• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Without a suitable target, the robots went to wheel mode and proceeded to run interference.

Which in this case, consisted of activating the electrical defense to stun folks they grazed(avoiding civilians) and playing the golden oldie 'Party Bus' theme song as they fled.

That should get attention easily.

Jean had seen all she had wanted to ever see. There were others with strange...powers? Was it right to call them that? Or were mutations the more accurate thing? She still had zero idea or any reasoning as to how she had gained the ability to conjure wings. But after seeing someone tank a stream of fire to the face and another person BEING fire, this had gotten too real too quick for her. Deactivating [Mr Brightside], Jean turned and fled down the alleyway she'd been cowering in since Avery made her apperance on the scene. She doubted anybody gathered had seen her and with one of them having been tackled through a building, she felt even more confident in that line of thinking.

The sound of sirens growing ever closer gave her an impetus to flee as well. The last thing she needed was the fuzz breathing down her neck. More than usually anyway. Least of all when she could summon angel wings from her back now! Still, she felt the slightest pang of sympathy for the injured guy talking to the giant monster. 'Gunnar' sounded like a human name. Had that thing...once been human?


The explosion had rocked his entire living room. The table was left in splinters, pictures of him and his mom were left on the groud, their frames shattered. His couch's cushions torn to tatters and him? Well, Daniel was left a bloody mess here and there and everywhere in the room. But what would soon come to disturb him the most? Is that he was still conscious. Even as a pile of bits and pieces scattered around his apartment. He obviously couldn't speak. He couldn't quite hear, his ears having been turned into a fleshy substance with the consistency of pudding by the power of his seemingly self-inflicted explosion.


One thing he could note however was that he could still see. The vision was blurry and it seemed as if he was looking through one eye. Which given the one blinking eye on his blood stained hardwood floor was more true than he'd have liked. He could see the gory aftermath of whatever that'd been. This mess...this was him! Was he dead?! Had he somehow killed himself!? Maybe the pilot light in his stove had been on or something? No, an explosion from that would have consumed the whole room and a good chunk of the apartment complex. Was this the afterlife? Being left as a pile of guts and gore splattered across the place like some kind of morbid Picasso piece?

*blink blink*

He had no mouth but he needed to scream.


Before the former soldier could truly grasp what kind of existential nightmare he'd found himself in, he could see the other pieces of well, him, sliding across the floor and off the walls. Almost as if he was somehow putting himself back together. He must have been dreaming, yes, that had to be it. He remembered throwing his phone, losing his temper and then his recollection stopped after that. Maybe he'd taken a nap and this was some kind of horrible nightmare. It wouldn't have surprised him in the least. Ever since he got out of the service, nightmares of varying severity had come and gone. Medicine and therapy helped to stem the tide somewhat but when that stopped? Many sleepless nights were had. Everything went black and it was then that Daniel was convinced. It'd just been a nightmare and he was going to wake up on his couch in a cold sleep. He'd go grab a cup of water, splash it on his face and things would be okay.

But that wasn't what happened. To anyone who may have seen the display, guts meshed together, bits of what had been interlocking organs formed together and skin started to grow over like a blossoming flower. It was the most grotesque of sights, seeing a human formed from the ground up with the skeleton, muscle, and then skin. Clad in nothing but tight fitting biking shorts, it seemed whatever had caused Danny to blow up also provided him the slightest offerings of modesty. His settings were still the same but how could this be? It didn't make any sense! What, was he supposed to believe that he'd just somehow blown himself up? No, there had to be another reasoning for it. Maybe he'd somehow blacked out and wrecked his place-

"Jenkins! Jenkins, the hell's going on there?! I got people saying they heard some kind of boom!!! You okay in there!?"

Daniel was too stunned to give a reply and the knocking at his door grew louder. "Jenkins!!! If you don't answer, I'm calling the police!! Are you okay in there?!" The last thing this landlord needed was somebody dying in his place!! It'd drive away tenants!!!

"I'm...I'm ok. Sorry...I think I just knocked some stuff over.."

...The knocking stopped and nobody said anything.

"....well geez jenkins, why didn't you say something the first time? keep it down! other people live here too you know!" The landlord called back, grumbling something or other about how 'tweaked out' Daniel was before his voice grew too far for him to hear. Once he was sure he was alone, he rose to his feet and looked down at himself. "...What is happening to me?"


Andrew had been curious about whatever caused that explosion. Could have been a number of things, most of them varying in degrees of possibility. One option could have been a science project gone wrong and chemicals acted wrong, creating an explosion in the process. Another one was that it could have been suicide. A bit of a graphic way to go out given how it seemed to have been an explosion. But somehow Andrew didn't feel either of those fit. He made it an effort to try and stay in touch with the goings ons of this general area. Helped him past the time when he tried escaping from his babying butler/companion to know about who to trust or where to hide out.

He hadn't heard anything about anyone planning a suicide by explosion. Stuff like that was normally reserved for taking others with you. Given the lack of police at the scene, Andrew doubted that to be the case as well. Unless this person was just really incompetent and ended up blowing themselves up. Andrew was of the opinion that once you died, that was it, you were gonzo. Whatever constituted as 'You' becomes ash, worm food, and your mind drifts off to...somewhere. Depressing to think about for long periods of time but how embarrassing would it be to go off knowing you're the guy who accidentally blew himself up?

Something just felt 'off' about the whole thing. That and the police sirens off in the distance brought a smile to Andrew's face. He'd bet all the money in Johnny's pilfered wallet that the sparked user had something to do with that. ...Maybe it'd get his butler off his back. "Walter, I think the owner of that wallet I gave you is over that way. You hear those police sirens?"

"...sir? what kind of person is this 'Mr. Higashikata?"

"An interesting guy!" One that Andrew had a feeling he'd be running into again all too soon. "anyway, i don't want to get mixed up with the police so just keep me updated on the news, huh? Maybe it'd make for a nice gift if Johnny gets himself got." Though how the police would apprehend somebody with a power like Johnny's? Heh, well it certainly packed a wallop but would he use it on normal folks?


I had left my apartment complex with my scarf and hat combo hiding away my new features away from prying eyes. Although I often found other's criticism of me to be little more than 'the old man doesn't know what he's talking about', I think seeing my skeletal composition would warrant more attention than I'd like at the moment. I had to find somewhere quiet to sit down and write my reply to my daughter's letter. I could have easily gone back to my room and locked the door but too many nosy neighbors sticking their noses where it wasn't asked for or appreciated ruled out that idea. Stopping at a local cafe that I frequented when I needed time to stop and think, I took a seat at the table at the far back of the establishment. One of the servers recognized me, likely off my attire alone, and waved.

"Hey, Mr. Crane!" She shouted, in the cheerful bubbly way that she did. The server was a young girl, likely around 17-18ish. Although I could be said to be very 'open' about my views and beliefs, I kept them to myself when visiting this place. I knew from personal experience in my youth, how hard it was to hold down a job like this. So as not to make life even more difficult for her, I kept my opinions to myself. Far be it from me to ruin somebody's day as they attempted to make an honest living. Now, some of her coworkers, well I digress. I hadn't come here to make mental notes on the work ethic of this cafe's employees. I'd come to find a bit of peace and quiet for my thoughts. My children believed my methods to be old fashioned and unnecessary in this day and age but I simply couldn't break with what i'd grown up with. It just wasn't going to happen. I placed my notebook atop the table and flipped it open while pulling a pencil from my back pocket.

I'd taken some to get my thoughts together and fully comprehend what has happened to me. After nearly suffering a heart attack due to the stress brought upon by the thought of my beloved daughter marrying a man who didn't see eye to eye with me and didn't believe in God, I discovered it. The gift that'd been bestowed upon me by the father, the son, and the holy spirit. It appeared in the form of a viscous-sand like material with the appearance of TV static. I could beckon it and control it on a whim. At first I'd been shocked, terrified even, let alone after what gaining this gift had done to my facial appearance. My face was little more than a skull, my hands and presumably my feet as well were skeletal as well. It hadn't made any sense at first in my panicked state but as I calmed down, I realized the truth.

