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Fandom Soul Eater: The DWMA (Now Open and Accepting!)

DogInTheBox said:

@Loki Odinson

@Anyone else I forgot




@Red Reaper




@Fire Maiden

SleepyBuddha said:
I'd love to but I have to wait on @Pokedexbreederz to respond
Shiro kurogane]i gotta wait for [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35315-pokedexbreederz/ said:
@Pokedexbreederz[/URL] then you(@DogInTheBox) to post before i can. its an endless cycle of waiting.
((Shiro has to wait for Dog and me, Adrian has to wait for me, and I gotta wait for mitches... @Mitchs98 Where are you!!!! xD ))
SpicyLickiTounge said:
"Well, hello to you too, ren! My name is virgo capri, defender of JUSTICE!" Virgo did a quick posed before he blinked and turned to lucy, pointing at her. "And we need to get back to class before the teacher catches us!"
@Trust @Kai123
Ren Kurosaki

"Yeah." he ripped a piece of paper from his pocket and wrote his number on it as he put it in Lucy's pocket with Virgo wasn't looking. Keep that in good condition, he said winking at her as he got up and walked off to find Kai.

Kai Takeshi

Kai walked around and found Ren wondering, he ran to Ren in an instant. "We should ditch, I have something to talk about plus Stein told me to meet him at his place. Kai said looking into Ren's eyes.

Ren Kurosaki

"Ditching for what?" Ren said looking confused on what Kai was planning. "Is it something important." He said looking back to see Lucy and Virgo. "That girl is pretty cute." He said not paying attention to Kai.

Kai Takeshi

"Our soul resonance is still incomplete are you glad with that?" He said looking annoyed.

Ren Kurosaki

"Well now that you say it that way nah not really." He said looking down. "But just because I saw new partners already use Soul resonance which seemed impossible, it doesn't mean ours has to come in an instant. Maybe it's something powerful like Stein said, something we couldn't control at the time till now. Since he did tell you to meet him at his house with me. My family is said to have powerful weapons anyway, so be glad your with me!" He said pocking Kai's shoulder.

Kai Takeshi

"Hirano would've killed us if I didn't say anything we need that soul resonance Ren." He said grabbing Ren's shoulder as he looks down ashamed. "I need to become stronger. No we both do!"

Ren Kurosaki

"Yeah I hear you, to protect our new friends right?" Ren said with his hand on Kai's shoulder. "Let's perfect it." He got closer to Kai and whispered something to his ear.

Kai Takeshi

"I'll explain it when we leave, if I say it here we'll be questioned and checked on."
Pokedexbreederz said:
Roxin Finally the students were learning teamwork, it may not have been the initial purpose of the exercise, but it was good enough for him. "Finally getting some sense are you? Good." Holding one arm above him he knelt down, beings that Adrian was the quickest, mainly because of his sudden weight change, he focused his soul resonance into his arm and in a way caught Adrian on his arm. Pushing his arm forward he tossed Adrian at the kishin student while he turned in the direction of the flying blade and punched it along, increasing its speed and sending a wavelength to Arisu through her partner. "Tick tock, the hourglass is almost out of sand!" What he said may have made no sense, but they'd soon figure it out since the wavelength he just sent through Alice would add a third soul wavelength to have a lasting effect, disrupting their resonance and soon passing it to the other three students in the fight.
SleepyBuddha said:
As he was thrown towards another student Adrian shot his chains forth, past Roxin and into the wall. Changing his arms back into human Adrian off set the momentum of the throw by pulling himself towards the wall and therefore straight at Roxin. Adrian ignored what Roxin was saying at the moment and focusing on his soul wavelength. Roxin was obviously proficient in attacking directly with his wavelength so he would have to counter it some how.... what if he matched his wavelength with Roxin? Would that work? Well one way to find out. As Adrian got closer to Roxin he had his chains pull him as hard as they could giving him a burst of speed and Adrian then engaged his spikes making him look like a reverse porcupine as his iron spikes erupted out of his abdomen and legs

@Loki Odinson

@Anyone else I forgot




@Red Reaper




@Fire Maiden

Shiro kurogane][fieldset=Kansaki Asura][side=right][ATTACH=full]287787[/ATTACH] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32461-doginthebox/ said:




@Anyone i forgot[/side]Ken used his speed to move in close and seemingly teleport to Roxin's right side. Without any warning, Ken slashed downwards on the instructor while channeling a soul menace through Akuno's weapon form which would make it extremely hard to disrupt Ken and Akuno's wavelengths.[/fieldset]
Arisu Harmao

Arisu yelped in pain and thrust Alices' weapon form to the ground as their resonance was disrupted so suddenly. Regrettably she wasn't able to recover it, so tossing her down to avoid them both pain was the only option she could think of. She guessed she forfeitted the fight at that point, that guy was way to strong. Though she definetely had fun, and learned a thing or two. Namely not to underestimate a meister without a weapon. "That was pretty fun, you okay Alice?" She asked her. Her hands had light burn marks on them from the brief yet sudden resonance break, but otherwise she was fine.

