Special Snowflakes

It wasn't anything spectacular, but I was once in a role-play with a dude whose character broke down and started crying in the middle of a conversation. Strangely enough, the character was getting plenty of attention, so it was as though they just wanted to dial it up even further.

I also knew this other guy whose character started out perfectly normal, with nothing super special about them. Suddenly, they decide their character is secretly female, who was pretending to be a man because of a drama ridden backstory (which appeared out of nowhere) which included the character being violated by their own father, and having a sister that was jealous (yes, JEALOUS) that she had, uh, received more "attention" from their beloved father.

I feel dirty just having typed that out.

EDIT: Also, the sister tried to kill her due to this jealousy.
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lol I do fandom RPs ALOT. So i was in a teen titans RP (on another site) and there was one deal where a character was a long lost sister of Raven but somehow had more powers and abilities than her sister and was just over all unkillable with no real weaknesses. Every plot arc ever devised that wasn't comnpletely centered around that character got shut down inevitably by the whole 'magic fix' thing because magic.

I have a big problem with characters who can magic away any problem ever. WHY NOT STRUGGLE!? Struggle is the basis of plot!
I've run into quite a few, especially on the place I rped on before here.

One player I met specifically made all of his characters such unlikable, godmodding characters. They all had really dark edge backstories, like for one particular RP his character was something like 'Kai Katana Shadowclaw, parents were killed by a pirate so he became pirate to get revenge. is 18 and has a son who is really powerful and has the blood of a pheonix in him so he can never die'

Like not only was his main character horrible, but the /son/ character was awful too. It was absolutely insane, and to make things even worse the player would get angry if anyone went against what he wanted.

We held a mutiny and he somehow, in one action decided we all died due to the ship being run into rocks and all of us being flung into a volcano. Then he rage quit. But he was controlling out characters, godmodding beyond belief, ugh. A mutiny was the only way.
Demonhunter said:
lol I do fandom RPs ALOT. So i was in a teen titans RP (on another site) and there was one deal where a character was a long lost sister of Raven but somehow had more powers and abilities than her sister and was just over all unkillable with no real weaknesses. Every plot arc ever devised that wasn't comnpletely centered around that character got shut down inevitably by the whole 'magic fix' thing because magic.
I have a big problem with characters who can magic away any problem ever. WHY NOT STRUGGLE!? Struggle is the basis of plot!
Things like that is one of the reasons why I avoid roleplays with the magic stuff. I have more fun trying to figure out a realistic way to solve a problem rather than using magic as a one-size-fits-all bandaid.
I remember, a couple year ago, I joined an RP. A few of my friends joined with me, and then there were also a bunch of strangers.

There was this one guy, he had two characters. I didn't like that, but the GM allowed it so I just ignored it. Uuuntil it got outrageous.

One character was alright, mostly. Normal name (considering it was set in Japan, anyway), appearance, etc. But apparently she was childhood friends with the other character, a guy named "Casey Stargazer", who apparently had the ability to go inside of video games. Early in the RP he literally brought a Pokemon out of his video game to the real world. And it didn't end there, no. He also could also dodge literal bullets, read people's minds, and had superhuman strength. And to top it off? When the other character died, this guy knew immediately and revealed himself to be her guardian angel sent from Heaven to protect her. and hen he magically brought her back to life. in an rp set in a realistic world.

I have a feeling he was a troll... but it still derailed the entire game.
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Hahha this thread...

This is not as extreme as some examples, but I have a personal nickname for the snowflakes: sniper-pilots.

It comes from one time when I was about to join a group, and it was military sci-fi on a spaceship. I noticed there were a bunch of marine types, and a few tech or mechanic expert people, but there wasn't a sniper yet.