During the incident at that fair I'd been planning to protest for some time, I'd rescued two young men. I'd not gotten their names or was sure that they'd lived, truthfully. But in my heart, I believe that God had seen what I'd done and had blessed me with this gift that I've come to call 'White Noise.' It'll be all the naysayers before God hear as I bring my vengeance upon them. As I put the pencil to paper, I strongly debated informing my daughter of 'White Noise' before thinking better of it. With both her brother and herself believing that I was doing little more than making a fool of myself by being out here, she'd probably grow only more concerned if I'd stated that I'd been given a gift and mission by God. Perhaps she'd think I'd finally lost it and gone crazy. I wouldn't have been surprised, for as much as I loved both my children, they'd never understand something like this.

"Dear, my beloved children. I've received your letter and after reading it, I've given it some thought overall. I will be staying here for the time being. You and your brother may look down upon me and be ashamed or even embarrassed by what I've chosen to do and that's fine. But I settled down with your mother, raised both of you, went through losing her, and now this is MY time. To spend it how I see fit. I truly believe that the people of this country do not fully grasp God's opinion on things such as that fair and as one of God's holy messengers, I believe it is my duty to call them out on such un-christian behavior. The fair in question also suffered from a incident. I'm not sure if it's made the news across the seas, I imagine not. But before you get yourselves worked up, I'm fine. I even saved two youths." I tapped the eraser of my pencil against my chin. It looked good so far but for some reason or another, I simply felt distracted. Perhaps the lurking question of whether or not those two men I'd saved were okay garnered more of my curiosity than I'd thought it would have. ...Had they perhaps gained gifts similar to my own? If I'd been given this by God for being a faithful attendant, perhaps that same blessing had been extended to those I'd reached out to in their time of need. I suppose I'd have to try tracking them down to find out or seeing if they're even still alive.

"I saw that you wish to marry your boyfriend. You're a grown woman and at 30, you no longer live under my roof, you pay your bills, you go to church, you do what every responsible Christian should do. But I cannot in good faith give you my blessing for this marriage if it were to come to pass. I realize this might upset you upon reading it and for that I am sorry. But your mother and I raised you to both that honesty is the best policy and such is the case here. I cannot lie to you even if it'd make you happy. It's simply not within my power." I'd made no bones that I had no affection for my daughter's choice in lover. He had no interest in church or religion at all for that matter. If you are no man of god, you're no friend of mine. As I took a moment to pause and think of what to write next, I noticed the current footage on the TV out of the corner of my eye. There was a current situation going on, a bank robbery it seems. Hmph. Life could be difficult but I'd never abide or tolerate behavior such as this...and then it clicked.

"I will be staying here and attempting to guide the youth here that are willing to walk the path of Christ. I believe it is what's best for this city and it's people. I will not be gone forever, obviously. I will see you two before long. But I've been given a mission and I will see it through to the bitter end. Love, your father." I slipped the finished paper into a manila envelope I'd brought with me. All that needed to be done was to put the proper information/stamps on it and then send it off at the post office. I anticipated that my daughter's reaction would not be positive, not in the slightest. She'd likely be hurt by disapproval of her wish to marry her paramour/my refusal to return home to spend time with them. But I needed to do what had to be done. Heading down to that scene myself would not be wise. A fight in the streets is not what I needed to prove my faithfulness to God/show my thanks for his gift. I needed to find those two I'd saved and see if they would join me in my mission. To utilize my gift as God had intended...

I rose to my feet and pushed my chair in. I asked for a small pumpkin spice latte and headed for the door once I'd received it.

"Have a good day, Mr. Crane!" The cheery server called out to me as I stepped through the door.


"Thank you and god bless you, miss."
Rochenfort's robots dashed down the street, one of them towards the sirens. The telltale whine of the encroaching sirens made a noticeable shift in pitch downward, intermingling in a surprisingly on brand fashion with the fast disappearing melody of Party Bus. The street hadn't been particularly busy to begin with, but now it was completely abandoned, with one last panicked scream from a fleeing man echoing across the buildings as the only sound anyone other than those who were sparked had been there.

Avery's question was answered by a hand. It lashed out like a clumsy toddler, but nonetheless found the neck of Beckett's foe and squeezed with enough force that her rocky neck cracked in a few places like the wall behind them.

"Is this a game to you?"

Beckett's gripped slowly forced avery to her knees, and they clenched their free hand so hard the young woman could hear the other spark's joints popping. Their teeth were grinding together hard enough that they would've shattered if they weren't also invincible, and the colorful flames of their holomask started to homogenize towards a dark red. "You show up out of nowhere, try to kill someone, and then think you can just call a timeout?"
Avery's question was answered by a hand. It lashed out like a clumsy toddler, but nonetheless found the neck of Beckett's foe and squeezed with enough force that her rocky neck cracked in a few places like the wall behind them.

"Is this a game to you?"

Beckett's gripped slowly forced avery to her knees, and they clenched their free hand so hard the young woman could hear the other spark's joints popping. Their teeth were grinding together hard enough that they would've shattered if they weren't also invincible, and the colorful flames of their holomask started to homogenize towards a dark red. "You show up out of nowhere, try to kill someone, and then think you can just call a timeout?"

Ordinally, her response would have been something snarky. Sarcasm was an element of hers as much as any of the actual elements she now wielded. But the mood for any taunting replies was lost in the wake of hearing her own neck cracking. Several times even! "Well this is unfortunate." is what Avery wanted to say but the pressure on her throat made it so all that came out was incomprehensible gurgles and pained gasps. Welp. That's enough of that!

Her sole remaining hand reached out to grab onto the arm Beckett was currently using to choke her out, rocky appendages gripping tight onto the forearm and yanking as hard as she could downward. Her head pulled back and then thrust forward at the same time, aiming for a vicious headbutt right past that ridiculous crap that was obscuring this one's face. Well more like a series of fierce headbutts actually. She might as well have been saying ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA like that one old-ass, weird-ass show.

Maybe not the best idea considering that this one was tough enough to make her arm shatter and leave cracks in her neck but...the sheer desperation to escape this situation was overwhelming clear.

"Fuck, you're heavy."

Trekking through farmland while trying to hold up an unconscious drunk was not the best situation. "Man, why couldn't I have gotten some superstrength too." She complained. "Or telekinesis. Either. That would be a great help." This skinny girl was not the most equipped to handle stuff like this. Not to mention she wasn't exactly sure where to go. The first thought was to Bant's hideout but that place wasn't really secret no more. That unstable cop had found it and there was no telling right now who else she could have told. Not the right place to leave an unconscious drunk.

The second thought was the obvious, bring Jacks to wherever she lived. The problem being that she didn't know where that was. A problem that could easily be solved by diving through the drunk's memory or going through her wallet for an ID. However, she felt that both options would be too intrusive for someone who had helped her a great deal. Reading some unconscious security guards for a way out of some corporate prison was one thing, but going through someone's stuff to figure out where they lived without permission or invitation...just creepily wrong.


The third option seemed the most sound one. A comfortable place and the security was no joke. That said, she could just imagine what he would say. "What on earth were you thinking with, your big toe? Why would you ever bring some drunk here, young lady? Who is this person anyway? They better not be a friend of yours or so help me..." And then more of the same. Unless he wasn't home. Hopefully.

