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Fandom Soul Eater-Second Generation


Three Thousand Club
Have you ever adored the Soul Eater Series? Ever wanted to make your own little character in the Death City world? Here you can! Here were bringing back our Soul Eater! Put your own little character in this world.

So myself being a fan of romance, romance will be aloud, and a fade to black if it is necessary. And if you see some one with out a mesiter or a weapon, and you don't have one, please tell me that you will be pair so I can keep track. And, I will be taking seven more people so it will be a even number.

Character Sheets-



Appearance(if you are a weapon, you can put a picture of what weapon you are):

Weapon or Meister:

Weapon/Meister partner:



I think that's all I want here lol. Don't be afraid to jump in and add your character.

Death City-

It was just another day in the town of Death City. The weird looking sun with a happy grin staring down with its daring heat. The heat poured onto the little town, though the heat was normal for around here due to it being in a desert in Nevada. Witches were hidden away in their homes outside of the city, Meisters out with their weapons either training or out on a mission, working to make their weapon the best. Just days ago news had spreader around town that the first group of kids had graduated from the DWMA, Or as most say Death Weapon Meister a academy and their weapons had became the most powerful.

The time of year was coming in again where a new group of students were going to be enrolled to the academy. They would train hard and work hard to become the best weapon they could. They would be paired with a Meister if they did not have one, and would come together to learn how to work with team work, and who knows, some might even come to have crushes on others.

And that's why a girl named Angle was here. Angle arrived at the DWMA, looking up at the giant building and noticing how it had symmetry within it. Her friend Soul had told here to come here where she could be matched up with a Meister who would help her train, and her father Stein had also been begging her to come to this new school. She sighed and walked up the steps, her long blue hair behind her. She wore a outfit similar tot he schools colors.. She wore a tank top that was a a silverfish color with black sweat pants that were hiked up to her knees. She had a black lip pierce in and wore some mikes she was given. She sighed and walked into the busy school, heading for Lord Deaths room where all new students were suppose to meet.
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Leonhardt better known as Leo was in the town of Death city as he has been all of his life and it was that time of the year DWMA was allowing people to enroll again and Leo got a place so he began to head there. The sun was beating down on him but he was mostly use to it so head headed down the path towards DWMA. As the building came into site he was shocked by the giant size of it but more so how it was symmetrical. Leo decided to head inside. He was wore white jacket and white pants. He began to head to Lord deaths room where the new students were supposed to meet.
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Knocking on the door softly a cheery come in was called from the inside. Opening the door, Angle found a black thing with a white what looked to be a skeleton face standing at rye front of an aisle. The aisle was the ting that would chop your head off back in medieval times. She shuttered lightly but got a cheery hello from the thing."I suppose you are Angle?" The bouncy fellow asked as Angle began walking towards him."Yes, that's me." She said, unsure if this was Lord Death or an assistant.
Issac wiped the sweat of his brow. he couldn't help but feel that indeed, choosing to wear a black suit in the middle of a desert was actually a good idea. To late to change now though, he just needed to get to the DWMA, then through the wonders of modern technology, air conditioning and shade would be his salvation. The DWMA was not hard to locate...it being the building that dominated the city. Issac chuckled, if someone in fact was unable to locate it, a lack of direction may be the least of their problems.