(Sorry d:)
Mitchs98 said:
Arisu HarmaoArisu yelped in pain and thrust Alices' weapon form to the ground as their resonance was disrupted so suddenly. Regrettably she wasn't able to recover it, so tossing her down to avoid them both pain was the only option she could think of. She guessed she forfeitted the fight at that point, that guy was way to strong. Though she definetely had fun, and learned a thing or two. Namely not to underestimate a meister without a weapon. "That was pretty fun, you okay Alice?" She asked her. Her hands had light burn marks on them from the brief yet sudden resonance break, but otherwise she was fine.

(Sorry d:)
Alice White Still in weapon form Alice was cringing. "Yea... just a bit in pain... you're going to have to carry me for a bit... hurts too much to change right now." With that said she switched forms to her normal dual bladed scythe to recover some strength.

Shiro kurogane][fieldset=Kansaki Asura][side=right][ATTACH=full]287787[/ATTACH] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32461-doginthebox/ said:




@Anyone i forgot[/side]Ken used his speed to move in close and seemingly teleport to Roxin's right side. Without any warning, Ken slashed downwards on the instructor while channeling a soul menace through Akuno's weapon form which would make it extremely hard to disrupt Ken and Akuno's wavelengths.[/fieldset]
SleepyBuddha said:
As he was thrown towards another student Adrian shot his chains forth, past Roxin and into the wall. Changing his arms back into human Adrian off set the momentum of the throw by pulling himself towards the wall and therefore straight at Roxin. Adrian ignored what Roxin was saying at the moment and focusing on his soul wavelength. Roxin was obviously proficient in attacking directly with his wavelength so he would have to counter it some how.... what if he matched his wavelength with Roxin? Would that work? Well one way to find out. As Adrian got closer to Roxin he had his chains pull him as hard as they could giving him a burst of speed and Adrian then engaged his spikes making him look like a reverse porcupine as his iron spikes erupted out of his abdomen and legs
Roxin Realizing the kishin student had tunnel vision on him Roxin realized that he'd have to protect the other student from the kishin and his partner. Roxin, rather than dodging Adrian's attack decided to face it head on. Sadly that meant in order to save the kid from the amount of harm a kishin with what seemed to be a kishin weapon could do, it meant he'd have to harm the kid instead. Amplifying his wavelength to a point as if he were in actual combat with an enemy Roxin gritted his teeth and took the few paces forward within a blink of the eye and punched Adrian's spike wall with full force, sending his overpowering wavelength through the kid to send him flying back as well as reverting him to human form to dispel the chains before any harm came to him. "ENOUGH!" If he didn't stop this now, there would be more trouble than he could handle on his own since he had no partner. The other students in the free for all, and the entire class for that matter had stopped dead in their tracks to see what Roxin had yelled about.
Pokedexbreederz said:
Alice White Still in weapon form Alice was cringing. "Yea... just a bit in pain... you're going to have to carry me for a bit... hurts too much to change right now." With that said she switched forms to her normal dual bladed scythe to recover some strength.

Roxin Realizing the kishin student had tunnel vision on him Roxin realized that he'd have to protect the other student from the kishin and his partner. Roxin, rather than dodging Adrian's attack decided to face it head on. Sadly that meant in order to save the kid from the amount of harm a kishin with what seemed to be a kishin weapon could do, it meant he'd have to harm the kid instead. Amplifying his wavelength to a point as if he were in actual combat with an enemy Roxin gritted his teeth and took the few paces forward within a blink of the eye and punched Adrian's spike wall with full force, sending his overpowering wavelength through the kid to send him flying back as well as reverting him to human form to dispel the chains before any harm came to him. "ENOUGH!" If he didn't stop this now, there would be more trouble than he could handle on his own since he had no partner. The other students in the free for all, and the entire class for that matter had stopped dead in their tracks to see what Roxin had yelled about.
Arisu Harmao

Arisu nodded and carefully moved to put Alice up as she swapped back to her normal weapon form. She was only cautious incase their resonance was still disrupted, which luckily it wasn't. Alice in hand she walked off to a corner of the room, safe from everything, and sat down with her legs crossed and Alice in her lap as she waited for the fight to be over. "That was fun. If that guy is that good without a partner and we managed to do that good against him, think how good we'll be when we get stronger!" She told Alice excitedly. She was very confident in the two of them in the future. They were great friends and worked well together, maybe they could become one of the strongest teams ever.
Mitchs98 said:
Arisu HarmaoArisu nodded and carefully moved to put Alice up as she swapped back to her normal weapon form. She was only cautious incase their resonance was still disrupted, which luckily it wasn't. Alice in hand she walked off to a corner of the room, safe from everything, and sat down with her legs crossed and Alice in her lap as she waited for the fight to be over. "That was fun. If that guy is that good without a partner and we managed to do that good against him, think how good we'll be when we get stronger!" She told Alice excitedly. She was very confident in the two of them in the future. They were great friends and worked well together, maybe they could become one of the strongest teams ever.
((I think you sorta missed a big thing... like what Roxin just did to Adrian xD ))
Pokedexbreederz said:
((I think you sorta missed a big thing... like what Roxin just did to Adrian xD ))
((I didn't, I'm just chalking it up to Arisu not noticing it as her back was turned.))
(Oh my.... poor Adrian. He's going to be down for a bit)