It was around then that she pushed past the last of the crops and found an actual road in front of her. A semi-busy one too, judging from the through traffic. MJ let out an appreciative grunt and walked up to the edge of it. Once she got through using her phone to arrange a ride-share to pick them up, she exhaled in relief. Now they just had to wait for it to show up. As she stood there, still holding up Jacks against her shoulder...she did her best to ignore the aching pains in that arm and all the sweat that was pouring down her skin. "Great. Being shamed for not working out by someone not even conscious. That's a new one." She grumbled, only half-serious.

When the automated self-driving car pulled up, nobody could have opened the back door faster than she did right then. Jacks was safely pushed in and buckled up before MJ herself did likewise, her muscles were screaming in relief. The trip went pretty uneventfully, the quiet only broken by the music she requested to play.

Believe in the magic of rock and roll, Believe in the magic that can set you free ♫ She couldn't help from humming along.


It wasn't as long a trip as she had feared it would be. They were in the heart of District 1 now, only a few streets off. Still, some of the apprehension within her only grew, thinking about what dad would probably say in response to this. She really really hoped he wasn't home. When the car stopped right at their destination, she opened the door, stepped out and shut the door behind her before going to the opposite door to take Jacks out. When she did, her muscles immediately cursed her. It would be a much shorter trip but still, these skinny noodle arms weren't prepared to bear all this weight.

MJ hesitated, looking at the front door before she just shook her head. "Oh to hell with it." She brazenly went right for the front door. With her free hand she pressed her thumb down on the fingerprint scanner just below the doorbell and walked right through the second the door swung open. She used her foot to close it behind them and after that thud rang out through the house, she waited. She listened intensely for any sign that her dad was approaching. A full minute passed with no signs of such and she exhaled in utter relief. He wasn't home. Probably a work thing. At least she was spared a talking to.

She went right for her room, dropping Jacks on the spare bed in there before she plopped down onto the couch herself. The first search on her computer was simply "best way to deal with hangovers"
Gunnar felt the hand of Johnny's Stand Spark on his shoulder and slowly turned his head to look at the boy. Young, maybe half Gunnar's age, a little more. Just a kid. Not that Gunnar was some kind of grizzled veteran at this point, but Johnny had to be inexperienced. Gunnar saw this as an opportunity to be an adult, do something that made sense, something that he could do independent of his recent monstrous transformation. He could be a man, here.

So Gunnar extended his own arm, standing on two feet and looking strange, like a bear that was trying to sniff out prey on the wind. His hand found Johnny's shoulder in reply; while Gunnar could see and even smell [Melancholy Hill], Gunnar knew Johnny was the man behind it--the one he should be addressing, without a doubt. The gnarled feline features and saccharine familiarity of human appendages were a mild shock to Gunnar as small parts of his psyche protested what he was now doing, but Gunnar decided that he would be a friend to this boy regardless. The kid was certainly banged up enough to have earned Gunnar's sympathy: It's not like Gunnar could just leave him, could he? Injured, like this? In the street, near what was quickly becoming a major crime scene? No way, now how.

Gunnar nodded as he quietly relayed to Johnny, "I understand. Ooiee go."

Seeing as Gunnar was not much actually injured from his exchange with Jacks, he figured he should take lead.

He offered Johnny an arm to lean on or hold on to. "Sky or ground?"
Janet shrieked. It was short and to the point, but it felt like it was tearing her own eardrums so high pitched and violent was it. It was, nonetheless, not nearly as violent as the suicide that had randomly occured before her-

"...Oh my gosh hun you ain't dead??? Ah, heck, uh... I take your powered then, huh?" She ventured carefully, the bandana around her face doing nothing to hide the revulsion in her eyes as she watched Serenity's apparently alive body contort itself to face her. "Boy howdy thats uh. Hoo. You uh. How bout I give you a hand up first hun and then we can talk shop?" She offered, beginning to reach her hand forward. "Oh that is so disgustin. Where... where is your hand darlin'?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I know I probably-- I must look so gross right now." She offered apologetically, tone a better fit for the parallel reality where she had just bumped into Janet in the hall or something than whatever crazy reality they were in. "So I was pretty sure I had higher bone density now or something, and I could just like, stick the landing? But I couldn't. I didn't mean to basically just kill myself in front of you, that would be a really messed up way to start a conversation."

An intensely visceral and unpleasant crackling followed as her hand emerged from the disjointed mess to sort of jut in Janet's direction. A sharp whimper accompanied the motion, her brain presumably parsing the unbelievable amount of pain she was feeling fragment by fragment.

"Could you just... take me wherever you were going? Please?"
It was like headbutting a brick wall, except the head was made of bricks and the wall was made of titanium. Beckett's head flicked back from pure momentum, but their deathgrip didn't loosen as their growls increased in fervor "Stop. Just stop. STOP MOVINg-aaargh!"

Beckett's earpiece suddenly began to spark behind the mask before a blast of electricity burst from it and struck the ground next to the embattled pair. Where it struck was no standing a man in a lab coat Avery did not recognize... with a bag over his head. That had eye holes cut out. "Ardent, stop! You're going to seriously hurt this poor woman! Can you breath, miss?" He said as he tried to pry Beckett's hand off of her.

"NO! She'll just hurt someone else. I have to-"

"What, kill her?!"

"I... no I... I..."

Their grip loosened and they stumbled backwards, but their first step had so much force from their power that it sent them crashing back into the wall they'd just slammed into. " aaahh... ahhhhhh..." They slid down the wall as they clutched at their head, the colors of their mask slowly shifting from red to a deep blue. "I..."

"You just be quiet and stay over there." The mysterious scientist snapped. "You, ma'am. Are you ok? Can you breath? Do you breath?


Janet stared at the hand with a mixture of disgust and concern. "That's a tall order hun. You're kind of uh... attached to the pavement." She stared a few moments longer, the sound of Mayfield's pained voice grating against both her ears and her conscience before she swore under her breath. "Shit. Marcus? Pull the ride around. You grabbed the unmarked one, right?"

"Of course ma'am." The voice was barely audible to Mayfield from the woman's own comms, calm and refined. "I'll be there momentarily"

Momentarily was apparently a few seconds later, as a sleek, black air car came shooting over the building Mayfield had just leaped from, deathly quiet for the speed it was moving. It hovered down to to street level and the sides slid open. A man in similar attire to Calamity Janet stood on the other side, and his eye brows shot up slightly as he saw the scene before him. "...Ma'am, if I may comment?"

"You may

"What the fuck?"

She sighed. "She ain't dead. She's got superpowers too but uh... misjudged. Just shut up and get her inside."

"...Of... course ma'am."

Two more men hopped out of the vehicle, and half a minute later the at least most of Mayfield had been loaded into the air bus as its doors slid closed
It was like headbutting a brick wall, except the head was made of bricks and the wall was made of titanium. Beckett's head flicked back from pure momentum, but their deathgrip didn't loosen as their growls increased in fervor "Stop. Just stop. STOP MOVINg-aaargh!"

...Now both head and neck had cracks in their rocky state. Not good. So much for plan B. Don't got a plan C...my whole body is just gonna end up like my arm, huh--

Beckett's earpiece suddenly began to spark behind the mask before a blast of electricity burst from it and struck the ground next to the embattled pair. Where it struck was no standing a man in a lab coat Avery did not recognize... with a bag over his head. That had eye holes cut out. "Ardent, stop! You're going to seriously hurt this poor woman! Can you breath, miss?" He said as he tried to pry Beckett's hand off of her.



There was no telling if it was the shocked surprise or the hand still holding her in a vice grip but no reply immediately came.

"NO! She'll just hurt someone else. I have to-"

"What, kill her?!"

"I... no I... I..."

Their grip loosened and they stumbled backwards, but their first step had so much force from their power that it sent them crashing back into the wall they'd just slammed into. " aaahh... ahhhhhh..." They slid down the wall as they clutched at their head, the colors of their mask slowly shifting from red to a deep blue. "I..."

