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Soul Eater

"Deal, but let's actually find a kishin egg. I can't take it seriously if I'm not actually fighting." I said as we walked to class together.
I sat down in class and tried as best as I could. I occasionally spaced out carving my name into the desk with my thumbnail, but for the most part I focused. As we left class I said, "Why don't we skip asking Death and go get that kishin egg right now!"
I smiled. "Do you honesty think I care what this school punishes me with?! They're going to say no if we ask, so I say that we prove them wrong!" I said determinedly.
I tried to make a puppy dog face, but failed miserably, making my face look more creepy than anything. "Please. All I want to do is just get in my second fight," I said, trying to sound girly and cute.
Hunter sighed as he looked down at her face. "No. Practice, then we can go to Death and ask. I'm not trying to get in any trouble."

(So sorry again Dx)
(Your fine!)

"I don't like getting into trouble, but it doesn't really bother me either. I guess we can do it your way this time."
I stepped in front of him. "I'm obviously the leader in this partnership, so you will be following me!" I said stubbornly.
I charged in front again. "I have been told that my head is as thick as a mountain is tall! I'm not totally sure what that means, but I'm assuming it means you can't win!"

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