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Fandom Soul Eater: The DWMA (Now Open and Accepting!)


She giggled at the response of Mr. Ruff and then took one of the forms "Well, i suppose if it's a surprise it will be more interesting!" Willow looked at Daichi and Haruko "Where do you think we are going?"
@Mitchs98 @LeafKnight @DogInTheBox
Daichi shrugged. If it was going to be at the end of class, then it most certainly couldn't be too far away.....or it could be, and they'd be in for one helluva ride. "I dunno," he replied simply. "But apparently we need partners for it. Something that you and I both don't have."



(Ya'll don't need partners for the field trip). "Huh? Partners?" Ruff was a bit confused when they said that, then he realized what he did wrong. "Oops! That's a typo, sorry. Also, we will be traveling to London in a bit (Event AKA Field trip will start on the 27th page of RP after the Kishin has been defeated). Oh, and while you're at it, let's kill that kishin." He unleashed the kishin by destroying the bars of the cage, and now the real chaos would start. "Oh, and if you feel like you're about to die you may use your weapon, otherwise, magic only!"


@Anyone else I forgot




DogInTheBox said:

First he was harassed by Vivi and barked wildly for the entire time, and then he starts getting bombarded with questions? He felt like going super saiyan, but then he'd kill a lot of the students which is a big vanono. "Willow was it? There is a way, but I forgot how to do it. I think it involved feeding me five bags of bacon..." Ruff's eyes got bigger and shinier in a cute sort of dog way, "Oh dear lord bacon! The field trip! Don't forget to pick up that field trip form everyone, it starts after class and you won't need to worry about time."


@Anyone else I forgot




LeafKnight said:
Daichi nodded at Kuya's sentiment, not minding at all if he had wanted to join them on their coffee escapades. As the small teacher explained the field trip Daichi was the first one to stand up and grab a form, only noticing the glove forming on his hand when he sat back down. He inspected the glove up and down, flexing his left hand and noting the rune in the center. "I wonder what element I am..." he thought, looking around and wondering how he could find out. An idea popped into his head and he closed his eyes, focusing his wavelength into the hand with the glove, hoping it would do something.

@DogInTheBox @ladyowl @Mitchs98
OnceDarkness said:

He softly stroked the kitten's fur, each string of hair gifted him with a rather odd comfort. "Sorry bud, but... I gotta go now." The kitten purred, signalling that it would like Sol to stay. "No, I'm not leaving forever. I just... Gotta go to school, alright?" Sol left the alleyway, but before that he put the kitten back in its makeshift cardboard box of a home. Something started pounding in his chest, and thoughts started to cross his mind. "Okay... Alright! I just can't leave you behind." Now with kitten in hand, the young boy walked off to school and traversed the seemingly endless corridors of the academy. Eventually, he found the class that he was late for. Sol opened the door; it creaked as he walked in. "Hey guys, sorry if I'm late or anything. I just needed to feed my cat."


His cat pictured above.









ladyowl said:
LeafKnight said:
Daichi shrugged. If it was going to be at the end of class, then it most certainly couldn't be too far away.....or it could be, and they'd be in for one helluva ride. "I dunno," he replied simply. "But apparently we need partners for it. Something that you and I both don't have."
DogInTheBox said:

(Ya'll don't need partners for the field trip). "Huh? Partners?" Ruff was a bit confused when they said that, then he realized what he did wrong. "Oops! That's a typo, sorry. Also, we will be traveling to London in a bit (Event AKA Field trip will start on the 27th page of RP after the Kishin has been defeated). Oh, and while you're at it, let's kill that kishin." He unleashed the kishin by destroying the bars of the cage, and now the real chaos would start. "Oh, and if you feel like you're about to die you may use your weapon, otherwise, magic only!"


