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Fandom Soul Eater: The DWMA (Now Open and Accepting!)

Lucy Husk


"Are you sure? A minute ago you were grasping at your head, also it's cool to meet another weapon! Nice to meet you, my name is Lucy, Lucy Husk. What's your name?"
SleepyBuddha said:
Adrian had forgotten about keeping his soul wavelength in check during the fight. The violent burst of wavelength disrupted his weapon form causing him to turn human in mid air. Now he was falling down and panicking as he fell. How could he make such a fundamental mistake on his first day! Adrian needed to quickly fix his wavelength and turn back into a weapon even partially if he wanted to salvage his attempt of Roxin. Adrian closed his eyes and calmed his hear. Remembering the mantra: A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body. His mind needed to be clear of distractions for him to fix his wavelength. Focusing on his soul Adrian managed to fix his wavelength enough to take on his full weapon form of an Iron Maiden and crashed down to the ground.
Roxin "Congratulations, you recovered. I'll give you some credit kid, you know what you're doing for the most part." Roxin pulled his hood back over his head and looked around the free for all, there were a few kids who had left it, too exhausted to continue, or too beaten to care. His class was going on just fine. "Alright... who to teach next." Looking around he saw a girl holding a dual bladed scythe. "Now that's a weapon I'd like to see in action!" Smiling he glared at the girl with a grin on his face and ran toward them. As he did his hood flew off, his black hood trailing behind him.
@Mitchs98 @Myself
Pokedexbreederz said:
Vivi She was late again, but who cares? As she skipped toward the school in her usual maid outfit she saw a large explosion happen in front of the school. Putting a finger to her lips she spoke softly to herself. "Now I wonder who could have done that... either way I want to partner up with them..." Smiling she continued skipping to the school just in time to see a boy, covered in gunpowder soot, yelling at who she assumed to be the culprit of the large boom. Walking up behind the boy she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and spoke just loud enough for the girl to hear as well as she spoke to the boy. "What's your deal? Can't you admire such cleverness from someone as lovely as her? If I were you I'd kiss her for such a brilliant show." Vivi giggled slightly and waited for the typical reaction she got from being herself.
((And so the torture begins))
Alice White "Yea no kidding. The only other person I know who's that good without a partner is Lord Death and Stein..." Gasping she freaked out, almost breaking their resonance. "What if he was trained by one of them! That'd mean he's as strong, if not stronger than Soul and Maka!" She doubted he could be THAT good, but it wasn't too much to assume as such. After all, he was a teacher, so that meant he was good in the first place.
Pokedexbreederz said:
Roxin "Congratulations, you recovered. I'll give you some credit kid, you know what you're doing for the most part." Roxin pulled his hood back over his head and looked around the free for all, there were a few kids who had left it, too exhausted to continue, or too beaten to care. His class was going on just fine. "Alright... who to teach next." Looking around he saw a girl holding a dual bladed scythe. "Now that's a weapon I'd like to see in action!" Smiling he glared at the girl with a grin on his face and ran toward them. As he did his hood flew off, his black hood trailing behind him.
@Mitchs98 @Myself
Arisu Harmao

