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Fandom Soul Eater-Second Generation

Soul walked over and smiled at the group, "Hey guys" he said coolly. "This is Mamba," Black ☆ Star said pointing behind his back, "I saved her from a witch a few months ago and brought her here." Soul stuck his hand out at Mamba, she looked at it for a second and shook it which sent a slight shock through her body "Hi.." she whispered. Black ☆ Star noticed the tension and began to laugh loudly "Man is this awkward! Oh, right this is.." he pointed at Angel ".. Um, come to think of it, what is your name?"
"Angle." The natural blue haired girl replied with ease. She looked at Mamba, seeming to be confused of why she was still behind Black*Star. She pushed her back and shifted her bangs as Kid came over to join the others."Angle, Mamba,Tsubaki" He greeted, then looked at Black*Star with an eye roll."Soul, Black*Star." Liz nodded and waved as Angle waved at Kid. Patty squealed, holding her giraffe tightly.
Mamba saw Kid and and blushed stepping out from behind Black ☆ Star and stepped over towards Kid when she got close she could smell a light hue of cologne on him. "Hi Kid" she said "How are you today?"
Kid smiled at her, and nodded."Good, good, and you?" He asked. He didn't know why, but it seemed as though the were some what alike, how you say. He smiled at her as Angle smiled and watched the two.
"Good, I like it here," she smiled and looked up around the room, "Feels like home, I can't wait to see who my partner will be" she looked around the room at the individual new students any one of them could be her partner, she then looked at Angel, "Are you a meister or a weapon?" She didn't remember her saying.
"Weapon, a scythe to be correct.((but can be changed if someone wants her))" Angle smiled and tilted her head to the side gently. Her eyes focused on random things other than the albino. She looked around at Lord Death who was happy, or at least he looked it. She couldn't tell. Kid smiled,"You'll love it here. We all did." He said, nodding towards Soul,Black*Star, Tsubaki,Liz and Patty, Maka and himself.
"I'm glad" she whispered. "Alrighty!" said Lord Death heading up to and standing in front of the mirror towards the back of the room, he put his hands up to silence the crowed. "Now everyone listen, I would like all the new students and returning alumni to stand on opposite sides of the room all new students to the right." Mamba waved goodbye to the others, her and Angel walked over to the right and stood next to a boy in a fancy black suit.
Angle found it funny. There was more graduates than most would of expected, seeming both sides had a even amount. She couldn't wait to find a meister who would cope with her. She looked at Lord Death, wondering if he was going to put meisters on one and weapons on the other.
Issac looked at the two chatty girls that had been making their way around the room as they stood next to him. He looked across to the opposite side, the graduates line was fairly large, all the famous ones were there as well, He bit on fairly contented grin and said under his breath, "Let's get this started shall we?"
As Angle leaned against the wall, she noticed the boy from earlier who had looked lonely. She smiled at him, and waved gently as he stood next to him. She heard Lord Death talking to some students who were asking when they would get their partners."Soon, soon." Lord Death smiled
Mamba couldn't help but laugh a bit at the attempt that Lord Death was making to give a speech to the new students, maybe he just wasn't a speech person. Death the Kid noticing that his father was failing horribly at giving a speech stepped in front of Lord Death and began to give an inspirational first speech to the new students standing opposite to him. This made Mamba confident that she would find a partner and do great here.
Issac returned the wave with a smile to the girl next to him. he wondered...was she a weapon? A meister? So many people, so many potential pairings. He waited through the speech Death gave, the jovial happy and slightly ADHD attitude didn't lead to an inspiring speech, still it was better he was more "happy headmaster" than "Lord of death and ultimate power!" His son took over in the speech department, at the end a round of applause lept from both the lines. Kid Death's speech was encouraging alright, hard to believe it came from someone who was having a panic attack on the floor not 10 minutes ago.
Feeling confident as well, Angle glanced down the rows at the new students. Some were shy, but some were calm. Some were hyper as others didn't seem to really care what they were doing. After the speech, everyone clapped with a smile and a few whistles. Angle giggled softly at the whistles, shaking her head at the whistle. She glanced around, noticing the boy from earlier wave back. She smiled, looking down the row as other students began to softly chat.
"Wow Kid can really talk," she said looking at the other two. She looked around seeing students, meisters and weapons talking forming partnerships. By this time the only friend she made was another weapon. She balled her fists in frustration, she dropped her head feeling the depression lines forming, at this rate she'd have to collect all those souls by herself, as if it wasn't hard enough.
She clapped after Kid made his speech which, in her mind was better then the one Lord Death was giving. While the other students mingled Raven stood in the back of the room as far from other people as possible. Easily missed since there was nothing that really made her stand out but. She glanced around as people were pairing up, she looked down at her feet.