It was a bit of a walk to reach the Academy. It took longer to find his way to the reaper's room. Yet after following a trail of new students, it was fairly easy to locate. looking in he already could see who he assumed to be lord death. Also some girl, whom seemed to be engaged in conversation. further looking around he could see countless odd crosses planted into the ground. Though upon looking up a shiver was sent down his spine, he couldn't help but say out-loud. "Guillotines...nice touch sir..." he wondered if their artistic value sometimes accidentally shifted to the intended use...
Angle heard the door creak open and turned her gaze to it. Another boy had came in the room, she hadn't seen him before. She looked at Lord Death who welcomed the boy with open arms. Angle's dark blue eyes shimmered over the boy, wondering who he could be. Though she was a curious one, she tends to stay to herself. She turned her gaze back to Lord Death who was going on about the things the students could do at the school. He was explaining where things were, and how his own child Kidd had graduated here.
Mamba rolled up to the very large building on her skateboard, she wore a pair of printed leggings and a black sweater with a blouse underneath, Sugar Magnolia played loudly in her headphones. 'so this is it?' she asked herself and walked inside. As soon as she entered she was swelled up in a current of new students heading for Lord Deaths room. As the mass of students came closer to the entrance of the room the mob began to slowly form a line in front of what looked like a Halloween decoration.. Soon it was her turn to be greeted by who she assumed was Lord Death. "Mamba Rose I presume" he said raising an eyebrow, kinda. "Um.. Yeah.." she said quietly. "Welcome to the DWMA miss Rose!" He exclaimed happily. "Thanks" she mumbled and walked inside. Soon after making her way through a large group of students, and bumping into a girl with blue hair, she soon found a quiet place sitting up against a grave marker and pulled out a magic book written in Swedish and began to read.
Angle looked at the girl and smiled a little. She looked nice. Angle sighed as Lord Death continued on giving the speeches. She walked over to the wall where many other students were either leaning or just chatting. She shook her head and looked at the door. Since the second generation has come, many new people, and many new students have come to see what most call the best school ever. Since Stein had been a teacher for one of the classes, she had only got to see glimpses of the school most had not seen.
Mamba looked at the photograph that she kept as a bookmark, the photo was of Black ☆ Star. The photo showed him giving the peace sign with her head entrapped under his other arm. On the back of the photo Black ☆ Star had written the 3 Rules of the Dark Assassin Arts: 1. Blend into the shadows... Hold your breath... And wait for your target to let down his guard!! 2.Tune into your target; know his thoughts and actions!! 3. Strike your target down before he is aware of your existence!! She smiled and giggled sightly and quickly looked up to see if anyone had heard her then she stuffed her head back into her book.
Angle had heard this place was a great place to start her training for a Meister. She wanted someone who could really blend with her, like how Soul and Maka had done. She sighed softly and shook her head.. The boy named Soul was someone she had met through Maka, the two immediately coming friends. She didn't know if they still were know that Soul had more important things,like to protect Death City from harm. She smiled as she recalled memories, but had heard that Kid was coming to help his father around the school this year. Atleast he would be somebody she knew.
Mamba began to hear commotion at the entrance to the room, she saw all the students begin to gather around Lord Death and someone standing next to him. She noticed that the girl with the blue hair was walking over to the strange boy standing next to Lord Death, she stood and lightly tapped on the blue-haired girls arm. "Um.. What's going on.?" She asked.
"Oh, hello." Angle gave a soft smile as her arm was tapped." Oh, Lord Death's son a Kid has arrived with his two weapons, Liz and Patty. He graduated from here before us," She explained, motioning to the boy with short black hair and three stripes in it,"But just don't mention the stripe thing, he has symmetry problems," she said, looking at the boy who's two weapons stood proudly beside him. Most kids ooo and aww at the the boy, most thinking it was a great opportunity to get advice from a professional.
She looked at Kid and blushed, his suit and hair were all so clean and neat despite the lines, he held himself with such confidence that it left Mamba both intimidated and infatuated at the same time. "He's.. Handsome" she whispered not noticing that she was squeezing the girls arm. She looked over at her. "Sorry for bumping into you.. I'm Mamba" she said slowly extending her hand. "Are you a weapon or a meister..?"
Issac looked at the son of lord death. He knew about the symmetry issue. He was just praying that no one mentioned it...last thing the future of the DWMA needed was a professional breaking down in their midst. Other than that he figured that most people would be interested in how he fought, or how hard was X to defeat, or tales of heroism glory and all that. For him he looked around, Girls chatting, the grim reaper also chating with the students. His main objective in all this...find a friend, who was also a weapon. Though he figured pairings would begin later. Right now socialization.
Giggling softly, the two shook hands."Hey, I could always get you to meet him. Names Angle." She smiled and looked back at kid."Don't apologize, I'm used to it." She smiled a little as she heard Kid talking to his father, voice low. Then the noise came of one of Kids how you say,'attacks'. She face palmed and shook her head. Some one mentioned it, probably a Kid who was all new to the new Death City. Angle looked up, noticing a boy who looked lonely. She tiled her head at him and smiled, looking back at Mamba and switching between the two.
Issac shook his head when he saw kid have his break down, "there goes the neighborhood." Looking at the sight he sighed. What he was about to try was insane...but he just couldn't let this continue. It really was sad, on two parts, 1. No one should have to deal with a pychosis like that, to be wracked with a severe problem with anything non-symmetrical, no one should have to deal with that. The other side was that it was sad a professional was freaking out infront of students. He made sure everything was nice and even before he stepped off towards the direction of kid death.