When the pressure relaxed, Avery fell forward, only barely managing to stop herself from faceplanting into the ground. Pushing against the ground with her one good arm, she fell back onto her rear and just sat there for a second, appreciating that the pain was no longer intensifying. She glanced over at the sudden new arrival. "What, does that one have super toughness AND the ability to make some 99 cents store Jonathan Crane cosplay pop out of thin air? Who are--"

The sounds of the sirens finally caught her attention and without another word she leapt to her feet and just ran, sprinting as fast as she could to get out of here. Dealing with the cops was one problem she didn't want to deal with right now.
So Gunnar extended his own arm, standing on two feet and looking strange, like a bear that was trying to sniff out prey on the wind. His hand found Johnny's shoulder in reply; while Gunnar could see and even smell [Melancholy Hill], Gunnar knew Johnny was the man behind it--the one he should be addressing, without a doubt. The gnarled feline features and saccharine familiarity of human appendages were a mild shock to Gunnar as small parts of his psyche protested what he was now doing, but Gunnar decided that he would be a friend to this boy regardless. The kid was certainly banged up enough to have earned Gunnar's sympathy: It's not like Gunnar could just leave him, could he? Injured, like this? In the street, near what was quickly becoming a major crime scene? No way, now how.

Gunnar nodded as he quietly relayed to Johnny, "I understand. Ooiee go."

Seeing as Gunnar was not much actually injured from his exchange with Jacks, he figured he should take lead.

He offered Johnny an arm to lean on or hold on to. "Sky or ground?"

"...Let's try to stay on the ground. I think I've seen enough of the sky for a while..." Jumping up to have [Melancholy Hill] eat another person was not an experience he'd like to repeat anytime soon. Even if it had to be done. "Besides...I think you'd stand out too much. The last thing we need is someone trying to shoot you out of the sky..." Heading back to the lab or somewhere so Johnny could stop and catch his breath was essential. He'd been fighting nonstop since he ran away from the lab. First with Andrew and then with Avery. "What about the sewers?"
Can I fit? he puzzled, glancing at the nearest grate. Gunnar was much taller and much wider than the men who could fit in a manhole, but opening up a grate by force would leave tracks and unanswerable questions for the citizens and police of Adehntu. That said, Johnny was right that Gunnar would stick out among the lights of the cityscape, an unwelcome bat on the skyline intruding into the lives of hapless people citywide. It seemed going underground (literally) was going to end up the only possible course of action for someone like Gunnar.

"Okey; hao?"
"Fuck, you're heavy."

Trekking through farmland while trying to hold up an unconscious drunk was not the best situation. "Man, why couldn't I have gotten some superstrength too." She complained. "Or telekinesis. Either. That would be a great help." This skinny girl was not the most equipped to handle stuff like this. Not to mention she wasn't exactly sure where to go. The first thought was to Bant's hideout but that place wasn't really secret no more. That unstable cop had found it and there was no telling right now who else she could have told. Not the right place to leave an unconscious drunk.

The second thought was the obvious, bring Jacks to wherever she lived. The problem being that she didn't know where that was. A problem that could easily be solved by diving through the drunk's memory or going through her wallet for an ID. However, she felt that both options would be too intrusive for someone who had helped her a great deal. Reading some unconscious security guards for a way out of some corporate prison was one thing, but going through someone's stuff to figure out where they lived without permission or invitation...just creepily wrong.


The third option seemed the most sound one. A comfortable place and the security was no joke. That said, she could just imagine what he would say. "What on earth were you thinking with, your big toe? Why would you ever bring some drunk here, young lady? Who is this person anyway? They better not be a friend of yours or so help me..." And then more of the same. Unless he wasn't home. Hopefully.

It was around then that she pushed past the last of the crops and found an actual road in front of her. A semi-busy one too, judging from the through traffic. MJ let out an appreciative grunt and walked up to the edge of it. Once she got through using her phone to arrange a ride-share to pick them up, she exhaled in relief. Now they just had to wait for it to show up. As she stood there, still holding up Jacks against her shoulder...she did her best to ignore the aching pains in that arm and all the sweat that was pouring down her skin. "Great. Being shamed for not working out by someone not even conscious. That's a new one." She grumbled, only half-serious.

When the automated self-driving car pulled up, nobody could have opened the back door faster than she did right then. Jacks was safely pushed in and buckled up before MJ herself did likewise, her muscles were screaming in relief. The trip went pretty uneventfully, the quiet only broken by the music she requested to play.

Believe in the magic of rock and roll, Believe in the magic that can set you free ♫ She couldn't help from humming along.


It wasn't as long a trip as she had feared it would be. They were in the heart of District 1 now, only a few streets off. Still, some of the apprehension within her only grew, thinking about what dad would probably say in response to this. She really really hoped he wasn't home. When the car stopped right at their destination, she opened the door, stepped out and shut the door behind her before going to the opposite door to take Jacks out. When she did, her muscles immediately cursed her. It would be a much shorter trip but still, these skinny noodle arms weren't prepared to bear all this weight.

MJ hesitated, looking at the front door before she just shook her head. "Oh to hell with it." She brazenly went right for the front door. With her free hand she pressed her thumb down on the fingerprint scanner just below the doorbell and walked right through the second the door swung open. She used her foot to close it behind them and after that thud rang out through the house, she waited. She listened intensely for any sign that her dad was approaching. A full minute passed with no signs of such and she exhaled in utter relief. He wasn't home. Probably a work thing. At least she was spared a talking to.

She went right for her room, dropping Jacks on the spare bed in there before she plopped down onto the couch herself. The first search on her computer was simply "best way to deal with hangovers"

Pot calling the kettle fat, are we?

There is a certainty in the assumption that the layman is familiar with the effects of drinking, being that it is a common pastime. Imbibing is one of many ways for one to socialize with another and oftentimes it goes no further than that but for some, it becomes more than this. It becomes almost a focal element of themselves, their identity. These are the ubiquitous drunkards and no one pays them any heed, through a combination of stigma, experience, and or expectation. Their place in society is not the topical focus here, however. Instead it is the contemplation of what it must be like to experience a black-out after intense drinking. What are the dreams, if any, like? Do they experience a vivid cascade of psychedelic mishaps where it is promptly forgotten upon awakening with passing wonderment or is it simply a temporary death, a relief from whatever woes may trouble them so?

In Jacks's case, she was tripping balls, one moment traipsing in whatever passed for normalacy for her before stumbling down the proverbial rabbit hole that amounted to a recollection of the past day and half. Needless to say, it left more than a vague impression on the woman, who woke with a start.

And fuck, was she thirsty and aching all over and holy god, did someone take to her knee like a rambunctious child might the battered lever at the local playground?!

"Holy fucking shit, that was a bad one." She turned, eyes bleary through and through as she felt around. Instantly, she knew it was not her bed whatsoever. The three million and a half thread satin sheets she brushed across was definitely beyond her price range. Never mind the smell; cleaner than her swampy apartment by far with the absence of alcohol's distinctive odor and something else, vaguely familar as if it was someone's scent. Someone she met recently she immediately intuited. A chick at that.

"Fuck, did I have another one night stand... uuuuuuurgh. Not again, spreading my damaged goods bullshit." There was momentary flailing before she erected herself upright, sitting as she cast around. And toppled to the side, her irascible hangover making its presence more than known. "Holy shit."

She did see MJ though.

"... 'Sup. Wastebasket over 'ere I'm guessin'. Also, don't remember anythin' from last night. So if we fucked, uh... yeah.. Or your name. Or anything really. I could really use some water though. Sugar water." She squinted around though, trying to get a feel of the room and her beneficial host. "Hanky panky in a swanky hotel? Great, what's my credit card going to look like."
"Holy fucking shit, that was a bad one." She turned, eyes bleary through and through as she felt around. Instantly, she knew it was not her bed whatsoever. The three million and a half thread satin sheets she brushed across was definitely beyond her price range. Never mind the smell; cleaner than her swampy apartment by far with the absence of alcohol's distinctive odor and something else, vaguely familar as if it was someone's scent. Someone she met recently she immediately intuited. A chick at that.