'Ok', I think, 'I'll make some jackass sniper who sits on the sidelines prattling over the radio'. He would be a little older than the group average, say early thirties; after all this is a specialised skill. Maybe he's got a snub nose and he's a bit ugly. I mean, snipers are so inherently cool that I don't want to make this guy super attractive as well. And he doesn't have many other skills. Mostly he's sitting and waiting for people to pop their heads up, when is he going to have time to learn other complex stuff?

So I write up my sheet, mosey on back to the thread ready to post it.

In the meantime someone else has posted their character, and I skim read it. Gorgeous, blonde, 19 year old female sniper, who is also the ship's crack pilot and a skilled mechanic. Her family had died in tragic circumstances, of course, so she'd had to fend for herself. Underneath the GM had posted 'accepted'.

I laughed for a long time, then I closed the tab and went to do something else. Sniper-pilot.
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[QUOTE="Strawberry Ink]Things like that is one of the reasons why I avoid roleplays with the magic stuff. I have more fun trying to figure out a realistic way to solve a problem rather than using magic as a one-size-fits-all bandaid.

Oh thank god. I thought I was the only one. Seriously. Not to derail this thread or anything, but this literally is a rare trait to find in other players, in my experience. I guess when most people roleplay, they do it because: 1) they want an escapist fantasy, or 2) they want to 'outdo' other players. Rarely does anyone actually want to roleplay because they appreciate a good challenge inherent in the story itself rather than in "having the bestest char evar!!!1!".

Sorry for the little rant, everybody. Carry on. ^^;
I must say, I've never considered that viewpoint before! I mean, I see it. I get it. As an avid fantasy fan I never thought about it though, partially because I like to put rules in play on my characters' magic, and list out every specific spell they have. I can't believe this train of thought never occurred to me.

(I definitely recognize the "Best Character" player though. Yikes!)

You know what? I think I've told my special snowflake story on this website, but I never tire of telling it, so here goes.

Quick warning, this is a very long story as far as one-post stories go. Every single interaction I had with this particular person was... interesting. They and their character were both snowflakes, so it's double the fun.

Let this story be my legacy.

Once upon a time, on a different website, I joined a Death Note roleplay. Full disclosure, I'm very into Death Note. The GM, who was very nice, was playing a detective character, so I decided to go for a villainous, Kira-type character. I put a lot of time and effort into my cs, because it looked like this one was shaping up to be a really neat roleplay, and I wanted to have some fun. But before I could hit post, a notification popped up. It said that someone had posted on the sign-up thread before me. I posted my skelly and went ahead to see the new guy's app.

The thing was a literal bombsite of 'mary-sue' tropes all bundled into one white-haired maniacal middle-schooler who, according to his cs, had killed more than Kira by the age of fourteen. If you follow Death Note, this next bit may also piss you off: his Shinigami was some sort of ancient, ultra-powerful humanoid that rendered this dumb kid all-powerful, and in case you're wondering, it did not look like a Shinigami at all. I think there was also some ridiculous statistic thrown in there somewhere about how he was the worlds most intelligent something or other. It was naturally very poorly put together.

Our GM, ever so reasonable and eager to include everyone, even snowflakes, accepted this character as well as mine. A few more characters were created by a few more roleplayers, and the game began. I think me and the snowflake started typing around the same time, because he yet again posts before me, snagging the first post after the starter. But I was typing intensely, putting together a really long post (again, really into Death Note) and couldn't be bothered to take a look at Snowflake's post until an hour or two later when I was done.

I kid you not, the guy had included camera angles in brackets, terrible one-liners, overall thoughtless writing, and to top it all off, in the middle of his scene, he adds *cut to Death Note theme* and embeds an actual video of the Death Note theme song.

His scene was very short, and I felt that it was poorly written. Mine was very long, and I thought the writing quality was pretty good. But as soon as we all got around to talking in OOC, he decided to reprimand me for not including the times of my character's actions. And by that I don't mean "asking me if I could possibly include timestamps to increase immersion, please". He straight up told me that I wasn't going to win his "game of wits" (edgy edgy edgy!) if I wasn't smart enough to know that timing would be important. This was the first incident in his little streak, but after that, he had a history of insulting people's intelligence openly.