Arisu nodded thoughtfully. It would make sense as to how he could easily beat everyone back, he seemed to even beat down somewhat skilled people with partners. When Alice almost broke their resonance she jumped slightly, though quickly leveled it out. Resonance was somewhat easy for them, in her opinion. After all they were good friends, they didn't have to worry about learning about each other like many of the other people at the DWMA. "
I doubt he's stronger than any of them..he could definetely be as strong though. I mean, he is a teacher after all." She replied. "Who knows though, maybe he is." She added with a shrug. She had little intention of fighting him unless he attackdd them, however, so finding that much out would be a bit hard to do. She watched as everyone fought, and as Roxin beat down student after student. Surprisingly enough more people seemed focused on attacking the teacher than them, probably trying to prove themselves or whatever. She noticed Roxin staring at her, and hoped he wasn't doing what she was thinking. Turns out, he was doing just that. She almost panicked, and did so slightly, but calmed herself down. There was no way she was going to run without a fight, even against Roxin. She turned towards him and readied herself defensively, ready to block and counter his attacks as best she could.
Ren looked confused when she asked what his name was because he just told her. "Ren Kurosaki, nice to meet you." He couldn't take his eyes off her she was so beautiful it was hard not to stare. He put his hand out for a hand shake hoping she'd take it. @Trust
Mitchs98 said:
Arisu Harmao
Arisu nodded thoughtfully. It would make sense as to how he could easily beat everyone back, he seemed to even beat down somewhat skilled people with partners. When Alice almost broke their resonance she jumped slightly, though quickly leveled it out. Resonance was somewhat easy for them, in her opinion. After all they were good friends, they didn't have to worry about learning about each other like many of the other people at the DWMA. "
I doubt he's stronger than any of them..he could definetely be as strong though. I mean, he is a teacher after all." She replied. "Who knows though, maybe he is." She added with a shrug. She had little intention of fighting him unless he attackdd them, however, so finding that much out would be a bit hard to do. She watched as everyone fought, and as Roxin beat down student after student. Surprisingly enough more people seemed focused on attacking the teacher than them, probably trying to prove themselves or whatever. She noticed Roxin staring at her, and hoped he wasn't doing what she was thinking. Turns out, he was doing just that. She almost panicked, and did so slightly, but calmed herself down. There was no way she was going to run without a fight, even against Roxin. She turned towards him and readied herself defensively, ready to block and counter his attacks as best she could.
Alice White "He's coming for us isn't he... well... time to show him what we can do." Alice waited, keeping in resonance with Arisu while waiting for the command to switch forms if she so chose. She trusted Arisu enough in battle. All Alice had to do was keep her from taking a hit and switch when she's told. "Let's give it our best."

Roxin As Roxin approached he made a move to the left, toward Arisu's right side. As he got within punching range he amplified his soul resonance to try and throw off the pair as he went in to strike a blow at her ribs. Now it was time to really test some students, the last had proved he had some experience and a plan, how about this pair?
"Can I ask you something?" Ren looked at Lucy with a serious face. "You may think I'm a weirdo for this or something but I have something important to talk about." He said looking at her with a worried face hoping she was slightly interested in him to say yes.

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Lucy Husk


"Sure..? But we only just met a minute ago, not really sure what you might want to talk to me about" i looked at with curiosity, confused, aren't there other better people to talk to about important stuff? @Kai123
"Well yeah but since I bumped across you I might as well ask you." He said putting his arm around her walking her around the corner so no one could see them. He unbuttons his shirt as fast as he could and a little magical beast pops out. "What should I do with this thing?" He said looking at it and smiling. "Well aside from this, what do you feel about kishins?" He said looking at her with a serious face, while petting the magical creature that was created by witches obviously. He wanted to know her answer so he could progress. @Trust
Pokedexbreederz said:
Alice White "He's coming for us isn't he... well... time to show him what we can do." Alice waited, keeping in resonance with Arisu while waiting for the command to switch forms if she so chose. She trusted Arisu enough in battle. All Alice had to do was keep her from taking a hit and switch when she's told. "Let's give it our best."

Roxin As Roxin approached he made a move to the left, toward Arisu's right side. As he got within punching range he amplified his soul resonance to try and throw off the pair as he went in to strike a blow at her ribs. Now it was time to really test some students, the last had proved he had some experience and a plan, how about this pair?
Arisu Harmao

Arisu nodded, "Yep, he is. Don't worry I'm confident we can do pretty well. I doubt we win, but, you know." She replied. She was ready to at-least try, she couldn't let Alice down after all. Soon enough he reached them, Arisu turned to meet him bringing the handle down on his arm and kicking him in the chest to get some distance. That done she spun the scythe, or rather Alice? That was always a bit confusing to her. Regardless she spun it and brought the blade down in an attempt to slice his chest.

Lucy Husk


After thinking for a moment, i resisted the urge to yell at him and storm off again. "That thing is probably evil and... Let's just say I don't like kishin very much" I couldn't help but let an aggressive look flicker across my eyes at the mention of a kishin
Mitchs98 said:
Arisu Harmao
Arisu nodded, "Yep, he is. Don't worry I'm confident we can do pretty well. I doubt we win, but, you know." She replied. She was ready to at-least try, she couldn't let Alice down after all. Soon enough he reached them, Arisu turned to meet him bringing the handle down on his arm and kicking him in the chest to get some distance. That done she spun the scythe, or rather Alice? That was always a bit confusing to her. Regardless she spun it and brought the blade down in an attempt to slice his chest.
Roxin Letting himself get hit he continued the motion in a backward cartwheel, kicking the edge of Alice's blade with a burst of soul resonance. As he stood once more his hood had fallen back into place and he went in for another hit, this time looking to sweep her legs to throw her off balance. That first move was a good choice on their part, maybe these two had some potential seeing as the other pairs were still unstable to a point.
((The burst made Alice's wavelength falter but she quickly got it back into resonance wit Arisu))
Adrian sighed loudly and returned to his human form. Watching the fight between the pair and Roxin Adrian figured he would try again. This time making sure his soul wavelength was strengthened and amplified. Thanks to that violent wavelength Adrian would be fair more cautious about his own wavelength now. Adrian shot from his chains once again, timing his release of his chains to when Roxin was going to attack. Aiming at an leg and his arm. The cuff at the ends of the chains changed sizes as they flew to accommodate the size of the target. On the chains there are very slight spikes, seemingly decorative.