"Fuck, did I have another one night stand... uuuuuuurgh. Not again, spreading my damaged goods bullshit." There was momentary flailing before she erected herself upright, sitting as she cast around. And toppled to the side, her irascible hangover making its presence more than known. "Holy shit."

She did see MJ though.

“-could go with titanium, that would be a safe bet. Old and basic but reliable...though the weight ratio would limit...no no no, there has to be better. Steel? Eh, also workable but there are stronger...graphene, for one. Potentially ten times stronger than steel and only 5 percent as dense...that would work wonders on the pressure and keep from feeling too heavy, cumbersome. Maybe mix in some magnesium alloy, yeah yeah. The light weight would also help with not needing as much force for thrusters and propulsion. Potentially could be used for other project too, strengthen and support, maybe work in an internal automated system that delivered a light anesthetic...or even more direct, improvement on the nerves themselves...riskier but possibly...hrm...” MJ sat across the room, her back to Jacks and furiously scrawling in a notebook.

Just as the quality of the bed sheets revealed that this was not Jacks’ apartment, it was just as clear that the younger girl had not yet noticed that the drunk had awakened, too lost in her train of thought.

"... 'Sup. Wastebasket over 'ere I'm guessin'.

“Huh? Oh yeah, it’s over there.” She commented offhandedly, lazily waving a hand in its general direction without even turning around. It was another 5 seconds before it really sunk in. “Oh you’re awake!” She yelped, caught off guard and swiveling around in her chair in a sudden burst of motion.

Also, don't remember anythin' from last night. So if we fucked, uh... yeah.. Or your name. Or anything really.

“..............what.” Less a question, more a statement of confused disbelief. “Why did you say...why would I have...no you were drunk I never would...oh god what would my dad say if he heard that or thought it himself...no of course I didn’t do that!” She stammered out in a panicked rush, face turning as red as could be.

I could really use some water though. Sugar water."

Despite that, she was out of her chair in an instant when she caught that, walking over to the table of stuff she had set out for hangover handling and grabbing the tall glass of water and handing it over.

Hanky panky in a swanky hotel? Great, what's my credit card going to look like."

“Please stop.” She shook her head. “No, this is my place. I didn’t...know where else to bring you after you saved me...us. I didn’t want to intrude into your head...any further than I already had.”

“As for the rest, well I could fill it in for you, show you all my memory of what happened. If you want, that is.” She stated sheepishly.
“Huh? Oh yeah, it’s over there.” She commented offhandedly, lazily waving a hand in its general direction without even turning around. It was another 5 seconds before it really sunk in. “Oh you’re awake!” She yelped, caught off guard and swiveling around in her chair in a sudden burst of motion.

The trashcan was embraced within one arm under the guise of it being the newest and latest best friend, one that would be vigilantly protected with no concessions to be made for any other. "Yep, and hating life already. Again. The norm, really." Jacks blinked a few times before pursing her lips, her features plainly indecisive as to the ongoings within her stomach, a discernible grumbling.

"... Nah, that's not it." She decided.

“..............what.” Less a question, more a statement of confused disbelief. “Why did you say...why would I have...no you were drunk I never would...oh god what would my dad say if he heard that or thought it himself...no of course I didn’t do that!” She stammered out in a panicked rush, face turning as red as could be.

A hand raised in both a bid to assuage MJ's concerns and in defense of, well, her being herself. "Erp, knowing myself, yeah, I've made my share of mistakes, none I'm proud of." She swung her head around, exacerbating the hangover incidentally with a grousing yelp from the woman. "Yep, shouldn't do that. Yet. Anyway... even if it happened, doesn't seem like it'd be a mistake so." Jacks added, smiling in spite of herself.

Despite that, she was out of her chair in an instant when she caught that, walking over to the table of stuff she had set out for hangover handling and grabbing the tall glass of water and handing it over.

"The divine stuff of the godddddddddds, thank you... whoever you are." The fluid was consumed and it was with a rapacious look to Jacks that insinuated she wanted more but she relented, reining herself in as she reminded herself. The origin of her situation was herself and this... supposedly, a stranger that had a passing familarity was being more than plenty generous with her.

Seriously, she had to know her from some place. Maybe just met her before she got wasted, the makings of her memory was there but it was difficult to plumb those under the fading influence.

“Please stop.” She shook her head. “No, this is my place. I didn’t...know where else to bring you after you saved me...us. I didn’t want to intrude into your head...any further than I already had.”

“As for the rest, well I could fill it in for you, show you all my memory of what happened. If you want, that is.” She stated sheepishly.

"That's a first, it's usually my place." She quipped before shuffling in place, one brow stretched high as she stared MJ pointedly. "Excuse me, what? Intrude in my head... fill in my memory?" She squinted, trying to make sense of it. And in a way, it did, but drunken skepticism had a semi-solid foothold in the moment.
The trashcan was embraced within one arm under the guise of it being the newest and latest best friend, one that would be vigilantly protected with no concessions to be made for any other. "Yep, and hating life already. Again. The norm, really." Jacks blinked a few times before pursing her lips, her features plainly indecisive as to the ongoings within her stomach, a discernible grumbling.

"... Nah, that's not it." She decided.

MJ couldn’t help but wince at that statement. She understood hating life occasionally...maybe sometimes, even. But the norm? Then again she hadn’t experienced anything like what she’d seen Jacks had gone through. Endured. The rich kid wasn’t going to be super judgmental. “Well, that’s good to hear.” She commented at the end.

At least there would be no vomit that they’d have to clean.

A hand raised in both a bid to assuage MJ's concerns and in defense of, well, her being herself. "Erp, knowing myself, yeah, I've made my share of mistakes, none I'm proud of." She swung her head around, exacerbating the hangover incidentally with a grousing yelp from the woman. "Yep, shouldn't do that. Yet. Anyway... even if it happened, doesn't seem like it'd be a mistake so." Jacks added, smiling in spite of herself.

“No no I’m not trying to judge you—“ She hurriedly stammered back, only to falter and fall short when she caught a glimpse of that smile. Despite the hungover state and the heavy smell of alcohol wafting off her guest...that messy bed-swept hair, that smile, those striking eyes, light azure pools of ethereal beauty...

Holy hell she’s too damn attractive, this isn’t fair, what the hell.

She gulped, standing as if rooted to the spot by some strange force and unsure how to respond to that or even fully process that. She felt 120% sure the blush across her pale face was now even redder! More than the ginger side of her hair! Something which only added to her nervousness.

"The divine stuff of the godddddddddds, thank you... whoever you are." The fluid was consumed and it was with a rapacious look to Jacks that insinuated she wanted more but she relented, reining herself in as she reminded herself. The origin of her situation was herself and this... supposedly, a stranger that had a passing familarity was being more than plenty generous with her.

Seriously, she had to know her from some place. Maybe just met her before she got wasted, the makings of her memory was there but it was difficult to plumb those under the fading influence.

She wanted nothing more to just smile and nod. That was the usual thing she had to do when her parents hosted other people over, just so she could avoid talking with them. In this case though, it wasn’t about not wanting to talk, it was purely just not wanting to say the wrong thing. That quiet mutter couldn’t be addressed with just a grin and a nod though.

“MJ. I’m MJ. MJ McKinney, heh heh.” She forced out, nervously looking towards the ground and rubbing the heel of her shoe against the floor.

"That's a first, it's usually my place." She quipped before shuffling in place, one brow stretched high as she stared MJ pointedly. "Excuse me, what? Intrude in my head... fill in my memory?" She squinted, trying to make sense of it. And in a way, it did, but drunken skepticism had a semi-solid foothold in the moment.

