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Fandom Soul Land 4: To find Balance again


Destiny Master
Douluo Dalu, a world where everyone is born with an innate spirit, be it a tool or a physical manifestation. Each child, at the tender age of 6, participate in a ritual to awaken their spirit, those with tools will generaly follow the path that particular tool set for them, and some rare elite are born with Spirit power that let them control and evolve their spirit, they are called Spirit Master.

Since the Dawn of the world, a lot has happened, the golden age of the world can be said to have happened during the period after the establishement of the Shrek Academie and the Tang Clan, bringing an Era of piece for a long time. But peace is never made to last. A new continent clashed with the Star-Luo Continent, raging a bloody war and bringing the Tang Clan on their knees with new weapon, the Soul Guided weapons. The war was brought to a stalemate, stoping combats for almost a hundred year, before being enlighted anew during the Dai HuYao period, a genius that put an end to the Blood Masters plan to rekindle the war in order to conquer all the known world. With the help of the rest of the New Shrek Seven Devils and their Senior in Shrek Academy, he forced both kingdom to stop the war and destroyed the Blood Master, before inventing a new spirit tool and organisation to stop the Spirit monster hunt, The Pagoda who could bestow random rings, for a cost, to spirit masters.

But once again, peace cannot last, as time pass, monster grew more and more, while the humans prospered too, discovered a new continent island to colonize, but even then, it wasn't enough, and men and monster were once again destined to clash. The world grew less and less stable, natural disaster growing more frequent, as monster attacks on small villages. Up to the point where the pagoda now lies in ruins, and only a few elite genius spirit master can be bestowed with artificial rings, others must risk their life hunting for them once again.

A new generation of student have been accepted in Shrek Academy, the classes are starting in the morning and the student are awaited to get their dormitory, class books and uniform at latest sundown.
Huì looked at the school that took so much place, a whole city for just one school, but what a school! The best there is, be it Star Island or the Continent, Shrek Academy was the best there was for Spirit Master. An Elite school for the true Elite Masters. Money couldn't get you far in, if in at all. Only a few selected organisation could send one, and only one, chosen student that would be accepted without an admission test. She wasn't one of those, and neither would she have wished it so. No she worked hard by herself to get there, They would have to acknoledge her someday, and when they did... she would turn her back on them and spit on their name that they had to give her despite their desire to kick her out.

They didn't helped her, she had to go to a back country school, where storms and monster attack where frequent, while her brother was sent to the best school there was for his first step as a Spirit Master. But despite the name She gave her, she found an old document in an old room that she had to clean to earn her tuition money, because They couldn't give her what she didn't deserved. And that old document was a way to meditate and circulate spirit power in order to accelerate the training. It worked so well for her that she soon became first in her class. But that alone might not be enough to stay in the Academy. Her spirit was a variant, unable to have true attacks, she needed to rely on her brain to get suitable rings for such a wierd spirit, that no teacher was able to truly class. A shadow was neither a body part, nor a definite tool. But she managed it, she found suitable rings, two. And with dedication she would rise, she would do all that is needed to rise and prove her true worth, prove that she wasn't some leech to her mother's family, nor like her father, a thief and a disgrace to the human race. She had some idea of what she wanted to achieve, to grow her spirit in, and if she was determined enough, Shrek would help her grow.

Slowly, she made her way to the Academy, presenting the token that those who were accepted as first year received, and stated her name.

"Shi, Huì"

The Teacher looked at the list and then took her token with a compassionate and pitying look, which gave the young girl a cold look in her heart. She didn't need anyone's pity, what she deserved, she would gain by her own power and work!

"A name can become what the one wearing it make of it. Bad luck I am, to the fools who stand on my way or against me"

It was a harsh and presumptuous thing to say for her age, 12 years old only, and even more to a teacher of Shrek, because only those that had studied at the Academy could teach here.

"The school will either break you, or make you grand, but it will teach you manners and humility before the year is over, and I would advise you to keep yourself down and open to learning if you don't want to be shown the door young Girl. It's not because your from moderately re-known family and that your brother is a third year that you can show off"

The new student girl had to swallow her cold rage, knowing answering back would only make things harder for her here. She didn't plan on asking her perfect brother for help in anything. Neither would she ask her so loving family. No, she would learn, she vowed, even if she had to endure her brother, if that was what was needed, even if they asked her to team up with people she despised, or that looked down on her spirit, she would, and plan to show them just how wrong they were about her. Yes she would...

Lost in her inside ranting, she failed to see another student and bumped into him...
"Oh, oh....s-sorry."

The boy timidly retorted into the girl who bumped into him and not the other way around. He quickly shot his gaze to the floor and moved along. He did this only after seeing the icy, lethal intent beaming from the girls eyes. He probably would of still apologized for her. Once he took a few steps past the girl, he looked up at the queue slowly gathering in front of him. He let out sigh that resounded from his heart.

"I guess I better get in line before it just becomes unbearable."

Zheng, the boy, quickly shuffled over to the area with line of people and just silently stood there looking around the city/academy. The architecture was a mixture of old and new. The people were new and old. The market stores, restaurants, cafes, material shops, medicine, the city his littered with unique stores and they weren't in short supply. It was impossible not to be caught in the wonder of everything. It was was beautiful and for someone like Zheng, who lived in only the most rural of areas, this was overwhelming and exciting.

"Hey! KID! Hello?!!"

