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Dice Souls Lost on Black Tides [WoD]

Everyone's introductions will involve meeting at the manor, which is why I posted the manor information doc from the original session.

An important note is that everyone's exp carries over:

@Xistund has 4 EXP available to spend and 4 Beats. Robbert has no Aspirations listed.

@Sigyn has 3 EXP that she can spend. Naomi has no aspirations listed.

@Trickster Queen Xanthus has 1 exp to spend.
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BlackSheep said:
This is CWoD?
Technically it uses the Wraith (Risen) rules from CWoD, with some conversion material allowing me to bridge the gap. Otherwise, no, it's mostly the 2nd Ed NWoD rules.
Fascinate Arconai [Manipulation 3 + Fascinate 2] verses Willpower


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Willpower [4] to Resist Distraction



So the Driver will be distracted for one turn.
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Week 2 Update:

So far everyone who is participating is doing a great job. We've done introductions for the first two characters and set up the first scene.

@Sigyn was unable to post due to being busy with midterms and now they are dealing with sickness, so their introduction will be delayed.

I wanted to note that since it is now midnight, it is the 5th day of the campaign in-game.

For the next two-week cycle I'm going to be focusing on a few things:

-I will be introducing three new players to the game as well as attempting to give an introduction to Orfeo. I'm currently working on building said characters.

-I still need Aspirations for Robbert and Naomi, but those are going to come in time.

-I'll give out a beat to Xanthus @Trickster Queen and Robbert for participating for this first cycle. Xanthus now has 1 EXP and Robbert has 4 beats.

-I am working on getting the Audio Logs for the Original Chapter 1 and the parts of Chapter 2 that we started. The problem is that the archive file is literally too big for me to store on my computer (it's on an external drive). So I need to get another drive just to extract the files.
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Player Four has entered the game!

..With that being said, I'm one of the three new players that were promised. I look forwards to getting to know everyone. I'm a tad new to the system, but everyone is at some point. Good luck to everyone, and may you be spared from my character's wrath. For now.
Rolling Stamina (1) + Resolve (2) for studying

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Zayuz said:
Rolling Stamina (1) + Resolve (2) for studying
That's not a crit fail with my rules, but it's still a failure. So when morning comes around you'll be getting a condition of [Tired] and you probably didn't sleep very well or gain anything from your drowsy late-night study session.

Drowsy: You are physically and mentally tired. -1 to all physical actions until you find something to focus on.
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Turning failure to study into a critical failure, thus enforcing the rule to earn an extra beat.
Zayuz said:
Turning failure to study into a critical failure, thus enforcing the rule to earn an extra beat.
So, what I decided is that instead of just becoming tired the next day, you're going to be tired and you're going to oversleep and miss your class. On the hand, you gain your first beat [1/5 beats]. I'm also giving you one extra for writing your backstory, so that's

[2/5 beats] total.
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rolling to climb Strength 2 + Athletics 2 + 1 Past Lives + 1 Stunt + 3 Willpower - 2 from weather, -1 from no tools = 6 dice



1 Success. So you make it up the building, but not to the balcony.
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[QUOTE="Trickster Queen]Mage Sight = Mind (3) + Gnosis (1) --> 4 Dice

The thing you would notice about Robbert's Aura is that it is sort of giving off a strong energy. It's a very bright, violet sort of color that you see beaming off of him. He's excited, and very lively climbing this building with a sort of reckless abandon as well as a clear drive to escape. You can feel curiosity and interest from him, as if he is interested in getting inside the manor.

Something seems off about the carriage driver. You're not exactly sure he's human or not, your senses are a bit muddled there. When you try to examine his aura it seems like the color is being washed out in the rain like wet paint, bleeding out into a dull color that you can't really judge in any way.
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The Driver [R] casts hex on Robbert. Fate 2 + Gnosis 1 + 2 High Speech - 1 from Robbert Composure, -1 for Robbert Supernatural Resistance = 3 dice.


Robbert is now cursed, his next action suffers a -2 penalty.

Xanthus can sense magic is happening, and his Mind Sight would allow him to see the driver's malicious intention literally interacting with Robbert and has the option to counter with Prime.
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strength + Athletics - 4 debuffs + willpower = 3 total


Failure, but it's not a critical failure so you get a chance to catch yourself.


Robbert gets a beat for being headstrong, but he now has no willpower left.

Robbert now has 5 exp to spend :D .
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Attempting to catch Robbert - Dexterity 3 + Athletics 2 = 5 Dice [Req successes; 1]


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rolling for interrogation (Presence + Persuasion - 1)

3 dice because of penalty for his resolve



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rolling for supernatrual awareness


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Greg Rolling Cover to spoof Supernatural Awareness [4 - 1 because of demonic examining him = 3 dice] and then Passive Supernatural Awareness [7 dice]




3 successes. Your Demon Eye cannot recognize him as a demon, but you get a supernatural resonance detected in the area. Though that could be coming from anyone or have something to do with the attack last night.


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rolling for info on what the hell this guy is talking about.



His boss is probably the boss you're reading about on the clipboard, and when he is talking about his name...he means his demonic True Name.
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Introduction Session, End of Scene 1 Notes

-The introductions for Robbert, Yuzuki, and Lupus are officially finished.

-Robbert's last post means he will recover 1 Willpower [1/6] from resting [even if he does not sleep]. I will also make a Pathos [using the NwoD conversions roll with 2 dice. Robbert did actually get to see the Emotions of Revenge and Love. They were sort of edge cases, which is why there is only two dice. He witnessed the Compassion of Xanthus, who tried to help him [this is somewhat related to love, but please don't try to see this as some kinda shojo-yoai thing...unless you want to], as well as feeling the Pressure of the driver's malice directly on him who wanted to actually get even with you for trying to escape in a harsh way.

-The characters who still have an opportunity to post are Xanthus, Saede, Ava, and Naomi.

-Speaking to Max, the player of Orfeo, he probably won't be posting directly in the forum...but I've already reached out to him for input on his character and actions.

-For Yuzuki, the details of her Demonic Pact have been sealed. Your demon will now start with a bonus 2 Cover Experience, but he will be treated as a minimum strength NPC otherwise until Boosted by Merits. Also, rereading the rules, the Supernatural Awareness/Aether Scan costs 1 Aether. I'll mark these costs off for you and greg. The demon does not currently have a full sheet, but it will be developed in time.

-Small update on the Map. Saede lives on the East Side of town in a large house. Black Bay University is also on the East Side.


Both dice reroll because Love gets 8-again

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Rolling Perception to Investigate the rooftop.

Composure (2) + Wits (3)


You notice a clue! A set of drag marks that form a trail up to the roof's edge. This fits with the story that the suicide student (Narcosis) was dragging his feet while walking toward the edge and eventually jumping to his death. But why would he jump? He had no reason to kill himself...is there something hidden here?

-The Clue will be added to your character sheet as if it was Equipment, according to the rules.


((It is WAY easier to find pictures of Japanese rooftops, but I figured that if the edges were fenced off, there'd be no way for someone to jump. Maybe that's the point? Maybe when I go back to school I'll take a picture of what my 5-story library rooftop looks like...))
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