“Er, no no, not like that.” She replied, still not looking up. “Not gonna intrude in your head, I meant I’d just show you what had happened from my memory. I mean like, to project it all around us, so you could see it firsthand, it’d be like...well have you ever seen this old old tv show? It’s a long continuous one from the UK called Doctor Who about a ubergenius really long-lived alien and his time traveling box and anyways there’s this one episode called the Day of the Doctor where the awkward big-chinned version of himself met up with the spiky haired skinny and weary old gramps versions of himself and all together they decided that they had to use this superweapon to kill his own people and the enemies all around them but the superweapon had a sentient consciousness that looked like a 6/10 blonde chick that Spiky-Hair knew and like, for a little while the surroundings around them changed and she showed them the panicking people just trying to run from the evil things trying to kill them, showing all three of them the people they were going to burn if they proceeded with this plan. It would be like that, like we were standing in a 3D movie and it was unfolding all around us. In theory. Haven’t tried it all that much.”
“No no I’m not trying to judge you—“ She hurriedly stammered back, only to falter and fall short when she caught a glimpse of that smile. Despite the hungover state and the heavy smell of alcohol wafting off her guest...that messy bed-swept hair, that smile, those striking eyes, light azure pools of ethereal beauty...

Holy hell she’s too damn attractive, this isn’t fair, what the hell.

She gulped, standing as if rooted to the spot by some strange force and unsure how to respond to that or even fully process that. She felt 120% sure the blush across her pale face was now even redder! More than the ginger side of her hair! Something which only added to her nervousness.

As for a comparison on the flip side: the trash can was exceptionally attractive to Jacks in the moment. No hard feelings or anything, MJ, it was a matter of necessity. If she weren't nursing a niggling hangover, Jacks would have noted the unblemished porcelain skin, the low-cut strawberry-blonde hair stylized in a fun way, her dark eyes beset by shadows, the whole enchilada, she would have dogged the girl for her number, or given her own.

Granted, with the events of the past day or two having been on the mind prior coupled with said mind being addled by alcohol, the impulse was more than dashed, eviscerated at the stage of conception.

“MJ. I’m MJ. MJ McKinney, heh heh.” She forced out, nervously looking towards the ground and rubbing the heel of her shoe against the floor.

"McKinneyheheh?" Jacks muttered, her expression one betwixt seriousness and confusion before she abolished it, making clear her bad joke was bad joke. "I get it... a drunk nursing a hangover in your home is unsettling. I'll try and be outta yer hair soon. Seriously, appreciate it. Name's Jacks, don't ask."

“Er, no no, not like that.” She replied, still not looking up. “Not gonna intrude in your head, I meant I’d just show you what had happened from my memory. I mean like, to project it all around us, so you could see it firsthand, it’d be like...well have you ever seen this old old tv show? It’s a long continuous one from the UK called Doctor Who about a ubergenius really long-lived alien and his time traveling box and anyways there’s this one episode called the Day of the Doctor where the awkward big-chinned version of himself met up with the spiky haired skinny and weary old gramps versions of himself and all together they decided that they had to use this superweapon to kill his own people and the enemies all around them but the superweapon had a sentient consciousness that looked like a 6/10 blonde chick that Spiky-Hair knew and like, for a little while the surroundings around them changed and she showed them the panicking people just trying to run from the evil things trying to kill them, showing all three of them the people they were going to burn if they proceeded with this plan. It would be like that, like we were standing in a 3D movie and it was unfolding all around us. In theory. Haven’t tries it all that much.”

"... Was there something in my drink?" Jacks asked with as much solemnity as she could muster, brows furrowing halfway in alarm. "I mean, I know what Dr. Who is, but what. Oh god, the rumors are true isn't it, the rich in Adhentu City can jank people's brains???" The trashcan was pressed closer for both comfort and security.
"... Was there something in my drink?" Jacks asked with as much solemnity as she could muster, brows furrowing halfway in alarm. "I mean, I know what Dr. Who is, but what. Oh god, the rumors are true isn't it, the rich in Adhentu City can jank people's brains???" The trashcan was pressed closer for both comfort and security.

“...What?” She was incredibly taken aback by that. “No! No to both questions! I mean...you...shit, it is just easier to show you.” MJ closed her eyes, focusing intensely. The interior of her room vanished, overlaid by a bunch of other surroundings and the events that went on around them. The strange phenomenon at the fair, their prison break, their rescue by her eccentric idol and his assistant, the explanation for what had occurred, their struggle at the bank and out on the street, how Gunnar had gone after them...the...near death experience as they were plummeting. That was painful to watch. Worse to listen to, with her own panicked frantic screaming.

And then their lucky survival, as Jacks leveled them out and they were able to land safely amidst the grassy hills of another district. Real MJ made a point to stare anywhere except at Jacks as projection MJ showed her gratitude for being saved from certain death. Finally, the projection ended with the images of her somehow managing to bring the passed out Jacks all the way to her home, with whispered cursing about how heavy Jacks was and about her own lack of muscles.

With all that, it faded away, the familiar sights of her room gradually emerging once again. “So...yeah. That’s...basically what happened.” She commented, uncertainty plain in her voice as she stared straight at the ground below her feet. She wasn’t sure how Jacks would take that.
“...What?” She was incredibly taken aback by that. “No! No to both questions! I mean...you...shit, it is just easier to show you.” MJ closed her eyes, focusing intensely. The interior of her room vanished, overlaid by a bunch of other surroundings and the events that went on around them. The strange phenomenon at the fair, their prison break, their rescue by her eccentric idol and his assistant, the explanation for what had occurred, their struggle at the bank and out on the street, how Gunnar had gone after them...the...near death experience as they were plummeting. That was painful to watch. Worse to listen to, with her own panicked frantic screaming.

And then their lucky survival, as Jacks leveled them out and they were able to land safely amidst the grassy hills of another district. Real MJ made a point to stare anywhere except at Jacks as projection MJ showed her gratitude for being saved from certain death. Finally, the projection ended with the images of her somehow managing to bring the passed out Jacks all the way to her home, with whispered cursing about how heavy Jacks was and about her own lack of muscles.

With all that, it faded away, the familiar sights of her room gradually emerging once again. “So...yeah. That’s...basically what happened.” She commented, uncertainty plain in her voice as she stared straight at the ground below her feet. She wasn’t sure how Jacks would take that.

"What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck." Okay, ye, she could maybe recall being at the fair with Becks and Bant, sitting at front row with the ever abundant exuberance just wafting off of the scientist before the event took an abrupt. Wait, had she been floating afterwards...? What the, the matter wasn't helped at all when she remembered in fragments Bant having to finagle a catching pole to pull her down. She didn't recall the when, before or after Beckett Supermanned a building with her one leap for mankind routine. In anyway case, she hadn't been present for the fiasco that transpired for, well, MJ and the others she saw in the resultant dream. The same dream where she could vaguely recognize some of the people. One stuck out in particular. A goddamn Gargoyle. And the realization was more than enough, for some reason, to prompt a spike in her heart rate.

Unbeknownst to Jacks, the sheets and comforter were suddenly bunched all across her body in a defensive layering of a kind. The bewilderment at the scants of her memory returning combined with what she witnessed took second to Gunnar's appearance for a split second but thankfully, the brief feature tore Jacks away from dwelling on the one aspect as she witnessed the altercation at the lab-- oh never mind, it was back to the Gargoyle.

Then suddenly she was at the bank and had done... a faceplant? Haha, why would she evenooooooooooooooo she was drunk then. That explained... so much. And then everything else that came after. And she was back to Gunnar again, boy, was her heart doing a set at the Olympics trying for the gymnasts' gold. The rest was history, as they say, or rather subjective history from MJ's perspective.