@Anyone else I forgot




ladyowl said:
Haruko Kiyama

Haruko rolled his eyes in a dramatic fashion as Ruff told Willow she had to feed him bacon to get an answer. What kind of teacher was he? Did he seriously give students some kind of magical leather glove and expect them to know how to use it? He was completely ignored in that aspect, and he was kind of hoping for an answer but never got one. He then noticed Daichi doing..something..with the glove, but couldn't figure out what. Soul wavelength, maybe? He wasn't sure, he didn't want to blow the glove up or anything. Soon enough a kid with a cat came in apologizing for being late, Haruko inched way from him on reflex. Not because he disliked him for no reason or anything, but because he was allergic to cats. Of all the things, why a cat?

Nevertheless Haruko moved to get a form before sitting back down with his little group that had formed. He shrugged at Willow's question, though Daichi was the first to respond verbally. They needed partners? Sure enough he read the form and that's what it said. His heart sank at the thought, though..neither of them had a partner. Maybe he could expedite asking? "I, um..I don't have a partner either if either of you are interested." He replied. "I can turn into a gun." He added with a shrug. Then the teacher told them it was a typo and not to worry, causing Haruko to sigh with relief. Good. Even if neither of them agreed he could still go. Then he released the Kishin..without telling them how to use their glove. His eyes widened. "Uh-uh Mr..Dog teacher guy. You didn't tell us how to use the glove!" He shouted frantically, slowly getting out of his chair and backpedalling away.

Sol had just arrived to class and already he was being greeted kindly. Willow's question about his cat made his heart sting, "His name is... Luna. But he doesn't like being called that, so his nickname is Moon." It brought tears to his eyes, before long droplets of sadness poured out of his blue eye. "Thanks... For asking me that question." A smile appeared on his face and the tears kept rolling down his cheek, "Nobody really want's to talk to me... So umm... I'm grateful that you even bothered to..." In the entire classroom, the kitten lover was probably one of the shortest guys hitting a height of four feet and nine inches tall. "Oh, there's a field trip... I wonder if Moon can go too..."










When Adrian walked into the classroom he was greeted by the strange sight of a kishin being let loose on a classroom. Not only that, but when he walked into the classroom a glove suddenly appeared on his right hand with some sort of a strange symbol on it. What confused him the most however was when he heard the teacher, who was a literal dog for some reason, that they would have to use magic instead of their weapons. What did he mean magic? Did this glove give them access to magic? How did that work? Did he miss the instruction on how to use this thing!?

@DogInTheBox @Pokedexbreederz @OnceDarkness

@Anyone else on forgot


Willow was about to answer reply to Sol when suddendly the kinshin was released, she looked Haruko take some steps back and then she prepared herself for battle placing herself in front of Haruko "Kiya, don't be scared, everything will be fine!" She looked at her glove and whispered to herself "Ok, i can do it, keep it togheter, you are a witch after all, Ok, let's do this" Willow tried to make the glove work without any results, then she looked at Daichi "How this things work?"
@LeafKnight @Mitchs98 @OnceDarkness @DogInTheBox
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"Oh! I forgot to tell you guys that the gloves are activated using your soul wavelength! Sorry!" And with that, Daichi's glove shot a bolt of fire. "Yeah... That's going to do a little damage to my class." With a Kishin set loose, the classroom environment became unpredictable, but at least it'll be fun, RIGHT?


(I will be introducing a combat system, it's almost self explanatory so you don't need me to say much about it. Your standard turn based RPG)

(But if you don't know these systems very well, I'll explain it to you. Just read the Kishin's stats, and if your HP reaches 0, you will be incapacitated [Knocked out])

Golem: 500/500 HP

Damage: 50 Per normal hit


Branch Swing (Attacks all for 75 DMG)

Nature's Fury (Attacks one for 200 DMG)

Normal Attack (Attacks one all for 50 DMG)

Your Stats Below

(Insert Name Here): 300/300 HP

Damage: 30 Per normal hit


You can decide these.


@Anyone else I forgot





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