Adrian really thought he had managed to corner Roxin. That was of course until black flames and the rather distinct feeling of a Kishin wavelength. At this point Adrian couldn't stop even of he wanted to so be was prepared for a rather hard landing. What he wasn't expecting was for Roxin to punch the spike wall. Even more confusing was when he felt an overwhelming amount of wavelength traveling through him and forcing him literally into a wall. This time around Adrian couldn't mitigate the damage by turning into his weapon form. So when the 130 pound kid got hit with that much force he was literally embedded into the wall. Adrian slumped over instantly knocked out from the sheer force of the wavelength used against him.


Lucy Husk


"...D-did he just... Give me his number..?" I asked myself in silent astonishment, a bewildered expression on my face, i turned around to virgo before nodding to virgo that we should go, unable to speak after being so surprised @SpicyLickiTounge
Kai Takeshi

Walking through the class Kai made fun of Ren finding a girl he liked at this school. "So what does she look like?" He said smirking at Kai as his partner was always looking for the perfect girl for him. "I won't embarrass you in front of her but I want to know." He said looking at Ren while walking.

Ren Kurosaki

"Her hair was slightly whiteish, plus it doesn't matter that guy was probably her boyfriend." He said talking about virgo as he put his hands in his pockets. "Doesn't really matter to me." While saying this he thought to himself if she where to text him then that'd determine it all.

"Alright!" Virgo cheered, pointing down the hall with a big smile. "Time to go back to..." Virgo stopped. He tilted his head and looked around. He then looked up at Lucy with a raised eyebrow. "Wait, which way is the exit?"


Lucy Husk


"I-i..." I managed to get out before unfolding the slip of paper in my pocket and reading over it, just to make sure it was what i thought it was. I whipped out a small phone and tapped in the number and sent a "hi" to Ren before looking at Virgo guiltily. "He gave me his phone number..." I whispered to him, not confident enough to speak aloud @SpicyLickiTounge
Daichi nodded and pulled out the materials necessary, assembling them together for Willow before handing her the container and the seals. "Now that we don't have that distracting chaos out there, I can actually see what you're doing this time."


Ren Kurosaki

He replied as fast he could as he was excited to actually see she messaged him. Noticing Kai was looking over his shoulder he scooted away a bit.

Kai Takeshi

"No point in hiding her if I'm going to meet her sooner or later." He said bumping Ren's shoulder while smirking. He then looked out one of the windows in the school and saw the stares on the bottom. "We're almost out. Wait when do we get assigned teams?" Kai said confused.

@DogInTheBox @Shiro kurogane @Pokedexbreederz @WrathSama17 @LeafKnight @Mitchs98 @SleepyBuddha

Lucy Husk


"Yeah, it's lucy. Ren right?" I replied, still a little embarrassed about the whole thing. Never having really used my phone for much bar playing games @Kai123
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(Sorry for the long delay. Real life came up) Damian looked at the blade he now held, he swung the sword a couple of times then glanced around. "So who do you think we should go after?" @WrathSama17
Hi :)
Who is this?
Yeah, it's Lucy. Ren right?
Yep I'm Ren, I didn't think you would actually text me lol.

"Why not? I never really use my phone for anything" i texted back, still a little stunned at having been given Rens number, does this mean he likes me? I asked myself @Kai123
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Trust said:
"Why not? I never really use my phone for anything" i texted back, still a little stunned at having been given Rens number, does this mean he likes me? I asked myself @Kai123
Yeah, it's Lucy. Ren right?
Yep I'm Ren, I didn't think you would actually text me lol.
Why not? I never really use my phone for anything.
Because I just gave you my number and left!

Lucy Husk


"Speaking about that, why did you give me your number exactly? I have my suspicions but i need to know for certain" i texted bacj while following Virgo who seemed to know vaguely where we were from my point of view @SpicyLickiTounge
Virgo really didn't know where they were going. To be honest, he was just wandering around, trying to find a room to ask for directions.

"Don't worry, lucy!" Virgo exclaimed, oblivious to his partner's texting. "As long as we have the power of JUSTICE, I'm sure we'll make it back to class!" He said. He then looked around the hallway in curiosity. "Lucy, haven't we been in this hallway already?"

"Huh? I wasn't really looking, sorry" i said "weren't we here a minute ago?" I asked before realising he had just asked me that. "You don't have the greatest sense of direction do you..." I mumbled as i took his hand and began leading him back the way i had come @SpicyLickiTounge
"No sense of direction?! That's impossible!" Virgo laughed. "I always follow the path of JUSTICE! And that path has never lead me astray!" Virgo said confidently.


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