She only blinked a few times before forcing her jaw to unclench as she exhaled, inhaled, exhaled again, and looked to MJ whose eyes were pointed to the ground. "This is a lot to take in. But I believe you, yeah. I think. I mean... how else do I explain floating three feet above your guest bed."
She only blinked a few times before forcing her jaw to unclench as she exhaled, inhaled, exhaled again, and looked to MJ whose eyes were pointed to the ground. "This is a lot to take in. But I believe you, yeah. I think. I mean... how else do I explain floating three feet above your guest bed."

MJ let out a loooooong sigh of relief. “Yeah, no kidding. I know it’s a lot, more than a lot even. I appreciate that you believe it, because it’s true. All of it. But...” A troubled expression emerged on her face and she fidgeted in discomfort. “There’s more to it. You know how people sometimes say when you’re staring death...or what you think is death, right in the face, that you see your whole life flash before your eyes? Mine did.” She rubbed apprehensively at the back of her neck.

“But in that panic, when I genuinely thought I was going to fucking die...and with my new power, I...it wasn’t just my life I saw. I got glimpses of yours too. Some childhood. School. Your...accident.” She tried to be as tactful as possible. “The surgery after. Many drunken nights and...some...more personal stuff. In bed.” Right at that moment, as she said that, she wished the ground would just open up beneath her and swallow her up. Just to escape the sheer uncomfortable awkwardness she felt. “I didn’t mean to, but it’s like you said. I did intrude in your head. Sorry.” MJ lifted her head to finally look over at Jacks, one hand still nervously scratching the back of her neck.

“I just...didn’t want to lie to you.”
Can I fit? he puzzled, glancing at the nearest grate. Gunnar was much taller and much wider than the men who could fit in a manhole, but opening up a grate by force would leave tracks and unanswerable questions for the citizens and police of Adehntu. That said, Johnny was right that Gunnar would stick out among the lights of the cityscape, an unwelcome bat on the skyline intruding into the lives of hapless people citywide. It seemed going underground (literally) was going to end up the only possible course of action for someone like Gunnar.

"Okey; hao?"

"Leave that part to me..."

Extending outwards from Johnny's head, [Melancholy Hill]'s own head reared over and Gunnar could see droplets of saliva dripping onto the manhole. Once it's head was firmly positioned above the manhole, it opened it's maw and went to work.


The manhole along with a portion of the immediate ground beside it vanished. With nothing more than a trace left. Gunnar had now seen it first hand: the void named [Melancholy Hill]. However, just as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished. "There's our entrance, probably looks a bit more precise than just ripping it straight out of the ground too. I think so anyway." Anybody who felt like arguing whether or not a big circle in the ground was more noticeable than a big monster straight ripping the manhole up like a frisbee would have to wait. Provided Gunnar took the plunge down into the sewers, Johnny still made it a point to add on. "I gotta be honest though, Gunnar. I don't know how long it'll take us to get back to the lab through here but better than up here..."
Gunnar's nose, being millions of times more sensitive than a human's, immediately picked up on the smell of the sewer. Luckily for him, Adehntu didn't have a typical sewer system and the sewers were notably cleaner than anywhere else in the world.

Didn't change that it smelled like shit, but it was a little comfort for Gunnar to latch onto as he tried his hardest to achieve the nirvana of nose blindness. He retched briefly, but there was no food to hack up. He shuddered as he slithered into the widened manhole.

His sense of direction was unequaled--bears constructed mental maps of their territory, and they only had the mental acuity of a three year old--with Gunnar's above-average human intellect, his construction of mental maps was passive and linked only to where he had been while conscious. So he knew exactly where the lab was, it was just a matter of moving through the sewer system to get there, and he had never seen a map of the sewer system. So it would be... interesting, to say the least.

He hit the concrete floor of the walkway without cracking it--good--but pretty loudly, and the sound echoed down the corridors--bad. He couldn't be sure who was down here, now that he knew there were apparently other Sparked.
His sense of direction was unequaled--bears constructed mental maps of their territory, and they only had the mental acuity of a three year old--with Gunnar's above-average human intellect, his construction of mental maps was passive and linked only to where he had been while conscious. So he knew exactly where the lab was, it was just a matter of moving through the sewer system to get there, and he had never seen a map of the sewer system. So it would be... interesting, to say the least.

He hit the concrete floor of the walkway without cracking it--good--but pretty loudly, and the sound echoed down the corridors--bad. He couldn't be sure who was down here, now that he knew there were apparently other Sparked.

Truth be told, Johnny wasn't quite sure where to go or how to traverse this place. But the sewers just sounded like a safer plan than trying to run around in broad daylight. Who knows for sure what could happen? Least of all now that he'd been too caught up in the moment and announced his name in the battle with Avery. After his choice battle/encounter with Andrew, Johnny had wished to do right and that meant helping out and trying to use this power of his for good. All it'd gotten him so far is a lot of brusing, burns across both arms, and a headache that he wasn't sure downing an entire bottle of ibuprofen would cure. Still, if just for Gunnar's sake, Johnny had to stay optimistic. He had managed to reach through to the man within the beast and he couldn't let him slip back into the mental fog. Honestly, he wasn't sure he'd survive if Gunnar lost control now and while he'd be dead, he wouldn't want something like that on the man's conscience.

As they walked along the sewer's depths with nary the sounds of their own footsteps and the occasional scurrying of a rat to keep them company. Having regained enough energy to stand on his own two feet, Johnny had climbed down from atop Gunnar's shoulder. He appreciated the gesture but if the worse case scenario happened and they encountered a Sparked down here, be they hostile or otherwise, Johnny didn't want Gunnar to have to worry about protecting him. Closing his hands and opening them over and over, Johnny exhaled. He was still obviously in quite a bit of pain but at the very least he could manifest [Melancholy Hill] again. Still, as the time continued to click down and down, Johnny's shining optimism began to rust.

"I'm starting to get worried, Gunnar. If we can't find our way out of here soon, who knows what might have happened to the others...? They could be in trouble and we're still wandering down here..." Slipping his hands into the pockets of his slightly singed jeans, Johnny blinked as activity began to occur and the device he'd been given by the mad scientist who got him and Gunnar into this mess in the first place sprung to life once more. It was...

"Picking up signs of Sparked activity...? Down here...?"

Johnny worriedly looked over his shoulder at Gunnar.

"If they're down here, it's gotta mean one of three things. Either it's one of the others and they came down here looking for us. But then they would have probably tried contacting us first. The second option is that it's one of the Sparked we'd been fighting and they're down here to finish us off.." Not a tantalizing thought given the horror-show Johnny had been through with Avery. "The last option...?" He gulped and pulled a hand out of his pocket and tugged at his collar. "They felt like the only place they could go is down here." Which brought to mind images of Sparked similar to Gunnar only possibly lacking the ability to reason. The thought alone was enough to terrify Johnny to his core. "...Or maybe I'm wrong and it's none of the above. We could only be so lucky, right?" He had attempted to make light of the current situation, mostly in an attempt to calm his own nerves.

It...It didn't work.

The two continued, the footsteps grew louder and so did Johnny's device. "WAIT!" Johnny yelled, likely picking up on what was about to happen after Gunnar had already heard it. [Melancholy Hill] appeared beside Johnny and held a hand up near it's ear, it's eyes shifting around. Given the enhancement his sparked had given him, Johnny thought it a redundant question to ask Gunnar if he'd heard it too. "It has to be the Sparked that the thing picked up. But...this noise, it-it doesn't make any sense." Johnny quipped and the noise only grew louder and sounded closer with each passing second.


Well, it sounded like it was getting closer and the two of them weren't getting any younger and Johnny really desired a nap. So, if this was beyond any doubt the sparked, Johnny need to make sure they weren't a hostile and he had just the way to do it. As [Melancholy Hill] used it's tail to whisk around in Johnny's pocket, he grumbled aloud. "I got a plan, Gunnar. Sorry if it takes me a bit. Some guy I met earlier knicked my wallet. But I should have some spare change right around...here!" A small handful of coins were pulled out and gently set down on the walkaway. "H-Hey! If you're out there, we're not here to hurt you! Come on out, you can trust us!"