@Pokedexbreederz @Mitchs98
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Akuno Hasuta:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/5652cb8593e2b_FemAccelerator(coat).jpg.733a74286a9907c0419f8eadc97191fe.jpg.ae9a8c713ee088e25c971d24281c8a3e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/5652cb8593e2b_FemAccelerator(coat).jpg.733a74286a9907c0419f8eadc97191fe.jpg.ae9a8c713ee088e25c971d24281c8a3e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Hey, Kansaki, lets go for the teacher." Akuno never had a better wielder than Kansaki, as a kid he'd be constantly used by big time Yakuza gangsters, mostly as a trophy sword and almost never for practical use. 'You know I... I like the feel of your hands..." If he were in human form, he'd be blushing.

@Shiro kurogane @Pokedexbreederz @LeafKnight @SleepyBuddha @Kai123 @Trust



  • 5652cb8593e2b_FemAccelerator(coat).jpg.733a74286a9907c0419f8eadc97191fe.jpg
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Kansaki Asura
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/wpid-Anime-Guy-With-Black-Hair-And-Headphones-2015-2016-4.png.c85723637072f4ce34271cd9e9ac6a3a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128796" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/wpid-Anime-Guy-With-Black-Hair-And-Headphones-2015-2016-4.png.c85723637072f4ce34271cd9e9ac6a3a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Kansaki definitely liked the way Akuno felt in his hands. Their wavelengths didn't take much effort to sync since their wavelengths somehow were already perfectly matched. It was time first time he's even touched a weapon. At Akuno's mention of the Teacher, he saw two students already after him. "alright, lets give it a shot." He said feeling excited by the trill of fighting. His 'evil' side was staying oddly dormant for the first time in forever. "and ah... you feel great too." He told Akuno, hiding the bit of pink the lightened his cheeks some.



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Kai Takeshi

Kai laid in his bed still unconscious, because of what happened, he ended up in his inner world where he looked around confused on what was happening. He looked behind him and saw the Kishin side as he didn't know what this was. "What the hell are you.." He said glaring at the figure.

Kishin Kai Takeshi

He laughed and laughed as he was amused by what Kai said. It was so funny to him for some reason, but he stopped in an instant. "I'm you." He said with a big smirk as his yellow eyes stared into the face of Kai. "Can't you tell?"

Kai Takeshi

He glared at the Kishin version of himself as he didn't know what to say he gripped his fist in anger. "Where am I!" He yelled out as the Kishin appeared in front of Kai.

Kishin Kai Takeshi

Flash stepping in front of Kai he stared at him for a good moment. "Don't you remember this place in your dreams?" He said smirking a bit looking at Kai. "You are the king of this world after all."

@Shiro kurogane @DogInTheBox @Pokedexbreederz @SleepyBuddha @Trust @Mitchs98


"My first day!... I can't believe i'm late..." Willow said while looking for her class. "*sigh* I knew i had to wake up early... now i can't find my class... this place is huge" she peeked into some more wrong classrooms before giving up. "This is useless, i will never find my class *gurgle* and i forgot my lunch *sigh* Today it's not my day" Willow then approached a nearby window and suddenly heard a loud noise coming from outside the building. "! They are all outside!... if i hurry i might not miss the whole class!" said Willow while rushing to the class.


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ladyowl said:
Daichi turned around from the brawl and noticed someone rushing towards the group, walking over to her and giving a soft smile and a wave. "Yo," he said simply. "Are you running late?"
LeafKnight said:
Daichi turned around from the brawl and noticed someone rushing towards the group, walking over to her and giving a soft smile and a wave. "Yo," he said simply. "Are you running late?"


