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One x One ...Speed of the night... [Characters/Locations]


Crazy Сat Lover
Alexandria Della DeMarko


Nickname - Alex
Age - 25
Height - 5'1
Nationality - Italian

Stubborn, unbearable, indomitable... Thank to her Italian roots she has been always like this. The way she walks and talks gives her out. Alexandra's energy fills the area once she comes into the room. She does not tend to be sad and think about the past, she believes that it is useless. She is the creator of her own future and every step is very important for her. Alex likes to think about what her family will be like in the future, though now she often goes on dates with other males and has not found the one and only. And while she is still a free bird, she does not hide her explosive temper and you can cast a couple of 'interesting' words coming from her dirty mouth.

She was born in an Italian family on the beauitiful coast of Italy. Most of her childhood took time there. It seemed like nothing could go wrong: her father owned the nicest car shop, her mother was a well-known florist. Alexandra still does remember the beautiful flowers they had on their green backyard. But when Alex turned 12 the worst thing in her life happened. This moment changed her everything in less than a day. Her mother was murdered and they had to move to the USA. Why? Alex doesn't know till this day. Her father never felt the need to tell his daughter. It is more like a family secret. Will Alexandra ever get to know it?
Though they had hard times surviving in the USA. Her father managed to open up his car shop "Sally's" and stuff got a little bit better. Alex suffered at school. She was the quiet girl who had no idea how to talk in English. Till the age of 17 it was a big problem for her. She was bullied because of this ocassion. School was finished and she decided not to go to college. Now she talks in English perfectly but with a slight Italian accent she just can not to get rid off. Alex works at her fathers car shop and it is her only income. Since she was involved into the car world for her whole life, one of her favorite thing got to be racings. She doesn't always join them but she likes to watch them every moment she can. Even if Alex had to give up racings, she would never think about that. Cars are her life.

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Royce Mathias Woodmancy

Nickname: Roy

Age: 27

Height: 5' 11

Nationality: English
Personality: Blunt, sarcastic, hard headed. Roy has never beaten around the bush and it drives him crazy when others do. If you are going to do or say something just say it, has been his motto since he was a little boy, and he's not about to change for anyone. He has sarcastic sense of humor some say it's dry, similar to that which is found across the pond. But he knows he got that from his grandfather who did speak with an English accent. Roy is more stubborn than a mule, and will continue to do things his way even if it makes it ten times harder. He is one to celebrate the present, you can't change the past, and you don't know the future so why worry about it. His family would like to see him clean up his act but, as it is he is currently enjoying the life of a bachelor. As well as being with a different girl every week or so. Though he is open to settling down with the right girl, he just hasn't met her yet, so he's not gonna stop having fun. Roy is usually calm and reserved, but can definitely get rowdy with his boys, especially after a drink and if you rubbed him the wrong way is more than likely to tell you so, and quiet loudly.

Background: Roy was born in England but his Grandparents and Parents moved to America when he was just a toddler so he doesn't remember those days. His Grandfather was an engineer and had quite the car collection. One could often find Roy pretending to drive one of the classic cars his Grandfather had in the garage. His father was also an engineer and his mother was a lawyer. He had never been in a situation where money was scare until he didn't follow the family game plan. When he was 18 he left for college and studied machanical engineering, but got a minor in automotive machanics. What his parents thought was just a hobby for their son had become a full blown addiction. He graduated college and started working on custom cars, his parents demanded that he get a real job and put his degree to use. Roy didn't take to kindly to that so for the last six years has only been in contact with his parents through his grandmother. Also he'd been cut off from his trust fund until he decided to grow up and do something respectable, car racing wasn't that but he lived for the speed the thrill of knowing that something he worked on could fly down the road.

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