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Soul Eater:Ultimas OOC

hey Gohan510 Gohan510 can you post the code for the CS sheets when you get the chance? :ghostv: for us to be able to see it you need to use the "code" option in the insert menu (beside the emoji button)
[div=background:url(http://orig12.deviantart.net/b18f/f/2011/312/0/8/lord_death_on_corel_by_evilygoodgirl-d4fkpud.png); height:170px; width:170px;border-radius:200px;background-size:100%;margin:auto;border: 1px Black solid;][/div][div=background:#57585E; width:660px;margin:auto;height:200px;border:3px Black solid;][div=overflow: hidden; height: 200px;width:660px;][div=overflow: auto; height: 200px;width:660px;padding-right:35px;][FONT=Eczar]Yo! Lord Death here and I'm leaving it up to you on how you're going to answer these questions, these questions will are what will get you enrolled into the DWMA! Have fun! Good luck!

What's your name?

How Old are you?

What's your Gender?

Are you a Meister or Demon Weapon?

What do you look like?

Student or Teacher?
If teacher what class do you teach?

Eat or NOT Eat?

What does your soul look like?

If you're a weapon what do you look like transformed?

What could you look like once reaching Soul Resonance with your partner?

What are you like? (Personality)

What's your origin....?

Anything else you need to add?[/FONT][/div][/div][/div][/div]
code by: S n o w
The fun part :/
Lmao right >_< though don’t worry once everyone drops their characters I’m pretty active as you see so there won’t be any reason the rp should die unless dis interest! So once we get started it should be fun.
Lmao right >_< though don’t worry once everyone drops their characters I’m pretty active as you see so there won’t be any reason the rp should die unless dis interest! So once we get started it should be fun.
I’m looking forward to it! Yes once more people start creating we can fill out any open gaps.
Been picking my head for a while about whether or not I could come up with a character I like for this

What exactly are the teacher’s roles? Can they be of any race?

EDIT: How long have SINLESS been around?
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Sinless been around the same time DWMA was form it just wasn’t as big and poppin as it is now.

No sadly im limiting teachers to be meisters and demon weapons due to the fact that was the main idea in the original anime. There role is pretty significant as of Course they teach but on the side still carry out SS rank missions for lord death, which is the most dangerous of missions. It all depends on how involved the teacher is to lord death determines their role.

Coyote Coyote
Alrighty. It’s fine, it fits with what I think I might go with. A veteran teacher death weapon and a newbie student maester. Thanks for the help
The 'Dog' comes tomorrow or wednesday
Like the character very creative Lol, hopefully we get more meister players unless I'll have to fill in the slots but, I'm almost finished with the first IC post I'm pretty sure those who watched the anime will like its nostalgia... <3

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