"Hello!" Willow said a little embarased "Yeah, i was hopping nobody noticed... hahaha" she walked near Daichi and smiled "What did i miss?"
ladyowl said:
Daichi rubbed the back of his head. "Well, our teacher is busy doing a free for all battle royale with students who are partnered up with weapons, while the rest of us are practicing maintaining soul wavelengths by makin' fireworks and stuff," he explained. "I'm still weaponless as of right now, so I can't really get in on that fighting even if I wanted to. Not like I'd be that great, since I've never really held a weapon before, hehe."
LeafKnight said:
Daichi rubbed the back of his head. "Well, our teacher is busy doing a free for all battle royale with students who are partnered up with weapons, while the rest of us are practicing maintaining soul wavelengths by makin' fireworks and stuff," he explained. "I'm still weaponless as of right now, so I can't really get in on that fighting even if I wanted to. Not like I'd be that great, since I've never really held a weapon before, hehe."


"Oh! sounds like a lot of fun! Even if we are weaponless it doesn't mean we don't do our best" Willow smiles cheerfully "To be honest i've have never held a weapon either! but you can't be worse than me! hehehe" she stays silent a few seconds and then she looks at Daichi and smiles "I forgot to introduce myself! Silly me! I'm Willow Sirel!"
Akuno Hasuta:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/5652cb8593e2b_FemAccelerator(coat).jpg.733a74286a9907c0419f8eadc97191fe.jpg.823299f2d6c736308b5be99b5f92c6e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128909" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/5652cb8593e2b_FemAccelerator(coat).jpg.733a74286a9907c0419f8eadc97191fe.jpg.823299f2d6c736308b5be99b5f92c6e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"H-Hey! Are you blushing?!" Despite his anger and embarrassment, he still managed to maintain soul resonance with Kansaki. Even though the time was short, he got used to being around him, but that doesn't mean he could tolerate everything that happens. "God... If you keep blushing like that I'm going to turn back into a human, and then you'll really be touching my feet you perv!" Akuno observed the battlefield, it was quite chaotic but it seemed as if they would be on top. Wanting to get some more action, he turned himself into a baseball bat, "I can manipulate the blade into different shapes since it can phase through objects, so now that I'm blunt you can start hitting some people. Better to have broken bones than a sliced ribcage, am I right?"

@Shiro kurogane










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ladyowl said:
Daichi smiled softly and nodded. "My name is Daichi Haraki. Nice to meet you." He motioned to her and sat down in front of the supplies for the fireworks. "This is what I've been working on all day...until a certain jerk came along and blew everything sky high. Would you wanna help out with making some more?"
LeafKnight said:
Daichi smiled softly and nodded. "My name is Daichi Haraki. Nice to meet you." He motioned to her and sat down in front of the supplies for the fireworks. "This is what I've been working on all day...until a certain jerk came along and blew everything sky high. Would you wanna help out with making some more?"


"I would love to!... But i don't really know how to make them" She sits next to Daichi "Could you teach me? it would be a problem if i screw things up on my first day here"
Kansaki Asura
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/wpid-Anime-Guy-With-Black-Hair-And-Headphones-2015-2016-4.png.91814412de55e0e98edbfc85f4439cf6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/wpid-Anime-Guy-With-Black-Hair-And-Headphones-2015-2016-4.png.91814412de55e0e98edbfc85f4439cf6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Ken grinned at Akuno's new form. He may be against killing do to not wanting to draw out his 'evil' self. But Akuno had unknowingly read his mind. Now the real fun could start. "im not a perv. but of you keep somehow reading my mind, i may just start to want to keep you to myself." The statement had been a joke. (not really. ;) ) Ken didn't answer Akuno's question of if he'd been blushing. There was no way he'd admit that to anyone. Ken flinted through some random students and shattered arms, legs and all manner of bones of other unimportant students. The few who tried to run were beat up worst. All as he made his way towards the instructor, wanting a more interesting fight.



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ladyowl said:

"Well, setting it up is the simple part. First you take the canister and you pour the gunpowder into it."
He then demonstrates, showing just how much to pour into it before grabbing the seals. "Now here's the tricky part. The point of this exercise is to seal up the fireworks with only using your soul resonance. It's a little bit difficult at first, but you'll get the hang of it. Here, why don't you try it?" Daichi placed the seals onto the firework, handing it over to her to let her attempt sealing it.

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