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Fantasy Spirals: Dreamscape - Characters

Name: Elliott Larkin
Age: 22
Gender: female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: College student
Family: Mom, dad, Ozzy the dog

Physical Description
Height: 158.5cm (5'2"(and 1/3 inch, I'm not that short:angrypuff:))
Weight: 67,3 kg (148,4lbs)
Hair: Long black
Eyes: brown(and in smaller proportions than drawing)
Typical Clothing/Equipment: casual and comfy


-By Raichiyo33

Personality/Attitude: imagionative, cynical, helpful, irritable, observant
Skills/Talents: Drawing and animation
Favourites/Likes: Instant noodles at 3am, finishing a task
Most Hated/Dislikes: Unreliable people
Goals/Ambitions: Get my bachelors degree in Audio-visual arts, move out, get a job
Philosophy of Life: Don't neglect your responsibilities
Attitude Toward Death: ...it happens
Religion/Beliefs: Agnostic

I'll edit a lot once we get started,
some things are still unclear and to not impede with the RP world will some character details stay vague for now.
Name: Aaron Frey

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: Photographer

Height & Weight: 5'0 & 59kg

Personality: Aaron is, on the surface at least, somewhat rude. Others often find him insufferable, for the simple fact that he can never let a statement be. A burning curiosity and an enjoyment of philosophy, coupled with confidence, mean that Aaron has a tendency to argue over perhaps irrelevant things. The thinking behind a statement is of great interest to him - which is somewhat ironic, when he so rarely thinks through his own actions, tending to make decisions based on impulse and gut feeling rather than through logic.

Aaron is a great believer in personal freedom, a fact that he reflects with his chosen occupation of photographer. While he understands the need for laws, he tends to view all rules and regulations as something reserved more for other people, rather than himself, often eschewing the ones he views as "unnecessary" entirely. He has much the same attitude towards governments and other rule-making and rule-enforcing organisations - obviously they need to exist, but he feels they limit him from achieving his full potential - whatever that may be.

Biography: Aaron was born in Canada, and had what is generally regarded as a 'normal' (or, to some, 'boring') upbringing. It remained normal for quite some time - at least, until his parents (in a move Aaron maintains, albeit jokingly, was to "get rid of him") carted him off to a boarding school, where Aaron remained completely unremarkable. He scored medium-to-high grades - nothing exceptional, but nothing poor enough to get him kicked out. He graduated uneventfully, and thus, was released upon the world.

At first, Aaron merely wandered the world, before he took up photography - at first as a hobby, and then, as his talent emerged, as a full-time occupation. Aaron continues to travel frequently, and still currently lives in rural Canada when not journeying for his photography. He isn't particularly ambitious currently - the only things he seeks are renown and talent with his chosen occupation.

Note: Apologies for the delay, had a ton of homework dumped onto me. Should be more sustainable now.

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