I wonder if there are any weapons that need a meister.

She decide it was time she actually talked to another person. She looked around at the other students while tugging at the hem of her jacket. She walked towards two people who were talking one of them looked frustrated.

"Uh, excuse me but, one of you wouldn't happen to be a weapon would you? I am currently looking for a partner."

She looked at them hoping that one of them was so she didn't have to go around the room asking people if they were weapons.
Mamba looked up at the raven haired girl that now stood in front of her and Angel. She looked over at Angel who was still observing the other students. "I am.." she slowly raised her hand. Could this be her chance to finally find a weapon? "Are you a meister," she asked hoping. the girl looked about the same age as her, though she was wearing some fancy prep school uniform which struck Mamba as odd but she didn't look to much further into it. She seemed quiet, as quiet as she herself was or maybe even more so. She smiled slightly and held out her hand, "I'm Mamba Rose, whats your name?"
Angle smiled and let Mamba talk to the meister. Angle was waiting for that special click in her heart, seeing if any one could put up with her soul wavelength, or even match it. She knew she felt a small tapping in her heart as if someone here was meant to be her meister. Giving a small sigh in her mind, Angle looked around once more. Surely someone could be a meister who wanted her, but she would wait for the opportunity to come to her.
Looking for a weapon was...interesting It was a feeling thing, something that was indescribable, a connection, that simply couldn't be put into words. So far he'd been approached by 3 people, none of them seemed...right. He scratched his head still looking around. He then say the girl that had waved to him earlier. He approached her, "You gotten any luck looking for a partner? because I've had no luck whatsoever."
She looked at the girl with almost white colored hair. She looked about the same age as her but, since her hair was the oopisite of Raven's it was like a yin and yang of sorts.

I wonder if the saying opposites attract is true or not.

She was hoping that her and the girl had a strong connection, if so they could make a strong team like Maka and Soul, or Black Star and Tsubaki.

"Yes, I am a meister, My name is Raven Neoma"

She lightly grabbed Mamba's hand and shook it. She let go and clasped her hands together. She wondered what kind of weapon the girl was. She could see her soul but that did not indicate what style weapon she was.

"What kind of weapon are you Mamba?"

She really didn't have a certain weapon style that she preferred.
She smiled lightly, she didn't know why but her wavelength strengthened around this girl. "I'm actually two weapons.. I'm whats called Shuang Gou, a pair of hook swords.. Although mine look kinda.. different.." she giggled nervously. She didn't want to screw up the chance to have a partner she actually feels a connection with, even if they were complete opposites, maybe that's why it felt right "Umm.." She stammered, "Y-you feel this right?" She asked looking at the girl trying to find any hint that she did.
Looking at the boy she had waved to earlier, Angle saw him approaching her. She felt a small tint in herself, wondering if he could be her partner. She couldn't help but agree, having no luck either. "Nu uh. No one's felt right," Angle said. She had been approached by some meisters, but the click she hadnt found. She tilted her head to the side as she felt a click. Maybe he was her partner.
"Don't know why it's so hard to find a weapon... I've run into a lot of people, nobody feels right." Issac scratched his head, "Or seems right, I've run into crossbows, a bo staff... a claymore...3 swords, heck even a morning star. All that doesn't fit my style." He leaned back a bit. "So I currently remain a meister with no weapon." Though on hearing her situation he raised an eyebrow with a slight friendly smile, "So what is the Madam looking for? Meister or weapon?"
She listened as Mamba told her that the type of weapon she was. She wasn't go to back down at the challenge of wielding twin weapons. Especially since she felt a connection with her. Almost like Mamba could read her mind, she asked if Raven felt the connection. She nodded her head

"I guess the saying is true that opposites attract."

She smiled.

"I was worried that, I would not find a partner. Especially since I am not a very social person."

She hoped her short search for a partner was over because, as she looked around the room all the other peoples souls seemed boring.
She giggled lightly, "Same, I don't think I've talked more than I have today," and it was true she hadn't talked much, she had no reason to, but being in this place with her new friends she felt like she could finally let down her guard, Eruka couldn't find her here. "Since we have things is common do you wana be partners," she asked holding up her hand. She hoped the girl would shake it, she didn't think that she would be able to find another person with the same connection she felt with this girl.
Angle giggled softly at being called a madam. "I'm actually looking for a meister," She explained. "I'm a black and blue scythe." She smiled proudly, proud of what she was. She noticed almost everyone was finding partners with ease and she noticed how easy it was for them to just find the right feeling.

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