No words were exchanged nor was Johnny's 'peace offering' touched upon.

The noise did grow louder, however.


"Ugh!" Covering up his ears by having his tethered ability cover up his ears, Johnny turned and looked over at Gunnar once again. "Great. Here we are with no backup and all I can hear is that damn-" Something lashed out from the shadows and Johnny barely leaped back. As he flailed and landed on his rear at Gunnar's feet, Johnny's eyes grew wide and his mouth hung open. "Static..." As if having burst out of a televison set, a wave of what appeared as the kind of static one would see on a malfunctioning TV surged forward, engulfing the money Johnny had 'offered' while clinging to the walkways, inching ever-so forward. "Gunnar, what the HELL IS GOING ON?!"
MJ let out a loooooong sigh of relief. “Yeah, no kidding. I know it’s a lot, more than a lot even. I appreciate that you believe it, because it’s true. All of it. But...” A troubled expression emerged on her face and she fidgeted in discomfort. “There’s more to it. You know how people sometimes say when you’re staring death...or what you think is death, right in the face, that you see your whole life flash before your eyes? Mine did.” She rubbed apprehensively at the back of her neck.

“But in that panic, when I genuinely thought I was going to fucking die...and with my new power, I...it wasn’t just my life I saw. I got glimpses of yours too. Some childhood. School. Your...accident.” She tried to be as tactful as possible. “The surgery after. Many drunken nights and...some...more personal stuff. In bed.” Right at that moment, as she said that, she wished the ground would just open up beneath her and swallow her up. Just to escape the sheer uncomfortable awkwardness she felt. “I didn’t mean to, but it’s like you said. I did intrude in your head. Sorry.” MJ lifted her head to finally look over at Jacks, one hand still nervously scratching the back of her neck.

“I just...didn’t want to lie to you.”

What followed was a composed mix of drunken grace, shock, and uncertainty, Jacks' mouth pursing halfway as if she were about to say something. She glanced away, eyes blinking before widening as she digested, well, all of that.


"Well." She started to say. "That's certainly a... thing." Not much else as Jacks affixed a pensive expression, staring a moment. "Okay, yeah, so you know I busted my left leg. From my gymnast days, s'why I hobble around like I belong in a nursing home. That and I've spiraled down the rabbit hole equivalent of a whiskey bottle because of it, well, what happened. Plus all of my liaisoning within the sheets, fun as those are, whatever I can remember."

Her head sidled as she confirmed the majority of events that comprised her life with her usual aplomb, conveying her lack of embarrassment. If anything, it emphasized with poignant certitude the distance she made between herself and the unspoken events in her past. With cultivated ease, Jacks navigated away towards a bit of humor. "I normally don't spill the cornucopia of woe-is-me beans on the first date or night, usually comes after the third... or fourth. Assuming I ever make it that far. So I suppose we're ahead of the curve!"
Her head sidled as she confirmed the majority of events that comprised her life with her usual aplomb, conveying her lack of embarrassment. If anything, it emphasized with poignant certitude the distance she made between herself and the unspoken events in her past. With cultivated ease, Jacks navigated away towards a bit of humor. "I normally don't spill the cornucopia of woe-is-me beans on the first date or night, usually comes after the third... or fourth. Assuming I ever make it that far. So I suppose we're ahead of the curve!"

“I...er...uh...” MJ initially stumbled over her words, uncertain how to take that response. Suffice it to say it wasn’t one she had expected or planned on. Maybe some righteous anger would have been shown, or indignant frustration, or straight up just trying to leave. Not...that. She cleared her throat. “You’re taking that extraordinarily well. I mean, with a joke...that was a joke, right? Please tell me that was a joke. I mean, not that I would be against it not being a joke, youarereallyhotandall, it is just...well I’ve not really ever been on...I mean that’s not what happens on one, right? Like—you know what, NEVERMIND, MOVING ON!”

She turned right back around to continue her furious scribblings uninterrupted once more and spoke over her shoulder. “There is yet another thing. See, uh...I am kind of a genius. NOT TO BRAG! I just have had...quite an education. I think I can help you with your leg. Maybe. See, my mom’s one of the leading scientists around here, she specializes in biomechanics but knows a lot of other stuff too. Obviously. Heh. Anywaaaaays, she made sure I was well versed in that field too. I‘ve been wanting to use some of all this knowledge in a practical way but I’ve also wanted to not give my parents any satisfaction...so something separate like this dropping into my lap...that is, if you want any help. I’d understand if not...” She trailed off, resuming her talk a few seconds later with a topic change.

“Oh and uh, if you have any questions about me, hit me with ‘em. It would only be fair, after all, and because yeah it isn’t everyday you wake up in someone else’s home.”


Elsewhere in said mansion home, after listening to that entire exchange, someone else made a quick call.

“I believe I have found a potential breakthrough for Project: Mirror.”
“I...er...uh...” MJ initially stumbled over her words, uncertain how to take that response. Suffice it to say it wasn’t one she had expected or planned on. Maybe some righteous anger would have been shown, or indignant frustration, or straight up just trying to leave. Not...that. She cleared her throat. “You’re taking that extraordinarily well. I mean, with a joke...that was a joke, right? Please tell me that was a joke. I mean, not that I would be against it not being a joke, youarereallyhotandall, it is just...well I’ve not really ever been on...I mean that’s not what happens on one, right? Like—you know what, NEVERMIND, MOVING ON!”

Her head lolled aside as her eyes squinted after a fashion. "I don't make a point of hiding my past from others if they ask about it. If they ever do. I mean, yes..." A groan followed as she massaged her temples. "It's exceptionally bad habit to do as I do regarding it but, y'know, they're not mutually exclusive. I know who I am. A hot, repressed mess. ANYWAY, yes, that was a joke. A bad one. If you'd like, we could have a do-over? After I recall how to set myself back down in this comfy ass bed. Also I heard that."

She turned right back around to continue her furious scribblings uninterrupted once more and spoke over her shoulder. “There is yet another thing. See, uh...I am kind of a genius. NOT TO BRAG! I just have had...quite an education. I think I can help you with your leg. Maybe. See, my mom’s one of the leading scientists around here, she specializes in biomechanics but knows a lot of other stuff too. Obviously. Heh. Anywaaaaays, she made sure I was well versed in that field too. I‘ve been wanting to use some of all this knowledge in a practical way but I’ve also wanted to not give my parents any satisfaction...so something separate like this dropping into my lap...that is, if you want any help. I’d understand if not...” She trailed off, resuming her talk a few seconds later with a topic change.

"Nah. Get the feeling you'd know why, after havin' spelunked in my memories." She shuffled after managing to alight herself within the sheets, sighing out in relief before swinging her legs over. "For what it's worth, though, s'cool you're owning it in your own way. Being a genius and all that, I mean." She added as an offhand, proffering a plain smile as she tried to stand herself up. "Just didn't expect to wake up within the home of one of Adhentu's elites. Not that I imply anything... it's just a little surreal right now and not at all how I imagined the experience. That and the hangover isn't helping, yeah."

“Oh and uh, if you have any questions about me, hit me with ‘em. It would only be fair, after all, and because yeah it isn’t everyday you wake up in someone else’s home.”

"Yeah, actually, can we hit a Fat Shack? No offense, but I'd like to nurse this hang-over with more than just water." In the next instant, Jacks struck a quirky pose complete with an exaggerated expression of enthusiasm, interposing in her front finger-guns parallel to one another towards MJ. "And I can get to know you better, since you know every little sordid detail about me. How exciting!"

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