The roleplay proceeded like this for awhile. The GM and I, who frequently PM'd to chit-chat about Death Note and the roleplay and maaaybe vent a little about Snowflake, eventually decided that it would be in everyone's best interest if we asked the guy to tone it down a little bit with his overpowered character and bad writing and entitlement. The GM handled the issue very gently and civilly. Snowflake promptly freaked out, going on the first of his two most memorable rants. In this one, he complained that GMs were always telling him that he couldn't have a superpowered angsty teen character, and it just wasn't fair. Take this synopsis with a pinch of salt, because there was no grammar to be found here. I could be completely missing the point. The thing was indecipherable.

So we let it go for the time being, but this arrangement did not last long. I can't remember what triggered his second outburst. I didn't urge the GM to mess with him any further, because it was just going to mess with our ~flow~. This time, I think he took matters into his own hands. I don't know what he said, but the next time I went onto the OOC thread, there was a wall of text waiting for me. This was the second of Snowflake's epic rants.

Essentially, this one went on about how much smarter he was than everyone else, and how frustrating it was that we didn't get him or his character. At one point, he went off on a tangent about how the world was his chessboard, and he always knew what the next move was going to be, and we were just his pawns. Once again, I could be missing the point, because this rant was even less articulate.

Things slowed down slightly at that point. No one really acknowledged Snowflake. He just kind of talked to himself on OOC and occasionally responded to the roleplay. Then, GM announced that he would be naming me co-GM. After that, Snowflake never responded again, but the roleplay was already dead and he had killed it.
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[QUOTE="London Fog]You know what? I think I've told my special snowflake story on this website, but I never tire of telling it, so here goes.
Quick warning, this is a very long story as far as one-post stories go. Every single interaction I had with this particular person was... interesting. They and their character were both snowflakes, so it's double the fun.

Let this story be my legacy.

Once upon a time, on a different website, I joined a Death Note roleplay. Full disclosure, I'm very into Death Note. The GM, who was very nice, was playing a detective character, so I decided to go for a villainous, Kira-type character. I put a lot of time and effort into my cs, because it looked like this one was shaping up to be a really neat roleplay, and I wanted to have some fun. But before I could hit post, a notification popped up. It said that someone had posted on the sign-up thread before me. I posted my skelly and went ahead to see the new guy's app.

The thing was a literal bombsite of 'mary-sue' tropes all bundled into one white-haired maniacal middle-schooler who, according to his cs, had killed more than Kira by the age of fourteen. If you follow Death Note, this next bit may also piss you off: his Shinigami was some sort of ancient, ultra-powerful humanoid that rendered this dumb kid all-powerful, and in case you're wondering, it did not look like a Shinigami at all. I think there was also some ridiculous statistic thrown in there somewhere about how he was the worlds most intelligent something or other. It was naturally very poorly put together.

Our GM, ever so reasonable and eager to include everyone, even snowflakes, accepted this character as well as mine. A few more characters were created by a few more roleplayers, and the game began. I think me and the snowflake started typing around the same time, because he yet again posts before me, snagging the first post after the starter. But I was typing intensely, putting together a really long post (again, really into Death Note) and couldn't be bothered to take a look at Snowflake's post until an hour or two later when I was done.

I kid you not, the guy had included camera angles in brackets, terrible one-liners, overall thoughtless writing, and to top it all off, in the middle of his scene, he adds *cut to Death Note theme* and embeds an actual video of the Death Note theme song.

His scene was very short, and I felt that it was poorly written. Mine was very long, and I thought the writing quality was pretty good. But as soon as we all got around to talking in OOC, he decided to reprimand me for not including the times of my character's actions. And by that I don't mean "asking me if I could possibly include timestamps to increase immersion, please". He straight up told me that I wasn't going to win his "game of wits" (edgy edgy edgy!) if I wasn't smart enough to know that timing would be important. This was the first incident in his little streak, but after that, he had a history of insulting people's intelligence openly.

