened.

A moment later, he realized just how despicably stupid he looked and snapped his arms to his sides, spine cracking as he took an upright position.

"Hello! Um, you guys kinda came... out of no where." Jorrin managed to chuckle out.

It didn't escape him that the trail he was following had stopped at the female elf. Nor did the fact that she was almost excessively beautiful. He gave her an almost open look of interest, a gleam of playfulness in his dark eyes before he took in the rest of the group. The other elf also caught his attention but in an entirely different manner.

So did the Amphibian girl.

Damn, this entire group was strange.

Running his fingers through his tussled hair, Jorrin cleared his throat. "There a party back here?"

@Bum Bear @Lorkhan @Kiana3746 @Yaoke Saint
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Peeling her gaze from the so-called, "Akua", Feyre's lips twitched up into a little smirk as the priorly rushing man slowed himself to a halt. He then ventured to inquire as to the congregation behind her. Not missing the quite open stare he had swept across her body, Feyre's piercing eyes slid lazily back to the small group. "It seems so, speedy. As for the coming out of nowhere, I might say the same about you." With that, she let out a soft snort of laughter through her nose, angling her gaze back to the more open alleyway that connected the two squares.

Ignoring the flick of white-blond hair to match her own, Feyre began her cheeky saunter back towards the alley. Just as the cloak upon her back caught the under-current of a breeze that was lazily making it's way across the cobblestones, a surge of bodies poured out of the alleyway. Feyre jumped back, rather annoyed than startled. "Excuse-" Feyre stumbled back once more, eyes flashing in rage as the
same putridly smelling woman knocked her back towards the small group by the clothes that were hanging, with the now freed Amphibian.

Snarling, the sides of her mouth now curled to bare her teeth in a rather animalistic fashion, Feyre's eyes tracked the rushing crowds of people. Men, women, and children alike now returned to the streets, a roiling and thrashing mess of excited limbs and calf-eyed servants, workers, and beggars alike swept through the cracking cobblestone streets, ignoring the puddles and discarded food. No, they all seemed to be rushing for the main square. Brushing off her cloak once more, Feyre charged into the fray, pushing and shoving people away rather brusquely as they made haste to the apparent
"Main Event" that they all seemed to be shouting about.

Stalking through the masses, Feyre turned only to shout back at her newfound companions. "Feel free to join me, instead of standing there! Might as well see what these drunkards are in a fuss about now!" Chuckling at her own words, she let herself be swept into the crowd, disappearing towards the statutes that seemed to signal this so called
Main Event.

@AzureSkye @Lorkhan @Mitchs98 @Bum Bear @Yaoke Saint
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