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Fantasy Soul Eater : A Place of new Beginnings.


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Niko Aphrodite

Heterosexual[]Aries[]March 24


Born and raised to a small family of 4, mother, father, Niko, and Niko's sister, the family was normal at first. Both Niko and Niko's sister, Nana's parents were human and miester and were surprised to find their daughter a weapon. But, some genetics on her father's side passed down onto the girl. Niko's parents were kind and giving, and Niko herself struggles to understand what happened to her kind family in the past.

One day Niko was out scavenging for food, but when she had gotten home her parents had been slain by Niko's sister, Nana, who was on her way to becoming a kishin. Niko, being only so young at the time had no clue what to do and where to go, so she ran away from her dearly departed family. Niko was never certain if her sister was following her or not, but she stayed alive.

At a turn point, she was raised on the streets by two girls she had met. Well, raised was one way to put it. She liked to consider the two females family but they always denied it. Niko was never certain how to use her weapon form, and her new "family" had no clue either, but she'd practice transforming whenever she had the chance. There was even a point when she had gotten stuck in her weapon form with no way out and had nothing to do. She stayed in her weapon form on one of the girl's backs until she figured her way back out of it.

Niko had heard of the academy for meisters and weapons such as herself and took an interest in the place immediately. She heard about kishins as well, and discovered that was what her sister had become. Wanting to join the school, she quickly asked for permission from the two people she had considered family and studied hard to get into the school.


Niko's intentions are more to master her powers than anything else. But she wants to get better, and perhaps find a companion whom she can trust. Niko's intentions also sway more towards looking for her sister in hopes her sibling had not been killed just yet and for herself to be the one who kills off the girl.

Are you a Weapon or Person:

Niko is a weapon, and her weapon form is quite interesting.


Niko's weapon form comes out as a sword piercing through a heart with wings. The heart can be removed from the sword and used as a heavy duty shield, but also as a sheath for carrying the sword in. There's even a strap on the back of the sword to wrap around one's torso or waist.

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  • Aralyne Drake



    Aralyne grew up an only child, home schooled. Her family lived in a neighbourhood of purely Meister's. During the day, she'd spend hours learning English, Math, Science, and whatever she took interest in. She knew it was only a matter of time before she would be invited to DWMA. By evening, Aralyne would spend playfighting with the other Meister children in her neighbourhood. Her parents had been reluctant to allow her to attend DWMA, but when Aralyne had passed the entry examinations with flying colours, her parents gave in.


    Aralyne wants to make the world nicer to live in, and drive out evil. Above all, Aralyne wants to be surrounded by people like her, and to finally find her weapon partner.

    Are you a Weapon or Person:


    Weapons/Persons Name:

Name: Caddy Lithe

Past: Caddy grew up with her single mother and her younger sister. Her dad walked out on her and her mom when she was six, her mom works two jobs and her sister has trouble with her grades. She grew up in a neighborhood of both weapons and meisters. The only way she was able to attend DWMA was because her mom scraped together the last of her savings. She doesn't have many friends, not because she doesn't want them, but because she's socially awkward and looks a bit unfriendly. She likes to read, but isn't the best at it. She enjoys painting and drawing the characters she reads.

Goal: She wants to find her dad, make her family proud, and gain some friends along the way.

Appearance: has medium length red hair, freckles and red eyes. Typically wears a white collared shirt, a brown vest,goggles and black skirt. She normally shows up to school with at least two bandages on her face.

file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Who/My Documents/Downloads/character.jpg

Weapon. She turns into a machine gun.

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