• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic Soulmate OCC chat- delete please

Hello my lovelies,

I would like to hold off on posting in the main rp until character bios are submitted. I will be pairing characters up by random

I hope we all have fun sorry for any confusion
I apologize in the long wait we still have a few more bios we are waiting on. I will ask if anyone would be willing to double?
We will be doing the rp here - unless everyone who did join is okay with discord

I hope to start tonight when I get off work 6:30 pm (Pacific time)
Cool! I know I'd like a discord as well just because there's a lot of smaller chatting that can happen there but it's up to the group. I'm here if you need anything :)
I have an intro post up in the main thread those who haven't already posted an intro can do so now - you will have just received your packet telling you who your perfect match is

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