The roleplay proceeded like this for awhile. The GM and I, who frequently PM'd to chit-chat about Death Note and the roleplay and maaaybe vent a little about Snowflake, eventually decided that it would be in everyone's best interest if we asked the guy to tone it down a little bit with his overpowered character and bad writing and entitlement. The GM handled the issue very gently and civilly. Snowflake promptly freaked out, going on the first of his two most memorable rants. In this one, he complained that GMs were always telling him that he couldn't have a superpowered angsty teen character, and it just wasn't fair. Take this synopsis with a pinch of salt, because there was no grammar to be found here. I could be completely missing the point. The thing was indecipherable.

So we let it go for the time being, but this arrangement did not last long. I can't remember what triggered his second outburst. I didn't urge the GM to mess with him any further, because it was just going to mess with our ~flow~. This time, I think he took matters into his own hands. I don't know what he said, but the next time I went onto the OOC thread, there was a wall of text waiting for me. This was the second of Snowflake's epic rants.

Essentially, this one went on about how much smarter he was than everyone else, and how frustrating it was that we didn't get him or his character. At one point, he went off on a tangent about how the world was his chessboard, and he always knew what the next move was going to be, and we were just his pawns. Once again, I could be missing the point, because this rant was even less articulate.

Things slowed down slightly at that point. No one really acknowledged Snowflake. He just kind of talked to himself on OOC and occasionally responded to the roleplay. Then, GM announced that he would be naming me co-GM. After that, Snowflake never responded again, but the roleplay was already dead and he had killed it.

That's anoying :/

If I was the GM, he wouldn't be welcome after his rant... because that mostly end in getting what they want or they are going to try to kill your rp...
@London Fog people like that are why I'm glad there is an ignore function in all the sites I roleplay in. Pretty much after his first post I would have asked him to edit a few things out ( the brackets, theme music, etc. ) and when the inevitable rant followed I would have just pm'd him saying he was no longer welcome and ignored him - thus preventing him from posting in any of my threads.

Because that's the sort of person that as Donder says isn't going to change and pretty much exists only to be a troll. And I have a very strict no trolls allowed policy on all my threads
[QUOTE="London Fog]You know what? I think I've told my special snowflake story on this website, but I never tire of telling it, so here goes.
Quick warning, this is a very long story as far as one-post stories go. Every single interaction I had with this particular person was... interesting. They and their character were both snowflakes, so it's double the fun.

Let this story be my legacy.

Man, I hope that kid grows out of whatever phase he's in before he becomes another Elliot Rodger.
i ran into someone off-site who asked me for an rp, so i go and read their bio and... every single noun in it was supplemented by a minimum of two adjectives, if not more. and i quote: "her soft supple, rose petal crimson lips"

now take that and repeat for her eyes, hair, skin, etc.
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pavelius said:
i ran into someone off-site who asked me for an rp, so i go and read their bio and... every single noun in it was supplemented by a minimum of two adjectives, if not more. and i quote: "her soft supple, rose petal crimson lips"
now take that and repeat for her eyes, hair, skin, etc.
That gets a bit too repeatitive very fast... also, even crimson skin?
Donder172 said:
That gets a bit too repeatitive very fast... also, even crimson skin?
it was basically something like that, but with minor changes. like "soft, supple, pearly white and touchable skin"

they just lathered on those adjectives.
What sucks is that most snowflakes go by a rudimentary roleplaying style. Rather than write in extensive paragraphs, they go with stage directions that are bland and not fun to read. A demonstration.

???: Hi Im a mac.

???: and Im a PC

Mac: Die. -slashes and kills in one hit-
DemetrioMachete said:
What sucks is that most snowflakes go by a rudimentary roleplaying style. Rather than write in extensive paragraphs, they go with stage directions that are bland and not fun to read. A demonstration.
???: Hi Im a mac.