Ignoring the mental breakdown Issac said near kid death aloud. "I have never seen such a fine suit, well tailored, not a micrometer off on either leg or sleeve, nor a thread out of place on either side! Clearly the highest work of even and symmetrical quality. Well maintained by someone with more than a discerning eye! no imperfections at all." He hoped this gambit would work... either it would get him off symmetrical issue...or it would backfire marvelously... well nothing ventured nothing earned.
Kid seemed to calm down slightly as he heard the words about his suit, smiling gently as he stood. He quickly dusted off his jacket and shirt and looked around at the students who were all staring at him. He shifted and looked away as the chattering noise began up again. Angle was surprised. No one had calmed Kid down except for Liz who usually had to do it when they were on missions of sorts or something.
Mamba gasped slightly at the sight of Kid's mental breakdown, 'oh no what happened' she said to herself making her way to the center of the crowd where Kid was going nuts. She scooched over to Lord Death, "Um.. whats happening to him," she asked. "Oh nothing my dear, my son just has a thing for symmetry. When things aren't symmetrical it makes him depressed," he put his box like hand onto her head, "Liz and Patty usually cheer him up." and they were trying, but to know avail. Just then another boy came out from the crowd and began to compliment Kid Death's suit and, to Mambas and everyone's surprise, it worked and slowly he regained his composer. Mamba couldn't help but smile slightly at the scene that had just unfolded in front of her. She then focused her attention onto Liz and Patty, his death weapons, and scowled at them, 'so they get him all to themselves..' she said to herself sighing and she slowly sauntered to the back of the room from where she had come.
Angle had noticed the scowl, wondering to why she had done it. Following Mamba, Angle looked at her."Do you have a thing for Kid?" She asked, finding it cute that someone actually liked the meister. Her attention shifted as she heard the door open again. She had heard that the people who had graduated last year were coming back this year to welcome the new kids to the DWMA. To her surprise, it was Maka and Soul. Soon after, BlackStar and Tsubaki showed. Angle backed a little, trying to hide herself from the group. To be fair she had developed a crush on the white haired boy with those precious crimson orbs.
Mamba looked back at Angel "Well.. he seems.. like me," she said looking down, there was something about him like not like a normal mortal he was different like her she could see it, feel it. Her gaze shifted to the doors opening revealing the graduated students who began to file into the room. Some of the students she found familiar from books the witches had given her; like Soul Eater Evans the legendary death scythe and his partner Maka Albarn. Hmm they didn't look as dangerous as her 'mother' said they were, although Souls teeth were just as sharp. As the last of the students filled the room she heard a familiar woop "Guess who's back!? You're rising star has returned! Bask in the glory of the legendary Black ☆ Star!" She gasped excitedly and grabbed Angels hand dragging her to the sound, just as Black ☆ Star came into view she let go of Angels hand and attacked him with a big bear hug. He laughed loudly and patted her on the head "Hey little sis you got in!"
Angle was torn out of her gaze when she was dragged over to Black*Star. She smiled at Tsubaki who was quiet like usual when Black*Star would make his entries. Tsubaki smiled and waved at Mamba who was familiar to her since she was acquainted with Black*Star. Angle smiled at Tsubaki, having looked up to her when it came to training.
The sound was akin to getting hit upside the ear drum with a bat, there were few words to describe the entrance of Black ☆ Star other than exceptionally loud. However, one must never forget, the kid was as loud as he was powerful. He patted his ears to try and get his hearing back. Currently the only thing that he was hearing was ringing.
Mamba let go of Black ☆ Star and stood next to Angel. "So is this your partner?" he asked. "No.." she said "Partners aren't decided till a little later." "Well whoever you get you'll do great" he gave a thumbs up "Make me proud lil sis." She smiled and nodded.
Angle smiled and waved at Black*Star. Since she had wondered here as her father taught her, she heard and had recognized him many, many times. She knew how much her father hated this kid, but deep down she knew Black*Star was a good kid. She smiled and looked at Lord Death was in conversation with Maka, Soul lookin bored next to her.
Black ☆ Star followed her gaze "Hey Soul!" He waved "Come meet our friends!" Soul looked over shrugged and walked over, Mamba hid behind Black ☆ Star she could feel Souls black blood interacting with hers. "Black blood.. Black blood.. No more black blood Eruka.. No more black blood.."
Angle seemed to feel Mamba get uncomfortable slightly, shifting her spot. She glanced at Soul than looked at Mamba. She wasn't going to admit it, but Soul was her first crush. Dangit Black*Star for calling him over! She hissed in her head. She shifted, her eyes glancing at everything she could to not look at the albino. She smiled as a thought crossed her mind of what kind of meister she would receive.

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