One of the people behind Zheng was shouting at him, trying to get his attention so the line would move along. Zheng, who was deep into his thoughts, didn't hear the man right away. After a few minutes, he heard the man and then quickly whipped his head back to level with the ground. The man behind him started clapping as others whistled and wooed at him. This sent a cherry red blush straight to the Zheng's cheeks.

Zheng walked up to the woman at the counter and placed his token down. He refused to meet the womans eyes out of his embarrassment.

"Dugu Zheng."

He said before scurrying off to find the person who was his teacher or who was suppose to tell him where his dorm would be.
Huì scoffed at the attitude of her futur classmate. All of his attitude was shouting "easy victim, come bully me!" The young girl despised bullies, and had only contempt for those that accepted such fate without fighting, that was an attitude for the losers, for those that would pass their whole life serving a bully or another. They were Shrek student for the Gods Sake! They were winners and the Elite, not some losers just waiting to become punching balls. His attitude was such, that she just let him leave without giving him the apologies he deserved for her bumping him.

By the time she had took a step back, they were swarmed by other people waiting to get their uniform, and their families, there was barely enough space to breath, and the more time pass, the more people were there. Some would think that being allowed in the Elite of the Elite School, children were old and strong enough not to need their family pampering them up to the school gates!

Now she just had to wait for a senior to take them to their dorm, but saddly, she was in the same waiting group as that other guy that strucked her temper before. Fighting wasn't allowed here, for obvious reason, but she could already spot two possible bullies who had that greedy look zooming on that "Zheng" kid. Despising bullies even more then those acting like easy victim, she made a point of moving close and giving the two caid one of her look, that cold look that said she wasn't up to nonsense. They didn't knew yet that her spirit had no possibilities to harm them. No one here knew who was the strongest, who had which kind of spirit, and thus, an intimidating look was enough to make both of them look away. Bullies where usually even more cowards then their victims.

"Get real kid or you'll get eaten. This school is not for the weak willed, you better get lost now if you can't stomach it"

Her voice was cold, she didn't knew how to be friendly, nor kind, but it was still a type of kindness to try to warn him, and get rid of a possible rival. She really didn't want to be stuck with someone waiting to be beaten in the training or worse, in the exams. She already had a strong enough weakness she didn't need someone to bring her down.
Dugu Zheng was just kinda confused by everything that had happened. The whole bully thing and the rather dark stare of the girl that had bumped into him earlier. It was over-whelming to say, especially who hadn't been in a city his entire life. Now he entered one and it was the school was invited to join. That is insane. He still hadn't had enough time to take in everything. Then the girl just drops the bomb like get thick or fuck off.


Dugu just swallowed. He knew that he didn't want to get on the bad side of this chick, not matter what her spirit was. Actually he specifically didn't to get on her bad side if she was a support type. It would just make his life so much worse if she was.

"Isn't it just a school?"

He said completely oblivious to the fact that this school is the best the entire world. He was just confused and befuddled by the size of the place. He had nothing to compare this place with. So now Zheng just kinda assumes all schools are like the Shrek Academy. He looks away from the girl and then back to the instructor just kinda happily swaying back and forth, waiting to get his room assignment so he can start unpacking his stuff. Maybe spend some time exploring the city. Getting to know its curves and cracks. Thats what he really wanted to do, but for now he waited.
"Just a school?!"

She looked at him like he was an insect that had just soiled her clothes or something similar.

"Are you for real? This is the best Academy in the entire world, only the Elite Genius are allowed in!"

Her voice was even colder now. What kind of idiot was this? He joined the school without knowing it's reputation?

"What kind of idiot joins a school without checking it's reputation first? Just taking the exam to join the school is an honor. This schools as the best result in history, and also the highest rate of expel students, if you aren't up to be pushed to your limit, you aren't good enough for Shrek Academy"

It was obvious now that she thought he would be expelled as soon as there was an exam, she and those around clearly were wondering just how he passed the exams and got accepted, weak looking as he was. Sure she didn't judge people on their birth or their spirit, but this kid, he was a real idiot, clearly a sheep following what others told him to do without being able to think for himself.

But before the other kid could answer her, a teacher came, looking sternly at the young girl, clearly not please with her bullying the other kid, but also giving a disgusting look at the victim attitude of Dugu. It called them to silence before leading them to their dormitory, girls first, then the boys. Telling them to take a good night of rest for the classes in the morning. Little did Zheng and Huì knew they would be classmates come morning...
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Dugu Zheng woke up early in the morning. He had been doing this every day since he was younger. He would wake up two hours before dawn. The first hour was to cultivate his Mysterious Heaven Skill to cleanse his meridians for the day, give them a shock to wake them up and purify them before a day of living commenced. This technique kept Dugu's aura clean and his mind vigilant as the day progressed. It also let him train harder and faster than most.

As the hour past and the sun was hinting at its own arrival, Dugu got a wash and dressed in his uniform. He kept the tie loose from his neck and his shirt untucked. He didn't like the restrictiveness as he as walked or talked. Dugu stopped off at the mess hall to get a quick breakfast of muffin and fruit and ate on his way to class. Dugu wasn't the first to arrive but he wasn't the last. He took his seat near the middle window and just ate in bliss as time for class soon approached.
((After a lot of talk it was decided to end it here between us, we have to disparat views of how to play this, I will continue this story at a slower pace with anyone interested, send me a message))

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