???: and Im a PC

Mac: Die. -slashes and kills in one hit-
This reminds me when a couple friends invited me to a roleplay. They got upset after I wrote my first paragraph, because they ruled that roleplaying be done in the aforementioned rudimentary style. I immediately left. They also all had characters who were all psychopaths, murderers, and violent criminals; all young and/or furries. They had snowflake traits, but It was so long ago, I can't remember.
I read a few of these, but DANG, the ones i read sounded pretty bad. I always wondered what goes on in the brains of people like that.
Truthblade said:
I read a few of these, but DANG, the ones i read sounded pretty bad. I always wondered what goes on in the brains of people like that.
Probably power fantasies and dreams of being the greatest. I went through a special snowflake phase when Naruto first came out. Here was what I remember crafting.

Chunnimaru, a Jonin from the "Village hidden under the Stars" he dressed in all black with silver hair and wore a katana across his back.

So proficient was his prowess with Ninjutsu that he was capable of making his own, as his chakra was of a near infinite supply.

Makes you cringe, dont it? I dont make characters like that anymore.
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DemetrioMachete said:
Probably power fantasies and dreams of being the greatest. I went through a special snowflake phase when Naruto first came out. Here was what I remember crafting.
Chunnimaru, a Jonin from the "Village hidden under the Stars" he dressed in all black with silver hair and wore a katana across his back.

So proficient was his prowess with Ninjutsu that he was capable of making his own, as his chakra was of a near infinite supply.

Makes you cringe, dont it? I dont make characters like that anymore.
I think it would of been more cringy if i was a Naruto fan. But yeah, its things like this that ks making me lose hope in humanity (or at least the jnterenet).
Alright I think it's time I say this, I was one of these people. Long time ago, five months ago, I remember a long time ago I made a character that could creat just about anything. And by that I mean Anything with a mechanism. It continued on, me doing my thing(I was very bad at writing back then, I've improved a lot) and me wanting my character to get some where. Then I realized that I really didn't care anymore if I wasn't the center of attention. So I changed my character a lot. But it begin a off the chain role play (GM wasnt even present for most of the rps life time) one person started to target my character and try to kill them with RIDICULES Godmoding. and I called stupidity was in play here, yet the person ligit said that they wanted their character to be the best one( they had the, edgy ,somber, emo trope character) and I just quit after that.

Now we move on to somethig that happed about three months ago. I made a character that was based of a YouTuber (yogscast Kim) and they have a great plot for a minecraft series, where they get fluxed. Which is a biproduct of magic. Back with the topic at hand, I join a Fairtail RP (anime where magic is a thing and all problems are linked to magic) with this character. After a while I got confronted by a few people that my character was OP, obviously I was annoyed because I said that Flux can negate magic and that magic could destroy flux. They basically cancel each other out. So I sat there trying to get them to understand that my character could be killed/defeated with regular weapons( I.e Swords, lances, arrows) but they instead want my character to be killed with magic(I must add that many characters have sometype of weapon that has no magical capabilities, and may characters have the ABILITY to kill her at a moments notice) until the GM and many other people told them that my character was justified for the reasons stated above. If I sound like a snow flake well, then I guess I'm an ass hole.
DemetrioMachete said:
What sucks is that most snowflakes go by a rudimentary roleplaying style. Rather than write in extensive paragraphs, they go with stage directions that are bland and not fun to read. A demonstration.
???: Hi Im a mac.

???: and Im a PC

Mac: Die. -slashes and kills in one hit-
That's not a snowflake. That's obvious godemoting and powergaming.
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Donder172 said:
That's not a snowflake. That's obvious godemoting and powergaming.
Yes, it's not an example of a snowflake. But they said that was how most snowflakes operate. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that was the case, as snowflakes and lazy writing go hand in hand.

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